Guest Brian Report post Posted February 11, 2002 RAW 11/5/01 Paul Heyman and Jim Ross hype tonight as being a huge edition of RAW. Already announced from Sunday night are Jeff Hardy vs. Albert for Jeff’s shot at the cruiserweight title, and a Ten man cruiserweight tag match that’s going to knock your socks off. Paul says that he has just gotten word on who the mystery participant of the tournament is, and it’s a guy with worldly experience including the WWF, WCW, and ECW. In fact, he was one of the biggest stars in ECW, and is going to give some WWF guys a tough chance of winning the tournament. X-Pac music hits, and he comes out to hype the belt and the tournament as they make their entrance. Tajiri, Matt Hardy, TAKA, Funaki, and Essa Rios vs. Chavo Guerrero, Hurricane Helms, Billy Kidman, Rey Mysterio Jr., and Juventud Guerrera Tajiri and Helms in the ring first. Grapple by both men, and Helms wrenches Tajiri’s arm into a hammerlock. Helms does a super hero show of strength, but gives Tajiri the opportunity to rebound. Helms grabs Tajiri’s head, jumps, and uses his momentum to whip Tajiri over his shoulder. Tajiri comes back up, but Helms gives him a shoulder block. Helms does another super hero motion before attempting to run at the ropes. Tajiri trips him up with a drop toe hold, then follows through with a tag to TAKA, and Tajiri locks Helms in a camel clutch, and TAKA bounces off the ropes and gives Helms a dropkick to the face. TAKA pins Helms for a two, then picks him up and pushes him against the ropes. Uppercuts from TAKA, and he whips Helms across. Helms ducks a clothesline and comes back with a superkick. Tag in for Chavo, who plays rudo punking out the fans and taunting at TAKA. Chavo throws him against the ropes and drops his head, but TAKA does roll-like flip on his back and lands right behind Chavo, then holds him in a waist lock, and pushes him against the ropes into a roll-up.Chavo kicks out at two, and TAKA catches Chavo on the up-coming and whips him into the ropes. Chavo reverses, throws TAKA, and Chavo catches TAKA with a lariat. Chavo tags in Kidman who hits a splash on TAKA. Pin for two. Kidman picks up TAKA, and whips him across. Kidman leapfrog TAKa as he comes across quickly, and tries to catch him on the second bounce with a sleeper. TAKA picks him up for a backdrop, Kidman flips over, and kicks TAKA in the gut. A hurricanrana attempt is blocked by TAKA, who drags Kidman to his corner in a Boston crab, tagging in Funaki. TAKA holds on, while Funaki bounces off the ropes. Rey tries to get in and break it up but the ref stops him, while Funaki changes the hold into a camel clutch. TAKA, Essa Rios, and Tajiri come out with more dropkicks to the face. TAKA and Funaki props Kidman up while Matt Hardy does the Kaientai DX style posing. While the ref is still preoccupied with Rey and Helms, Juvi and Chavo get to the vacant turnbuckles and give missile dropkicks to Tajiri and Rios, knocking them to the outside of the ring. TAKA and Matt catch them coming up, throw them against the ropes, but get reversed and whipped to the other side. Funaki tries to grab Juvi and Chavo but they give him a double guiry kick. Rey and Helms see them coming and both move to the apron where they can hit springboard dropkicks. They fall back, turn, where Juvi and Chavo catch them both with head-scissor takeovers, sending them to the outside. TAKA and Matt are caught sliding out of the ring by Tajiri and Rios on the ramp side; and Juvi, Chavo, Rey, and Helms hit topes over con hilos on each man. Funaki staggers up to the corner, but Kidman is up and starts pounding away at Funaki. Kidman tries to whip Funaki across but gets reversed, going into the turnbuckle hard and flipping Ric Flair style. Kidman out on the apron, and Funaki comes charging but Kidman reverses it and backdrops him to the outside by the announcer’s table. Funaki lands standing, and grabs Kidman’s leg. Kidman kicks him away and hits an Asai moonsault. Meanwhile, Juvi brings in Matt, and goes for the Juvi driver (Michinoku Driver II), but Matt doesn’t go up, gives Juvi a kick, and attempts a twist of fate. Juvi pushes Matt off, goes for a backdrop, Matt flips around, gives Juvi a kick to the gut and hits the twist of fate. Near fall broken up by Chavo, who picks Matt up as Juvi rolls out. Chavo tries to whip Matt, and they do a clothesline spot where both fall out of the ring. Chavo, Matt, Kidman, and Funaki brawl on the announcer’s side. Helms, who was brawling ramp side, rolls in TAKA and attempts a Nightmare on Helms Street. TAKA catches him, goes for the brainbuster, Shane drops behind him, goes for a dragin suplex, TAKA flips over, and kicks him in the gut to set up the Michinoku Driver II. Nearfall for TAKA, which is broken up by Rey Mysterio. Rey throws TAKA, who reverses going into the ropes, but Rey jumps top the top and does the back flips over a charging TAKA, who Rey charges but TAKA back body drops Rey to the outside on top of everyone. TAKA looks exhausted and leans on the ropes for a minute, and doesn’t see Juvi climbing the turnbuckle. TAKA turns to Helms, who is beginning to stagger up, but hears Juvi yelling at him, turns, and get a head scissors from the top with Juventud on the outside of the ring by the apron, throwing TAKA out. The group of men begin to get up by the table, and Helms taunts the crowd for a dive like a superhero, bounces off the ropes but only teases the dive by grabbing on to the second leaping to the second rope and catching his motion with the top rope. Shane takes his time to pose as Essa Rios rolls in, and grabs Shane under the arms and hits a sit down bomb for the pin at 14:10. JR and Heyman say that is just a sample of what you would be getting during the G-1 cruiserweight tournament, where most of the matches will be taking place at house shows. <Commercial Break> Austin is shown backstage talking to Ken Shamrock in the Alliance locker room. Austin: “I’m happy to have you as a part of this team, as a part of the Alliance.” Shamrock shoots him a glare, then states that he is the most sought after free agent in the industry, and he’ll “go wherever the wrestling is, and kick ass wherever there’s asses waiting for a kicking. A rattlesnake bite may be deadly, but it’s not as dangerous as Ken Shamrock.” Albert vs. Jeff Hardy X-Pac is down at the announcer’s table. He says that there’s no chance that Jeff could win and no chance for him to take his title. Albert comes charging at Jeff but Jeff leapfrogs Albert, and Albert catches with a forearm to the back of the head. Albert picks Jeff up, and whips him across, and catches him coming off the ropes with a sidewalk slam. Pin for two. Albert picks Jeff up again and gives him a whip, this time going for the big boot but Jeff ducks and keeps on running, hitting the other side and giving Albert a crossbody, but Albert catches him and gives him a fall-away slam. Another pin for two. Albert picks Jeff up and gets him up into powerbowb position, but Jeff falls over his shoulder and Alber turns around and receives a DDT. Jeff hits a leg drop on Albert, than goes up to the top ropes, but X-Pac leaves the announcer’s table and trips him, leaving him on the turnbuckle. Albert gets up, climbs the ropes, and tries to give Jeff a superplex but Jeff pushes him off. Matt runs down to brawl with X-Pac, and Jeff hits the Swanton bomb for the pin at 2:38. Austin is now in the Alliance locker room to talk about success. Certain guys have had the odds stacked against them, and they’ve prevailed. He congratulates Tazz and RVD, and says Tazz can have any opponent he wants tonight. Tazz says he’ll prove that he could win the competition if he wanted to, and he’ll take Spike Dudley tonight, so he can be “Just Anotha Victim”. <Commercial Break> Austin is on his way to the ring. He has an announcement to make. Tonight, he and a partner of his choosing will snatch the tag title titles away from the Rock and Jericho. Austin then berates Rocky, telling him he has no chance of winning. Rock then makes his way down to the ring an tells Austin that if he doesn’t shut up, he’s going to turn his boot sideways and stick it straight up his candyass. Secondly, the Rock says that Austin is going to be out of a job after Survivor Series, and that’s the bottom line. Austin then throws a fit in the ring as the camera fades out. In the back, Matt is congratulating Jeff on his victory in the hallway. Jeff holds his head down and says that he’s a little sore, but that he think they should start going back after the tag team titles, as Stacy walks by and Matt gets distracted. Suddenly, X-Pac and Albert jump them and beat them up. <Commercial Break> Tazz vs. Spike Dudley Tazz starts the match by pounding on little Spike. Whip across and Tazz charges, but Spike baseball slides under his legs. Spike catches him with a kick on the other side and goes for a DDT, but Tazz pushes him off and catches him with a hard lariat. Pin for two. Tazz picks Spike up and pounds him to the ropes. Tazz whips Spike across and goes for another clothesline but Spike ducks and catches Tazz with a crucifix for one. Small package by Spike for one, and Tazz gets up, pissed off, and just whallops Spike with some stiff forearms. Spike is now and the corner and Tazz picks Spike up and drives his neck into the turnbuckle. Tazz is in control, with a T-Bone Tazplex. Pin for two and a half. Tazz whips Spike but he reverses and hits Tazz with a dropkick as he comes off the ropes. Tazz no sells and comes running, and Spike tries to leap frog but Tazz catches Spike by the legs, stands straight up with Spike horizontal, and slaps hard on his legs to give him a powerboms. Tazz picks Spike up and gives him a straight Tazplex, then set up for the Tazmission. Spike slowly staggers up, and Taz locks in the Tazmission, but Spike elbows out of that and goes for the Dudley dog, climbs the turnbuckle, but gets pushed off as he jumps to the ring, and Tazz locks the Tazmission for the tap at 3:19. Tazz punishes Spike in the ring with an inverted Tazplex right onto Spike’s head. In the back, Austin announces that he’s cosen a deserving partner who has proven over the past week that he has what it takes in the ring. Booker T cheers on Austin, as he’s ready to make the announcement. Austin announces that he wants RVD to be his partner, as over the last week RVD has proven he’s part of the team. RVD says “I’m just R-V-D!”, and Booker turns to Shane and says, “Tell me, he did NOT just say that.” <Commercial Break> Rock walks in on Jericho polishing his WCW title. Rock says Jericho should put away that second-rate belt and focus on the match. Jericho says that when the belt was on the Rock, it might have been second-rate, but Jericho’s out to prove that the title and him are first rate. Rock says that he still has a long way to go before he can prove he’s ready for the big-time. Jericho gets up in Rock’s face and they have a stare-down at each other as the camera fades. European Championship Bradshaw vs. Test Bradshaw starts out controlling with some chops, with Test now in the corner, Bradshaw whips Test hard across to the other side. Bradshaw goes for a splash in the corner, but Test dodges and catches him with a backdrop. Pin for two. Test picks up Bradshaw and whips him into the ropes, and Test drops his head. Bradshaw hits him with a forearm to the back and puts him in powerbomb position. Test drops to a knee, and Bradshaw tries to pick him up but Test gives him a low blow. Test comes up with a clothesline, but picks Bradshaw up and whips him into the ropes. Bradshaw holds onto the ropes as Test goes for the big boot, and Bradshaw comes off the ropes with a Clothesline from Hell. Test ducks that and catches Bradshaw coming off the ropes on the other side with a powerslam. Pin for two and a half. Test picks Bradshaw up and suplexes him for two and a half. Test picks up Bradshaw and whips him into the ropes, goes for an elbow but Bradshaw ducks and Test hits a kick on him after he bounces again, then a swinging neckbreaker. Pin for two. Test picks up Bradshaw again and gives him some rights into the corner. Test whips Bradshaw across but Bradshaw reverses and takes control in the opposite turnbuckle. Bradshaw gives Test a gutwrench suplex for two. Bradshaw whips Test into the ropes and drops his head, but Test catches him with a kick, charges with a big boot, Bradshaw ducks and hits the clothesline from Hell but Test rolls to the outside. On the outside, Test and Bradshaw brawl. Bradshaw tries to dump Test on the announcer table, but Test blocks and hits a big boot after pushing Bradshaw away. Earl Hebner separates the men outside the ring, and Test throws the European title belt in the ring. Test grabs Bradshaw and tosses him in the ring, but Bradshaw grabs the belt. Test slides in and picks up Bradshaw, but Bradshaw tries a belt shot and Test ducks and almost hits the ref, but Test hits Bradshaw, dropping the belt and the ref gets it out of the ring, and Test gives him a spinebuster hard on the neck, and an elbow drop for the pin at 4:20. Test is your new European Champion, and Paul says that Bradshaw should stick to the tag team stuff. Booker T is in the locker room, and says he tired of being disrespected, and he’s ready to make an impact. He says that since he won’t get the chance to beat Jericho’s ass tonight, he’ll take the next best thing and go after the man who’s challenging for the WCW title, since it should be his shot anyways. Undertaker, that overgrown sucka, is going to have to answer to the Bookerman tonight. <Commercial Break> Booker T vs. Undertaker Booker and Taker trade off punches, but Undertaker soon has it under control and gets Booker into the corner. Taker whips Booker across and gives him a hard clothesline in the other corner. Taker whips Booker again but Booker reverses it, but Taker hold on to the arm and get Booker in an armdrag. Undertaker wrenches the arm lifting Booker T up by it, then putting him down for the ref count. Again Undertaker wrenches the arm. Now Undertaker walk to the turnbuckle, gets up and does the rope walk, but Booker T trips him up and crotches him. Booker falls back a little, grabs his arm, and gives Taker a superkick to the outside. Booker then walks out of the ring, picks Undertaker up, and tries to whip him into the stairs with his left arm but Undertaker reverses and sends Booker’s right shoulder into the barrier. Undertaker picks up Booker T and rolls him back into the ring. Pin for Undertaker for two. Undertaker picks Booker T up and goes right back to the armdrag, flowing into a hammerlock. Booker T tries to reverse, but Undertaker lifts Booker T up and drops him on his right arm. Undertaker tries to follow that up with the jutigatame, but Booker locks his hands. Undertaker picks Booker up and goes for the ropewalk, but Booker crotches him and follows with a superkick to the outside. Booker taunts the crowd with a look at the hand, then rolls out to the outside. Booker attempts to whip Undertaker into the barrier, but Undertaker reverses and sends Booker’s right shoulder into the barrier. Undertaker rolls Booker back into the ring and pins him for two. Undertaker picks up Booker and whips him, charges with a clothesline and misses, continues to run against the rope and Booker is in the middle of ring with a spinning heel kick, but Undertaker ducks that and continues running. Booker catches him coming off with a leg lariat. (Jericho comes down) Booker gets up holding his arm, and bounces off the rope giving Undertaker the knee. Booker picks up Undertaker and whips him, but Taker reverses and goes for a clothesline as Booker comes off the ropes, but Booker ducks and tries to use his right arm for backdrop, but Undertaker grabs the right arm and rolls into the jutigatame. Booker struggles for a few seconds before he grabs the rope. Undertaker picks Booker up again and whips him into the ropes and booker tries to throw southpaw clothesline, but Undertaker ducks and catches him with the chokeslam for a nearfall. Undertaker picks Booker up again and Jericho gets ready to knock him with the WCW belt, but Booker reverses and hits Undertaker by accident. (Jericho leaves oibviously mad that he may have cost the Undertaker match) Undertaker staggers and Booker hits him with the axe kick for a nearfall. Booker picks Undertaker up again and goes for the bookend, but uses his right hand. Undertaker elbows out, but tries to throw a punch and Booker ducks into a lefthanded Bookend. Nearfall again, and Booker looks frustrated. Booker looks at the ropes, and begins to climb the ropes. Undertaker gets up and Booker hits the missile dropkick, but instead of pinning him, Booker goes to the top again and hits the Harlem Hangover (frontflip legdrop) for the three at 7:18. Booker T does a spinaroonie after the match. Shamrock is talking to Michael Cole about beating down people on the world of MMA, and angle jumps him and they brawl until the refs pull them apart. <Commercial Break> Booker T walks into the Alliance room celebrating his victory over the Undertaker. RVD and Austin are talking strategy, and have no time for Booker T. Booker T walks out and says, “Suckas gosts to learn to respect the Bookerman”. Intercontinental Championship Edge vs. Lance Storm Edge and Storm hit the mat to start. Lance Storm ends up cradling Edge, who reverses and cradles Storm, and they break. Both men back up and they grapple. Lance gets a Greco-roman waistlock, and tosses Edge to the ground. Lance goes for a camel clutch, but Edge crawls under his legs and, and trips him up. Edge goes for an STF, but Lance makes the ropes. Both men get up and another grapple. Lance works into a headlock, but Edge gets him to the ropes and whips him across. Lance with a shoulderblock to knock Edge down, and goes running against the other set of ropes. Edge gets up and gives Lance a hip toss, but Lance blocks and gives Edge a gutbuster. Lance with a pin for two. Lance picks Edge up and pushes him against the ropes. Storm catches Edge off the ropes with a fireman’s carry, into a roll-through senton. Pin for two. Storm works over the ribs in the corner, and Edge tries to fight out. Storm hits a knee to the gut to stop the comeback. Front suplex by Storm for two. Storm whips Edge against the ropes again, but edge reverses and whips Storm. Edge goes for a clothesline, but gets caught in an abdominal stretch. Edge tries to reverses it by hip tossing Storm out of the ring, but Storm remembers and breaks the hold with the ropes, and tosses Edge to the outside. Storm follows Edge out and grabs him in suplex position…right onto the barrier. Storm brawls with Edge, then tosses him back in the ring. Edge tries to slug it out with Storm, but Storm hits a knee and goes for a suplex but Edge reverses into the Edge-o-matic. Both men get up after a double KO, and slug it out. Edge now in control and whips Storm against the ropes, but he reverses it and goes for a kitchen sink, but Edge hops the knee and tries to schoolboy Storm for two. Small package from Edge for two. Edge pushes Storm against the ropes again, and Storm goes for a hurricanrana, but Edge reverses it into a powerbomb. Edge gets up slowly, and whips Storm into the ropes again. Storm reverses, goes for a superkick, which is blocked and Edge goes for the drop DDT, which is reversed by Storm into a Northern Lights Suplex. Storm for two and half. Storm gets a senton for two and a half. Storm goes to whip Egde across, but edge reverses straight into a downward spiral, but Storm elbows out and tries for a backdrop, but Edge flips over and catches Storm on the turnaround with the downward spiral. Christian runs in and spears Edge, and helps Storm beat him down for the DQ at 9:41. Chris Jericho and the Rock are shown on split screen making their way to the ring. <Commercial Break> WWF Tag Team Titles Steve Austin and Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho and the Rock Jericho and Van Dam start in the ring with a grapple. Mat work, and Jericho gets a headlock. They trade, and then work over the arm. Jericho gets a backslide, but RVD flips over and gets Jericho in a front chancery. Jericho reverses into a hammerlock. RVD climbs the turnbuckle and jumps hard throwing Jericho across the ring. Both men go for a tag, but Stone Cold won’t tag in for RVD. He just turns and does the thumb pointing. RVD turns around and gets some right hands from the Rock, and Rock gives him a whip. RVD reverses and tries coming back, but Rock ducks the clothesline and continues running. The Rock hits the big forearm on the other side, and pulls RVD over to Jericho. Jericho whips RVD across the ropes and RVD tries to come back with a sunset flip, which gets two. RVD takes control and whips Jericho. Leapfrog by RVD and Austin starts taunting the crowd about RVD. RVD does the splits and Jericho jumps over him and goes for a dropkick, but RVD rolls back and slaps Austin, and the ref signals that he’s been tagged in. Austin looks around, then jumps into the ring and gets caught by Jericho. Jericho goes for the Walls, but Austin blocks. Jericho picks Austin back up and works in some chops to the ropes. Jericho whips Austin but Austin reverses and hits the Thesz press and some right hands. He gets up and bounces against the ropes and does the Stone Cold elbow. He tags in Rob, who springboards in with a splash for two. RVD picks up Jericho and whips him across, and hits a superkick for two and a half. RVD punches Jericho back into his corner, and sets Jericho up on the turnbuckle, but Austin tags himself in and gets the superplex for two and a half. Austin with right hands on Jericho in the neutral corner. He whips Jericho across and hits a clothesline in the other corner. Austin brings Jericho out for a neckbreaker and a two count. Rock starts hitting the turnbuckle and getting the crowd into the match. Austin back up with a spinebuster and another two. He bringsa Jericho up, who tries to slug it out with him, but Austin hits a knee to the gut. He drags Jericho over to RVD and tags RVD in. RVD with some shots to the gut. Whip by RVD, but Jericho ducks a clothesline, and hits a jumping guiry kick. Both men are down, and the ref starts a ten count. Rock and Austin get the hot tag and slug it out. Rock whips Austin and hits a spinebuster. He goes for the People’s Elbow, but RVD sweeps him with a leg. Jericho pushes RVD against the ropes and hits a spinebuster on him and goes for the Walls. Austin breaks it up before RVD taps, but Rock gets back and whips him against the ropes. Austin reverses and goes for a stunner, but Rock pushes him against the ropes. Rock hooks the urinage, but RVD breaks that up, and gets dropkicked to the outside by Jericho. Austin tosses the Rock and tries to hit Jericho but Jericho block and hits a release Northern Lights Suplex, and the Walls for the pin at 11:35. Jericho celebrates in the rings as the camera fades off the air. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites