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Patty O'Green

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/7/04

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Last week on HeldDOWN~!



Hoff...one-on-one, without help from your boys, in the past two months...you haven't beaten a single person on the roster


Hoff swallows hard, taking this in and knowing the truth of it. Hoff keeps his face dark as the champion continues.



Hoff, when you prove to me that you deserve a shot at this belt...you let me know



...Next week, right here on HeldDown, you and I have a match. One on one...no outside interference.


Crystal raises an eyebrow, but keeps quiet.



You want me to prove myself? Well what better way to prove that I deserve a title shot than by beating the champion? So I tell you what. We have ourselves a match, and if I win, I get a World Title shot at World Without End. And if you win...then that's the end of it, and no questions asked......




Hello “I like” by Katy Rose! Always a pleasure to hear you! Hey there’s the logo! How ya doing logo?




WHOOMP THERE IT IS! WHOOMP THERE IT IS! There what is? There fireworks is! Dear, sir I believe you mean there fireworks are. Don’t tell me what I mean and don’t mean, whore!



Folks welcome to another exciting edition of HeldDOWN we are in Uniondale, New York!



Yeah we’re not good enough for the Garden so we have to wrestle in this cesspool!



Tonight’s show contains a truck load of excitement! Jingus teams up with his old flame, Dan Black to take on SpiderPoet and Ned Blanchard. Hoff will square off with Crystal for a title shot at World Without End! All on HeldDOWN!



The following contest is a tag divison Wild Card match, set for one fall.

Introducing team number one....


Cue: "Reqium"


Fire shoots across the stage, as JINGUS, the veteran OAOAST hoss, strolls




From THE DEPTHS OF HELL, weighing in at 365lbs, this is the Devilman,




It's time for another patented tag division Wild Card match up. These type

of bouts really throw up some unusual partnerships and showcase the variety

and depth in the tag team ranks today.


Still sporting the busted straightjacket look, JINGUS steps over the top

rope into the ring.


Cue: "Quiet"


JINGUS's flames are extinguished by a rush of black smoke. White sparks of

pyro start to flicker in the dark.



And his partner, from London England, weighing in at 241lbs, he is the

Iceheart, Daaaaaaaaaaan BLACK!


With an explosion of white, Black steps through the smoke and walks down to

the ring, wearing black trenchcoat, shades and long black and silver




So JINGUS and Dan Black team up for the first time in almost 2 years.

Remember that Dan Black, as his former incarnation, the Mystery Eskimo,

teamed with JINGUS to capture tag team gold.



Stop bringing up Dan's past! He's embarrased by it! Black T are greater than

the Miracle Weirdness Connection ever were, and it's all thanks to Dan to

being himself, and of course T.Bod.



And Jivin' JR?





Dan steps into the ring, removing his coat and shades, and looks at JINGUS

with a sneer. The monster ignores Dan, resting in a corner.



T.Bod, the Sadist, and JR are all barred from ringside, as are the partners

of their opponents....who are....


Cue: "The Chase"



From Hollywood California, weighing in at 235lbs, this is "Narcisstic" Ned



The NNMX member, looking unusually isolated without his partner Simon

Singleton and Jim Cornette, walks down to the ring, but declines to enter.

He turns his back on Dan and JINGUS to await the arrival of his partner -

and gets slammed to the floor by JINGUS as he darts out of the ring. The

Devilman throws Ned hard into the ringsteps, into the guard rail, and then

back into the ring.



JINGUS wasting no time going after Ned! After the NNMX cost Hell's Hitmen a

possible tag team championship at Dirty Deeds, JINGUS and Sadist have

promised to end NNMX's careers at our October PPV, World Without End, and

JINGUS is making a start here tonight!


JINGUS puts the boots to Ned, as Dan watches, smirking as usual. Buffer has

scattered, so the only introduction for the final man in the match we get is

a big POP as SPIDERPOET runs down to the ring! Black turns to face him, and

the two old enemies slug it out in the middle of the ring.



These guys have fought tag wars agaisnt each other before, not to mention

the two bloody battles they had over the Adrenalin Title on IntenseZone.



On what?


Poet gains the upperhand and whips Dan to the ropes, catching him in a deep

armdrag. Black is back to his feet but takes a dropkick to the jaw and rolls

out of the ring. JINGUS leaves Ned on the mat and rumbles over to Poet, who

evades his punch and nails another dropkick. JINGUS is barely moved however,

and when Poet runs the ropes the Devilman turns him 360 with a thunderous



Our referee, newcomer Rex Rexington, who somewhat resembles Danny Devito,

calls for the bell to start.





It looks like JINGUS and SpiderPoet will start this off. How do you see this

one, Mikey?






Put a cock in it, bitch. It's obvious that JINGUS and Dan can combine well

enough to see off their opponents. If Ned had a decent partner, I might give

him a chance, but look at the idiot he's tagging with!


JINGUS whips Poet into the corner and follows him in, crushing the bard with

an avalanche. JINGUS grabs SP and bodyslams him hard into the center of the

ring, before dropping a trio of massive elbows to the sternum. Meanwhile,

Dan and Ned get to their team's corners.



Everyone in this match is a former tag team champion.



Shut up, fact boy.


JINGUS brings Poet up and takes him over for the tag to Black. Dan picks

Poet up into a vertical suplex, holding him up...while JINGUS steps down to

one knee...and Dan just drops Poet back down face first, so his ribs crush

into JINGUS's outstretched knee! Poet bounces off and clutches his ribs,

kicking his legs in pain.


As Rex gets JINGUS out, Dan puts the boots to the injured area, before

lifting Poet up. Black lashes Poet with a pair of European uppercuts that

stagger him back onto the ropes, where Dan measures him for a running high

knee to the ribs that connects hard. Dan grins, and tries again - and Poet

ducks out of the way, leaving Black to bounce off the ropes and into a

school boy from SP!






No, Dan kicks out. Poet is onto him immediately, and CHOPS him hard. Dan

fires back with his own chop, but Poet unleashes an even harder blow. Black

responds with a rake of the eyes, to the disapproval of the crowd, and then

locks on a quick front facelock for a snap suplex, floating over for a









Dan brings Poet up and whips him into an empty corner. Black kicks away at

Poet's ribs, but SP comes back with a headbutt that staggers Dan away. Poet

jumps onto the second rope, and as Dan turns back leaps towards him and hits

a Tornado DDT that crushes Black's head into the mat! SP rolls over and tags

in Ned Blanchard.



Ned is the man in this match with the least OAOAST history behind him. He's

going to have to be on top of his game to compete with Dan and JINGUS here.



Are you suggesting Blanchard is a weak link? The guy is a former tag team

champion, Cole! NNMX only lost those titles because the board made them put

them up in a stupid TLC match!


Blanchard gets Dan to his feet and whips him off the ropes, hitting him with

a big back body drop. Black picks himself up, but walks straight into a

Northern Lites suplex with bridged cover:








THR- Black with the shoulder up.


Ned grabs Dan by the neck and gets him to his feet- and Black drags him down

into the Heart of Ice! (Crippler Crossface)


Blanchard struggles in the hold as Dan wrenches at his neck, but Ned is

close enought to the ropes that he can inch forward and reach the bottom

cable. Black regretfully lets go, and allows Ned back up. Referee Rexington

checks on Blanchard, and as soon as he stands aside Dan attacks with a knee

to the gut.


Black brings Ned into the middle of the ring and double underhooks both his

arms, going for his Pitch Black (Angel's Wings), but Ned counters out into a

hammerlock on Dan. Ned backs into his team's corner, where SpiderPoet tags

himself in and takes over on the hammerlock.


Poet wrenches down on the arm, but Dan suddenly counters into a waistlock on

Poet, trying for a German suplex. SP counters in turn however, getting his

own waistlock, and is about to execute the move when JINGUS is in the ring,

grabbing Poet in his own Devil-waistlock! The Devilman uses his super-human

strength to German suplex SP- who drags Dan with him in his own German!



Oh my God! Double German suplex, and the whiplash on Dan has got to be




JINGUS is such a dangerous guy- at any moment he could KILL SOMEONE!



Uh, did they forget to give you de-caff again?


Black is clutching the back of his head and rolling under the ropes. JINGUS

steps to the apron and slaps Dan on the head to tag himself in. The monster

picks Poet off the mat and grabs him into a bearhug, massive biceps locked

around SP's ribs. The crowd starts to get behind Poet, stamping their

collective feet as Poet screws up his face in pain and effort of escape.



This is great...I can almost hear those ribs snapping...


Ned Blanchard steps into the ring and slugs at JINGUS's head, but the

Devilman merely laughs. Rex Rexington tries to get Ned out of the ring, who

pushes him aside and hits a huge standing dropkick over the head of Poet

into the jaw of JINGUS, which is at last enough to make him release Poet.



Outstanding athleticisim from Ned Blanchard, and he saves Poet from possible



Ned and Poet double team JINGUS, hammering him with boots and punches, and

whip him off the ropes. A double shoulderblock doesn't send the Devilman to

the mat, but a double team DDT does. Ned is finally pushed out of the ring

by Rex Rexington, as Poet rolls JINGUS onto his back for the cover:






THR-Poet is thrown off!


Both men back to their feet, and Poet ducks the bigger man's punch and hits

a super kick! JINGUS stays on his feet for a second, but then slowly topples

back to the mat. Poet runs the ropes, jumping onto the second and

springboarding off with a Lionsault - but the impact hurts SP's ribs, and he

can't make the cover.



Not a smart move by SpiderIdiot.



Adrenalin got the better of him there, and now both men need a tag.


The crowd urge Poet to get the tag first, as JINGUS starts to slide over to

Dan Black, who is still holding his head from the double German he took.

JINGUS and Poet both extend their hands - and both make the tags at the same



Ned and Dan rush into the ring, and Ned lays Black out with a lariat, and then a flying leg lariat as he whips Black off the ropes. Ned picks Dan up and sets for a

powerbomb, but Black flips Blanchard onto his back and rolls over him,

hooking up the legs as he goes for a cover:






But Ned gets his arms around Dan's torso and pushes up and bridges out,

bringing both men to their feet, with Ned turning and dragging Dan into a

backslide pin:








THREEEEEEEEE- Dan kicks out!


Both men up, and Black tries for the Heart of Ice, but Ned rolls through

before he can be brought down. Dan goes after Ned, but walks straight into a

belly to belly throw! Blanchard leaves Dan lying and heads up to the top

rope- but as he's about to leap off JINGUS knocks the top rope, unbalancing

Ned and causing him to crootch himself!



Ned now very vulnerable up there. And Dan going for the tag!


Black brings in the Devilman, who lumbers over and climbs up to the top rope

after Blanchard, setting for a superplex! As JINGUS is about to rip Ned down

to the mat however, SpiderPoet runs round the apron and grabs a hold of

Blanchard, keeping him on the top, so that JINGUS falls backwards

emptyhanded onto the canvas!


Ned gets to his feet and leaps off with a diving headbutt to the forehead of

JINGUS! As Blanchard rolls away, clutching his temple, SpiderPoet then

climbs up to the top rope - 450 splash! Again, the impact on the ribs leaves

SP in agony, but Ned rolls over for the cover!


















NO! Dan Black makes a diving save at the last possible moment! Ned gets to

his feet, Dan avoids his lariat- eye poke - BLACKOUT! (Stunner)


Black puts JINGUS on top and demands Rex counts:
















The winners of the match, the team of JINGUS and Dan BLLLLACK!



Black & JINGUS prevail in a hard fought contest, and that has to give their

teams an edge as we look forward to World Without End in three weeks time.



It took both Poet and Ned to get JINGUS down, and that left them open to Dan

Black's attack.


JINGUS slowly gets to his feet as Rex Rexerton raises his and Dan's hands.

The Devilman and Black stare at each other. JINGUS extends a hand. And

Dan...takes it?



What? Is this a re-union? What about Black T and Hell's Hitmen?



Don't worry, Coach, I think if you look over there-


Someone's coming out of the crowd. Grabbing a steel chair from ringside.

Slamming it into the back of JINGUS. Of course, it's T.Bod.


Another couple of shots, and the Devilman is down and out cold. Dan and

T.Bod grin - but scatter as the Sadist comes racing out to the aid of his

partner. Sadist then goes after the recovering Ned Blanchard, who in turn is

saved by an incoming Simon Singleton. The party is complete when EL DANDY~

appears and protects SpiderPoet from Black T. The four teams stare each

other down...



The tag division is as competitive as ever here on HeldDown, and this isn't

even about the titles! There are some personal vendettas out there, and at

World Without End, we're going to see some serious grudge matches.



Backstage we go. Where we stop, nobody knows!


(Krista Isadora Duncan and Tiffany Ruutu are seen lounging on the floor gazing at a nondescript ceiling)



See that cloud? Don’t you think it looks like a piano?



Cloud? Tiff, thought we was indoors!



We are. I just like to pretend that we’re outside.



Ah see. S’okay. Look at dat one, don’t it be lookin like Wichita.



Wichita? That’s a city! A cloud can’t be shaped like a city!



Why da fuck not, eh? Who are ya, the cloud shape president, tellin me ah can’t see what ah see!



A cloud...it just can’t okay! You don’t even know what Wichita is shaped like!



Yeah ah do, is shape like dat cloud.



Damn it! There’s no clouds! We’re inside! But if we were outside, and we’re not, you wouldn’t see a cloud shaped like Wichita because it would cover the entire sky as far as we can see! (Krista clams downs and her nostrils cease their flaring) Look, you need to be a lot nicer.



It just imaginary clouds! Lighten up, eh!



Forget the clouds. I’m talking about Logan. You need to be nicer to him.



Ya got it all wrong, Duncan doughnuts. All wrong. Dat boy needs ta be nicer ta me.



That’s true. But we get what we give. And what you give Logan is an extraordinary amount of shit and it turn gives it right back to you..



He starts it. Tiff’s on da innocent train he ridin coach on the gulity jet. Ah’m OJ Simpson, he be

Scott Peterson.



Scott Peterson hasn’t been convicted yet.



Logan has. He been tried, juried and executioned and excommunicated from da church of da holy rockers. Ah ain’t need him. Ain’t not never needed him neither.



Okay, that was like a quadruple negative and I’m pretty sure my third grade English teacher would be spinning over in her grave if she was dead. But I understand what you’re trying to say. Now understand this, Synth Esizer. You two need each other. You are nothing without Logan. That’s what he said last week and he’s right. But before you get mad, he’s nothing without you. Without him you’re a hot dog without mustard and he’s a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, without bread. If he tries to do anything without you, he’ll fall flat on his face. Flip and reverse it and you’ll meet the same results. If you continue to stand with daggers drawn, every day of your existence will be a new exercise in spectacular failure. Of course if you follow the advice I gave...oh what does it matter? You’re not going to listen to me. You two will fight and fight forever and ever. Not my problem, I guess. Good luck with your life, Tiffany.


(Krista gets up and walks away, leaving Tiffy with food for thought)


(Go to break)

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(Return from break)


We cut to a shot of the Thrillogy locker room, where Hoff is pacing the floor. Zack and Calvin sit in comfortable leather furniture, and Calvin is playing something on Playstation 2.



Hoff, relax, you'll do fine.


Hoff stops.



...Guys, I just need to know that you won't come out tonight.



Of course not. We get what you're doing, man. Do your thing.


Hoff nods, but continues pacing the floor. Calvin pauses his game, and stands up, grabbing Hoff by the arms.






I can't settle! I mean, this is my shot! This is what I've worked all my life to get! This is--



We know! Look, if anyone gets that, it's us. We know what it's like to be there, to be knocking at the door. It's nervewracking, but it's also a rush. So go out there tonight, and just do what you do. You'll be fine, and you'll enjoy yourself a whole lot more. But, damn, relax, buddy!


Hoff looks at a smiling Calvin.



....I have to go. I think I'm gonna vomit.


Cal immediately lets go of Hoff, and the big man runs out the door. Calvin looks at the door for a second with a funny expression, before laughing and shaking his head. Calvin sits back down and picks up his controller.



He'll be fine.


Zack doesn't respond, looking at the ceiling, or off into space.



...You with me?


Zack slowly turns to look at Calvin.



That's my title, Calvin. Mine...and it should be me fighting her for it.


Calvin raises an eyebrow, but Zack turns away, staring off into space.





(Return to the arena)



Folks, we're in the middle of a great Chris Stevens match...but we really need to take you to the OAOAST control center were J.Math is standing by!


(Cut in to OAOAST Control Center, with Josh Matthews standing by (and the Japanese flag with "OAOAST" in the middle background behind him))



We apologize for cutting into that match, but we've got to cut right now, to the satellite feed directly from Tokyo, Japan at the legendary Korakuen Hall, as Sly Sommers is facing Yuji Chusaki for the HI-YAH Jr. Heavyweight Championship, with myself and stand-in commentator Terry Taylor for the English dubbed commentary...let's go to it!


(Cut to wide shot of ring in Korakuen Hall, as Sly stands across the ring from a 5'5, 156 pound Yuji Chusaki, wearing white trunks with blue lightning bolts on the side, and powder blue boots.)



Ladies and gents, welcome to an exclusive battle from the Land of the Rising Sun, as Sly Sommers from the OAOAST is set to battle with one of the most exciting foreign prospects to come along in a long time, in HI-YAH Jr. Champion Yuji Chazuki, a young man whose style has been almost copied by Sean Bryant, the OAOAST's top flier.



Chusaki is quite the innovative high-flier, as well as being able to piece together some incredible ground moves and some devastating kicks. Watch out for his one-man belly-to-belly Spanish Fly (backflip slam off top rope) that he calls "Devastation Impact".




Both competitors come to center-ring, and bow to one another in a show of respect. They then go into a quick collar-and-elbow tie-up. Yuji immediately goes into a rear waistlock, and follows up with a quick back legsweep. Yuji quickly floats to a front facelock on the mat. Sly rises to his feet, as Yuji keeps it applied. Yuji changes holds, going right into a side wristlock. Sly reverses by doing a rolling kip-up, going into a wristlock of his own.



When it comes to move-for-move wrestling, Sly can go with the best.


Yuji is somehow able to do a standing backflip that untwists his arm, enabling him to pull Sly in to slam him. Yuji comes off of the ropes, but misses a Power Drive (snapping) elbow drop, ala the Great Muta. Both competitors come up quickly, and Sly goes for a slam. Yuji wiggles out and scores a go-behind, going to a waistlock and charging Sly chest-first to the ropes. But, Sly holds onto the top rope to escape before Yuji can roll into a prawn hold.



Very even in the opening seconds...


Yuji rolls backwards and back onto his feet. Chusaki charges at Sly, but Sly backdrops him over the top rope. Yuji lands on his feet on the apron, and is left an opening to slingshot himself over the top rope and bring Sly over with an armdrag. Sly rolls onto his feet, albeit a bit dazed, and Yuji charges at him. Chusaki jumps on Sly into wheelbarrow position, and reaches to bring him over with another armdrag. But, Sly hooks his own head under Chusaki's arm, and brings Yuji over with an inverted snap suplex.



Very innovative defensive manuever by the OAOAST representative.


Sly floats over to a pin...





Sly pulls Yuji up and goes for an Irish whip. But, Chusaki reverses in mid-ring. Chusaki rolls on his back to position himself for a monkey flip, but Sly rolls beside and past Yuji. Both come up, and Chusaki goes for a flying headscissors. However, Sommers grabs Yuji in mid-move and puts him down on his feet. He follows up by bringing Chusaki down with a Russian legsweep. Sly pulls Yuji up and puts him on his shoulders, positioning him for a gutbuster. He lifts Chusaki, but Yuji rolls in mid-move and reverses into a headlock takeover.



Yuji Chusaki used his agility and creativity to his advantage there.


Yuji comes off of the ropes, as Sly rises, bent-over and back to Yuji. Chusaki rolls over Sly's back and brings him over with a Japanese armdrag. Both competitors come up, and Yuji goes for a hurricanrana. But, Sly catches Chusaki before he can get the rana in. Sly lifts upward for a powerbomb, but Yuji flips out, landing on his feet. Yuji immediately lifts off as soon as he lands on his feet, sending Sly to a seated position in the corner with a dropsault.



This is some insanely-fast junior heavyweight action!


Yuji shakes himself off, before charging forward...and bodypressing Sly low in the corner! Yuji's momentum sends him to the outside, but he quickly rolls himself back in and pulls Sly out of the corner. But, Sly blocks a suplex attempt from Chusaki. Sly knees Yuji in the mid-section, and hits a sitdown front-face suplex. Sommers goes for the pin...






Sly pulls Yuji up and delivers a European uppercut that sends Yuji back into a corner. Sly follows up by connecting with three very loud chops to Chusaki's chest. Sly grabs Yuji's arm and pulls him for an Irish whip. But, he keeps ahold of Chusaki's arm and pulls him back in to connect with a back elbow to the jaw. Yuji goes down, and Sly pulls him up in powerbomb-form by the legs. But, Sly overextends his lift and accidentally tosses Chusaki behind him, with Yuji landing on his feet.





Sly turns around, and Yuji nails a snap rana. Sly comes back to his feet, with the daze of the move affecting him. Yuji charges at him and clotheslines him over the top rope. Sly lands on the ground, but comes to his feet dazed quickly. The crowd rises, knowing what's coming next...and Yuji delivers with a corkscrew pescado (slingshot bodypress to floor)!



That was a thing of beauty!


Yuji rises to his feet, as the Japanese crowd respectfully applaud their own. He pulls Sly up and tosses him back into the ring. Yuji goes to the apron, and connects with a slingshot elbow drop onto Sly. Yuji goes for the quick pin...






Yuji pulls Sly up again, and whips him off to the ropes. Chusaki then connects with a very high spinning wheel kick, connecting his bottom foot with Sly's face! Yuji follows up with a standing moonsault into a lateral press (pin)...






Yuji pulls Sly up, and connects with a double-handed chop to the stomach and chest. Sly goes down, enabling Yuji to grab onto the top rope, immediately sling himself upward, and nail an Arabian Press (ala Chris Daniels or Sabu) into a pin...






Yuji pulls Sly up again and whips him off to the ropes. Chusaki stays in mid-ring to go for a Frankensteiner. As Sly hits the ropes on the other side, Yuji jumps up for it. But, Sly holds onto the ropes and Chusaki lands back-first on the mat. Sly grabs Yuji by the ankle and rolls him backwards onto his feet. Sly lifts Chusaki and drops him with a backbreaker. He keeps ahold of Chusaki and drops him with a sitdown slam (back-first version of Michinoku Driver II). But, Sly chooses not to go for the cover...



You can immediately tell the differences in the styles here, as the Japanese will pin you after anything in an attempt to end the match as soon as possible...



...while the American wrestlers seem to weaken you down with serieses of moves before going for the win.


Sly pulls Yuji up, and places him up on his shoulders. Sly then flings Yuji from the Samoan position into a reverse DDT. Sommers pulls Yuji off of the mat, obviously not satisfied with the effects of that move. Sly lifts Chusaki up, and connects with a regular side suplex. Sly again pulls Chusaki off of the mat, choosing to drive Yuji's face right into his bent knee before popping back up to drive him face-first into the mat with a flatliner. Sly turns him over for the cover...






Sly pulls Yuji up immediately, and delivers a nice vertical suplex. He turns Yuji over while keeping the suplex hooked, and rises to his feet. Sly hooks both of Yuji's arms, and brings him over with a butterfly suplex. Sly turns him over again while keeping the arms hooked, and pulls him to his feet. Sly then overhooks Yuji's waist and brings him over with a gutwrench suplex.



These Japanese athletes are conditioned so tough that sometimes, you have to chain various moves together like that just to keep them down.


Sly goes for a cover, but realizes that Yuji isn't out, so he pulls him up before the one-count. Sly whips Yuji off to the ropes, and uses his unusual size advantage and momentum to go for a gorilla press. Sly gets a bit cocky with it, holding him up for an extended period of time. But, that comes back to bite him in the BUTT, as Yuji reverses into a flying headscissors.



You do NOT toy around with a world-class athlete like that!


Both competitors come up, and Yuji connects with an armdrag. Both competitors come up, and Yuji goes for another. But, Sly reverses into an armdrag of his own. Both come back up, and they both go for an armdrag at the same time, falling to the mat with their arms intertwined. They both come up, holding their arms. Yuji connects with a stiff thrust kick to the stomach.



Smart plan, using his feet instead of the arm that just backfired.


Yuji then twists Sly around in a neck crank, and hits a neckbreaker to the knee. Sly lands in a sitting position, and Yuji follows up with a Hennig Neck Snap. Showing off his incredible agility, Chusaki lands on his feet and nails a back dropkick to Sly's face to lay him out. Yuji kips up to his feet, and nails a totally random 360-degree twist into a headbutt in mid-air. He goes for the cover...






Chusaki goes to the top rope right after the kickoff. He launches off, extending all limbs backwards like a squirrelbefore trying to crash down with a kneedrop, but misses when Sly rolls away. Sly slowly gets up behind Yuji as both come up, to hit a big reverse DDT. He keeps ahold of Chusaki, twisting to a double chicken wing hold and bridging for the pin...






Sly pulls Yuji, and immediately lifts him to hit a shoulderbreaker. For some reason, Sly pulls him up right after and sends him off to the ropes with an Irish whip. Sly brings Yuji up and down hard with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker that he immediately chains into a Flatliner before going for the pin...






Sly pulls Yuji up and hits a snap suplex before getting up and running to the ropes. Sly comes off of the ropes and hits a rolling senton attack. Sly gets up and sits Chusaki up. He then holds onto Yuji's shoulders and repeatedly connects with spinal tap kicks. Sly rests for a second before pulling Yuji up and going for a powerbomb. But, Yuji slips out at the last second and hits a sunset flip...






Both come up quickly, and Sly ducks a jumping enziguri. He pulls Yuji up in a wheelbarrow and nails a faceplant. Sly goes to a near-by corner and hits a second-rope moonsault. But, he chooses to pull Yuji up instead of going for the cover. Sly plants Chusaki on the mat with a scoop slam before going to the apron. Sly hits a Guerrero-style slingshot senton.



Shades of another big American star that toured Japan in the past, "Black Tiger" Eddie Guerrero.


Sly pulls Chusaki to his feet and whips him off to the ropes. Sly then hits a snap powerslam, cradling the leg upon impact for the cover...






Sly pulls Yuji up, lifts him, and hits a Finley Roll (standing flip onto back with opponent in fireman's carry) before popping right back up to his feet and heading right up to the top rope. Sly launches off with a flying headbutt...and Yuji moves out of the way. Both roll around on the mat in pain, though the referee for some reason decides not to register a count.



I credit that more towards our official being a moron than foreign customs.


Yuji gets to his feet first, as Sly's on all fours. Chusaki gets him over with an Oklahoma Roll...






Sly is able to shake things off as he rises, and connects with a punch to Yuji's stomach. Sly follows up by lifting Chusaki up in a torture rack. Sly then spins Chusaki around in mid-air to attempt some sort of inverted slam, but Yuji is able to exhibit some innovative defense and reverse into a small package...






Yuji rushes to his feet as Sly's on all fours, and is able to hit an incredible tabletop Shooting Star Press (standing SSP while standing on kneeling opponent's back)! Chusaki rolls him over for another cover...






Yuji pulls Sly up by the arm. He keeps ahold of the wrist and runs forward a few steps to get momentum before doing a HYOOOGE backflip into a standing version of Sliced Bread #2! He hit his jaw on the mat coming down, and takes a second to rub it instead of going for the pin. Chusaki pulls Sly up and pulls him by the hair near a corner, in which he goes to the second rope in.



I will admit, from my trips of Japan with other companies, that the Japanese referees can be biased against Americans at moments like this, with the hair pull.


Yuji hooks Sly's arms and looks to be going for a double-underhook tornado DDT. But, Sly headbutts Chusaki's gut at the last second, and bridges back for the pin...






Both competitors come to their feet at a moderate pace, and Yuji goes for a kick. But, Sly catches the foot and flips Yuji in mid-air, bringing him down face-first onto his bent knee, and following up with a swinging neckbreaker on the HI-YAH star. Sly keeps ahold of the neck and rolls over, pulling Chusaki up by the neck.



You'll notice that there doesn't really seem to be any focused body part attack or strategy here; the HI-YAH Jr. Heavyweight style seems to be very high-impact based, and not so much emphasis on planning and strategy.


Sly hooks Yuji's leg when up, and hits a fisherman's suplex...






Sly frustratedly pulls Yuji up and lifts him for a suplex. He holds him up in the air as the crowd counts along...















Sly then drops Yuji ribs-first on the top rope. Yuji hangs on the top rope before Sly drops down and nails an upward dropkick to the face, sending him falling to the floor hard! Sly waits until Yuji is knelt over on the floor, asking the referee not to adminster the traditional 20-count. When Yuji is knelt over, Sly slingshots himself over the top rope and hits a falling Ace Crusher, hooking Chusaki's head on the way down!



That was incredible!


Both are down on the floor, obviously feeling the effect of that high-impact move. The referee starts his count...












Sly has stumbled up to his feet, and grabs Chusaki, as the referee's gotten to the count of eleven. He tosses Yuji back into the ring, and rolls himself in before going for the cover...








Sly pulls Yuji and lifts him for a vertical suplex...before rolling him back on the way down and dropping him with an inverted Side Effect! Sly shakes himself off before going for a cover...






Sly immediately pulls Yuji to his feet, as he looks quite angry. He brings Yuji down with a fast Russian legsweep. He keeps ahold of Yuji, and drags him along as he kips up before dropping him immediately with another Russian legsweep. Slyi keeps ahold of Yuji yet again, and kips up a second time. He teases going with a third Russian legsweep before twisting around and hitting a big STO! He goes for the pin...








Sly gets up and immediately comes off of the ropes. He then hits a running double-stomp, which he follows up in mid-air by landing with a cannonball senton. Sly pulls Chusaki up, and shoves him into a corner. He connects with a loud, stiff chop before pulling him out and hooking him in pumphandle position. Sly then connects with a big pumphandle suplex, dropping Yuji face-first on the mat!



Weird to see a Bill Goldberg move in this match...


Sly keeps him where he's at, and goes to the second rope. He pumps himself in Vader Bomb-fashion and lifts off...twisting in mid-air to land in an inverted senton. Sly goes for the pin...


...but the referee cuts him off, as Yuji's feet are in the ropes. Sly argues with the referee, who speaks no English. Sommers pulls Chusaki up, and goes for a German suplex. But, Yuji wraps his leg around Sly's, blocking the German suplex attempt. Sly finally gets his leg untangled and goes for it, but Yuji backflips out of it and onto his feet. Sly sits up in wonder, and gets a dropkick to the spine for his troubles.



Can Yuji Chusaki be unable to do ANYTHING?


Yuji pulls Sly up and goes for a suplex, but Sly blocks it before repeatedly forearming Yuji in the back. Sly then hooks Yuji's neck and nails a front-fall neckbreaker. Sly shakes himself off before crossing Yuji's arms across his chest, pulling him up in straitjacket position, and hitting a Straitjacket Russian Legsweep. Sly immediately rolls Yuji over and goes for the STF!



This almost did our American World Champion in quite a few times...and he gets a quick rope break!


But, as soon as Yuji grabs the ropes, Sly hooks his arm and pulls him out into a crossface chicken wing! But, Yuji escapes immediately again by repeatedly stomping on Sly's toes. Yuji then comes off of the ropes, but Sly catches him in side slam position and flips him to slam him onto his stomach! Sly pulls Yuji up and slams him down to the mat. Sly goes up top...and nails a BEAUTIFUL top rope elbow drop!



Very nice!


Sly goes for the cover...








Sly pulls Yuji up slowly, and hits a powerbomb, which he immediately inverts into a Nigel Press (opponent's legs up, wrestler glides forward and leans with his legs resting in the opponent's inner thighs, folding opponent up)...








Sly pulls Yuji up, and yells out "DOCTOR DEATH!", before attempting a Doctor Bomb (gutwrench powerbomb). But, Yuji reverses into a hurricanrana. Both competitors come up to their feet, and Yuji sends Sly down with a jumping forearm to the face. Sly comes back up and receives a kick to the stomach. Yuji then sends the bent Sly down with a Dixie Kick (standing backflip that kicks bent opponent in the face)! Yuji follows up with a standing Shooting Star Press and goes for the cover!....








Chusaki pulls Sly up, and snapmares him. Yuji comes off of the ropes and hits a running swanton. Chusaki immediately rolls onto his feet and hits a standing moonsault. He goes for a quick pin...








Yuji pulls Sly up to his knees, and gives him a knee strike to the face. He then puts Sly in reverse DDT position, and delivers The Slice (like Big Show's Hog Log, but with the other leg). Yuji drapes himself over Sly for the pin...








Yuji slowly pulls Sly up, looking to finish it. Chusaki whips Sly off to the ropes, but Sly ducks a clothesline attempt coming back. He stops under Yuji, and hooks him to hit a snap Flatliner. But, Chusaki fights his way out of it with elbows to the side of the head before jumping on Sly's shoulders for something. But, Sly holds onto Yuji and stands with him in an electric chair. However, Yuji repeatedly punches Sly in the head until he loosens up the grip. Somehow, Chusaki is able to balance himself on Sly's shoulders enough to stand all of the way up...before FALLING AND BRINGING SLY DOWN WITH A DDT!



I've NEVER seen that one before!



I thought you watched indy tapes, kid!



Apparantly not the right ones!


The referee counts both competitors, down and groggy, down...







Yuji's getting up using the ropes...




Sly is on one knee...






Both are back up. Yuji ducks a running clothesline attempt from Sly. He grabs Sly's arm and spins him around to hit a hurricanrana into a cradle...








Yuji pulls Sly up and kicks him in the stomach. Chusaki leaps onto Sly's back, and does a somersault, crashing down onto Sly, whose legs give out and cause him to fall down. Yuji goes for the cover...








Yuji pounds the mat in anger before pulling Sly up and giving him a palm thrust to the face to keep him dazed. He whips Sly off to the ropes and connects with a dazzling Shining Arachnid (spinning wheel kick with extra 180 degrees to connect with front kick). Yuji pops up, leaps onto the second rope, and hits a Lionsault twisted into a senton. He goes for the cover...








Yuji pulls Sly up and hits a snap suplex. Yuji goes to the apron. He does the "thumb across the throat" signal before springboarding to the top rope and going for a 450 Splash...that he misses!



That could be crucial!


Sly shakes himself off and pulls Yuji up. He hooks him and goes for a pumphandle something. However, Yuji slips out the back end and goes for the Slice once again. But, Sly wiggles his way out. Yuji runs at Sly, but Sly hits a tilt-a-whirl into a tombstone piledriver! He goes for the pin...








Sly can't believe it, but he pulls Yuji up, wasting no time and hitting a cradle DDT. He rolls it into a pin...








Sly pulls him up, and he looks PISSED! He positions Yuji for a powerbomb...and repeatedly delivers stiff, rapid-fire forearms to Yuji's back before he collapses to the mat! Sly then throws his fist in the air and roars, eliciting a mixed reaction from the crowd. Sly does the "hands crossed" signal and pulls Yuji up, going for a tiger suplex. But, Yuji reverses in mid-move with a bodyscissors victory roll...










Both come up immediately, and Yuji rushes past Sly, hooking his head while running to drag him along...and he hits the Contra Code (sitdown Sliced Bread #2)! Yuji goes for the cover!








Yuji pulls Sly closer to the ropes before going up top. Yuji then pulls off an amazing Shooting Star Legdrop! But, he hurts his tailbone on the landing, and takes a bit too long resting on it. He slowly rolls onto Sly for the pin...











Yuji slowly pulls Sly up to his feet, and goes for a brainbuster. But, he's too fatigued and Sly's carrying too much weight to get up. The struggle gives Sly time to regain his senses, as he fights out and hooks Yuji over his shoulder before dropping him head-first with a sitdown Kryptonite Krunch! He goes for the pin...










That was 2 95/96ths!


Sly gets up, looking angrier than he's been yet in this contest. He pulls up Yuji, lifts him, and nails a spinning brainbuster! He keeps ahold of Yuji and pulls him up. He whips Yuji off to the ropes...and CONNECTS with a HYOOOOOOGE LARRRRIATTOOOOOOOO!



That'll do it!


Sly collapses on him for the cover...











The entire crowd sighs in unison, as Sly just sits there, brushing his hair out of his face with an intensely disappointed look on his face. Sommers pulls Chusaki up, and positions him for a powerbomb. He drops Yuji ON HIS NEC with a jackknife powerbomb, and just leans on him in that position for the pin...











Sly starts pulling at his own hair in anger before pulling Yuji up and locking him in a cravate. Sly yells to the sky and drops Yuji on the back of his head with a cravateplex! Sly keeps ahold of Yuji's neck as he rises, and positions him for...a POWERBOMB STRAIGHT ONTO THE KNEE! Sly dives onto him for the cover...












Sly immediately pulls Chusaki up, and hooks him for a suplex, with his free arm crossed across his chest...and nails an inverted BRAINBUUUUSTAAAA! Sly immediately rolls with Yuji back up to his feet, twists Yuji around, and hits the One Hit Wonder!



Any American fan'll recognize that one!


Sly comes to his knees and pounds the mat with both fists repeatedly, before the entire crowd starts clapping along with the pounding in unison. Sly then goes for the cover...













Sly looks up at the sky and yells "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" really loudly. Sly slowly comes to his feet, looks at his feet for a second, and yells "DIVING HEADBUTT!" really loudly. He slowly walks to the ropes, and goes to the apron. He climbs at a not-quick pace, even stopping to look out at the crowd for applause. He gets to the top rope, and stops for about five seconds to get balance. While he's doing so, Yuji is somehow able to make it to his feet. Chusaki stumbles backwards...and falls back into the ropes, crotching Sly in the process. Yuji shakes himself off...and runs up the ropes, before grabbing Sly and hitting DEVASTATION IMPACT (belly-to-belly one-man Spanish Fly)!!!!!


The crowd erupts in sound and flashbulbs on their cameras, as the referee goes down to count the pin...
















What a spectacular match-up!



I agree...Sly could have had the match on more than one occasion, but whether it be due to jetlag, inexperience, or anything else, he just couldn't put Yuji Chusaki down for the three-count and bring the HI-YAH Jr. Heavyweight Title home.


(Cut back to Control Center, where Josh is standing in front of a screen playing Sly and Yuji shaking hands and hugging in a post-match celebration.)



What a bout! That is what junior heavyweight wrestling is all about. Before we go, I must announce that, at World Without End, Yuji Chusaki WILL be in the house, defending that HI-YAH Jr. Title in some fashion. His contender will be determined in some sort of match to be announced next week on this very program. So, until then, see you next week, for our final update on Sly and Gibraltar in the Land of the Rising Sun!


(Go to break)

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(We see a pre taped segment with Alix Spezia from the OAOAST control center. For some very odd reason she's dressed like Maid Marian from Robin Hood.)



Arrivederichi, humanoids! Alix Spezia with you in the...this isn't going work.



What's wrong now?



I can't pronounce the fed's acronym! Is it woah-ost? Or is it O-way-ast?



Just say the full name.



I don't know the full name!



Ugh. It's One and only anglesault thread.



What???!!!!!! What a stupid name! What's an “anglesault”? That's too much. What's the real name?



That is the real name!



If my bullshit detector was here, he'd say “bullshit!” Forget it, I'm not gonna say all those words. Words=dumb! Humans, I'm in the whatever name he just said control center....... Control center? This looks more like a janitor's closet!



It's the control center!



Yeah, because all control centers have moldy mops and a stack of old “Score” magazines in them. Oookay.



It's the spacious control center!



I'm sorry did you just call this closet “spacious”? Because if you did, I think my head's gonna explode.



Why does god hate me?



Because you did naughty things to yourself in Mrs.Barker's eighth grade English class. Fans of the fed that currently employs me, hear these words and hear them well! World Without End is on October thirty first. That's the date of Halloween! Therefore the wizards who run this fine establishment, decided to hold a costume contest at this business' website! Earthlings, I encourage you to log on to the website and submit your wild, wackiest, cutest, sexiest and other descriptive words, costumes for the chance to win an expense paid trip to World Without End! Now that that's out of the way, where is my espresso!??????



It's on its way Mrs.Spezia.



Do you see a ring on this finger? It's Miss! What do you mean its on the way? God made the earth in six days! Six! It'll take you twice as long to make my espresso! Are the cameras still rolling?






In that case...THEY'RE HOLDING ME HOSTAGE! CALL THE COPS! CALL MY LAWYER! CALL THE FBI! CALL MY PUBLICIST! CALL PEOPLE MAGAZINE! CALL THE TODAY SHOW! CALL UPN, I WANT MY OWN REALITY SHOW! I WON'T SHARE AN OFFICE WITH THAT BITCH TYRA BANKS! Humans, You have two choices. Be a loser and don't enter the costume contest. Or enter the costume contest and still be a loser, but be a loser in a dorky outfit! And remember to share your costume on our message boards. Because nothing says fun like humiliating yourself for the amusement of millions of strangers world wide. Now I will repeat that announcement in my native lounge, Martian....


(return from break)


Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness

I need to calculate

What creates my own madness


And I’m addicted to your punishment

And you’re the master

And I am waiting for disaster


HeldDOWN~! Has returned, and Papa Roach’s “Getting Away With Murder” is the song that welcomes us back, as Zack Malibu and Candie, fresh off the Dirty Deeds special, have entered the arena.



The fans don’t seem too pleased with the self-proclaimed Savior here tonight.



What do they know? I for one am pleased, because he rid us of that annoying boomerang tosser Axel in that Casket Match last week.


Malibu hops up on the apron, and reaches down for Candie’s hand, pulling her up with him. Zack then holds the ropes for his lady love, looking a bit happier than he has been lately. Before Zack can even motion for it, Michael Buffer gets up from his seat and tosses the microphone into the ring, since it’s obvious Malibu isn’t here to do shadow puppets for the crowd.


As usual, the fans don’t relent in their jeering, and it takes Malibu a few moments to get his words out.



So how does it feel, people, to lose another hero? Huh? Tell me…how does it feel to lose another one of your precious fan favorites? Let me hear you! Let me hear what yout think about the demise of Axel at the hands of the greatest competitor to ever grace this ring!


Malibu holds the mic out, allowing it to increase the sound of the fan response. The response isn’t a kind one, as the people in attendance boo the egotistical superstar.



You know, it’s funny. Any other sport, and you people would be chanting my name. You’d be on your feet, bowing down in respect for how much entertainment you get out of me. I walk into stores, restaurants, anywhere, and I see people wearing Kobe Bryant jerseys. I see people dismissing the fact that Jamal Lewis is tied up with drugs. People cheer rapists and drug addicts because they’re “athletes”, but a guy like me who comes out and becomes brutally honest with you and doesn’t hold back is the BAD GUY? Where are your priorities? You want your children to grow up in a world without heroes? Without role models? People, you should all hope and pray that you can live up to half of what I am. You should only be so lucky that your children strive to be like me, or like my girl here.


The crowd takes this to heart and hates it, and lets Zack know it. He pauses momentarily, his eyes shrinking down into an annoyed glaze, before he continues.



Now, onto the real news. Axel, Axel, Axel. Another notch in the belt of Zack Malibu. Axel has now joined the ranks of people like Sly Sommers and Northstar who got in way over their head, and paid the price. It was a few months ago he got shipped off in a casket, and it was last week where it happened again for the final time, and you know what? I TOLD YOU ALL ALONG! I TOLD YOU HE HAD NO CHANCE! I TOLD YOU AND NONE OF YOU WANTED TO BELIEVE IT!


Malibu starts frantically pacing the ring, with even Candie nervously wondering why.






Does he want us to tell him, or tell me?



He’s confusing me enough, Mikey…don’t you start!



Axel is DONE now. Finished! A fluke pin in that ass backwards badland he calls home, with crooked officiating and pure bias against myself and The Thrillogy? You think that counts? You think that win means something? IT DOESN’T! I DOESN’T MEAN A DAMN THING BECAUSE HIS CAREER IS DEAD AND I KILLED HI…


“Ow wah ah ah ah”


“Down With The Sickness” hits and the crowd ERUPTS, as a wild eyed Malibu turns to the entrance way in shock. There standing on the stage, clad in jeans, a black T-shirt, and an arm brace is AXEL!



What the…but he’s dead!



He doesn’t look dead to me!



Not that being dead would stop you from hitting on someone.



What does that have to do with what’s going on right now?



Nothing, but it’s not the same if I don’t insult at least once every exchange.


Malibu is in shock, screaming off-mic to Candie “I killed him!” Axel walks to the ring, as the fans cheer intensely at the arrival of The Dark One. Axel strides into the ring, shoots an evil eye to Candie, and then swipes the microphone out of Zack Malibu’s hand, leaving Zack shocked and pissed!





(Crowd pops)



I know Zack, I know. You think you got the job done. You think you had put an end to Axel once and for all, and I’ll admit, there were times during that match where I thought that it could be the end. You tried to tear my arm off, you tried to tear my head off, and you supposedly slammed the lid not only on me, but on my career. On my life. Zack, all I have to say is…YOU WERE WRONG!


(Another crowd pop)



What did you do, Zack, huh? I mean, you put me in a box, and you closed it. Simple enough, I suppose. You’ve done it to me twice now. But you didn’t beat me, Zack. You didn’t break me, and you sure as hell didn’t pin me in front of a sold out crowd like I did to you just a few weeks ago!


Malibu lunges for Axel, but Candie steps in the way, telling Zack it’s what Axel wants.



Well look at this, Candie’s actually doing something constructive for once. Honestly honey he could take a mannequin out here while he does his promos and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.


Now CANDIE turns to go for Axel, but Malibu pulls her back, kicking and screaming the whole way.



You two beat on me, you bloodied me, and you left me for dead. Well, that was your mistake, and it’ll be your cross to bear, because the dead can’t feel. I won’t feel any emotion, any remorse when I get my hands on you Zack. I could even do something that I’d regret…albeit temporarily.


Malibu has had enough, and comes over and takes the mic back from Axel.



You’ve got a BIG MOUTH for someone who was shut up pretty convincingly.


Axel takes the mic back.



Obviously I wasn’t, because I’m still standing Zack. You think you intimidate ME? Your star power, your stature. The Thrillogy. You think I give a damn? You tried to run me out of the sport I love, and THAT is what is unforgiveable. You target my friends, you target me, and you preach to these fans as if you’re the end all and be all of this company?






Ah shit, it’s always about money.



You’re incompetent.



You’re easy.



That made no sense!



Yeah, well…your mom!



If you “made” me, Zack, then prove it. Why don’t we make something together? Something called “history”, eh? Next week, I’ll come here and I’ll bring the HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship. I’ll bring my title and put it on the line, if anything just to coerce you even further into a match where I can finally put your delusions to rest.



Delusions? DELUSIONS? You think I’m insane when I say these things? I AM ZACK MALIBU! This place would have burned to the ground without me! I saved it, I saved YOUR JOB! That paycheck that you get every time you step into this ring, whether it’s a win or an ass kicking, is directly connected to ME! I’M THE STAR POWER! I’M THE SAVIOR OF THE OAOAST!



Then how is it YOU don’t have a belt?


Malibu’s face DROPS, then forms into a look of disgust.



You want to get under my skin, Axel? You succeeded in that a long time ago. But my track record against you speaks for itself. You bring your belt next week, and then you’ll become just another notch in mine.


With that, Malibu tosses the mic back to Axel, and leaves the ring as his music is cued up. Zack and Candie talk in hushed tones as they head up the aisle, not bothering to look back at the vengeful superstar who is staring at them from the ring as we cut to commercial once again.


(Break out!)

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(break in)


(BAM!!!! We spot a professional woman walking down the hall. She's conventionally beautiful, but one gaze at her face gives us the impression that she's drowning in a sea of sadness.)



Holla holla, playas! Coach knows that fly honey!



As does Caboose. That's Northstar's stepsister, Holly-Wood. Why is she here?



To confront Zack Malibu no doubt.


(Holly-Wood continues to walk down the hallway, paying no attention to numerous odd looks she gets from staff members and wrestlers alike. Her journey ends when she reaches her intended target of Alix Spezia.)



Holly! Hi!


(Alix runs up to Holly and gives her a huge hug. Holly grinds her teeth together and tries to slip away from Alix, while trying to act like that's what she's not doing. Eventually Alix lets go of Holly on her own. Holly staggers backwards, coughing and wheezing. She swats at the air, like an airborne disease is rapidly closing in on her.)



Holly are you all right?



I...I'm..I'm fine. Just....just (Holly's face starts to nervously twitch)....stay back!



Uh, okay. How are you? I'm sorry I haven't called you! God, its so nice to see you here! I thought you were done with wrestling.


(Alix makes the mistake of putting her hand on Holly's shoulder. Holly's body trembles violently as she stares at it like it was covered with a poisonous toxin.)



I am..I..mean..I was...I mean....I am...I am....yes...I am.



Uh-huh. Then what brings you by? Come to see me, have you?!



Yes I have. Actually. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm here for. Kind of. I'm also here to see the Saints.



Who? Oh! The Muses! Tiffy and Logan. Tiff is meditating with Krista and Logan, well...I think he's playing Gamecube with one of the Love Doctors. But I'm here. Duh! Heh heh.



Fine. I'll address this to you and you can pass it on to who you see fit. When my baby brother was unceremoniously dumped from his GM spot, I was booted out from my job as director of HeldDOWN~! Player personnel as well. Because money does not grow on trees, I had to get a real job like the rest of the world. Long story short I got a job with Arista Records who was looking for someone stupid enough to manage this piece of shit rock band they had called the Saints. The Saints were also trying to double as wrestlers, so the record label figured that with my connections in the OAOAST I could get the Saints a job and it would be great and wonderful publicity for the Saints and Arista records and everything would be happy and joyous and we'd all dance around the rainbow and sing songs and eat watermelon and have a happy old time! And we did. Until you came along.






Well, you and that Jewel impersonating partner of yours. You lured the Saints into a match you knew they could never win, forced them to accept a stipulation without telling them the meaning behind it. Then when they lost that match, you gained “ownership” of them. Whoopie! You changed them. You've turned them into something they're not supposed to be. Arista Records wanted a balls to wall, take no shit, bad ass, top down, hair in the wind, straight rock and roll band. Professorial wrestling was supposed to solidify that hard ass image. But since they've hooked up with you....They're nothing! They're useless! They don't bleed red, they bleed green. Green as in cash! Every day you have control over them, we lose money! You are causing almost irreparable damage to Arista record's property! And that pisses them off! And when they get pissed off who do you think they take it out on? The woman who they're paying money to resurrect the Saint's career's, me! And that pisses me off! And who do you think I'm gonna take my anger out on? One guess. Just one. That's all you need.





(Spit flew from Alix's mouth and landed on Holly's forehead. At that exact moment, Holly started to weigh the pros and cons of decapitating herself.)



Yes..yo..you. Always....about....you isn't it?



Um, but you said..



I know what I said, stupid. And I know what else I said to. Arista Records wants their property back, and you will give it back or suffer the consequences. That's the bottom line.



Because Holly-wood said so?



Shut up.


(Holly-Wood walks away.)



Aw man. The only thing worse then being chewed out by your ex-boyfriend's sister is having to sit through a marathon of Saved By the Bell: The College years.


(To the arena)



Well, folks, coming up next is the Six Man Tag match to continue our Round Robin tournament. As always, keep in mind that the winner of this tournament will be moving on to get a title shot at the Heavyweight Champion in November on Pay-Per-View. Never forget just how high the stakes are in this thing!



The teams for this match were chosen last week. For those that missed HeldDown last Saturday night, it’s going to be Gunner Sharps, Panther, and Leon Rodez taking on Drek Stone, The Mad Cappa, and The Blurricane!



If anyone missed HeldDown last Saturday, they don’t deserve to know the teams in this match. Even I had to waste my Saturday for that!



Good to see there are still those that are bitter. Let’s get down to Michael Buffer, who’s ready for the introductions.



The Road to the Elimination Chamber continues tonight with a special Six-Man Tag match, scheduled for ONE FALL! Keep in mind that the winning team in this match will earn THREE POINTS for each member! Now, coming to the ring first….


Woke Up This Morning

Got Yourself A Gun

Mama Always Said You’d Be

The Chosen One



Introducing first, hailing from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is the self-proclaimed “World’s Greatest Athlete!” Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome…….DRRRRRRRRRREK STOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!!!


A solid string of boos start to rise out of the capacity crowd in the Nassau Coliseum as Drek Stone slowly steps out onto the entranceway with a focused look in his eyes. Standing at the top of the ramp for a moment, he endures the jeers from the crowd, then makes his way towards the ring. Once he climbs the steps and enters through the ropes, he arrogantly pounds his chest with a grin on his face. Fireworks then rise from the four corners of the ring as Drek settles into a nearby turnbuckle.



And one of his opponents from the opposite team…


“State Prop (You Know Us)” starts up over the PA system to a LOUD pop from the crowd. The arena slowly fades to black, and after approximately five seconds…




The arena is rocked by a HUGE pyro blast. Flashing red and white spotlights swarm the arena, befoe focusing on the entranceway. Panther slowly steps through a thick cloud of smoke and, after acknowledging the cheers of the crowd for a moment, starts his walk down to the ring.



He hails from Philadelphia, PA and weighs in tonight at 194 pounds. Folks, please welcome The Champion of Champions…PAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNTHEEEERRRRRRR!!


The crowd cheers as Panther finally gets to the ring and steps onto the ring apron. He gets ready to walk into the ring, but Drek plants him with a hard knee to the face, sending him falling onto the arena floor.



Oh, what’s that about? The bell didn’t even ring yet!



What? I distinctly heard a ringing sound. Drek must have heard it too!


Drek quickly takes advantage of this opportunity and slides out of the ring. He picks Panther off the floor by his hair, holds him by the back of his head, and hurls him into a nearby ringpost. The fans start to loudly boo, but those jeers are soon replaced by cheers as Leon Rodez runs down to ringside. Catching Drek off-guard, Leon brings him down with a clothesline, receiving a massive reaction in return. As Drek rolls around on the arena floor, Leon hops onto a nearby ringside barricade. Once Drek makes it onto his feet, Leon jumps off the barricade…..and catches Drek square in the chest with a missile dropkick.



Talk about being unfair! Who the hell invited Leon Rodez out here?



Well, considering he’s actually in this match, I would say he has a valid excuse.


With a wide smile, Leon throws his arms up to the crowd - and suddenly gets knocked down from behind by The Blurricane. Blurricane, not giving Leon a chance to breathe, peels him off the floor and moves him to a nearby corner, near a set of ring stairs. Ignoring the referee’s screams to get back in the ring, Blurricane sets up Leon in a suplex position……lifts him up……and gives him a SNAP SUPLEX ONTO THE RING STAIRS! The fans groan as Leon’s back hits the hard steel of the stairs, leaving him to twitch around accordingly.



What a nasty suplex onto the steel stairs!



This Six-Man Tag is already getting out of control - and the bell hasn’t even rang yet!


Blurricane turns his attention towards Panther who has started to get up, and levels him with a nasty kick to the ribs. Suddenly, Gunner comes BARRELING down the ramp - AND BRINGS BLURRICANE DOWN TO THE FLOOR WITH A HUGE SPEAR!!! The fans start to go absolutely insane as Gunner stares defiantly at his fallen opponent. But finally, here comes The Mad Cappa! He runs down to the ramp to help his partners……but Gunner quickly turns around and absolutely KILLS him with a vicious clothesline! The fans explode with a chant of “GUNNER! GUNNER!” as he pries Drek off the floor and tosses him into the ring.




Drek quickly begins backing away towards the ringpost, yet Gunner continues to slowly stalk towards him with a menacing look on his face. However, once Gunner gets close enough, Drek suddenly uses the ring ropes to pull himself right back to his feet. He steps back to throw a punch at Gunner - but isn’t quick enough, as Gunner knocks him with a HARD European Uppercut, sending him hurtling back to the turnbuckles. Gunner, not wanting to lose this opportunity, slowly steps back, runs forward…..AND CRUSHES DREK STONE IN THE CORNER WITH AN AVALANCHE SPLASH!



OH! This can’t be legal! Give the man a chance to breathe!


The fans start to loudly cheer as Drek crumbles down to the mat, the wind being completely sucked out of his lungs. Gunner begins to lift his arms up to pose for the crowd, but suddenly finds himself stumbling into the nearby ring corner, thanks to a surprise Mad Cappa dropkick. Gunner tries to step out of the corner, but Cappa begins peppering him with nasty lefts and rights to the face. After about six shots, Gunner gives Cappa a hard shove away. Cappa falls, rolls along with the push, pops back to his feet, and charges forward once again. Without hesitation, he goes right back to hitting Gunner with punches to the face. After a few more fists, Gunner pushes Cappa yet again. As before, Cappa falls, roll along with the push, pops back to his feet, and charges forward. Yet, unlike before, Gunner is awaiting the move - and he KNOCKS Cappa silly with a big boot to the face.



Gunner Sharps is absolutely unloading on every single one of his opponents!



Well, what can you possibly expect from a 7-foot, 300-pound monster?


Gunner stares at Cappa for a second as he falls to the ground, but then turns his attention to The Blurricane who is waiting on the top rope. However, Gunner wasn’t quick enough as Blurricane jumps off at that moment…..AND BRINGS GUNNER DOWN TO THE MAT WITH A TOP ROPE LEG LARIAT! Despite their love for Gunner, the crowd starts to cheer as he falls flat onto the ground. Blurricane, not wanting to let up on the attack whatsoever, starts delivering some nasty stomps to the head and back of Gunner.



I like this. It looks like Blurricane has suddenly grown a backbone. Suplexing Rodez onto the ring steps. Knocking Gunner right off his feet. I gotta admit, I’m kind of impressed.


Suddenly, Leon Rodez comes from behind, grabs Blurricane from behind, and brings him down with a German Suplex! The cheers continue as, after the German Suplex, Panther comes off the ropes and lands on Blurricane with a senton splash.



Scratch that. Nevermind.


Both Panther and Rodez step onto the ring apron, since Gunner is still the legal man in this match. After a few moments, Drek and Gunner - the two legal men in this match right now - start to make their way back up to their feet. Drek is up first, so he walks over to Gunner, who is still somewhat doubled over. Drek suddenly yanks Gunner back by his hair, grabs him from behind, and brings him down a Russian leg sweep. He rolls along with the move and gets back onto his feet. The fans start to loudly boo as he arrogantly pounds his chest in pride, then looks behind him at his tag partners who are now on the apron. All three men stare at each other with odd glances, unsure of what they should do here.



This really is an awkward situation. I don’t think anybody in the OAOAST, save for Caboose, actually likes Drek Stone. But can these two men form a cohesive team wit him?



Jealously is an amazingly dangerous thing, Cole.


Finally, Drek extends his hand to The Mad Cappa. Cappa hesitantly reaches out to grab Drek’s hand - but Drek pulls it back and gives him the middle finger in return.



Ha! That’s hilarious! Drek Stone does NOT need The Mad Cappa’s help!


A chant of “Drek Stone Sucks!” starts to break out in the building as Drek looks to turn his attention to Gunner. But at this instant, Gunner reaches out and tags Leon Rodez! The cheers rise up again, as Drek quickly turns around to tag his two partners. They suddenly jump off the ring apron and step back, smiling at Drek the entire way.



What the hell is that about?! For Chrissakes, they’re Tag Team partners! How can they just ditch him like that?



Imagine this incredible idea. They just don’t like being given the middle finger. Unbelievable….


Drek, with a look of shock, turns back around to deal with Rodez - and gets brought down with a huricarana! After the move, Leon sits on Drek’s chest and delivers a few hard shots to the face. Drek violently shoves Leon off his chest and scrambles to get back to his feet. Yet, as soon as he does, Rodez comes off the ropes and hits him with a running enziguiri! Drek slowly falls to the mat as Leon makes the cover!




















KICKOUT! Drek kicks out of the pinfall and quickly rolls to the right, trying to get back into a standing position once again.



Leon Rodez and Drek Stone have certainly had a history in the past few months. I’m sure there will be no lack of animosity between them tonight.


Leon, staking out his position, stands in the opposite corner and waits for Drek to get up. Once he does, Leon charges forward…..but Drek brings him right down with a rapid Belly-to-Belly suplex! After the move, both men lay down on the mat for a few seconds, until Drek quickly pops up and scrambles to the corner. He quickly slaps hands with The Mad Cappa and rolls out of the ring, not allowing Cappa the chance to tag him back in. Cappa, with a grudging grin at Drek’s tactics, steps into the ring and charges at Leon Rodez.



Was that fear I saw on The Mad Cappa’s face? Did he not want to step into the ring when his partner tagged him in?



I think it was just he despises the idea of helping Drek Stone in any possible way.



Or it could have been gas.



I…..well…..I guess it’s possible…


Leon, letting his wits handle this particular situation, brings Cappa down with a drop toe hold. Cappa lands on his knees, and Rodez takes this chance to run back, leapfrog over Cappa’s body, and tag Panther in! The fans cheer as Panther walks into the ring and steps right up to The Mad Cappa. The two men have a brief staredown in the ring, silently whispering insults into each other’s ears. Finally, Panther fires with the first shot, hitting Cappa in the side of the head with a right hand. Cappa quickly returns the favor with his own punch, and the two men start exchanging in a fistfight in the center of the ring. Panther gets the advantage first, hitting Cappa with enough right hands to send him stumbling back into the corner. Panther then grabs Cappa’s arm and tries to irish-whip him into the opposite corner. But Cappa reverses it, sending Panther into the turnbuckle! Panther bounces out of the corner and Cappa brings him down with a BAAAAAACK BODY DROP! Panther tries to sit up after the move, but Cappa steps back and smacks him with a tingling kick to the spine!



Ouch! Did you hear the effects of that kick echo throughout the arena?



I don’t know who to root for here. Really. How can someone choose between two people they dislike so much?


Panther screams after the kick, hurting from the attack, but that doesn’t please The Mad Cappa enough. He grabs Panther’s head from behind and wraps it underneath his arm, almost in a Dragon Sleeper position. He then forces Panther to get back on his feet. Cappa suddenly lifts Panther up……AND SENDS HIM NEARLY HALFWAY ACROSS THE RING WITH A REVERSE SUPLEX! Cappa hurries over to make the cover!



























KICKOUT! Panther just kicked out of the cover. Cappa quickly gets off Panther’s chest and stands behind him. With a smirk, Cappa begins signaling for Panther to get up, clearly stalking him in preparation for an attack. Finally, after a few seconds, Panther is able to make it back onto his feet. He turns around dizzily……Cappa hits him with a boot to the stomach…….AND IT’S THE BUST-A-CAP!!!







NO!!!! Panther holds onto the ring rope for dear life, causing Cappa to fall onto the mat by himself.



Panther held on! Panther held on!



Thanks for that insightful commentary, Coach. It’s a good thing my friggin eyes don’t work!


Cappa lands on his ass, to a now mixed reaction of the crowd, and cringes at the pain for a second. He starts to move up to his feet afterwards, but Panther bounces off the ropes and it’s the……PANTHER CUTTER! A loud roar raises up from the crowd as Cappa flops down to the mat after the move. Panther scrambles over for the count.












































SHOULDER UP! The Mad Cappa just got a shoulder up! Panther, somewhat expecting this, immediately gets up and drops a leg across Cappa’s throat. He then moves towards his team’s corner and scales up the turnbuckle. Once he gets to the top rope, he looks out at the fans and gets ready to jump…..but then suddenly stops. With a smirk beginning to cross his face, Panther calls Gunner over towards him on the apron and whispers into his ear.



What could Panther be thinking of here?



Panther never needed an excuse before to whisper sweet nothings into another man’s ear.


Gunner nods agreeably, and Panther moves from the top rope onto Gunner’s shoulders. A buzz starts to rise up among the fans as Panther stands straight up on Gunner’s shoulders, allowing the flashbulbs to bathe him in a sea of white light. Finally, he jumps off Gunner’s shoulders…….WITH A FROG SPLASH ONTO THE MAD CAPPA!! IT CONNECTS!!!










Ugh, Coach, I swear….


After the frog splash, Panther stays on top of Cappa’s body for the cover.























































NO!!! Drek Stone runs into the ring at the last moment and pulls Panther off by his leg. The fans let out a loud series of jeers as Drek starts to walk towards his corner, but those are stopped when Leon Rodez cuts him off. Leon starts hitting him with a number of shots to the face, but is cut off when The Blurricane comes into the ring to actually defend Drek. He rears back and smacks Leon across the chest with a hard chop.




He leans back again and another chop.




Seeing Gunner start to make his way back into the ring, Blurricane runs towards him with an attack in his mind. But Gunner simply bends down, allows Blurricane to run forward, and brings him over the top rope with a HIGH BACK BODY DROP! Drek runs at Gunner to hit him, but Sharps now lifts him up for a military press. He holds him up in the air for a few seconds, then throws him over the top rope onto the Blurricane! Both men fall to the mat as the arena breaks out into a wild chant of “GUNNER! GUNNER!”



Once again, Gunner is managing to prove just how much size DOES matter!



…..I’m not even going to touch that one.


Drek and Blurricane struggle to get up, but don’t notice Leon bouncing off the ropes in the ring. He runs towards the two men…..jumps over the top rope…..AND HITS BOTH OF THEM WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA! All three men hit the ground and roll for a short while, Drek and Blurricane landing near each other.



And Leon Rodez with an impressive somersault plancha, taking out BOTH Drek Stone and The Blurricane!


Panther takes this opportunity to now climb to the top rope. With the fans encouraging him the entire way, Panther braces himself….AND JUMPS OFF WITH AN ASAI MOONSAULT ONTO ALL THREE WRESTLERS!



This is starting to look like a demolition derby. Just look at the amazing moves we’re witnes…….uh oh.



Oh God! What the hell is this?!


Just when you think the arena can’t get any louder, it does when the fans catch Gunner starting to slowly make his way up on the turnbuckle. The cheers turn into a loud roar as Gunner steps onto the middle turnbuckle, with all four men on the ground slowly getting onto their feet. They suddenly spot Gunner and scatter in different directions, almost as if their lives depended on it. The fans groan for a second as Gunner pounds the turnbuckle in frustration, but Cappa then gives him a hard club across the back. Gunner reaches around to swat at Cappa, but Cappa avoids the hand, and gives Gunner a few more clubs to the back. Eventually, Gunner gets stunned to the point where he lowers his head, and Cappa wraps his arms around Gunner’s waist from behind.



Wait. What can he be going for here?



He couldn’t possibly…


He forces Gunner to stand up on the middle turnbuckle, but Cappa keeps his feet planted on the ground. After a few seconds of waiting, Cappa finally lets out a loud yell and pulls Gunner away from the middle turnbuckle……WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX ONTO THE MAT!!! The fans absolutely EXPLODE and rise with a standing ovation, loudly applauding the move and the efforts of these six men in general.










Never have I seen anything like that!


Every man lays down in their respective spot for a short while, trying to summon their own energy back to continue. Finally, Cappa starts to stir first, and grabs the ropes to help support his shaky knees. Meanwhile, Panther is not far behind. He slowly gets up and rolls back into the ring. Both men then start to struggle to get back up, but with Cappa winnng the battle. Seeing that Panther is ready to fully stand, Cappa suddenly grabs him by his neck…….AND HITS THE BUST-A-CAP! Panther immediately folds on impact and falls to the mat as half the crowd screams for Cappa to make the cover. Finally, he crawls over - AND DRAPES AN ARM ACROSS PANTHER’S CHEST!





























































NO!! Leon jumps off the top rope at the last second and hits BECAUSE THE LADY LOVES RIGHT ON THE MAD CAPPA’S BACK!! The referee immediately stops the count and starts screaming at Rodez to get out of the ring.



We were only one second away from deciding who would be getting the three points here!



Again, I just can’t tell who I’d like to see get pinned first. Cappa and Panther are both just so hateable….


Rodez starts jawing with the referee, so he doesn’t notice Blurricane bouncing off the ropes. Blurricane then comes back, jumps up…..AND HITS LEON RODEZ WITH A SHINING WIZARD! Rodez falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring, very much stunned by the move. Blurricane gets ready to follow him out of the ring, but here COMES GUNNER~! HE HITS BLURRICANE WITH AN OH MY GOD INCREDIBLY HARD SPEAR ALL THE WAY TO HELL, IF NOT HELL, THEN SOMEPLACE THAT HAS A LOT OF PAIN~!~!



Whoa! I haven’t seen a superhero disaster like that since The Hulk came out in theaters a few years ago.



Agreed! Just terrible! Both of them!


Blurricane immediately crumples upon impact of the move and rolls out of the ring, just as Leon did before. Gunner leans out through the middle ropes to taunt Blurricane, and that’s when Drek steps back and hits a field goal kick right into Gunner’s balls, for lack of a better term! Sure, testicles could work here. Or genitals. But no. Drek hit Gunner in the balls! Gunner, in severe pain, completely doubles over after the kick, and Drek boots him in the ass, sending him through the ropes and to the outside.



Ha! See, THAT’S the way you take care of an unstoppable monster!


Drek then stares at Panther and The Mad Cappa slowly starting to rise up in the middle of the ring. With a confused look on his face, he stares silently at both men struggling to make it up.



Drek seems to be having a debate with himself. He’s not quite sure who to attack.



What’s he going to do here?! He does have an intense hatred for The Mad Cappa….but he really needs those three points if he wants to stay in this!



Come on, Drek. Take the points! Get Cappa afterwards! Just take the points!


After glancing confusingly at both men for a few seconds, Drek finally makes his decision.




He walks over to Panther……kicks him in the stomach……AND PLANTS HIM WITH THE STONECUTTER!!! Drek stares down at his fallen opponent for a few seconds, but is suddenly dumped over the top rope by the Mad Cappa!



What the hell is that about?! WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?!


Cappa then falls down on top of Panther for the cover!



































































Ladies and gentlemen, your winners…..AND the recipients of three points in the Round Robin Tournament……DREK STONE, THE BLURRICANE, AND THE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAD CAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAA!


The fans applaud the announcement just made as Cappa quickly rolls out of the ring and begins to walk quickly towards the back.



Oh, he better get the hell out of here. He’s a dead man if Drek Stone catches him! A dead man!



Well, here we go. The Blurricane, The Mad Cappa, and Drek Stone have now received three points - and, as a result, this tournament is looking incredibly even. Let’s look at the scoreboard.



The Mad Cappa: 6

The Blurricane: 6

Gunner Sharps: 5

Drek Stone: 5

Panther: 4

Leon Rodez: 2



Oh god, you have to be kidding me.



Nope. The Mad Cappa and The Blurricane are now tied for first place in the Round Robin - with only one week left to go!



That’s right, folks. We’ve been told that next week will be the LAST week for the Road to the Elimination Chamber! There will be three more singles matches - and then, once the final point tally has been reached, we will finally know who will be getting that Heavyweight Title Shot in November!



As of now, the matches scheduled for next week will be Drek Stone taking on The Blurricane, Gunner Sharps fighting Leon Rodez, and Panther going one-on-one with The Mad Cappa.



Folks, you do NOT want to miss next week. SO many things can change in this tournament. Who will be getting a Heavyweight Title shot next month? We’ll finally find out next week!



The Mad Cappa and The Blurricane tied for first?! I can’t deal with this. Let’s just go to a commercial break.



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(We open on a shot of Father’s mansion, the one where Blurricane was a servant last year. We then cut inside where JAE and Cain are talking with Father, but he seems preoccupied.)



Are you even listening to us? This is the time in which we should fight back and crush Justice Inc.! When we’re done with them we can crush Williams and Horn as well!



I can’t believe you’re not even the slightest bit interested!


*Father walks over to a chair and sits down with a look of pain on his face and begins coughing.*



What’s the matter with you!? Did Rick beat your ass to hard?



James…shut up and let me talk for a second. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.


*Father looks pained again as he pulls out a case and opens it. Inside is a syringe.*



A few months ago I became violently ill and the doctors told me that as a result of the radical genetic experiments I was conducting on myself that I was dying.


*JAE and Cain look shocked.*



However, another doctor who has been doing similar experiments offered me a serum he had made. As long as I continually take it I’ll be fine. Atleast that’s what he told me, but the serum is beginning to not work anymore.



Why didn’t you tell me!?



I knew you would make a bigger deal out of it than it is.



You don’t find this to be a big deal!?



I’m old James. Maybe my time has come, but I haven’t told you the good part. It seems that I’m not the only one who will be affected. *Father laughs*



You mean…?



All of the clones and anyone else I did experiments on will be affected as well. Rick, Jude, and all the clones will soon become ill as I have. If I’m going to die atleast I’m taking company with me.



That’s pretty messed up.



We’ll find another cure. You don’t have to die!



What would you do if you found that cure? Would you give it to the others as well? I’m capable of letting them die, but I doubt you are that cold.



Yeah, I have to admit I don’t think even I could let that happen.



Then don’t look for the cure. Let me have this one last gift on my way out of knowing Rick is sharing my fate.



You’ve lost your mind.



Robert the illness is getting to your head…you can’t be serious.



Oh I am serious. If you are planning on getting in my way then you’ll find I’m still strong enough and powerful enough to hurt you in many different ways.


(JAE and Cain back off slowly as Father looks crazed almost as he injects himself with the serum. We fade out on Father’s sweaty, grinning face.)


(To the arena)



Fans, welcome back to HeldDOWN, and it is now time for our main event of the evening.



Aw, yeah, boy, and the arena has been buzzin' about this one all night! Hoff versus Crystal!



And for the first time, assuming Hoff keeps his word, these two extremely talented grapplers will face each other one fall, to a finish, with no outside interference.



Please, Michael, Hoff will hold his end of the bargain, because he wants this as bad as anyone else.



Folks, if you missed last week, Hoff laid out a challenge to the World Champion for a match tonight, and if he wins, he gets her again at World Without End, this time for the title!



Well what you don't mention is mah girl attacking Hoff's manhood.



Hoff's a guy with a lot of pride, and a lot to prove in the OAOAST. This should be a hell of a matchup.



It could well be a classic. And, in that spirit, folks, Coach and Caboose have agreed not to bicker or play favorites tonight.



Now, you either, Cole.



Oh no, I wouldn't dare take away from this one.



This could be the start of a whole new thing for us, guys.





Ring announcer Tony Chimel takes the mic.



Ladies and gentlemen, the following non-title contest is scheduled to one fall!


The lights go down in the arena and Sevendust's "Black" kicks in to a round of boos.











Hoff steps out onto the stage, looking fairly serious as he surveys the crowd.



Making his way down the aisle, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 275 pounds...HOFF!!


Hoff makes his way down the aisle, keeping his head down.



Hoff looks as focused as I've ever seen him.



Absolutely, Coach, Hoff is 100% ready for this matchup.


Hitting the ring, Hoff slides in under the bottom rope, forgoing his usual turnbuckle salute and stretching in one corner.



A more subdued Hoff tonight.



Well we saw, in ths Thrillogy's locker room, Hoff's empassioned plea to let this match go, no matter what happens!



I think it's important to Hoff to prove Crystal wrong. To show that he can compete with the best.


"Black" fades out, replaced by "Set it Off" as the crowd gets to its feet!!



Well here comes one of the best now!


Crystal steps onto the stage, smiling as the crowd welcomes her with a HUGE ovation!!



And his opponent, from Coquitlam, British Columbia, weighing in at 138 pounds, the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion.....CRYSTAL!!!


The fans chant "CRYS-TAL CRYS-TAL" as the champion makes her way down the aisle.



Not just ONE of the best, Mikey...THE best! The World Champion!



Well, she is the champion, no one can argue that, but as to being the best...


Crystal slaps hands with some fans on the ramp, before turning to look down Hoff, her smile fading.



Caboose, even you have to admit, she's had some great matches, and she's beat the best! Zack, Calvin, Sly Sommers, Drek Stone...



Now let's not go bringing my close personal friend Drek into this. I give you, she's been impressive. But she's still a woman, in a man's sport, and--



Caboose, come on! We've got the top female talent in the world, and she has proven countless times that she belongs!



We'll see. Let's just say she still has to prove heself to me.


Crystal climbs up the ring steps, then climbs the ropes while still on the apron, hoisting the World Championship high into the air. Crystal hops down off the ropes, landing in-ring and waving the fans to their feet for a second time, as Hoff looks on from the opposite corner. Crystal turns to the referee, handing him her championship belt. The ref simply hands it to the timekeeper as Crystal takes off her trenchcoat.



That says it all. The official not raising the belt into the air, because this isn't for the World Championship -- just an opportunity.



That's the key word, Cole -- "opportunity." Hoff has been here for eleven months. He's a two-time 24/7 titleholder, he's the Emperor of Death, and you know how many title shots he's had?






There ya go.


Crystal stretches in her corner, testing the flexibility of the ring ropes as the referee checks Hoff's tights and boots for illegal objects.



Yeah, but Caboose, it's like Crystal said! Hoff has to earn those opportunities.



Well, if that resume doesn't earn you a title shot, I don't know what should, but it doesn't matter anyway because I have a feeling, a feeling, that Hoff will get it done tonight.



That remains to be seen.


The referee checks Crystal's tights and boots as Hoff stands waiting in his corner.



These two have met a couple times before, but we have yet to have a clear winner. Hopefully tonight we'll get one!


The ref nods to Crystal, then steps back, looks at both combatants, and calls for the bell!


*ding ding ding*


The fans cheer as Crystal and Hoff begin to circle each other!



Here we go!


Hoff shakes out his wrist as the two circle. Crystal takes a few quick steps, possibly looking for a go-behind, but Hoff turns his body and steps away.



We know that Hoff and Crystal don't like each other, but do we look for a technical contest, or a brawl?



Well, with Hoff, it can be a little bit of both. He's maybe not a master technician, but certainly very skilled, but he's also got his power, which can manifest itself in the form of big power moves, wear-down holds, or straight-up street brawling.


Crystal darts in, looking for a double-leg takedown, but Hoff sidesteps and the pair keep circling, changing direction.



Now, Crystal, if she wants to beat Hoff, she needs to use her speed and her superior technical knowledge, and just general knowledge of the body. Crystal needs to take Hoff down quick and slap on hold after hold, apply some pressure, and weaken Hoff. The big man's power is the best part of his game, and if Crystal can make some muscles sore, she's in business.


Hoff quickly lunges, looking for a collar-and-elbow tie up, but Crystal ducks under him, and spins back to face him. The two lock eyes for a moment, then once again begin to circle each other, pacing the ring and looking for an opening.



What's more important is for Crystal to take it to Hoff. He's still relatively inexperienced, he hasn't been in many big-match scenarios, and if she can win a few exchanges early on, she may be able to throw Hoff off his game.



Good insight by--



I doubt that'll happen, though. Hoff is just too strong, and he knows it. He won't be afraid of some little girl.



Oh, lord.



Nice to see your bias show through. That "little girl" is our champion.



For now.


Hoff lunges again, looking for another tie-up, but Crystal again ducks. As Hoff turns, Crystal quickly spins and grabs Hoff's head, cinching in a side headlock. The fans applaud as Crystal pulls back on the hold, but Hoff is quick to grab her back and shove her off of him, into the ropes. Crystal comes back off, and runs right into a shoulder block from Hoff, sending her down to the mat. Crystal quickly spins back to one knee, looking up at Hoff, who smiles thinly.



See? That is the face, the very picture of confidence right there. He's not worried and neither am I!



Well if Hoff thinks he can shoulderblock his way to victory he's wrong.



Hell, he's a bigger fool than you are, Coach!



Yeah! ...hey....hey!


Coach pouts as Crystal stands back up, rolling her neck. The two again circle breifly before meeting in the middle of the ring in a collar-and-elbow tie up. Hoff pushes Crystal back a step, but the champion quickly slips away, darting behind Hoff and applying a hammerlock! The fans cheer as Hoff grits his teeth while Crystal twists his arm! Hoff looks back, then takea step forward before twisting around, freeing his arm and attempting a variation of the short-arm clothesline! But Crystal ducks, and twirls around Hoff, catching him from behind in a schoolboy rollup! The referee makes the count, but Hoff kicks out at two! Crystal gets up and waits for Hoff, who gets to HIS knee, then to his feet, shooting Crystal a dark glare.



Nice quickness by Crystal! And the fans love it!






Crystal and Hoff lock up again, and again the champions slips free, returning to the arm. Crystal grabs Hoff's left arm and twists it into an armwringer, doubling Hoff over. Crystal spins, torquing the joints of Hoff's left arm around. Hoff grabs at his shoulder as Crystal jerks the arm back down. Crystal tries to wring the arm out again, but as she turns, Hoff pulls his arm free! Crystal tries to grab the arm again, but Hoff ducks under her reach and grabs her from behind. Hoff lifts Crystal up, and drops her in an amateur-style takedown, then moves to her head and slaps on a side headlock.



Nice counter by Hoff!


Hoff lies on the mat as Crystal is trapped on her stomach. Hoff cinches in the headlock, but Crystal fights to her knees. Hoff looks back, and tightens the hold, but again, Crystal slips out the back door, and quickly jumps on Hoff with another hammerlock! The fans applaud the escape as Crystal drives a knee into Hoff's shoulder joint.



Crystal is looking awfully smooth tonight!



She's slippery!






You know, because she keeps escaping!






You two are dumb.


Hoff fights back to his feet with the hammerlock still applied. He twists, slipping free, then falls to his knees and takes Crystal over his shoulders with a fireman's carry! Crystal hits the mat, and Hoff immediately slaps on a rear chinlock, kneeling behind the champion. Crystal wastes no time fighting back up, though. The champ fires off an elbow to Hoff's midsection, and another, and another, and Hoff breaks the hold! With Hoff slightly doubled over, Crystal hits him with a snapmare, and Hoff hits the mat! Crystal grabs his left arm, and again slaps on a hammerlock!



We saw Chris Stevens work over Hoff's right arm, his stronger arm, and that worked, but Crystal's trying the more conventional approach!


Hoff yells in pain as Crystal turns the hammerlock into almost a top wristlock, bending Hoff's arm all the way above his head. Hoff, slowly, fights up to his feet, and turns his body, slipping out of the hold. Hoff lunges at Crystal, but the champ turns and catches him in a side headlock, and throws him back down with a headlock takeover! Crystal keeps the headlock applied, but Hoff gets back to his feet, and he throws an elbow of his own to Crystal's ribs! The champion buckles, and Hoff quickly slides behind her, lifting her up and dropping her in a backdrop suplex! Both competitors lie on the mat, collecting themselves.



This has been some good wrestling!



Dynamite drop-in, Marty.





Hoff beats Crystal to her feet, and grabs the champ as she gets back up in a front face lock. Hoff tightens down on the hold, but Crystal pushes him back into the corner. Hoff keeps the hold applied, and the referee calls for the break, and Hoff gives it. Crystal steps back, then steps toward Hoff, but Hoff quickly spins her into the turnbuckle and rocks her with a big right hand! Crystal reels, then quickly spins Hoff around! Crystal rears back and lets Hoff have it with a big knife-edge chop!




Hoff reels back, and Crystal shops him again, and again, and again!




Hoff's chest glows beet red, and Crystal grabs his arm, whipping him out of the corner, but Hoff reverses and sends Crystal to the opposite buckle! Hoff charges in, looking for a stinger splash, but Crystal moves, and Hoff eats the buckle! Hoff stutters backwards, and Crystal quickly rolls him up, but only gets a two! Hoff gets back to his feet, walking right into another chop from Crystal. Hoff stutters back, and Crystal seizes the opportunity by jumping onto Hoff's shoulders and snapping him over with a hurricanrana!!






Hoff goes flying acorss the ring. Crystal crawls over to make another cover, but again, Hoff gets out at two. Crystal waits for the big man to get to his feet, then catches him with a dropsault, sending Hoff back into the corner. Crystal charges in, and SPEARS Hoff against the buckle! Hoff doubles over, holding his ribs, but Crystal drags him out by the hair! Crystal grabs Hoff, and takes him down with a Russian leg sweep! The cover by Crystal!








Hoff gets out at the last second.



So far, guys, this has been all Crystal! Not surprising!



Quiet, you.


Crystal waits for Hoff to find his feet. The champion grabs Hoff fron behind, but Hoff quickly elbows backwards, hitting Crystal in the face to a loud jeer from the crowd. Crystal breaks the waistlock, and Hoff spins around, looking for a clothesline, but Crystal grabs the arm and leaps, catching Hoff in a crucifix pin!








KICKOUT! Hoff rolls out of the pinning predicament, hitting his feet as Crystal springs back to hers. Both charge, and Crystal again ducks a clothesline, and rolls Hoff up from behind with a Momo clutch!













She ALMOST had him beat!



Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, Cole.


Hoff barely gets free, and Crystal is already on her feet by the time he reaches his knees. Hoff slaps the mat in frustration, drawing a reaction from the crowd.



Uh-oh, Hoff's getting angry!



This match really has been dominated by the champion!



Well, either way, an angry Hoff is not what Crystal wants right here.


Hoff gets up and glares at Crystal, who waves him on to a big pop! Hoff moves in, slowly, and grabs Crystal in another tie-up, pushing her back to the ropes. The ref calls for the break, and Hoff gives it...before shoving the ref away and charging at Crystal with a clothesline! But Crystal DUCKS!



Oh, man. Guys, she just plain has his number.



Hoff is not looking himself tonight, either.


Hoff spins around, and Crystal chops him again!




Crystal grabs Hoff, whipping him out of the corner, but again, Hoff reverses. Crystal hits the opposite buckle, and Hoff charges in, but Crystal catches him with a back elbow! Hoff stumbles away, turning his body, and allowing Crystal to hop onto the second rope! Crystal, holding the top rope, reaches with her legs, and grabs Hoff's shoulders from behind! Before Hoff knows what's happening, Crystal jumps off the top rope and rolls forward into a victory roll! But Hoff blocks her momentum, and ends up on top of her! Hoff kneels on Crystal's shoulders, and the champion FLAILS to get out as the ref makes the count!!!








*ding ding ding ding ding*






Oh my God!!



He got her!!!


The crowd buzzes as Hof rolls off of Crystal, and gets to his feet, smiling!!



Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this contest...HOFF!!



I can't believe it! He got her! HE DID IT!!!





Hoff, grinning from ear to ear, looks almost surprised as the official raises his hand! From her knees, Crystal looks up at Hoff, who taunts the champion! The crowd boos as Hoff raises both his arms in victory, and Crystal slimply looks down.



Hoff, from out of nowhere, stopped Crystal's roll-up and just trapped her!



Hoff BEAT her! And he did it by using his head! Oh, yes, baby, you are looking at greatness in there.


Crystal gets to her feet, hitting the turnbuckle pad as Hoff hops out of the ring. Hoff, still smiling, walks backwards up the ramp with his arms raised.



Well we now know. It's official. At World Without End, it will be Hoff versus Crystal, one more time, for the World Championship!



Just one more time! Once more, and we will have a new heavyweight champion of the world!!


On the ramp, Hoff makes the belt motion as Crystal looks on, looking absolutely disgusted. Hoff laughs as he gets to the top of the ramp, then counts out with his voice, and hands, "one, two, three." Hoff nods, and the cameras zoom in on Crystal hanging her head as we....



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