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New Japan booker resigns

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Just another reason to why NJPW is going down the drain faster now than ever before........

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That's pretty sweet, anything equivalent to Stephanie McMahon getting kenka booted is good.


But seriously, Uei was on the board as a booker for what about 6 months? he must have been responsible for the whole Tenzan teaser which to this day pisses me off, Jeez even Chono would have been a better choice than Sasaki since at least he is trying to "poison" NJ.


Maybe somehow we'll get Chono back as a booker or even Yuji Nagata for better kicks.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Honestly, I don't know why Chono isn't doing the booking anyway. I know that him and Inoki don't see eye to eye on the worked shoots, but in the position they are in now..........they should try anything to shake things up. Especially because there might be plenty of people leaving after their contracts are up and THAT will probably put a nail in their coffin..............at least with things looking the way they are.........

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Guest Black Tiger

It seems fitting that its been such a roller coaster ride for NJPW this year, and the twists and turns keep on coming. I personally hope Chono gets control again, but don't rule out the possibility of a previously successful booker, who just recently showed up in New Japan at the big show ;)

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I wouldn't rule that out at all BT. Do you really think they would give it to Choshu?

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I think Chono or Liger would probably be the best choice for them right now. Liger is usually pretty solid other than overpushing himself.

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Guest ArchoanJB

Wait, Liger...overpushes himself?? Thats gotta be the funniest thing I've heard in a while. He hasn't had ANY title shot in almost a year and hasn't challenged for the IWGP Jr. Title in like 2-3 years. If anything he's one of the least worker/booker that puts himself over. IMO he's actually underpushing himself at times.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Liger has in the past overpushed himself. Considering that he just held the GHC Jr. title for a decent run before dropping it over the summer I wouldn't say he hasn't had ANY title shot in the last year. All workers that are bookers put themselves over period........

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Personally I never minded Liger's accopmlishments. I always saw them fitting for a man that was pushed strong since the 90's. I'm sure damn pleased that he didnt stepped down in any way and became what Samurai has been for the past few years, ugh.


Considering that NOAH doesnt have any internationally known/legendary juniors, it was in their best interest to have made Liger into a champ who would later pass it down to Kanemaru who I'm betting will have a very long reign this time.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Personally I never minded Liger's accopmlishments. I always saw them fitting for a man that was pushed strong since the 90's. I'm sure damn pleased that he didnt stepped down in any way and became what Samurai has been for the past few years, ugh.


Considering that NOAH doesnt have any internationally known/legendary juniors, it was in their best interest to have made Liger into a champ who would later pass it down to Kanemaru who I'm betting will have a very long reign this time.

I'm not disputing that stuff Sin, I was just making the point that saying that he hasn't recieved ANY title shots is just untrue.

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Guest Black Tiger

I hope that part about Kanemaru having a long reign doesn't come true. I like the guy just fine, but he never steps it up in the big matches the same way KENTA, Marufuji, or Kikuchi do when they're in there. His last reign was plenty long enough, Wasn't it June/July 2002 when he won it? He lost it in March of 2003.


The only occurance I've ever really though of Lyger overpushing himself was the 2000 Super J Cup. I don't think it would have killed him to put over Tiger Mask, or CIMA. But then again, Lyger may not have even booked it. Lyger's BOSJ 2001 win was a bit of a shocker to me. But looking at his track record, it was only the 3rd he ever won, out of ten years worth of tournments.


Kido, I don't think Chosyu would get the role, but never say never with New Japan. Its pretty odd timing, that Chosyu comes back, right before Uei steps down. Hopefully, whoever takes over, keeps doing what the new President is doing and slowing down the Tanahashi/Nakamura/Shibata push. I'm all for pushing younger guys, but not at the rate they were getting pushed at.

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Yeh he held it from May '02 to March '03 but with only 3 defenses and all taking place in 2002. I just watched his match against Low-ki and it was pretty hot.


Somohow Kanemaru always convinced me with his style and look. While Kenta and Maru would go around with the underdog ways of defending the belt and winning matches Kanemaru can play the junior bully role as well as the hardass wrestler role virtually against anyone.


He just fits the NOAH junior title perfectly since he isnt too old nor too young to be the ace champ that younger stars could hunt for.

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