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Guest Youth N Asia

Saturday night live

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Guest hardyz1

I really liked the last couple years, but this year has prety much blown.  There have been a few bright spots here and there, but mostly crap.


Darrel Hammond is the funniest cast member.  All of his impressions make me laugh out loud consistently.  Clinton, Gore, Connery, Jesse Jackson, Ted Koppel, Chris Matthews (Hardball), they're all great.


Remember all the Election 2000 skits?  I always made sure to tune in just for those.


Gore:  Jim, I'm going to interrupt here and talk as if it was my turn.


Lehrer:  Sum up your campaign in one word.

Bush:  Strategery.

Gore:  Lockbox.


Man that shit was funny.


Bush:  If it had been me, I'd have just told everybody to suck it.


And of course there's:


Nick Burns, Your Company's Computer Guy

Celebrity Jeopardy

Brian Fellow's Safari Planet



...and more.


In conclusion, SNL hasn't technically Jumped the Shark; it goes in cycles.

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Guest Ravenbomb

If one of the funniest moments is when the guest star messes up a line very badly, then Kill Charlie Sheen.


I always liked Celebrity Jeopardy. The funniest ones were the ones with both Sean Connery and Burt Reynolds (or Turd Fergison) in them. Just thinking of the




Suck it Trebek


part makes me laugh. Not out loud, but one of those quiet laughs.


But with Will Ferrel gone, all I have is tapes and KaZaA...









PS: Mad TV scares me. They predicted Jason X YEARS before it actually happened.

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Guest J*ingus

I just saw some of the show tonight, and dear lord it sucked.  My main gripe: there were hardly any jokes, period.  I mean literally, the concept of "setup/punchline" seems foreign to them.  They just spend the whole time sitting there mugging to the camera, and talking really loudly with bizarre accents.

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that tag shit is gay.  Because Keith mad a joke of it does not mean you need to hang with it.  The shit is old, get on with your life.  Its just not funny anymore, just like SNL



That's exactly what I meant. I used TAG cuz I was being sarcastic at that offensive remark.

That doesnt make sense...


This season hasnt been the best, but its not the worst, either.


Tracy Morgan, Will Ferrell, Horatio Sanz, and Chris Kattan are almost always funny... I HATE all the women on the show..Ceri oteri was funny as was Garofolo.. but Dratch, Gastmeyer, Fey, and the new blonde woman? they all suck


Did you notice that new blonde girl looks like a skinnier Rachel Dratch? I think she was on Upright Citizens Brigade on Comedy Central too.


The 2000-2001 season was pretty decent, I thought.  They finally got Colin f'n Quinn off the show, which could only be an improvement.

I thought Colin Quinn was pretty good except when they made him WU exclusive. His NBC show was good too...too bad they axed it.

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Guest Redhawk

The latest episode with Kirsten Dunst and Eminem had maybe two funny moments. Definitely the worst I've seen in a while.


The only reason I watch are Brian Fellows, Chris Kattan's re-enactments during the Weekend Update, the Ambiguosly Gay Duo (do they even do that anymore?), Gemini's Twin, and Tracy Morgan in general.

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Guest bravesfan
Chris Kattan's re-enactments during the Weekend Update,

Ferrell as "Neil Diamond" right before this year's Olympics, interrupting Fallon's performance on WU, is my favorite LMAO.


Just a couple of hilarious quotes from it:


Ferrell/Diamond: "{Talking about his hit "Coming to America"} So, you think my song is bad, eh?"


Fey, Fallon: "Nei...Neil Diamond?!?"






Diamond: "I would like to introduce my friend GAY SPEED-SKATING HITLER- come here!"


(enter Kattan, with red speed-skating outfit, starting to shadow speed-skate, all while emulating Hitler...)



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Guest Youth N Asia

I completly forgot about Neil Diamond...that ranks at the very top with Brian Fellows.


Kattan's thing on update blows...Update is so lame now they just need filler...and if they tell you the segment's going to suck before they show it then it's hard to critisize...


Tony Fey blows as a writer...what a piece of ass though

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