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Guest 5.0Fanatic

ROH 12/26 Quick results

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Guest 5.0Fanatic

Credit goes to Thomas Bobo over on the ROH boards:


1. Jimmy Jacobs over Trent Acid. Acid annouced he was quiting ROH

2. Lacey & Deranged over Angeldust & Becky

3. Rockin Rebel over Devon Moore

4. Homicide over Josh Daniels

5. John Walters over Jimmy Rave. Walters then agreed to join the Embassy

6. Maff & Whitmer over Carnage Crew

7. Foley and Steamboat made up. Foley then called out Joe and wanted to put water under the bridge for the comments Joe made at 12/4. Foley and Joe shook hands, but then Joe attacked Foley

8. Jay Lethal over WOMD #2

9. CM Punk & Corino overShelly & Strong. Aries & Strong attacked Shelly after the match

10. Bryan Danielson and Low Ki went to a no contest

11. Austin Aries beat Samoa Joe to become ROH Champion


Edit: Didn't see ShadowBehindYou post till after I already posted this. Sorry bout that

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