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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Scott, question...

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

When you do the DVD commentary, can you announce a week in advance or so what DVD you'll be doing, or make a list of all the DVD's you plan to review.  I don't own one WWF DVD, but will spend the $20 on them to get to go along the show with commentary from you.


And no, I'm not obsessed with you, just like your rants.  My name's Greg, not Judas.

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Guest MikeSharp12

I may have misinterpreted this post, but aren't the reviews archived for a reason?  Therefore, why do you need to have the DVD in your system at the same instant that it appears on the site, when you can buy the DVD ?after you read the review?

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Guest OhTheGuilt

I'm still trying to figure out why people need to read a Keith rant before buying a DVD in the first place. Oh wait, these are probably the same people who buy him gifts on Amazon.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler
I'm still trying to figure out why people need to read a Keith rant before buying a DVD in the first place


So we'll know if it sucks or not.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

<< I may have misinterpreted this post, but aren't the reviews archived for a reason?  Therefore, why do you need to have the DVD in your system at the same instant that it appears on the site, when you can buy the DVD ?after you read the review? >>


I'm anticipating hearing Keith do commentary for matches, so I'd rather have the DVD when the commentary is released, then have to wait a week.


<< I'm still trying to figure out why people need to read a Keith rant before buying a DVD in the first place. Oh wait, these are probably the same people who buy him gifts on Amazon. >>


Perhaps it's because we trust his opinion on wrestling.  Ever thought about that one?

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Guest MikeSharp12

"<< I'm still trying to figure out why people need to read a Keith rant before buying a DVD in the first place. Oh wait, these are probably the same people who buy him gifts on Amazon. >>


Perhaps it's because we trust his opinion on wrestling.  Ever thought about that one? "


That doesn't make sense.  If you're going to buy the DVD before he reviews it, then does his opinion really matter?  I mean, damn, you already own the thing; why not form your own opinions?

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Guest Judas14
I'm anticipating hearing Keith do commentary for matches, so I'd rather have the DVD when the commentary is released, then have to wait a week.

Here's a novel idea, let him record whatever it is he's going to record and THEN buy the DVD that he's doing this homemade commentary track for once he posts the file on the site?????


Or why bother having the DVD to begin with? Unless Scott's going to be recording a MST3K-style commentary where you you need the DVD to see what's going on, I don't see why you need the DVD to follow along with whatever Scott says. Think of it as a "Scott Keith PPV Rant On Tape" type file if you would.........

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Guest Slapnuts00

Urgent question, would the Scott Keith mp3 rants be compatible with a VHS tape? I need to know this BEFORE I start to replace my tape collection with DVDs to fit Scott's audio rants.

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Guest OhTheGuilt

Some of you people need to start forming your own opinions on wrestling.


God, even saying that sounds funny.


I think people sometimes forget that Scott Keith is just a guy who works at Circuit City and write about wrestling during his off hours. And Rick Scaia is just an overweight guy in his 30's who does the same thing.


Some of us need to find new role models.

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Guest BernieLicious

I might trust someone's opinion who reviews movies, but their commentary isn't going to sway me into purchasing a particular movie.  same goes for wrestling.  If I want to buy a movie or a wrestling DVD, then I will buy it.  I'm not such a sheep that I take someone's opinions as the bible.

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Guest sayeitan

I think some people are missing the point of the commentaries...Scott will be adding his comments *as* the show takes place. So yeah, you'd be running the DVD while listening to him misidentify moves and talk about spotfests. I think it's an incredibly cool idea, but it won't make or break my decision to buy an otherwise useless DVD. And hey, no one says you can't just buy the freakin' VHS version and get the same desired effect. There's no diff. between the 2001 Unforgiven DVD and VHS, par example. All I wanna know is this: will Scott include an audio version of his Amazon wishlist at the conclusion of the commentary?

-S8- <--Your source for real "revaps" over at onlineonslaught. Okay. Kill me for attempting a cross between recap and review. SCOTSMANGAY!

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Guest Judas14
will Scott include an audio version of his Amazon wishlist at the conclusion of the commentary?

That would be funny to hear...

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

The only WWF DVD I own is Summerslam 2000. There's virtually no difference between it and the VHS. The only differences are the crappy extras and kayfabe interviews.

Oh and Keith doing the rants live is a pretty funny idea. I'd rather have Meltzer do it though...........ah....WOL......I still miss it.

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Guest theWCWRaider

Ah WOL...yeah, I still miss it also.

He'd have to start out the DVD by saying "How's it going everybody this is Dave Meltzer editor of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter."


I'd also like it if Jim Cornette would do commentaries.

I love the Wrestling Gold DVD's b/c of the Meltzer Cornette commentary.


As far as the Scott Keith Audio commentary, it would be an interesting thing to try, but hey why not instead of recording 1 long file, you create seperate files for the seperate matches.

That way if a person wanted to say just hear the commentary on the Royal Rumble match itself, they could do that without having to hear the one for Trish and Jazz, or the matches they really don't care about.

It would also probably cut down the size of the file, which is another benefit.

Just a thought...

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Guest OhTheGuilt

To all who are thinking that hearing Keith talk would be a good idea... One word: Rantsylradio.


Let's not go there again, please.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I never heard it. Does he have a funny voice? Is he uncharismatic?

Nothing can be worse than the Terry Funk commentary on Beyond the Mat. I could barely hear the guy!


Oh yeah he could start out the DVD by going "How's it going everyone! This is Dave Meltzer editor of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, I'm joined here by Bryan Alvarez of Figure Four weekly. Bryan how's it going?"

"It's going great Dave."

"We've got a lot to get to today so let's talk about what happened on Raw last night."

"Dave aren't we doing DVD commentary?"

"Oh damn....sorry guys.....I was having flashbacks....."


I'm having flashbacks to Dave! Come back!

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Guest Some Guy

"I never heard it. Does he have a funny voice? Is he uncharismatic? "


He voice wasn't really funny it was monotone.  I think someone said it reminded them of a soft rock DJ.  His reading of his rants kinda killed them.  He comes across better in print.  

The idea of the DVD commentary is cool though, but I hope he can show some emotion this time.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Wow.....I always pictured him to be yelling and getting excited at various points of his rants.

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