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Guest The Last Free Voice

International Wrestling Battleground

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Guest The Last Free Voice

International Wrestling Battleground- Columbus Ohio


With the state of Independent wrestling the way it is today, something has to change. Indy feds often work against each other, solely out of greed. The IWB is the alternative. With the top stars from all over the world (granted by our working relationships with NJPW, NOAH and several Lucha Libre companies) we will put on the most exiteing, innovative and entertaining cards in the world.


Last Free Voice- Head booker and writer.


More to come….

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Guest The Last Free Voice

PRESS RELEASE- IWB Announces Venue for First Show and More!


International Wrestling Battleground has announced that our first show will be held at The BRAND NEW Battleground Arena in Columbus Ohio. This new auditorium (built specifically for the IWB, but rented to other places) seats 2500, and we expect to fill it out. How can we say something like THAT? Well just look at this talent already signed to compete!


Samoa Joe (Home Promotions: Ring of Honor and the Inoki Dojo)

CM Punk (Ring of Honor)

Chris Daniels (NWATNA)

AJ Styles (NWATNA)

Super Dragon (PWG)

And many more TBA.


Also, we are proud to announce East Coast Bus Trips and West Coast Airline specials, to help accomidate our (sure to be) awesome fans. Email [email protected] for more info.


More updates later this week, including info on some TOP International Stars who will be on our Debut show.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

IWB Release- First Match Signed, New Talent Announced!


The very first match in IWB history has been signed. The opening match of our first show (title to be announced soon) will be a four team elimination match! The first two teams signed are Delirious and Matt Sydal (Home promotions IWA Mid South) and The Enclave, Krys Nytemare and Jacen Martin (Home Grown talents). Two other teams will be announced soon!


Also signed for the show is International Superstar Satoshi Kojima! This hard hitting athlete has been all over the world, and is a former MLW Champion, and has also held multiple titles in Japan. His opponent will be announced shortly.


Nigel McGuiness and Alex Shelley (NWATNA) have both signed on to the show.


Our first tee shirt (Company Logo, seen HERE) will be for sale at the show, and on the site starting the day after!


Our next update will have more matches signed, and talent updates! Check back soon!

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Guest The Last Free Voice

(Yea, I'm resurecting this, cause I CAN)


IWB is proud to announce that SAMOA JOE will be the man to take on Satoshi Kojima at our first show, now titled BATTLEGROUND ZERO.


We'd like to correct a previous statement as it's Krys Nyteshade and Jaycen Martin, who comprise Sacrifice Theory. (What the fuck was I thinking HERE? I mean I fucking CREATED these people...)


That match will be Team GCW (Delirious and Matt Sydal) vs. Sacrifice Theory vs. THE SHADY SHOW of Slim J and Jack Evans vs. The Aerial Express (Quicksilver and Scorpio Sky, of So-Cal fame)


Also signed is a tag match, pitting "Anarchy in the UK" (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuiness) vs. Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley.


CM Punk will take on Super Dragon in a match that Super Dragon has specifically asked for. Why? We don't know. We'll have to find out.


This will most likely be our last update before the big show! Check it out soon!

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Guest The Last Free Voice

International Wrestling Battleground: Battleground Zero 12/18/04

Hosted By Eric Garguilio and Dave Metzler


We fade in from the title screen, which sports the SWANK IWB logo, to see Samoa Joe standing in the ring, arena empty. This of course throws up a red flag, as ROH does this as “Samoa Joe’s ring”. IWB said they won’t be a cheap ROH knock off, so what’s up with this? We soon find out, as Joe is there to talk about his match against Satoshi Kojima, which incidentally happens to be tonight’s main event. He talks about Kojima’s history as a great tag wrestler in Japan, and about Kojima winning the MLW (RIP, at least until next time Court gets funding) Title, and holding it proudly. He basically builds Kojima up as a great fighter, in case some fans haven’t heard or seen him before. He then assures his faithful that he may not be the champ, but he is still Samoa Joe, He still is Pro Wrestling, and He still can’t be beaten.


My thoughts: Good segment, and made the ME feel important. But it still seemed very ROH-ish. Not that that’s a horrible thing, but I do hope they do something to show their own Identity. We then fade out and get the intros for our first match!


MATCH ONE: Team GCW vs. Sacrifice Theory vs. The Shady Show vs. Aerial Express.


Delirious and Sydal are out to Alkaline Trio’s Clavicle, and Delirious is BAAAAHING up already. He does the little run around the ring bit, much to the amusement of Sydal. Next out is The Aerial Express, who have a nice little section, due to the West Coast plane trip. Next out is the Shady Show, to the beats of Eminem’s Bully. And finally it’s Sacrifice Theory, out to the theme of ::gasp:: AFI’s Sacrifice Theory.


This is a tag team elimination match, and expect it to degenerate into a Scramble type affair, even if it doesn’t have the official name. This too seems very ROH like. We’ll see though.


Krys Nyteshade and Matt Sydal start off. They trade wristlocks and flippy counters, and Nyteshade’s stuff all looks very crisp, definitely not what I was expecting from a young kid like this. Nyteshade busts out the first ubercool spot of the match by countering a Sydal hiptoss attempt into a DDT by flipping and catching a DDT on the way down! That gets two. He tosses Sydal off the ropes, and Slim J tags himself in, rushes Nyteshade and EATS LARIAT! Wowzers, he got turned inside out. Nyteshade tags out to Martin, and they hit a double team Blue Thunder bomb, for a two count before Evans saves. Slim roles out of the ring, and apparently it IS scramble rules, as Evans hits a nice high kick and follows it up with a hurracanrana on Martin, who rolls thorough and they do a little trading rollup sequence. That’s a stalemate but Evans follows up with a twisting Enziguri that floors Martin, allowing Scorpio Sky to enter. They trade armdrags and rana’s and standoff, allowing BOTH members of Sacrifice Theory to come in and drop them with Leg Lariats. Sky rolls out, leaving Evans (The Rubber Band Man, according to Eric G.) alone to eat a VICIOUS double team move, where Martin nails a lariat to the back of his neck, and Nyteshade yakuza kicks the FUCK out of him. Evans promply falls over in a pile of skin and bones.


METZLER: Well, Evans is done. Today was NOT a good day, for him at least.


ERIC: I am shocked you even know who Ice Cube is.


METZ: Who?


Quicksilver sneaks in and rolls up Martin for two, but Nyteshade cuts him off and hits a Tiger Suplex, and Rolls thorough.


METZ: Oh! He’s looking for his finish! He calls it the Nytemare Driver, a double chicken wing folded into a Storm Cradle Driver type move!


But Quicksilver counters, and actually gets a victory roll type move for a two count. Delirious breaks it up, and ties him up in a move that can only be called the MISTER SALTY!




Slim breaks THAT up with a stiff kick to the face, drawing a small OOOOH from the crowd. He then hits a bodyslam, followed by a nice standing Moonsault for two. Martin comes in and they trade some nice reversals, with Martin taking it to the mat and locking in “Dragons Wings” (Butterfly Clutch). Sky breaks this up with a dropkick to the back of the head. He goes for a suplex, but Martin counters into a SNAP BRAINBUSTER!


ERIC: Sky just got grounded.


METZ: ::Audible Groan::


Cover gets two before Sydal breaks it up with the LIONTON! Cover is broken up by a Sky 450! Cover by Sky broken up with a Slim J corkscrew Moonsault! Slim J cover broken up by a Nyteshade SHOOTING STAR SENTON! Cover by Nyteshade broken up by a 630 by Evans! Sky Goes for a Shooting Star Press but misses! Jack hits a Standing 360 Shooting Star Press for the three count to put out the Aerial Express!


METZ: So-Cal’s reps in this match are GONE!


Jack is up, and face to face with Matt Sydal. They throw it into FLIP FLOP OVERDRIVE! Soon enough Nyteshade joins it, and its THREE WAY FLIP FLOPERRRY! Sydal dropkicks Evans to the outside, then Alley Oops the oncoming Nyteshade to the outside, and he does a SHOOTING STAR PRESS Mid Alley!



ERIC: Wow! I have NEVER seen anything like THAT before. Who trained this kid?


METZ: I don’t know…


ERIC: Never thought I’d hear you of all people admit that.


While our beloved (snicker) announcers are bickering, Martin and Delirious are going in the ring. Delirious goes for a clothesline, but Martin grabs his arm and locks him in a cobra clutch! He then drops to the mat and while still keeping the cobra clutch type sleeper (I believe it’s called a shadomanaki) he locks in a Border City Stretch style Crossface!


METZ: Now this I do know! This is his patented submission, the Maleus Malificarum! He calls it that because there was a book in the inquzition named the same thing, and it was a torture guide. Or something.


Well the insanely complicated move gets the tap out, as Slim J smartly decided NOT to break it up, choosing instead to nail a Kawadaish high kick on Martin as soon as he stands up and then hits a nice Backdrop suplex! Cover gets two, but Nyteshade saves just as Martin kicks out. Nyteshade goes for a German suplex, but Evans hits a low blow followed by a Running TOTAL ELIMINATION! Nyteshade is folded in two! Martin is up! Slim looks for his rope assisted step up headscissors, but Martin pushes him off and he flips backward, landing HARD on the outside!


ERIC: Slim J just got sent crashing to the outside!


Evans rushes, looking for a Hurracanrana, but Martin catches him, and powers him back up into position for a powerbomb! Evans slides around, however, so he’s facing the same way! (Think that Martin is about to give him and electric chair) Out of NOWHERE Nyteshade springboards from the apron, off the top, and hits a DOOMSDAY INVERTED HURRACANRANA on Evans! Martin covers for the 1…2….3!


Winners: Sacrifice Theory


My thoughts: Good, solid spotfest to open the show. Everyone was on here, and nothing was blown, but it just seemed like a typical ROH scramble. Sacrifice Theory looked really impressive here, and I am left wanting to see more. Slim and Evans looked to have some good chemistry too, so here’s hoping.


We then cut to the locker room, where Sacrifice Theory is in front of the Camera. Apparently they’re the “creepy Goth kids”. Nyteshade is the talker of the group, and it appears Martin is the silent one, as he doesn’t speak here.


“Tonight, tonight was but the first step in a long journey. We hold no delusions about this. But tonight was a win, and a win must be celebrated. You see, the All-Father was with us tonight, and we dedicate this win to him. There will be more.”


My Thoughts: A quick little promo blurb to give the kids some camera time. Nyteshade seems to be a decent talker though.

We then go back to the arena, which is totally darkened. Soon the Sounds of Miseria Cantare by AFI fill the Battleground, and CM Punk enters amiss a mixed chorus of boos and cheers. He stands in the ring, awaiting the man who called him out…


“Epic” by Faith No More blares through the sound system, and SUPER DRAGON enters to a massive pop. Punk balks at this, picking a fight with a fan from ringside as his opponent enters the ring. Introductions are done, and we’re under way!


CM Punk vs Super Dragon.


They lock up, albeit with some hesitation on Punks part, and Punk controls with a wrist lock, which Dragon quickly rolls through and he NAILS Punk with an elbow strike that sends the Straight Edge crusader rolling to the outside to regroup!


FAN: Hey Punk, you got PWNED!


PUNK: Shut the hell up you fat mark!


CROWD: Ohhhh! ::Chanting:: You got Punk’d! You Got Punk’d!


Punk rolls back in the ring, and after taking a moment, locks up again, this time controlling with a side headlock. They work the mat for a while, with Punk controlling for the most part, but Dragon holds his own fairly well.


METZ: What Punk has to do is avoid those VICIOUS strikes from Dragon, and if he can do that, I think he’ll take it.


The match starts to heat up after a few minutes of counter/reversal stuff, as Punk sends Dragon off the ropes, but Dragon reverses and looks for a backdrop, but Punk catches him with his butterfly backbreaker!


ERIC: Punk connects with the Welcome to Chicago!


Punk then proceeds to badmouth the So-Cal superstar, with “Ain’t so tough now, huh?” and the like. He puts the boots to him, but Dragon makes his way to his feet and nails an elbow strike, backing Punk up against the ropes. He shoots him off and on the Rebound he nails an Exploder Suplex! Punk pops back to his feet, dizzy, and EATS LARIAT!


ERIC: And Dragon Decapitates CM Punk with a brutal lariat!


Punk rolls to the far ropes, and Dragon follows. Punk grabs him by the pants and dumps him to the outside!


ERIC: Punk is trying to buy himself some time here, I think.


Dragon quickly gets back up on the apron and looks for a shoulder block, but Punk knees him in the head and hits a neckbreaker across the middle rope! He rolls Dragon inside the ring for a two count. He picks him up and looks for the Mulekick/enziguri combo, but Dragon ducks the Enziguri and locks on an STF to a big pop! Punk fights his way and just makes it to the ropes.


ERIC: And Super Dragon looks to turn this match around with a VIOLENCE PARTY!


That’s right, as CM Punk stands up he’s forced into the corner with some SICK chops and SD looks for the PARTY! But Punk covers up and rolls out of the ring, much to the dislike of the crowd. Dragon, obviously getting frustrated with these slimy antics gives chase. They go around one side of the ring before Punk catches the charging Dragon with a drop toe hold, dropping him throat first across one of the steel rails! Punk rolls him back in the ring and covers for another two.


METZ: Punk needs to look to put Dragon away now, he can’t give him a chance to get back into this match.


And Punk looks for a Stalling suplex, but Dragon falls out the back and looks for a German, but Punk counters with a standing switch and looks for a TIGER suplex, but Dragon breaks out and looks for a Fujiwara Armbar takedown but Punk rolls through and hits a SHINING WIZZZZZZZAAAHHHHH!




Punk, looking calm as ever, picks Dragon back up and puts him in a Hammerlock, then swings around and looks for a DDT!


METZ: He’s looking for the Devil Lock DDT!


But Dragon escapes and hits a BRUTAL Short Arm Clothesline (ala Jake Roberts)! He climbs up to the top!




Cover! 1….2…. NO! Two and Nine Tenths!


METZ: He’s heading back up!


ERIC: What’s Punk doing?! He just kicked the ref into the ropes, crotching Super Dragon! He’s up, and going to the corner! TOP ROPE DEVIL LOCK DDT! THAT IS IT! ONE! TWO! THREE! CM Punk wins it!


Post Match SD looks dejected, and rightfully so. He just called someone out and didn’t deliver!


My Thoughts: A good, but short match. It was pretty much just big move- kickout- big move- kickout stuff. But decent.


We then follow SD to the back, where he nearly KO’s the Camera man. We then go to:


Jacobs and Shelley vs Anarchy In The UK.


Anarchy in the UK is Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness, in case you didn’t know. Two Guesses what their theme music is…


Shelley and Jacobs are out to the theme of “The Touch” from the Transformers Soundtrack. Shelley is less than thrilled that “The Barbaric Bezerker” Jimmy Jacobs, not “I’m gonna kick your ass” Jimmy Jacobs is his partner.


This match could have stolen the show. But it fell on deaf ears after the Super Dragon vs. Punk match, and with a stacked card from here on out, the Crowd didn’t really take to this one.


It was filled with wonky and zany British style work that you’d expect, and I can’t really do it justice here. So I’ll just say that Team UK takes it after a Chaos Theory on Jacobs.


Post match Shelley gives his partner a good tongue lashing.


My Thoughts: Decent, but the lack of heat really hurt it. I guess the British style isn’t for everyone. But I thought these guys did it well.


In the back Team UK Gives us a Short “We’re the best, our style is the best, you Americans better look out” promo. Good for them.


Next we have a match a lot of people came to see.


Bryan Danielson vs Christopher Daniels.


There is quite a little story going on here. These two have quite a history. They practically BUILT ROH in the early months. They also are former IWGP Jr. Tag Champs together. So this should Rock. Let’s get to the match!


Knucklelock/test of strength to start, and Danielson (Dragon from here on out, to keep my sanity) knees away Daniels right arm and grabs a wristlock. Daniels counters into a headlock, and Dragon steps on his calf, dropping the Fallen Angel to one knee so he can gain leverage in a headlock of his own. Daniels sends him off the ropes and drops the American Dragon with a shoulder tackle before bounding off the opposite set of ropes. He looks for a running STO, but Dragon sidesteps and tries to lock in a Crossface! Daniels rolls through and grabs his leg, looking for a single leg crab! He drags him to the middle of the ring and locks in an STF!


ERIC: This could be it already! Daniels has the STF in the middle of the ring!


METZ: Lou Thez invented The STF, but everyone knows that.


But Dragon starts elbowing Daniels in the gut, hard, and repeatedly. Daniels eventually breaks, clutching his ribs. Dragon is clutching at his neck, however.


Both men to their feet at the same time, and Dragon unloads with a European uppercut that backs Daniels up into the ropes. He follows with a gutbuster.


METZ: Obviously he’s working on the ribcage, probably looking to counteract Daniels “BME”.


ERIC: Which of course is The Best Moonsault Ever. So he says.


Dragon follows with a knee to the gut then picks him up for an AIRPLANE spin! He then flips foreward and plants him into the mat and springs to the top rope! SWANDIVE HEADBUTT TO THE RIBS! But he’s holding his neck! Both men are down! Both back up! Dragon with a big forearm strike! And another! ROARING ELBOWWWW! COUNTERED INTO AN S-T-OHHHHHHHH!


METZ: Chris Daniels once again proves why he’s the best wrestler in the world!


Cover gets two. Daniels follows up with a Hangman’s Neckbreaker for another two count. Dragon rises to his feet and is sent off the ropes and Daniels connects with a nice leg lariat, again for two.


ERIC: Daniels is getting frustrated. We’ve gotta be Ten minutes or so into this match, and he still can’t keep Dragon down for anything more than a two count.


Dragon is back up and Daniels hits him with a forearm strike. Dragon just glares back. Again, and Dragon yells at him.


DRAGON: Is that all you got?!


Daniels shoots him off and hits another big forearm, once again no sold, and Dragon is DRAGONING UP! VICIOUS ELBOW STRIKE! ANOTHER! ROLLLLLINGGGG ELLLBOOOOWWWWWW~! DANIELS IS TURNED INSIDE OUT! COVER! ONE! TWO! NO!


Dragon picks Daniels back up and looks for a suplex, but he can’t get it because of the neck! Dragon decided NOT to tempt fate again, and instead swivels Daniels around and looks for a Reverse DDT, but Daniels counters into the LAST RITES! COVER! ONE!!! TWO!!! DING DING DING? WTF? TIME LIMIT DRAW?


Damn. That match just started going. And they do a fifteen minute time limit draw. Jeeze.


My Thoughts: Grrr… They better do a flipping rematch. But what was here was good. Guess they have SOMETHING in mind. MOTN thus far, even without a real ending.


They do the mid ring stand off and then head to the back, where the Shady Show is talking.


SLIM: Yo, we got played to night homie.


EVANS: Word, we need us some guidance. I know just the guy…


We then fade out to…


AJ Styles vs Chris Hero.


AJ offers a handshake to start, which Hero reluctantly accepts. I’m not going to do a ton of PBP, because a lot of this match is the in depth counter/reversal stuff Hero does very well. This bothers some, and sometimes it gets kinda boring, but it works here.


AJ keeps up well, but it is clear (not only in the story of the match, but also in terms of straight up talent) that Hero is superior on the mat.


At about 5:00 in, AJ tries to up the tempo by looking for his Leapfrog/Dropkick spot, but Hero swats him away and goes to a headlock, shutting down Styles first attempt at a rally.


Hero goes about working the neck in his typical, somewhat boring way, with lots of holds, and even teasing the cravat/hangman’s clutch once or twice. He’s actually playing a psudo-heel here, taunting AJ with a few open hand slaps and a “Phenom? Meh!”


AJ plays the fiery face role well, as usual. His hope spots (Pele kick, Stylin’ DDT) get a nice pop, as do the subsequent near falls. The crowd isn’t as rabid as they were for Super D vs. Punk or Am Drag vs. Daniels, however.


They start trading big moves, with Hero failing to get the win with the Hero Sandwich, and Styles nailing the Styles Special #1 for a two count each.


The finish comes when Hero locks in the Hangman’s clutch for the tap out, even after Styles fought valiantly to get to the ropes. Kinda fell flat here.


Post match Hero soaks in the fans applause, a little to enthusiastic. AJ offers a handshake again, saying “You’re the Better man” (Great camera work, I can read his lips.) But Hero brushes him off and goes to the back, still celebrating.


My Opinion: Decent, but nothing mind blowing, and slightly disappointing. But Hero’s psudo Heel act was a nice change of pace.


CM Punk is in the back, a smirk on his face.


PUNK: Tonight I showed what I’ve been saying for a long time. I win big matches. Tonight I got CALLED OUT. Tonight I was challenged by one of California’s top young stars. Tonight I took that challenge head on, and I WON. But I didn’t just win, I made a STATEMENT. I Showed that I am here to DOMINATE the IWB. So everyone needs to watch out.


Samoa Joe may be in the big “main event” tonight, against Kojima, but know this Joe. Friendship or not, I am NOT going to stand back and let you run this federation. So Joe, whenever the time comes, where you and I have to face you in the ring, I will NOT back down, and I will not let you run rampant here. Whoever steps in my way will be crushed. I will not be stopped. I CAN NOT be stopped. So Super Dragon, Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, or whoever else wants a piece of me, bring it on. Because I win big matches, and I am still better than all of you…


(Capitalization for emphasis)


From that intense promo we head to our big main event.


Samoa Joe vs Satoshi Kojima.


People from The Dojo (NJPW’s Stateside School) as well as some dignitaries from AJPW are in attendance. Joe comes out to “Nobody” by Skindred, and receives a big pop. Satoshi Kojima enters the Battleground to his AJPW theme. Ring introductions and both get pelted with Streamers.


(I’m going to go with the recap style here too, just because it’s easier. Tell me what style you like better, mmmkay?)


Respectful handshake to start, and they do the little lockup/break/lockup/break bit. Then a test of strength is a stalemate. Lockup again, and Kojima controls with a headlock. They do the little shoulder block bit, and Joe wins that. They then go to the strikes, which is where the meat of this match lies. They start LAYING them into each other, with Kojima seeming to get the upper hand. Joe is on the defensive, backing up into the corner for a break more than once.


Joe realizes something needs to change. After one particular Elbow strike that was followed up with a DDT for 2, Joe rolls to the outside to regain himself. He then looks at the camera and WINKS. The commentators flip out, of course.


When Joe comes back in the ring, he’s all smiles, much to the confusion of Kojima. When they lock up again, Joe begins to work on Kojima’s arm. Armbars, wristlocks, kicks, the whole nine yards.


The match goes on like this, with them trading some big moves in the typical Japanese style, for five or so minutes.


This match really kinda drags for a while, and Joe hits an Island Driver for the win. (Sorry, I just REALLY want to get this done so I can move on)


My Thoughts: Just not my type of wrestling.


OVERALL: A good show, but didn’t really have much to set it apart from every other Indy “Supershow” this year. Hope their next show works better.

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Guest Real F'n Show

I figured you needed some replies, so I present to you...




I like the recap style better. Not because your in-depth writing was bad, it's just it sometimes gets boring reading all that when you can't actually see it. The same goes for writing all of that.


Didn't know if you noticed, and it's no big deal, just wanted to point out you called Meltzer "Metzler". ;)


A couple of slight flaws I noticed, and I call this 'constructive criticism', but you had people breaking up pinfalls in an elimination match in the opener. I know this happens in real life also, but it really bothers me.


I'm liking your tag teams. The made up goth dudes seem to have great movesets, and Anarchy in the UK and the Shady Show are really good ideas for tag teams.


I don't know if you wanted it to come off this way or not, but a lot of the "big" matches really came off as disappointing if this was an actual show. Punk/Dragon, AJ/Hero, and Joe/Kojima all kinda sounded bleh, and the ending to Dragon/Daniels SUCKED. I wanted more :)


Hopefully you'll do a little more to separate this from being a ROH rip-off, I look forward to what your plans are.


I like the roster thus far. Hopefully adding guys like Low Ki, Homicide, Spanky, and even possibly Paul London will make it better. You can get a lot of quality matches out of the guys you already have too.


All in all, an enjoyable read, and I will continue reading these shows. Good work.

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Guest The Last Free Voice
I like the recap style better. Not because your in-depth writing was bad, it's just it sometimes gets boring reading all that when you can't actually see it. The same goes for writing all of that.


I think that's what I'm going to stick with.


Didn't know if you noticed, and it's no big deal, just wanted to point out you called Meltzer "Metzler". ;)


They should pull my smark card for that. I was more worried with fucking up Eric G's name, which I'm sure I did.


A couple of slight flaws I noticed, and I call this 'constructive criticism', but you had people breaking up pinfalls in an elimination match in the opener. I know this happens in real life also, but it really bothers me.


Yea, it bothers me too, but I didn't realize it untill I had done it, so chalk it up to Ego's on the part of the young teams, all wanting to get the first pinfall in IWB history. :P


I don't know if you wanted it to come off this way or not, but a lot of the "big" matches really came off as disappointing if this was an actual show. Punk/Dragon, AJ/Hero, and Joe/Kojima all kinda sounded bleh, and the ending to Dragon/Daniels SUCKED. I wanted more :)


Well I was kinda saddled with some issues of unfamiliarity with Dragon and Hero, because I've never seen their matches. And the actual stats for the EWR matches weren't that great either. But Dragon/Daniels was supposed to be that way, trust me with that one. Joe Kojimia came off that way, again, because I'm not too familiar with big man "puro" style matches, and I thought that is what they would have worked.


Hopefully you'll do a little more to separate this from being a ROH rip-off, I look forward to what your plans are.


That's my biggest problem. I'm such a big fan of ROH style "PRO WRESTLING FIRST BITCH!" booking, that I'm gonna have to stretch my brain to find something different, but rest assured, I shall.


I like the roster thus far. Hopefully adding guys like Low Ki, Homicide, Spanky, and even possibly Paul London will make it better. You can get a lot of quality matches out of the guys you already have too.


Keep checking the "Website". You never know who could show up. Did you know Pro Wrestling NOAH is on tour through the end of January though? ;)


All in all, an enjoyable read, and I will continue reading these shows. Good work.


Thanks alot! And thanks for reading too.

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Guest The Last Free Voice



1/1/05- The International Wrestling Battleground is proud to announce our second show, WHERE EAGLES DARE, will take place from the Battlezone in Columbus Ohio on 1/22/05.


For this sure to be huge show, CM Punk has issued an OPEN CHALLENGE for anyone in the wrestling world to show up and knock him off the top of the mountain here in IWB. Who will show up? WE DONT KNOW! But we've recieved several calls about it, and rest assured, you wont be disapointed.


Sacrifice Theory, on a roll after scoring the first win in IWB history, will be at the show, this time in a straight up tag match. They want to prove they aren't just "High Flying white kids" like alot of tag teams these days.


Also Signed for the show are: Chris Hero, Alex Shelley, Jimmy Jacobs, and Super Dragon. Stay tuned for more!

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Guest The Last Free Voice



We are proud to announce several outstanding talents will be making their debut on 1/22. Mexico's Most Wanted, Damien 666 and Halloween, are one of the top tag teams in Lucha Libre, and they will be making their IWB debut against So-Cal lucha style wizards The Aerial Express!


Also making his debut will be Nick Gage, who is an international star, best known for his brutal hardcore bouts. But he is in the IWB to prove he is more than just a "garbage wrestler".


Samoa Joe does not have a match for the upcoming show, and he is not happy about it. But he says he WILL be in attendance. So we'll see what happens.


We at the IWB have been getting SWAMPED with calls from wrestlers of all sorts for CM Punk's open Challenge. More info will be up as soon as we wade through all the resumes and stuff we've been sent.

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Guest The Last Free Voice



We are excited to announce that So Cal Superstar SUPER DRAGON will take on Midwest Superstar CHRIS HERO, at our first show of the year. This is poised to be an early MOTYC.


Sacrifice Theory will take on Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley. Word around the offices is that Shelley isn't happy with having to team with Jacobs again.


Check back soon for more!

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Miss me? No? Well humor me and say you did anyway. Sorry for this taking forever, but school and starting to work and the seven zillion other writing projects I'm doing kinda bumped this backward, but here it is in all it's glory.




IWB: Where Eagles Dare- 1/22/05


Well after last month’s show, this one looks kinda iffy. Definitely not as stacked, but that could be a good thing. We’ll see.


To open the tape we get a Promo with Chris Daniels (In Curry Man gear, minus the mask) in Japan, and who walks in, but Bryan Danielson! The gist of it is that Danielson wants a rematch, but they’ll still work together to try to win the IWGP Jr. Tag Titles. Okay then.


Next we get clips of the “Dark Match”.


Team GCW vs The Shady Show.


We only see about three or four minutes of this one, but everyone looked good. Sydal and Delirious picked up the win with the Invetro Fertilization followed by a Shooting Star Press. We saw clips of the opening feelout/flip flop, the train wreck, and the finish. Post match we get another “We Need help” promo.


My Thoughts: Clipjob, but I’d like to see a full match rematch.


Next we head to the back and see CM Punk lobbying with some dude in a suit to find out who is accepting his open challenge. He doesn’t find out. Now we head to the ring for our first match of the main card!


Mexico's Most Wanted vs Aerial Express.


Mexico’s Most Wanted is Damien 666 and Halloween, for those who don’t know. They’re one of the top tag teams in Mexican Indy hotbed Tijuana. This should be an interesting So Cal Lucha hybrid vs. Straight Up Lucha match.


And that’s exactly what we get. It’s obvious MMW is better at it, and they absolutely OWN the youngsters. The crowd is eating up the Lucha Goodness, and I can’t blame them. Too much action to call, but MMW play the Vets very well, and the AXP play the overmatched but persistent youngin’s well. They get a couple of hope spots, including a nice double dive to the outside, but in the end fall prey to a Halloween Moonsault.


The Rating: Good match, but Lucha is a little outside of my range of expertise.


Next we throw to the back, where Sacrifice Theory are in a dark locker room. They cut a nice little (but creepy) promo on Jacobs and Shelley. Nyteshade has a weird line with “We will string you up, like so many dead raccoons, by your bloody furry feet”. Those boys ain’t right.


Next up?


Sacrifice Theory vs Jacobs and Shelley.


Another Tag match? That’s kind of uncool, as the fans seemed to be getting restless. But these four are capable of putting on a great match, and they try to do so here, but fall a bit short. ST do the uber cool double team Heel spots on JJ, who plays the Face in peril well, but the fact that Shelley’s doing the “heel partner stuck with face” thing kinda brings it down. BUT ANYWAAAAY:


Match starts off with Martin (who bears an UNCANNY resemblance to Chris Hero, just picture him slightly shorter, and with darker hair) and Shelley doing some SWANK chain wrestling stuff NON STOP for about three and a half minutes. The crowd, by this point, SHOULD be on their feet, but they’re not. (Say what you will about the ROH Crowds, but they would have been GONZO for that sequence) IWB needs to start “training” its fans for this stuff. Martin starts getting the better of Shelley, so Shelley up and tags out, leaving Jacobs to get taken down to the mat and setting off the Face in peril segment. Sacrifice Theory bust out some nice double teams, including a Lung Popper/Gory Bomb and a Near Death Experience (Powerbomb/Blockbuster first made “famous” by Julio and Punk in TNA) but Jacobs keeps kicking out. Sacrifice Theory are obviously working on the neck of Jacobs (possibly to set up Nyteshade’s Nytemare Driver…) and they’re using quite a nice variety of neckbreaking moves, including Martin hitting a widows peak into an over the knee facejam. ST look for a double backdrop, but surprisingly, (not) Jacobs kicks Martin and Furry Yakuza’s Nyteshade and makes the tag.


Shelley comes in with a fire lit under his ass, supposedly looking to win the match for his team. He nails the “It Came From Japan” on Martin then just PLANTS Nyteshade with a BRUTAL Shellshock! He lands Perpendicular! Cover! 1…2…NO! Nyteshade barely kicks out. Shelley looks to the heavens in Frustration (he has talent on loan from God, you know…) and doesn’t see Nyteshade sneak up behind him (so much for that awesome job of sticking to the tag rules they were doing…) and nail a German Suplex! Nyteshade turns around and EATS A DIVING RANA FROM JIMMY JACOBS! Jacobs turns to Martin! ELBOW! ELBOW! HUSSSSING ELLLLBOOOWWWW! COUNTERED! He takes him down into his finishing Hold, the Maleous Malificarum! (It’s basically Shelley’s border City Stretch, but with a half necktie/straight jacket… It’s pretty grizzly.) Nyteshade holds back Shelley and Jacobs has no choice but to tap!


Post match Shelley gives his partner a nice tongue lashing.




JACOBS: (Sadly) Huss?


My thoughts: A good tag match, which used the RnR formula well, up until the breakdown at the end. Plus the whole “Heel and Face team” thing, and the fact this was the THIRD tag match in a row kind killed the crowd… But solid in ring work here.



Next Nick Gage hits the ring, and cuts a typical “I’m not just a garbage guy” promo. Then the lights go out. Joy. And when the come up NECRO BUTCHER is in the ring POUNDING on Gage with BARBED WIRE on his arm! Jeeze. AND A REF IS HITTING THE RING? WTF?


I guess we have:


Necro Butcher vs Nick Gage.


Necro is just unloading with barbed wire forearm shots to the back and then goes to the CROSSFACE forearms to the head, drawing our first blood.


ERIC: So I guess this is a Deathmatch then?


Gage fires back with some forearms of his own, and then hits an exploder suplex and TEES OFF~! Necro pushes him off and looks for a haymaker, but Gage ducks and dumps him on his head with a WICKED backdrop! Necro practically FALLS out of the ring, and Gage gives chase. Gage promptly commandeers a chair from a ringside fan and WAFFLES Necro with it. Ouchie. Necro crawls around, going under the ring, apparently looking for cover? Come on, I thought this guy was supposed to be badass? Oh, nevermind, he just pulled out the plunder! LIGHT TUBE TO THE HEAD! GAGE WON’T GO DOWN! KICK TO THE GROIN AND ANOTHER TUBE TO THE HEAD! STILL NOT GOING DOWN! DDT ONTO THE CONCRETE! GAGE IS OUT!


He rolls him back in the ring (Why, I don’t know…) and only gets Two? Necro then grabs a barbed wire board and sets it up in the corner, and launches Gage at it, but Gage reverses and NAILS a STIFF running high kick and follows it with three of the sickest bootscrapes I’ve ever seen. I mean, COME ON, that ain’t right. Cover gets…. Two. Gage looks for a Suplex, but Necro falls out and nails a nice headbutt that drops Gage. Necro grabs a chair and nails Gage, then hits a running chair-elbow! Cover only gets two. Necro then just starts UNLOADING with Punches that look just as brutal as the chairshots. A right cross drops Gage for two and a half. Necro continues with the punching and bodyslamming, and all that jazz, until Gage takes back over with his STRONG STYLE COMEBACK! This leads to Gage hitting his Hardcore Drop Brainbuster through a barbed wire table for the win!


Postmatch: They keep fighting all the way to the back.


My Thoughts: Gonzo Brawl. Not my cup of tea, but hey, it worked well…


And now we go to the back, where CM Punk has commandeered a camera. He cuts a KILLER promo running down whoever his opponent is, Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, The Pope, George Bush, Super Dragon, Ryan Seacrest, that pussy from Good Charlotte and Samoa Joe again. Must be heard to be believed.


Next up we have what could be a show stealer!

Chris Hero vs. Super Dragon.


Crowd is hot for both men, in a totally hetero way, of course. Hero is still doing his whole tweener deal.


Dueling “Let’s go Hero” and “Let’s go Dragon” chants to start, but Hero ignores his while SD plays his up.


This was a very smart match. The main story of the match is Hero working over SD’s arm, to neutralize his killer strikes. Dragon fights from behind, making his comebacks smartly.


The match starts off with some lockup/test of strength stuff that Hero controls. Dragon tries his So-Cal Lucha flip-out stuff, but Hero stays in control. Dragon obviously can’t hang with him on the ground, so he decided to forgo that and just elbow strike the HELL out of Hero. He just UNLOADS on him, backing him into a corner and throwing a VIOLENCE PARTY! Hero takes a powder to regroup.


Now Hero is no slouch in the striking department, so he decides to try and go strike for strike with the So-Cal superstar, unloading with some elbow strikes of his own. This only pisses SD off though, and Hero has to change tactics and sneak in a kick to the gut followed by a Divorce court! This starts off the armwork.


Hero controls the pacing of the match with his various holds (arm wringer, short arm scissors, cross armbar etc) and a shoulder breaker here and there. He gets an “Arm Stunner” (Sitting Arm breaker) and looks to send him off the ropes, but SD reverses and connects with a hurracanrana! Exploder suplex by SD! Cover gets two! Dragon heads up top and looks for his double stomp to the head, but Hero moves and sneaks up behind him when he lands and locks in a Fujiwara armbar to stop SD’s comeback short. Dragon Makes the ropes, however.


Now Hero starts getting creative, hitting a hammerlock backdrop suplex that looks like it breaks SD’s wrist (but it doesn’t) and a bridging hammerlock hold. Dragon still won’t tap, and Hero is getting frustrated. Hero just STOMPS on SD’s hand. Not nice. Some Samoa Joe-ish Kawada kicks to the arm follow, and he looks for another Fujiwara armbar takedown but SD rolls through and BLASTS him with a Yakuza kick! A PALMSTRIKE~! Sends Hero to the corner and SD sets him up top for a SUPER HURRACANRANA! SD to the other corner! DOUBLE STOMP CONNECTS! COVER! ONE! TWO! NO!


Dragon looks for a Brainbuster, but Hero falls out, does a complicated British Reversal and hits a second divorce court! Cover for two. Hero looks for a shoulder breaker, Dragon falls out and looks for a reverse DDT, Hero counters but SD knees him in the gut and hits the SUPERNATURAL DRIVER! COVER~! ONE! TWO! NO! HE GOT A FOOT ON THE ROPE! Dragon is PISSED!




My Opinion: Great match. They told the story awesomely, with SD not being able to finish with the PDII because of his arm, and the little things throughout the match made this one great. The finishing sequence got the crowd hot, too. MOTN thus far. But Punk is still up…


Speaking of, next we get Punk’s entrance, which is still the best on the Indies. He gets in the ring and say’s it’s time. So then PAUL LONDON comes out to accept his challenge, to a nice pop. Punk gives him his props, but says he still will crush him. Ref hits the ring and the match is ON!


CM Punk vs. Paul London.


We get another smartly worked match, and this time we get a nice hot crowd. London offers a handshake to start, but Punk blows him off, saying, “This isn’t Philly, Paulie boy.”


The beginning of the match is a struggle for control of the tempo, as London wants to use his flippity flop and Punk wants to work a more methodical style. London controls early with armdrags and a nice back heel kick before Punk powders to slow him down. Back in they lock up, working some nice spots off a test of strength to show how evenly matched they are. London tries to speed it up again with some rope running, but Punk gets a knee to the gut to stop him and goes right to work on the ribcage. The announcers do a good job of explaining exactly why he’s doing this, to stop the London Calling SSP and set up the Pepsi Plunge.


Punk gets right to business, nailing a variation of the Welcome To Chicago backbreaker, this time hitting his knee across the ribs instead of spine. He also locks in an abdominal stretch and gives London the badmouth.


PUNK: Welcome Back London! Glad Vince let ya go?


London hiptosses him out of it and then hits a hurracanrana for two. London tries to go STRONG STYLE with the forearms, but Punk cuts him off with a knee to the gut and a pumphandle gutbuster! Nice. London gets back to his feet but Punker drops him again with the Pepsi Twist for a two count! Punk then locks him in a psudo-surfboard before giving the crowd the “west side” hand signal and nailing a CURBSTOMP! (Was that a barb at Super Dragon, who he beat last month?) London’s selling is awesome here, by the way, but that is to be expected. Cover gets two.


Punk remains smug, shooting the camera contempt looks throughout. He picks up London and hits a STUN GUN~! And then a Falcon Arrow as he picks him off the top rope! London does the “Standing on Rubber legs” sell and Punk SPEARS him out of his boots! Cover gets 2 and ½ .


This is where London makes his first comeback, as Punk looks for a reverse Double Under hook but London rolls through for a two count. He then launches off a nice back heel kick and Enziguri for two counts. He then hits his Leg trap DDT for another two, and the crowd is HOT! He picks Punk up but Punk CHEATS and goes to the eyes and hits London’s own Waffle Face move on him! (That got an ooooh from the crowd) Cover gets two!


Punk heads up top(?!) and looks for a split legged Moonsault! (That is a move he did a lot in his early career, which he called the Crooked Moonsault, which some people think CM stands for. I prefer C. Montgomery myself…) but London gets HIS knees up! London with a jackknife powerbomb! Punk reverses! Rollup reversal sequence leads to Punk hitting a SHINING WIZARD! 1…2…2.99! Wow, the crowd (and yours truly) thought that was IT! Punk picks him up but London has FIGHTING SPIRIT! And fires back with more forearms! He drops Punk with a legsweep and goes for the LONDON CALLING! PUNK GETS KNEES UP! PUNK SETS HIM UP TOP! PEPSI PLUNNNNNNGE! CONNECTS! ONE! TWO! THREE! PUNK WINS IT!


My Thoughts: Great match. Probably upper three to four stars. MOTN, for sure. Crowd ate it up. Punk played the cocky asshole well, and London is AWESOME at the Firey Babyface role. Gotta love it.




First we get a big black screen, with the words LOW KI: COMING NEXT MONTH scroll into view. Nice.


Next we Head to Samoa Joe, who has words for CM Punk. He promised they’d face off next month, apparently dubbed Hysteria.


Now we see Alex Shelley on a cell phone. He’s talking to someone. All we hear is him talking about getting a room for Jacobs… somewhere. Dunno.




A good show, but once again, the crowd kinda kills it. Plus I heard they are losing money, so that’s not good. I hope they pull through. See ya Next month at Hysteria!

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Guest Real F'n Show



Wow, I REALLY love the idea of the tape review style of recapping. Keep that up.


I like how your mixing it up a bit more with the lucha, deathmatches, and technical style. Sets you apart from being just "ROH Rip-off #107".


Sacrifice Theory are sounding like a team that would be fun to watch, with their flashy movesets and all. Cool stuff.


Don't really approve of the "Shelley bad-mouthing Jacobs after their tag match that Jacobs lost" deal. It's been done like 5 times already on the indies.


Necro Butcher is awesome, good work on bringing him in.


I really liked how you implemented psychology into your fantasy matches, most fantasy writers always forget to do that, but it really adds to the match when you use it. Props.


Hero/Dragon and Punk/London both sounded great. I'm kinda questioning Punk going over London, but it's your fed, I'll see what you pull out.


Low Ki should be a good addition to the fed, can't wait for that.


Good stuff overall man, please continue this.

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Guest The Last Free Voice



Today the IWB matchmakers have signed Delirious and Matt Sydal to take on Alex Shelley and Jimmy Jacobs. There have been some tensions rising between the loveable Bezerker and that dasterdly Shelley, so this should be an interesting match!


Also slated to appear are CM Punk, Samoa Joe, Paul London, Super Dragon and in his IWB debut... LOW KI! Check back for more updates soon!

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