PsychoDriver 0 Report post Posted November 5, 2004 Hello, it seems like I've been somehow made the official PCN spokesperson here on TSM (Why? I dunno, maybe it's because of my superior wit, intellect, overwelming charm... ah who am I kidding, they just want me pot o' gold! well ya ain't getting it!) Anyway, good new article written by Sir Patrick McGovern on PCN, covering several matches from NOAH, IWA:MS and others.. you can find it at: Here's a sample: "Chris Hero vs. Bryan Danielson (IWA-MS 8/21/04) First, there's Hero, who seems inspired to work a more simple, faster type of match this time out to silence all of his critics (the same criticisms being turned into part of the story with Hero's nearly-year-long "Highland Curse"- notice how most of the matches he's lost have been the kind of long, intricate matches he's been criticized for?). Hero gets over the story incredibly well, wanting to have a slower-paced, sporting match with Dragon, then failing to realize that's not going to work and leaving himself open for Danielson to dissect his arm. Hero DOES get aggressive in this, but it's made pretty clear that it's too little, too late, and that AD has done the damage to his arm. Hero of course does a top-shelf job selling the arm. Also, Hero uses the same interesting theme he did in his initial matches with Joe and 'Cide, having some of AmDrag's signatures scouted and tenaciously fighting them off, which is something that too many "indy dream matches" forget to do (look at the mess that was 'Cide/Styles, where the only attempt at that ended up in Trent Acid/Ric Blade interpretive dance). Hero gets a lot of mileage out of that idea, with Dragon having to really fight to get Hero into the Arms Across America, Hero managing to have it scouted and blocking it during Dragon's first two attempts. *IT* only makes sense that both guys- especially Hero, who had been wanting this match for a long time- would do some scouting. Dragon, meanwhile, is his usual amazing self. He's a fucking pimp even before the match starts, walking out in this awesome cape and wearing magenta tights and boots that look a lot like Steve Regal's. As MY BOY JonGal would say, he's got familiar/hot attire. He's also a fucking great wrestler, really making the most out of the Long Hero Matwork Segment that is often hated on. Here, they keep it comparatively short- about five minutes, compare that to the matwork in the Punk, 'Cide or B-Boy matches- and Danielson does a hell of a job instilling focus, making every shift in momentum seem important. His offense is typically focused and excellent, whether it be the early matwork, the attack on Hero's arm or his signatures at the end (look how he perfectly milks the crowd reaction on the airplane spin). It's also made clear, in storyline terms, that AmDrag is the better, more focused wrestler, which of course leads to the armwork. It's at this point that it really shows that the match is no carryjob, like some AD matches, such as his PWG title match with Frankie Kazarian or Final Battle '03 with Jay Briscoe. This one's great because both guys are busting their asses; the armwork is as effective as it is not only because of AD's offense but because of Hero's selling. This is where Hero's in some of his usual spots (not being able to get Danielson up for a suplex and having to shoot him into the ropes with a headlock and not an Irish whip) with some creative new ones (switching up to a modified fireman's carry since his arm couldn't handle executing the Concrete Crash, switching elbowpads to protect the arm from Danielson's strikes, switching arms to dish out forearms). There's also some textbook underdog storytelling here. Hero's cursed, he's losing the crowd and most of his matches, and he's totally outmatched and outclassed by Danielson. Still, he fights back and gets some insanely not nearfalls, especially with the way he fights for the Hangman's clutch at the end. It's a fine example of Hero turning chicken shit (the jaded crowd reaction) into chicken salad (a great storyline). A lot of people weren't happy with how this was laid out. Yeah, they could've gone all out and gone an hour and brought all the hate in the world, but Hero and Danielson are aiming for something more with this. The two are trying to put together a really satisfying story that extends through several matches, and you can see the build in this match. There's not a lot of all out hatred, but AmDrag can be a total dick when he's stretching Hero; notice how it starts off perfectly friendly, with all clean breaks and reversals, but Dragon gradually starts upping the ante? That's how you do a subtle heel turn. Hero, meanwhile, takes a long time to get aggressive, but it's easy to figure out that's the only way he's ever going to beat Dragon- so I'd expect to see a lot more aggression in their future matches. This is the same idea that Danielson used in his series with London (their original match- at All Star Extravaganza- was not OMG MOTY ***** CLASSIC, but it was still a very good match that set the table for the two greater matches that would follow). Goddamn, I feel dorky for having written all that, but I just think this match has gotten an undeservedly bad rep. It's not an MOTY, or Hero's best match this year, or Danielson's best match this year, but it's a damn good match with lots of story, and it's put together perfectly to suit you for whatever you'd want to get out of it: that Hero's a sluggy matwork goof who needs to focus more, that Dragon's the best worker in the US, that Hero's the face of IWA-MS fighting against some prickish outsider, or you just like both guys and wanted to see a good, competitive match. While this likely isn't the best match you'll see this year, it's also likely that it's setting up, eventually, the best match you will see this year." So yeah... check it out. Leave feedback and dollar bills for him here if you'd like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites