Guest Shaved Bear Report post Posted February 11, 2002 but lets get the ball rolling on what shows were cancelled too soon, this should move everything nicely Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted February 11, 2002 Extreme Ghostbusters. I loved that cartoon, man... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyin' Squirrel Report post Posted February 13, 2002 The Lone Gunmen had a lot of potential. Also, Internet Slutts, which aired on the Comedy Network in Canada, was hilarious - although I can see that there likely isn't a huge market for a demented, profane puppet-show with internet-driven plots. Still, the episodes that aired were among the funniest material aired on Comedy, along with the early seasons of Kevin Spencer (which, while it still airs, has lapsed in quality). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted February 13, 2002 Hey, this is MY old thread! picks (for now) are Quantum Leap and Sports Night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted February 13, 2002 Futurama (if the rumors are to be believed) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheMikeSC Report post Posted February 13, 2002 Oh, easy ones here. "The Critic" and "The Tick" (the cartoon, not live-action) -=Mike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted February 13, 2002 Herman's Head Clerks: The Animated Series Shasta McNasty I know you can get the Clerks series on DVD. I hope FX decides to rerun some Herman's Head episodes one day. Shasta, we hardly knew ye. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 13, 2002 Lone Gunmen is an interesting one. That sure got cancelled real quick. I thought it had potential, but the first episode kind of soured me on it. These three geeks saving the world from a WTC-level disaster was a little too much for me to swallow. The Critic, YES. This was one of the funniest shows on TV. The all-time winner of this award has to be Police Squad! I think it went for only six episodes or something like that?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted February 13, 2002 Futurama. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest teke184 Report post Posted February 14, 2002 Futurama, Family Guy, The Critic, Action, Alien Nation (This DID get a nice run of tv-movies on Fox after the show got cancelled), etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TUS_02 Report post Posted February 14, 2002 Would you consider the State as one? Or because they pretty much fucked themselves over... they shouldn't count? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 14, 2002 What about TV Nation? Anybody remember that show? Now that I think about it, it didn't last long at all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MikeSharp12 Report post Posted February 15, 2002 Am I wrong in believing that Quantum Leap had (at least) 5 seasons? How could that qualify as being cancelled too quickly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mark4steamboat Report post Posted February 15, 2002 Shasta McNasty,Dilbert, and Family Guy. 'nuff said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hit Squad Report post Posted February 15, 2002 Newsradio could have gone on longer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest benoitrules2000 Report post Posted February 16, 2002 FREAKS & GEEKS!!! That show absolutely ruled!!! I could'nt believe it got axed, it had the potential to be the next WONDER YEARS!!! Also the critic was brilliant and shouldn't have been cancelled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Scotsman Report post Posted February 16, 2002 It's not confirmed that Family Guy's been cancelled yet has it? I've heard a lot of rumours etc but not heard any official word about it. And to go along with the theme of the thread....Newsradio and The Critic. Oh and Prisoner Cell Block H. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Vanilla Midget Report post Posted February 16, 2002 Futurama, and if it indeed has been cancelled, family guy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jimmy no nose Report post Posted February 17, 2002 I'm gonna back up Clerks The Animated Series. There was so much more that could have been done with it. And also Shasta McNasty. As sad as it may sound that was possibly my favorite show on TV for a time. It was just so not everything else in a good way. I liked Futurama, but I didn't even watch it each week as I did the other two. And Family Guy is one of the funniest shows on TV. If it was on any night other than Thursday I believe it would have been one of the most watched shows on Fox. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jimmy no nose Report post Posted February 17, 2002 While I'm sure very few if any of you have seen this show, I would just like to add the TV show that I was a part of, Pro Wrestling Review. We were a small time show, we did it for free and it was only on an independent network here in Pittsburgh(and was picked up on some satellite systems on the east coast) it was fun and it had a loyal following(although there were only about 5000 viewers). Just today I was informed that our show has been banned from the network effective immediatly meaning that the show we taped on Wednesday will not be aired tonight as planned. I'm not really allowed to say why as they have told us that "legal action may be taken" if we were to go into detail on our website or elsewhere but I just felt like saying it somewhere even if none of you care. For those of you who have ever been able to catch the show, thank you for watching we'll be back, hopefully. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted February 17, 2002 So you had a show...that didn't have sponsors...that didn't have any financial backer...pretty much a glorified cable access show...and they cancel you and threaten legal action if you tell people the reason? Sorry, my friend, but you're fucked over. I'd find a good lawyer, because unless you signed a contract, they really shouldn't have ANY right to do such a thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted February 17, 2002 The Brian BenBen show. The Family Guy (its been off and on too many times) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Marshall Report post Posted February 17, 2002 Am going to have to say Clerks: TAS. It was was a great show. I heard that MTV were looking at it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Electrifyer Report post Posted February 17, 2002 THE MOLE 2!!!! Goddamnit, where is this show, it got cancled in like 3 episodes. Don't leave me in suspense, I want it back!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted February 18, 2002 I'm a HUGE Newsradio fan, but I want to disagree w/ the cancelled to soon thought. The show just wasn't the same after Phil Hartman was killed. Plus, some of the characters didn't fit how they were originally portrayed (Dave hating Matthew, Lisa marrying a homeless/jailed Johnny Johnson). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted February 18, 2002 Yeah Newsradio got real stupid toward the end, especially w/ Lisa's marriage. Anyway for my pick, I'll go with Get a Life starring Chris Elliott. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 19, 2002 THE MOLE 2!!!! Goddamnit, where is this show, it got cancled in like 3 episodes. Don't leave me in suspense, I want it back!!!! Yeah I was watching this too. The only decent 'reality' show. Contestants actually have to be skilled and smart to win. Some concept, eh! The stupid thing is that it good ratings in season 1, but ABC put it in an impossible time slot and then put it on hiatus after 3 episode. Stupidity doesn't begin to cover it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tolwyn Report post Posted February 19, 2002 It's a real SHAME they cancelled Space:above and beyond a few years back. Now that was a quality series. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest gthureson Report post Posted February 19, 2002 I'll mention 'Max Headroom' again. A concept slightly ahead of its time. It probably would have worked a few years later. It had some action, some humour, and didn't take itself too seriously, plus it had great character actors. And Samantha Pays was smoking hot back then. 'The Flash' had promise. It could have become a great show. It was good while it was on, and it gave Mark Hamill work, which I always consider a good thing. Luke Skywalker needs to eat too, you know. 'Bakersfield P.D.' was one of the funniest shows Fox ever had on their network. So of course they cancelled it after about six weeks. 'Space: Above and Beyond' -- I got into that show in syndication of Sci-Fi. Its not bad. I had some conceptual problems with it, the number one being you don't use highly trained Marine fighter pilots as groundpounders. Serious misallocation of military resources. But they wants plots on the ground as well, so I could live with it. 'G vs. E' (Good Vs. Evil). Now that was great show. The first season was consistently very witty, great plots, and great actors. The second season on Sci-Fi they played with the cast to try and widen the market, and the show suffered, but it was still good. Far better than 'The Invisible Man' which replaced it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kwik Report post Posted February 19, 2002 Sports Night, most of was unfortunate that there was no real resolution to the Season 2 (and as it turned out, series) finale. As time would have gone on however, I think that Sorkin would have had to make a decision on weather or not to keep doing both shows, or just do West Wing, or Sports Night exclusively. This is just a hunch, but my bet is that he would have chosen West Wing. And just to put a new wrinkle into things, I would have liked to see Red Dwarf made into an American show. I know that there was a pilot that never "officially" saw the light of day, but I think that RD could cross over well into American TV. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites