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Steve J. Rogers

Stupid comments by sports radio hosts

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Up until 30 minutes ago I was the furthest thing from a Jim Rome fan. However, he just went on one of the funniest rants I've ever heard about his son going to a sports camp and being told that he was gonna be good at soccer. (FYI: For those that dont know Jim Rome LOATHES soccer) He goes on this extended rant which culminates in this comment "If I knew my son was gonna be good at soccer, (pause) I wouldnt have kids". This is probably not that funny with me writing it but on the radio it was absolutely hysterical.

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Guest Rrrsh

That was indeed frickin funny as hell.


We do a best of Jim Rome Show on Saturday Nights up here in Vancouver, and that segmant was SO good that we will have to replay that tonight.

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FYI: For those that dont know Jim Rome LOATHES soccer

Yeah, Rome used to LOATHE Nascar too until it got all big and (I believe) started sharing common sponsors with his show.


Now he can't wipe Nascar's cum off his chin fast enough

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Whenever Jim Rome gets on his high horse about some athlete who did something bad

Rome especially made me anrgy when he had Vince McMahon on the tv version of the last word back in 2000. He totally trashed pro wrestling in a cynical rude and mean way. Vince looked pissed.



usually though I sorta enjoy Romes quips

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Whenever Jim Rome gets on his high horse about some athlete who did something bad

Rome especially made me anrgy when he had Vince McMahon on the tv version of the last word back in 2000. He totally trashed pro wrestling in a cynical rude and mean way. Vince looked pissed.



usually though I sorta enjoy Romes quips

This thing is, though, Rome was right about pretty much everything he said. The only thing Vince could've been pissed about was being exposed on national TV.

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