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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Smackdown (5/2/02)

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Guest Your Olympic Hero


Billy Kidman vs. Sho Funaki


The crowd pops huge for Kidman as he makes his way to the ring.  Kaz Hayashi accompanies Funaki to the ring, and both are wearing Kaientai t-shirts.  Match starts off slow with a lot of takedowns, escapes, and reversals.  Kidman goes for a leapfrog over Funaki, but Funaki grabs him in midair and hits a stun gun for a two count.  He goes to the apron and hits a slingshot legdrop for two.  He throws Kidman over the top rope and distracts the ref.  Hayashi puts the boots to Kidman and whips him into the ring steps, shoulder first.  Kidman makes it back into the ring at an 8 count, and Funaki locks on a crucifix armbar.  Kidman makes it to the ropes, but Funaki dropkicks the shoulder three times.  Tajiri makes his way down to the ring with Torrie and exchanges pleasantries with Hayashi.  Funaki makes the classic mistake of putting his head down after whipping Kidman into the ropes, and Kidman gets a sunset flip for a near fall.  Funaki dropkicks the shoulder again, twists the arm, and takes him down with the crucifix armbar again.  Kidman breaks the crucifix and battles his way up in the armbar.  Funaki whips him into the ropes, Kidman ducks a clothesline, and hits a spinning kick to the jaw on the way back.  He goes for a bodyslam but his shoulder is hurting and Funaki slips over.  Funaki spins Kidman around, gets a kick to the gut, and goes for a powerbomb.  Everyone knows the rule about powerbombing Kidman.  You just cannot do it.  Kidman hits the facebuster and goes up for the shooting star press, which as always, gets a huge pop.  But, Tajiri is yelling at Torrie on the outside and that gets Kidman’s attention.  Kidman walks over and Tajiri gets up on the apron.  Funaki is coming up from behind and Tajiri spits the green mist at Kidman.  Kidman ducks and Funaki catches it in the face.  One snap suplex and a shooting star press later, Kidman is your winner at 7:00.  Tajiri is pissed and leaves, pulling Torrie behind him, who has a slight smile on her face.


Paul Heyman comes out to the ring with “The Next Big Thing” Brock Lesnar.  He talks about how no career can be complete without the guidance of Paul Heyman.  Lesnar removes his shirt to reveal a Dangerous Alliance t-shirt on under it.  Heyman says he’s not done yet.  He is going to introduce two more members, who have been horribly misused in the WWF after leaving ECW.  The Dudley Boyz music hits, and they come to the ring to a huge pop.  Then the fans turn on them as they get on the microphone and run down almost everyone in the arena.  They say that Paul Heyman made them and every other wrestler in the ECW locker room.  They take off their tie-dyed Dudley shirts to reveal black and red Dangerous Alliance shirts as well.  Spike Dudley comes out and pleas with his brothers not to turn their backs on him again.  They say they wouldn’t be turning their backs, because they have a shirt ready for Spike too.  Spike doesn’t take the shirt, so Bubba powerbombs him from inside the ring through the announce table on the outside.  He says that’s good, because they wouldn’t have let Spike in anyway.  The Dangerous Alliance will be a force to be reckoned with; and everyone will respect every member.  They will start with The Dudleys winning back their tag team titles in the tournament, followed by Brock Lesnar continuing to rip through the singles competition.  Heyman also adds that they will add two more members in the coming weeks.  



Test vs. Tazz


Heyman stays at ringside for this and does commentary.  He talks about how Tazz has completely lost his edge since leaving ECW.  He used to be “The One Man Crime Spree” and “The Human Suplex Machine”, but now he’s nothing but a fat shadow of his former self.  Tazz cleans house with suplexes before getting caught in a tilt-a-while slam from Test.  Test sets up for the big boot, but Tazz ducks and hits a t-bone Tazzplex.  He calls for the Tazzmission and locks it in.  Test fights to get out and they fall through the ropes.  Tazz lets go of the hold and goes for an Irish whip into the ring post.  Test reverses and Tazz hits face first.  A dazed Tazz turns around and catches the boot to the face.  Test rolls him into the ring and hits a top rope elbowdrop for the win at a short 3:56.  Heyman just says “Pitiful… he used to be something” and walks to the back.



Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo vs. Raven & Perry Saturn


Huge heel heat for Billy & Chuck, and Raven & Saturn’s cult sort of following continues to grow.  Chuck is in first with Saturn, and Saturn completely outwrestles him.  Both men make a tag, and Raven outclasses Billy.  The heels step to the outside for a group hug and a chat with Rico, and Billy rolls back in at the 8 count.  He offers Raven a handshake, but before Raven can make up his mind, Billy kicks him in the gut.  Raven plays face in peril for a minute or two before making the tag to Saturn.  Saturn hits both heels with suplex variations.  A brawl breaks out, and Saturn throws Chuck out of the ring as Raven and Billy brawl on the outside.  Billy smashes Raven’s head into the ring steps followed by a Famouser on the outside to take out Raven.  Rico even tries to interfere, but catches a death valley driver for his troubles.  This distraction allows Chuck to hit the superkick followed by a spike piledriver for the heels in a surprisingly clean win at 5:59.  The fans don’t like this.  Raven comes in with an Evenflow DDT for both Billy and Chuck to a big pop after the match.  


JR comes out to the ring for an interview.  He introduces former World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion, “The Crippler” Chris Benoit!  Benoit talks about his injury and how he was just about to make it to the top of the ladder before he got hurt.  He says he is ready to pick up right where he left off.  He started on Monday with Chris Jericho, and will continue next Thursday on Smackdown against Jericho once again.  Then the Y2J countdown begins and Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring.  He says that a few things have changed since the last time Benoit was here.  He says that he is wrestling’s living legend and he has defeated such stars as The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin on numerous occasions.  He was the first Undisputed champion.  What has Benoit done in the past year?  Nothing but sit around and cry about a hurt neck.  He says that Monday was a fluke, and Benoit truly has to prove himself next Thursday night.  They have a staredown as the show goes to a commercial break.  



Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly


The crowd pops huge for RVD, as always.  Holly attacks before the bell as RVD is posing.  He hits some stiff chops in the corner.  He sends RVD into the ropes and plants him with a powerslam for two.  He throws RVD through the ropes and follows him to the outside.  Van Dam comes back and drops Holly on the guard rail.  He hits a spinning legdrop from the apron onto Holly on the guard rail.  He waits for Holly to get up again, and hits an Asai moonsault to the floor.  Fans chant “RVD”.  He goes for another Asai moonsault, but hits nothing but the floor, face first.  RVD’s nose is busted open.  Holly waits for RVD to get up and rocks him with a lariat.  He rolls RVD into the ring.  RVD gets up, and Hardcore hits another lariat for a two count.  Holly misses a blind charge into the corner and RVD hits a spinkick to the side of the face.  Van Dam goes for the split legged moonsault, but Holly moves and RVD lands face first.  Van Dam is bleeding from the nose even more heavily now, and Holly capitalizes with stiff right hands to the nose.  He sends RVD into the ropes and dropkicks him the face for the three count, but RVD got his foot on the bottom rope.  Holly is pissed and starts stomping away at RVD.  He puts RVD on the top rope, and hits a belly to back from the top for another two count.  Both men are down, but Holly gets to his feet first.  RVD gets to his knees, but Holly stomps the back of his neck.  Rude Awakening neckbreaker gets another two count.  Holly gets desperate, and goes to the outside for a steel chair.  He gets back in the ring and swings, but RVD ducks and gets the Vandaminator.  RVD crawls over slowly and gets a two count.  It’s a slugfest when they both make it to their feet.  Van Dam blocks a Holly right hand and kicks Holly’s leg out from under him.  A powerbomb followed by rolling thunder gets two.  He bodyslams Holly in the corner and hits the split legged moonsault this time for another two count.  Holly is in trouble.  Van Dam looks at the camera and says “This one’s for you, Eddy”.  He hits a brainbuster followed by the Five Star Frog Splash for the win at 7:30.  Great match.



Matt Hardy vs. Maven


This was a glorified squash.  Maven got in the obligatory offense at the beginning.  He hit his dropkick for a two count, and then the Steamboat body press from the top for another two count.  Then Matt took over and destroyed Maven.  The new heel attitude fits Matt well.  The Twist of Fate only gets a two count.  Northern Lights suplex gets two.  The fans are chanting for Maven.  Hardy gives the bird to the crowd and finishes the match with a top rope legdrop at 2:56.  






Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera


Although both Luchadores have donned their masks again, the fans give them a warm welcome and remember them from the days of WCW.  This is almost an exact replica of their match from the Big Ass Extreme Bash in ECW, although not 2/3 falls.  They run through all the Cruiser spots as only these two can do.  The fans are on the edge of their seat for it all.  Rey powerbombs Juvy, then goes to the top rope and jumps off with a Hurricanrana and hook the legs for the victory at 6:36.  The fans give both men a standing ovation and they shake hands and hug after the match.


JR is back in the ring for an interview with “The Game” Triple-H.  The interview rolls along like any other INTENSE Triple-H interview, until JR pops the question.  No, not that question.  He asks Triple-H if he thinks that he may have “lost a step” during the time off he had last year.  He says that the quality of HHH’s matches have gone down considerably, and questions how Triple-H could lose to the now retired Hulk Hogan, a man of almost 50 years old.  Triple-H stares JR right in the eye, kicks him in the stomach, and gives him the pedigree.  The fans are unsure of how to react as Triple-H just walks to the back.



The Rock vs. Jeff Jarrett


Jarrett gets a considerable amount of heel heat on his way to the ring, considering he’s only been back for a few days.  Rock gets a huge pop, but limps to the ring because of Jarrett’s attack on Monday.  Rock starts off with his signature punches, but Jarrett kicks him in the knee.  Jarrett uses two knee breakers and locks on the figure four right away.  Rock is right at the ropes, though, and makes it right away.  Rock fights back on one bad leg.  He whips Jarrett into the ropes, Jarrett ducks a clothesline, but catches the spine buster on his way back.  Rock calls for the People’s Elbow already!  But as he’s running from rope to rope, Jarrett grabs his leg and takes him down again.  He throws Rock to the outside, and hits him on the knee with the steel ring steps.  He locks on the ring post figure four until the ref threatens to disqualify him.  He goes for the figure four again in the ring, but Rock cradles him for two.  Jarrett stomps on the knee and then gets the figure four.  Rock fights for a minute, but Jarrett pulls him back from the ropes.  Rock fights again and rolls over the figure four, putting the pain and pressure on Jarrett.  Jarrett makes it to the ropes quickly.  Jarrett tries for a piledriver, but Rock reverses with a baaaackbodydrop.  Rock is selling the knee injury like his leg is broken.  Jarrett gains the advantage back with a kick to the knee, and then goes for The Stroke (face forward Russian legsweep).  Rock elbows Jarrett in the side of the head to prevent the move, and hits two Rock Bottoms in a row for the out of nowhere, lucky win at 6:00.  Jarrett and Chris Jericho attack The Rock’s knee with a chair after the bell until Chris Benoit makes the save.




(1) Shannon Moore & AJ Styles beat Evan Karagias & Air Paris in 6:56 when Styles pinned Paris following a double team top rope superplex/top rope moonsault combo.

(2) Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Al Snow in 5:24 following a kick to the head.  Tajiri scolds Torrie after the match for not raising his hand in victory.

(3) Lance Storm & Christian beat Hugh Morrus & Val Venis in 6:35 when Morrus missed a moonsault and Christian hit the Unprettier for the win.

(4) In the first round of the Cruiserweight title tournament, Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Hurricane Helms in 8:13 following a brainbuster and interference from Eddy Guerrero.  




Saturday:  AJ Styles pinned Kaz Hayashi in 6:06 … Lance Storm beat Hugh Morrus by submission in 6:03 … The Hardy Boyz beat Al Snow & Maven in 6:20 … Rey Misterio Jr. pinned Air Paris in 5:23 … Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Juventud Guerrera in 7:18 … Edge pinned Eddy Guerrero in 13:03 … Christian pinned Val Venis in 6:00 ... Brock Lesnar pinned Tazz in 3:39 … Booker T pinned Triple-H in 7:31 … The Rock, Steve Austin, & Rob Van Dam beat Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, & Jeff Jarrett in 20:56 of a 2/3 falls match, 2-1.


Sunday:  The Hardy Boyz beat Shannon Moore & AJ Styles in 10:31 … Lance Storm beat Rey Misterio Jr. by submission in 10:40 … The Dudley Boyz beat Al Snow & Maven in 5:00 … Yoshihiro Tajiri & Eddy Guerrero beat Edge & Billy Kidman in 14:03 … Christian pinned Tazz in 4:14 … Kurt Angle pinned Rob Van Dam in 16:12 … Steve Austin & The Rock beat Chris Jericho & Jeff Jarrett in 13:30.



In the first round of the WWF tag team title tournament, The Dudley Boyz take on the newcomer Luchadores Rey Misterio Jr. & Juventud Guerrera.  Also, Lita accompanies AJ Styles & Shannon Moore against her former best friends The Hardy Boyz.  Christian vs. Val Venis and Lance Storm vs. Hugh Morrus continue the TV title tournament.  In the US title tournament, Eddy Guerrero faces Spike Dudley.  Continuing the World title tournament, we’ll have two more big matches as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Kurt Angle continue their classic rivalry, and former champion Triple-H takes on Booker T.


Sorry about the lower quality of this show than Raw.  It’s Friday afternoon and I don’t plan on spending long finishing this up.  I also didn’t have any time to work on it last night since the power was out for six hours.  See you on Monday for Raw.

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WHAT A SHOW ! Seriously, this is the best show I have ever read on book this. 10/10 and thats only because the show cant be rated higher. TREMENDOUS !!!!!!!

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Damn, I should have included him... because everyone knows that Mark Henry = World's Strongest Man = HOSS = RATINGS! Just look at that 2.9 Smackdown did last week....

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