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NECW Payback

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New England Championship Wrestling presents...


November 20th, 2004 at the Framingham Civic League

Framingham, Massachusetts



Michael Sain © & Alex Crowley vs. "Big Guns" Frankie Arion & "The Golden Greek" Alex Arion

The first part of the triple main event is a tag team grudge match, as NECW Heavyweight Champion, Michael Sain teams with his manager and advisor, Alex Crowley to take on the duo of former NECW Champions, "Big Guns" Frankie Arion and "The Golden Greek" Alex Arion. In September, Alex was supposed to be in Frankie's corner for a title rematch against Michael Sain. Alex, who was seen earlier via videotape, promising to be there for his brother, got a telephone call and was never seen again that night. On October 15th in Watertown, it was scheduled to be Sain & Crowley versus the Arion brothers. Again, Alex promised Frankie he would be there to take care of business, when he was handed a letter and then disappeared once more. No explanation has been made public as to what happened to Alex Arion. However, NECW President, Sheldon Goldberg - while giving Alex the benefit of the doubt - has ordered Arion to be in the ring for the match on November 20th or be suspended for one year. Crowley and Sain also have a stipulation hanging over their heads, as Sain's title is on the line. Should the champion be pinned or made to submit, he would lose the NECW Heavyweight Championship.



The Logans © vs. PRIDE

In the second part of the triple main event, the NECW Tag Team Championship will be on the line for the first time ever in a TLC Match! Tables, ladders and chairs will be legal, as new champions, The Logans will face former champions, PRIDE in a rematch. The use of tables, ladders and chairs will be legal. The tag team titles will be suspended above the ring and the first team to retrieve the belts will be the winners and NECW Tag Team Champions.



"The Egomaniac" Johnny Idol vs. "Strangler" Steve King

In the final part of the triple main event, it could be the final chapter in the epic feud that has raged on between 'The Egomaniac" Johnny Idol and "Strangler" Steve King. These men have faced each other in numerous battles with many different stipulations. On Saturday night, November 20th, these two will face off in the ultimate answer to conflict resolution - a Texas Death Match! In a Texas Death Match, there are no disqualifications, no countouts, no time limit and pinfalls do not determine the winner. The match will continue until one man cannot answer the count of 10. It will be the match of all matches and only one man will walk away the winner.



"Revolution" Chris Venom vs. "Rapid Fire" Brian Fury

Also featured at PAYBACK, it will be a #1 Contender's Match as "Revolution" Chris Venom takes on his partner in Adrenaline, "Rapid Fire" Brian Fury! These two great athletes are evenly matched and know each other's strengths and weaknesses. One man will earn a shot at the NECW Heavyweight Championship by coming out on top in this bout.



Sabotage vs. The Slades

There will also be a #1 Contender's Match for the NECW Tag Team Championship as former champions Sabotage (D.C. Dillinger and Eddie Edwards) return to NECW action to face The Slades.



El Boricua vs. "The Pinnacle" Paul Lombardi

The Latin star, El Boricua has issued a challenge to "The Pinnacle" Paul Lombardi for a Caribbean Strap Match! Boricua feels he lost their last match due to Lombardi using a loaded elbow pad. This time both men will be armed with leather straps and there is guaranteed to be a whooping at PAYBACK.



Hayley Skye vs. Violet Flame

In a rematch from September, Hayley Skye has challenged Violet Flame to a rematch after Violet got a pinfall with her feet on the ropes last time these two met.



Ariel, Doug Summers, Rocco Abruzzi, Sarah Sullivan, and more!




This card is going to be GREAT.

Michael Sain is my favorite HOSS~! in wrestling next to Abyss, and he and his manager Alex Crowley are going to make the tag team main event VERY interesting. Frankie and Alex Arion, two brothers from Boston (with Alex being about 10 years Frankie's elder), have been teasing at a feud due to the last two matches against Sain that Frankie had. Alex promised he'd have his brother's back, and then was nowhere to be found when it came time for the match, as he received a call on his cellphone during the pre-match promo with he and his brother. I'm looking for Sain to successfully defend, as Frankie had already beaten Sain earlier this year, albeit due to Alex's interference, and a Frankie/Alex feud should start very soon.

The Logans faced PRIDE in September in an NECW Tag Team title bout, which PRIDE won due to nefarious actions, and NECW President Sheldon Goldberg (who, BTW, may just be the nicest and most honest promoter of our time) ordered them to a rematch at the October show in Somerville. The Logans defeated PRIDE, and now this match is because of PRIDE wanting to prove that they are THE Tag champs of NECW. Should be a VERY good match, as PRIDE are a solid tag team, and The Logans are going to be a tag team to look out for. Very similar to The Briscoes (Jay and Mark), only both of them have good builds, and they don't use head-drop maneuvers. In fact, both of them work more like a cross between Ricky Steamboat and AJ Styles, if that makes any sense, making for one hell of a tag team. I'm hoping The Logans retain and go on to face Sabotage, as the latter is one of my favorite tag teams in wrestling.

Johnny Idol and Steve King is a match that shouldn't be good. It just shouldn't. Idol is a mediocre-at-best worker, showing shades of Glenn Gilberti when Glenn was at his best in WCW in the late 90's, and King is a broken down former WWF Jobber from the late 80's and early 90's. But it will be. The storyline more than makes up for it, and both men are terrific at drawing heat during a match. King started the feud by announcing Idol as the loser of a match in January, causing Idol to berate him. In March, King cost Idol his match by holding his foot down after a suplex attempt was reversed, causing him to be fired as NECW's ring announcer...and then placed on the active roster. Since then, King and Idol have faced each other every card up until tomorrow night, and have been involved in the feud between Ru Starr (Idol's partner) and "Brutal" Bob Evans (King's partner), drawing one of the best promo lines EVER from Bob after losing a match because of interference from Ru and/or Idol: "We're coming for you, boys, and we're going to hurt you. Because we're old! We're bald! And we're PISSED OFF!" The match should be nothing short of a heat-filled, fun brawl, and I'm looking for King to go over.

Venom is decent, as-is Fury, but I don't see their match against one another being all that good. They're a tag team in NECW, named Adrenaline, and their feud with Sabotage earlier this year for the Tag belts was terrific. In September, Venom had a singles match with Bob Evans that went to a time limit draw after 20 minutes, and then a rematch in October in Somerville (I forget who won, as I didn't go). It was the drizzling shits, with psychology up the ass, but no heat whatsoever because neither man played to the crowd. I don't want either man to win, so here's hoping Sheldon has somebody interfere and cause a draw.

Sabotage vs. The Slades should be good, if only for Sabotage. I know I've seen The Slades work before, but I forget how good they are. Eddie Edwards is a star on the rise, and believe me, he will be an Indy GOD the likes of Chris Hero and AJ Styles by the end of 2005 if he ever tours outside of New England. I'm looking for Sabotage to win, and then hopefully feud with The Logans over the belts.

The rest of the matches I don't particularly care for, but I will chant "FISHSTICKS" during Flame/Skye, because I did that in September, and even the guys in the back were laughing at it (since they usually sit in the balcony above the ring and watch the matches).

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They pretty much are. Sain/Crowley vs. Frankie/Alex Arion is on the MAIN bill, but Slades/PRIDE is one of the three main events. The worst built of the three, as King/Idol has been in the works for about 8 months, and Crowley-Sain/Arions for at LEAST 4, but it should be a solid match.


Trust me, dude. You should go. Atmosphere unlike that of an RoH show, where everybody thinks they're uber-smart, and unlike most of the bigger indies. Plus, Sheldon is one hell of a nice guy to just shoot the shit with about wrestling should you talk to him.

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