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Guest Essa_Angelico

Resident Evil 4

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Guest Essa_Angelico

Hey guys,


Found two trailers (each about 6 mins long) that show the little part of the game, I've watched them both and have been impressed about how the game puts you in the deep end immediatly.


What do you guys think.


Trailer 1 http://www.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_res...tevil4_gp2.html


Trailer 2 http://www.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_res...tevil4_gp1.html



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For once, I beg. Give me a zombie survival game that doesn't involve me solving some damn mystery but just involves me getting the hell out of the city ALIVE!


You know, like that all too short level of Outbreak.

That was fun.


The rest of the game wasn't, but that first level was.


Give me that and no more of this "UMBRELLA" bull.


Just guns, zombies, supplies and getting out of the damn city!

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For once, I beg. Give me a zombie survival game that doesn't involve me solving some damn mystery but just involves me getting the hell out of the city ALIVE!


You know, like that all too short level of Outbreak.

That was fun.


The rest of the game wasn't, but that first level was.


Give me that and no more of this "UMBRELLA" bull.


Just guns, zombies, supplies and getting out of the damn city!

It isn't the puzzles that annoy me--it's that I love the scary factor that moaning zombies bring...and I can buy other zombie infected animals. The problem starts with the unrealistic creatures...there's something about the hunters, giant spiders and centipedes, and the other unrealistic creatures that kills the mood. Nothing gets my pulse going like knowing there's a plain old zombie lurching after me. I understand how that doesn't make for a good game--there would be no "boss" characters and fighting one kind of enemy would get too repetative--so I don't know what the solution would be.


Although, the shackled zombie Lisa in the original R.E. that tracked you down periodically was pretty scary too. Maybe more things like that would work.

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