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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Promo: the false idol

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

(Camera fades in to find Frost leaning with one arm draped over a 24-inch television set.  The set is sitting on a portable stand with a vcr underneath.  An overhead light illuminates Frost and the t.v., but little else, although the plain, white wall behind would suggest that he might be in the locker room area of an arena or training facility.  Frost is wearing a white dress shirt, khaki slacks and black dress shoes; he holds a remote control in his hand.)  


“More than beating the pitiful TNT this past Metal to earn my rightful shot at the SJL European title, I was pleased to see Tod deKindes defeating Deathwish to make him the loser I will crush.  I find it so poetic that a poser like deKindes will be humiliated by a true European for my homeland’s continental gold.”


(Frost points at the camera with the hand containing the remote, but retains his cool.)


“I know your game deKindes, spouting off German catch phrases read off of match book covers, trying to pretend that you are worthy of coming from the bastion of the civilized world when your blood says different.  Your blood is Canadian; your soul is a North American.  You have no right to be the European champion and neither does anyone else in the SJL, save for one man.”


(Frost shoots a thumb to himself and his stare into the camera intensifies.)


“Over the past few months, I have garnered a reputation of being a wild polar bear.  A man who cut down anyone in his path, not caring if he won or not, just as long as the other person was bloodied and battered at the end.”


(Frost presses a button on the remote and the television flickers on.  He presses another and a tape starts up in the vcr and images flash across the t.v. screen.)


“I made Kojack feel the ravages of an Early Winter and he is no longer in the SJL.”


(The screen shows Frost powerbombing Kojack onto a steel chair and then pouring steak sauce over his unconscious body to mock T-Bone.)


“I made the little boy Vanguard cry and he took his ball and went home.”


(The screen shows Frost readying to force feed Vanguard a bag full of shredded glass.)


“No one but doctors and his next of kin have seen T-Bone since he felt the pain of glass.”


(The screen shows Frost leaping off of a ladder nearly twenty feet from the ring to the outside floor to tombstone piledrive T-Bone through a windowpane.)


“And we shall see if deKindes’ good buddy Thompson will show this Crimson or run off with his tail between his legs like all the others.”


(The screen shows paramedics treating TNT in the ring after Frost had nearly sent him into cardiac arrest with several heart punches on the past Metal.)


(Frost turns off the t.v. and looks back at the camera.)


“However, for this one time deKindes I make an exception.  This one time (Frost holds up a solitary finger) with you, I care more about winning than hurting you.  I care more about getting that title off of your waist before you run its heritage into the ground, more than I care about putting YOU in the ground.  For my homeland, for Europe, for the world, the false idol falls.”


(Frost picks up the television set without a word or grunt and hoists it high over his head.  He pitches it straight at the camera and the screen goes black to the accompanying sound of smashed glass and metal.)

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Guest Renegade

ooooh! Frost beingz eeevil!


Nice nice work Frost, your just keep getting better and better


*Is a Frost mark*



Cmon! more comments!

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Guest Tod deKindes





EDIT: Bit of advice. When I write, I always refer to my guy just as plain old "Tod". It's short and effective, plus "deKindes" is always a strain on the wrists for all you quick typers. Plus it sounds weird when you imagine it being spoken by someone. Your choice of course, but I'd just go with "Tod" when I'm referred to.

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Frost...I STILL won't forgive you for that...


We'll meet down the line...


And um...Frost beingz EEEEEEEVIL? I like it. Go heels!

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Fine! You beat me! Just don't rub it in you grimey noodnick!



Hehe, just kidding (or am I,) good promo.

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