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Guest raptor

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Guest raptor

X-Treme X-Men #13 (Invasion From Dimension X: Part 3): A definite improvement over the clusterfuck that was #12. There is so much going on in this series it takes a couple of sittings to take it all in. In this issue alone: Storm plans her escape, Sage supercharges Rouge, Lifeguard's true identity is hinted at, Bishop/Thunderbird try to kill Gambit, Vargas returns, and Magneto's mind begins possessing the weakened Rogue. Interestting subplots, but it's still a clusterfuck, so no perfect score. ***


Spider-Man Blue (Book One of Six: My Funny Valentine): Marvel is incredibly lucky that the quality of their Spider-projects are growing by leaps and bounds just as the movie is released. Loeb and Sale seem to have struck gold yet again, as this book feels like Lee and Ditko had a hand in it. This is only the second project I've read involving Loeb/Sale, the vastly underrated Wolverine/Gambit: Victims (TPB in stores now: Get it, or Get Aids!) ) being the first. Already, I'm thinking about blowing more money on DD:Yellow hardcover. ****


Morlocks #2 (of 4): Geoff Johns is the man. Already, he has taken an X-concept and made it entirely different. More excellent character development, as we learn more about the enigmatic Litterbug and Electric Eve, and neither's growth seems beneficial to the team. In fact, it may end up killing them. ***1/2


Captain America #2: More patriotic goodness, as Marvel Knights seems to be able to do no wrong (if you forget AngelPunisher). The story of Centerville is gripping, and the fact that terrorists would single out Captain America for death is wholly plausible. If you aren't reading this, you should think about it. ****


The Marvel May Serials:


Spider-Man/Jay Leno: One Night Only Part II: Showing signs of life, as Spider-Man gets a good deal of actually funny lines. Get rid of Jay Leno, and you have a decent little story. Funniest Line: Hey Wolverine, guess what? We not scared because you're a mutant-- we're scared because your name is "Wolverine" and you like to cut people with your giant, razor claws! Jay Leno, to Spider-Man.


The Call of Duty Part II: The serials seem to be inverted this week, as this one got a lot worse. The main plot point: a mysterious kid is in trouble. This would probably be okay if it wasn't the SAME EXACT THEME as Wolverine/Hulk. *

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Guest starvenger

Transformers #2: You either like Pat Lee's anime people or you don't, but you gotta admit that his mecha look awesome.  The story is moving along fine, albeit a little more slowly than I'd like to see.  But the kicker to this issue is the "You've Got The Touch" scene.  You know what I mean.

Rating: ***


Mangaverse #2: I dunno, I'm just not getting into the Marv-El storyline.  The art is good, the story isn't bad, but I'm just kinda uninterested in it.  I think I'll drop this title.

Rating: **

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