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Read this horrible column from 411 wrestling

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Read this crap column and read the racist comment against the United States and Canada by the *censored* who wrote it. This column was posted on 411wrestling. The guy who wrote says something racist about Canadians and Americans. Here's the link411 Wrestling Read it and let me know what you think.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think that the racial slur that you chose to use to describe the author makes you no better than a racist yourself.


That kind of posting will absolutely not be tolerated on any level, in any folder.


This is a warning.  


You won't get another one.

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But the author called Americans and Canadians silly


Oh, well that makes all the difference.

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Guest muzanisa

If you used the epithet I think you used then not only are you an idiot you're probably wrong. Judging by the guys name and a few cultural references in there I'd say he's European probably British.

Unless you called him a Roast Beef or something.

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"You silly Americans and Canadians, this is what you miss out on living over there. Recently in Japan, a new arcade game was released to my fascination. The general idea is that you walk a dog through a city....."


This what you're referring to? If you were being serious about this entire post, this is in not racist. Hell, although he's not saying anything bad at all, American or Canadian aren't really even races anyway; they're nationalities....


Now get off my lawn.

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Guest J*ingus

Firstly, I think the guy IS an American, living in Japan.  And if you read the whole column, you'd see he was being sarcastic.  He was talking about a "dog-walking" video game which he found to be incredibly lame.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Yeah, Greg is 411's American correspondent over in Japan.


Otherwise, how exactly is "silly" a racial slur (even when we're not talking about races here)?

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Guest One Bad Apple

zacalex919130 ...


1.  Hopes all panda bears are killed because of the WWF name change

2.  Thinks "silly Americans" is a racial slur

    - Responds to "racial slur" with an actual one

    - Has no concept of sarcasm




Keep up the good work.

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But the author called Americans and Canadians silly.

First of all, I didn't know that "American" and "Canadian" were specific races of ethnicity. Second, if you think "silly" is a racial slur, then you have led a very sheltered life, my friend.


On the other hand, you might be joking, because we all know that the art of sarcasm is lost over the internet unless you indicate otherwise. ;p

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I don't give a shit if America is a nationality or not. Besides, the guy who wrote the column was American and he hates his country because he called it silly. And no, I don't think silly is a racial slur, but still, the guy insulted his own country.

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I don't give a shit if America is a nationality or not. Besides, the guy who wrote the column was American and he hates his country because he called it silly. And no, I don't think silly is a racial slur, but still, the guy insulted his own country.

YOU are the one saying he made a racial slur when he said "silly." Why don't you backtrack on yourself a little bit more, hmm?


Regardless, I think you're taking the word "silly" a little too personally. I also think that you need to familiarize yourself with the art of sarcasm, because it's PAINFULLY obvious that the author wasn't being seriously negative about either Canadian's or American's.


I'm Canadian. I insult my country and it's government all of the time. I could care less if someone calls Canada silly, because it fucking well IS sometimes!


I mean, really, buddy.. get a life.

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Guest One Bad Apple
Besides, the guy who wrote the column was American and he hates his country because he called it silly.

So those kids actually hate the Trix Rabbit?


And no, I don't think silly is a racial slur ...

Nope, it's a "racial comment" or "something racist."


... but still, the guy insulted his own country.

Allow me to present a short scene involving zacalex919130, his mother and his Asian compadre, Chinese Chang!




Chinese Chang:

Man, I can't believe my mom and dad ...



What happened?


Chinese Chang:

They wants me to go to sleep!  It's only 8:00!  Man, they can be so silly sometimes ...



What ... did you say?  :angry:


Chinese Chang:

That my parents can be so silly.



Why are you making racial comments?


Chinese Chang:

What? ... I only said they were si—



That's it, you slanty-eyed *CENSORED*, I'm going to kill you to the death!


Chinese Chang:

Ah!  You're crazy!  And stupid!  Help!  mrs. zacalex, help!


mrs. zacalex:

What's going on up here?!  :angry:



The guy insulted his own mother!


mrs. zacalex:

Really?  What did he say?



He called his parents silly.


mrs. zacalex:




He's being racist against his mom and dad.


mrs. zacalex:

Oh, zacalex ... calling his parents silly isn't racist.



I don't give a shit if his mother is a nationality or not.


mrs. zacalex:

???  ???



I tried to kill him!  Quick, mom, get me a knife so I can cut open his dirty yellow skin!


mrs. zacalex:

That's it, you just wait until your father gets home!  He's going to want me to get his assassin belt when I tell him what happened!



But ... but he called his mother and father silly ...


mrs. zacalex:

He'll warm your fanny until it feels like there's a hotplate sewed into your undies!  [leaves]



Man, she is such a bitch sometimes ...

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Guest One Bad Apple

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.


Dry those tears, little one.

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Guest Flyboy

That "short scene"...




That was golden.. just golden, OBA.


Good stuff, man.

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I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.


Dry those tears, little one.

In the words of Joey Styles, "OHMYGOD!" that was fucking hilarious! =P

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You don't win you bastard. I don't think silly is a racial comment or slur at all

So, then point us to the racist comment that you said the author made. All you have to do is look at the originating message in this thread to see that you DID say it. Or are you backpeddling on yourself again?

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He didn't say anything racist. But Americans and Canadians aren't silly. So shut the fuck up.

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Guest The Man in Blak

...I thought this thread was dead, like, a couple of weeks ago.

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Guest treble charged
He didn't say anything racist. But Americans and Canadians aren't silly. So shut the fuck up.

I'm a Canadian, and I know many of us who are "silly".  I'm sure that there are some silly Americans, too.


And OBA, that was some funny shit.

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He didn't say anything racist. But Americans and Canadians aren't silly. So shut the fuck up.

Actually, the topic of this thread and the reason you started it is because you said him calling Americans and Canadians "silly" is racist. Now you say he didn't say anything racist.


Are you stupid, or just retarded?

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Are you stupid, or just retarded?

A little from Column A. A little from Column B. ;p

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I am not stupid nor am I retarded. So shut up and eat a cock you twat. You're nothing but a stupid little bitch.

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