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Guest treble charged

One and only smackdown thread

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Yay for Torrie's outfit.  that was one pirk of the night.


Snow's comment was funny.


And lastly, D'Von's new bodyguard (can't remember his other name) looks promising.  Hope they don't screw him up...


~Scott Reid


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Guest Will Scarlet

It was nice to see Triple H do the job.  Now Angle is out.  Entertaining as usual, but this feud does nothing at all for me.

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Guest Special K

Did you hear COle when the bald Edge picture came on? HA HA HA each HA perfectly enunciated and forced. It wasn't that goddamn funny Cole.


Kurt and Hogan in the same ring! Snap his leg Kurt snapitsnapitsnapit. Oh yeah. watching Angle sell for that geriatric bastard make me want to cry.

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Guest HartFan86

The Hogan/Edge/Angle  segment was very entertaining.


What was this Snow shoot comment?

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Guest HartFan86

Orton's mic skills....suck.


Here's a good way to add more crediblity to the roster split...show clips of the competition/other show.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

He was in the hurricane's locker room when hurricane found the note and flew away


snow said


and people thought that me talking to a head was weird...or something like that

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Guest HartFan86

What the hell was up with that "cut" during Angle's entrance? It was way off.

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Guest J*ingus

Gawd, even Angle can't carry Hogan.  Did you see how Jericho messed up the timing on that one punch?  He's not used to facing anyone who's that slow.

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Guest J*ingus

Now THAT is the Triple H that we've been sorely missing.  I'm kinda sorta almost looking forward to this HIAC match.  Sledge-a-mania!

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Guest Cataclysm911

Someone wanna scan the Torrie pics for me? I don't get Smackdown.

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Guest treble charged

Just watch one of the weekend shows (whatever they're called now), they'll definitely have them.

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Guest Cataclysm911
Just watch one of the weekend shows (whatever they're called now), they'll definitely have them.

The point was I wanted to see them now.

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Guest treble charged

Just think of what she wore at No Mercy in the lingerie match, but in an aqua colour.

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Guest bcu1979

Tonight's show was a perfect example of why the WWF should have started building up new stars months ago. The show was entertaining at times but it gets boring watching one heatless match after another. With the exception of Vince, the top guys and the two women, no one on the show was over in the least. They all came across as interchangable nobodies.


And geez. Just what the WWF needs. Another heel owner/top babyface feud. That only stopped being entertaining about 3 years ago. Apparently, Vince decided that the answer to the low ratings was to make himself the star of the show again.


That opening interview was just brutal. It reminded me of one of those awful Triple H/Stephanie skits interviews to build up Mania. I bet the segment would have been a lot of more entertaining if Jericho had been the one getting in Triple H's face.


I can't believe they are setting up a HITC match with only 10 days to promote it and for a feud that had no momentum before tonight's show. They should have just done the 4 way and then built up to a HITC for KOTR.


As cool as it was to see Jericho beat up Triple H on three seperate occasions, it still seems like Jericho is just a pawn in the latest Triple H/McMahon feud. I hope I'm wrong but it sure looks like the HITC match is just a set-up to the Triple H/Vince "money" match. Not to mention the inevitable Triple H/Stacy v. Vince/Stephanie matches.


The Hogan/Angle promo had its moments. As did the Hogan/Edge skit. Hogan in the ring did not.


I find it funny how Lance Storm supposedly has no charisma yet his promo completely blew away Randy Orton's.


Reverend D-Von has two months left. Tops. This character is a bad 80's gimmick waiting to die a quick death.

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Guest treble charged

Shouldn't they have pre-taped Orton's promo, so they could re-do it to get rid of all of the "uhs"?

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Hogan not wrestling was pretty damn fun.


Hogan in the ring was an ABORTION.


Storm/Orton was fun (check that huge splash off the top from Orton, yowza!) excepting Cole renaming the Canadian Maple Leaf, and, uh, "Deacon Battista" has a good luck and get some good shots on HHH in his debut.  D-Von/HHH was pretty weak otherwise, though.  Missed the cruiser match, unfortunately.


Oh, and Rico is GREAT.  The six-man tag was all right, but he was on fire the whole time.  Watch him when he's not wrestling, when he's standing in the corner or on his way back.  The guy is NEVER out of character, and he plays it so well.  Nice sharp kicks, too.  I'd definitely mark him the coolest overall of the developmentals up so far.


Final thoughts: it's real fun to see three guys on the show who, a month ago, would not have been there, and seeing Storm actually get 5 minutes in the ring was nice.  But oi, overall, a slow and plodding show with a few high points.  Hogan and Vince are the biggest offenders, as usual.

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Guest bcu1979

I meant to add that maybe some people are right and Hogan does realize this is his last run. I think he's worked with more guys under the age of 35 in the last month than he did during his entire WCW run. He's willing to make fun of himself and he seems to realize he is completely a nostalgia act as the fans only pop for his 80's moves.


Or maybe Hogan just wants to ensure himself a place in wrestling regardless of who ends up in power in the WWF.

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Guest treble charged

I have to admit I was laughing when Hogan came out and started rubbing his bald head.  I actually didn't think the show was too bad, I liked it a lot more than Raw.

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Guest cabbageboy

How could anyone NOT like it more than Raw?  God, Raw was a steaming pile of crap with some decent RVD and Eddie on the side.

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Guest yomama

>I find it funny how Lance Storm supposedly has no charisma yet his promo completely blew away Randy Orton's.


Having charisma means you are liked either as a face or as a heel (like Austin as a heel) by the majority of people.  Lance Storm has NO charisma.  His promo was good however.

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I meant to add that maybe some people are right and Hogan does realize this is his last run. I think he's worked with more guys under the age of 35 in the last month than he did during his entire WCW run.

There were guys under 35 in WCW?  Really?


Anyway, in terms of entertainment, this week's Raw doesn't deserve to smell Smackdown's shit.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Well.  I dunno about any of the other people on this forum that are bald, but I don't need Hogan sticking up for me at least being that I am bald.  I am finding the whole stip funny though, and did find it funny when Hogan said that even if Kurt wins he'll probably lose to mother nature down the road.


Smackdown was good, probably as good as WWE tv has been in a long time.  Would have been better with a clean ME finish and maybe one more match but I can't argue too much.

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Smackdown was good, probably as good as WWE tv has been in a long time.  Would have been better with a clean ME finish and maybe one more match but I can't argue too much.

A Smackdown with a clean ME finish?

Hi, I'm Earth, have we met?




On a side note, I'm a Game fan, but I really wish he'd stop doing the Hardy Boys "ripping the shirt off for a cheap pop from the ladies" routine.

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So intense!!


BTW, that "Hall & Bradshaw kick ass to the crowd's delight" (blank story) is back up on the WWE News Headlines page as of 10AM EST... What dumbasses. My 12 year old nephew could web-master that site more efficiently. ;p

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Guest Just call me Dan

Random thoughts:


Sweet blade by HHH, and the fact that it carried over the whole show was a nice touch.


Recapping the other show is total crap.  Unless they split the belts, we will never truly have a split.  I say bring in Goldberg, Steiner and Jarrett to bring WCW home, and start resurfacing the big gold belt.


Edge is NOT funny.  He even makes Angle not seem so funny.


Randy Orton: Looks like Jindrak.  The pretty boy haircut and blue adidas tights with generic lettering of Orton and promos that say Uh and can't come out without screwing up words will NOT get you over. Pretty slick in the ring from what I can see.  Good luck.


D'Von, looks like crap. Attire sucks, is stinking it up with slow wrestling, and has to look at his papers during his promo? crap.  Deacon Batista is the perfect example of why young hungry wrestlers are good.  Did you see that bump he took into the ringpost?  That's hunger.


Chuck's suplex was sweet and I really actually enjoyed that match, it was rather well paced.


Hogan's pops are awesome and then after the entrance the crowd wakes up.


Wow did u see the Sledehammer shot to the ref? What a bump.  Nice ending to the show.


Jericho totally squashed Hunter tonight, that doesn't sound so good when you think of the overall PPV picture and who's going to job.



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I suppose it was a long time in coming, but Michael Cole finally caused me to snap. When he called Test "Doubting Test," I could take no more and hit the mute button.  I hate Michael Cole. I hate him I hate him I hate him.


Oh yeah, what are the chances of Torrie Wilson leaving Kidman and settling down with me?

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"promos that say Uh and can't come out without screwing up words will NOT get you over"


Like RVD's? : Uh Steve are we uh gonna be cool tonight when uh we team up uh?

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