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Guest RetroRob215

Mr. perfect

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Guest RetroRob215

Let's list a few of Mr. Perfect/Curt Hennig's greatest moments.




1. Mr. Perfect returning at the Royal Rumble being the second to last guy eliminated.

2. Mr. Perfect turning heel on Marc Mero in 1996.

3. Mr. Perfect's great match with Bret Hart at SummerSlam.

4. Curt Henning returning to the ring in WCW.

5. Mr. Perfect threating HBK in the WWF in 1996.

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Guest Some Guy

I'd add him destroying Hogan's WWF title on SNME in 1990 or late 89.

Drawing the "Perfect" nimber in the 90 Rumble and being the last guy out.

His match with Bret at KOTR 93

Turning of Flair at FallBrawl 98

Getting one of the coolest gimmicks ever

His matches with Hogan

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Hey let's not forget that awesome Prime Time Wrestling episode in November´92 where he turned on Flair and Hennan while sitting at the same table as Hennan in the studio with his future Survivor Series partner Randy Savage joining via satelite trying to convince him to side with him while Flair and Razor Ramon are going nuts over another satelite. When Perfect said that he's back with that cocky confident smile and then finished with the Flair woooo I went crazy.


Remember he had been away from the ring for over a year and no comeback had been hinted. Everything just came out of nowhere thanks the Ultimate Warrior leaving so quickly.


A Perfect comeback.

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Guest RetroRob215

I can't believe I forgot that one, it led to one of my all-time favorite matches.

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Guest Choken One

That was the greatest moment of PTW. Hennan addd to it as well. The Water spill was a great touch along with the "Whoo!" and that led to two great Pre-Match promos and a great HOT match that is generally forgotten between Savage/Perfect Vs Flair/Ramon.


That was one of WWF's biggest mistakes. They failed to follow Henning's momentum after he defeated Flair in the Retirement match. They should have had him face Micheals at WM9 and won the I.C title back, Faced Bret Hart in the KOTR finals in a Major FACE-FACE showdown that would have been ****...follow that up with him starting a feud with Yokozuna (NOT LEX LUGER) and that would have been done right but instead they gave him Luger at WM9 and one year later he was a drunk Commentator.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

Perfect was perfect. i mark for his   awa match from 84 with him and van raschke against the road warriors where the got hung in the ropes and hit with a chair and did a "bladejob", i doubt it was blood though. the fans rushed the ring and one hit hawk with a plastic chair. funny stuff.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

The best two are when he destroyed Hogan and smashed the belt & when he turned on Flair and Heenan.  


Long live Mr. Perfect, and damn Hogan for ending Hennig's push in 1990!

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Guest alfdogg

Actually, it was Fall Brawl '97 where he turned on Flair.


Special ref at WMX...no title reign for you, Lex!

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Guest papacita

Thinking about that episode of Prime Time actually makes me miss the days of being a mark. Since I had been watching wrestling the Ultimate Warrior was my favorite and I pretty much hated Perfect because he was a bad guy and he was with Ric Flair. In that one moment, Perfect made me forget all about Warrior and he instantly became my favorite.


As for my favorite Perfect moments....the retirement match with Flair and the whole build up surrounding it. I mean the week before on Raw, Perfect and Flair fighting all over the Manhattan Center, then the Royal Rumble when Perfect came in and went right after Flair. Shit, I was going around knife edge chopping my friends for weeks after that feud.


Also his return at Survivor Series 95 (even if it was for commentary only), his turn on Mero in 96, those little videos they used to play for him to prove that he's the perfect athlete (my fav was the one where he caught his own football pass, just for the fact that I used to go crazy whenever he did that stuff), his attack on Beefcake and the 90 Royal Rumble, and I'll even throw in him throwing the towel in Shawn Michaels' face, causing him to lose the I-C Title to Marty Jannetty.


It's a shame he never got a WWF Title run.

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Perfect was perfect. i mark for his   awa match from 84 with him and van raschke against the road warriors where the got hung in the ropes and hit with a chair and did a "bladejob", i doubt it was blood though. the fans rushed the ring and one hit hawk with a plastic chair. funny stuff.

Weren't the Road Warriros faces there? Did Hawk stomp the kid's ass?

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