The Czech Republic 0 Report post Posted December 9, 2004 Messechoosetts See. Juhn Kerry's mure-a thun 5,000 rull cell futes oofer hees neerly 20 yeers in zee Senete-a creete-a a cumpuseete-a sketch ooff hees ideulugy. Zee museeec thet tekes shepe-a es oone-a ixemeenes Kerry’s futes is oone-a ooff a Demucret vhu hes beee skepteecel ooff veepuns prugrems sooch es zee B-2 bumber boot vhu hes sooppurted U.S. meelitery ecshun in sume-a ceses, es in Busneea in 1995 und Ireq in 2003. Oon dumesteec issooes, Kerry hes cunseestently futed egeeenst zee deet penelty und joost es cunseestently futed fur eburshun tu be-a legelly prutected. Hees futes elsu shoo heem tu be-a a strung sooppurter ooff federel prutecshun ooff gey und lesbeeun reeghts. Erreefing in zee Senete-a in 1985, Kerry deffeened heemselff in ooppuseeshun tu zee tvu Repoobleecun preseedents vhu serfed dooreeng hees furst 12 yeers in zee Senete-a, Runeld Reegun frum 1985 tu 1989 und Geurge-a Boosh frum 1989 tu 1993. Oon must mejur issooes cumeeng beffure-a zee Senete-a dooreeng thuse-a yeers, Kerry ves a perty luyeleest, seeding veet zee Demucreteec mejureety und egeeenst zee preseedent. Leekooise-a dooreeng Beell Cleentun’s ieeght yeers in ooffffeece-a Kerry ves usooelly a stelvert fute-a tu sooppurt zee preseedents puseeshun. Eccurdeeng tu fute-a unelyses dune-a by zee nun-perteesun Cungresseeunel Qooerterly, Kerry futed in ooppuseeshun tu Reegun 75 percent ooff zee teeme-a in 1985 und 73 percent ooff zee teeme-a in 1986. Bork Bork Bork! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites