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Bruno Samartino

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Don't know if this is old news or not, but I was just watching my local news, I live in Pittsburgh, and on there they had a real quick segment saying that Bruno has turned down an invite to be in the WWE's HOF...


I know its been said before that there was bad blood between him and Vince..I guess this just further solidifes it..



If this has been posted before....then I apologize..

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This is old news. Bruno's been turning down the Hall of Fame since it started in 1993.


Bruno hates Vince, Jr. because he screwed him over on some payments during his run as a commentator in the late-80s and he later found out Vince, Sr. screwed him out of some money too.

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Guest sek69

I know parents look past their kid's shortcomings but Bruno can't seriously think it was all Vince's fault his kid flopped.

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In interviews he's said it was because of his dissatisfaction with the how Vince changed the industry, but I'm more apt to believe the money/David reasons.

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Guest Loss

He blames Vince for pushing toward a product that's more based on look than talent, and also thinks Vince has lied to him several times. He still thinks he was distributing steroids to talent in the early 80s, and thinks his influence has contributed to a lot of young deaths. I think he still thinks Vince raped Rita Chatterton, and he has problems with him employing Pat Patterson for so long, who along with Terry Garvin was in the center of the sex scandal of the early 90s involving Mel Phillips.


Basically, we all know Vince is a shitty person, but we choose to ignore it most of the time and just watch the product. Bruno simply chooses not to ignore it, and it's certainly his prerogative to do so.

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The thing I never understood was that Bruno spoke out against the pushes of the steroid freaks who did very little in the ring, but it wasn't like he was a ring technician himself. I've seen dozens of Bruno matches and all he seems to do is punch/kick, bearhug and some clotheslines

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Guest Loss

I don't think he's talking so much about immobile freaks making a bad product, so much as he is the concept of a promoter indirectly encouraging his talent to take drugs as being morally corrupt.

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Probably, but Bruno seems to think very highly of himself as a worker, and I just don't see it. Bruno seems to have a tremendous ego, but that's common in top guys in wrestling.


And Bruno picked a bad time to start criticizing Vince, right in the middle of the 80s boom when business was on fire. No one really started to pick up on his agenda till business went down in the early 90s with the steroid trial.

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Guest Loss

I agree that I've never been too impressed with much I've seen from Bruno, even comparing him to his peers in the era. I think he drew for the same reason Pedro Morales drew, meaning that he was an "ethnic" draw. The Northeastern fanbase was loaded with Italian-Americans, and he was someone sold to the public as a role model, so it was a perfect fit that wouldn't work today at all.

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And yet, people will still scream every year before WrestleMania about how WWE "just has to induct Bruno, otherwise the whole Hall of Fame is a sham," not noting that the man doesn't want to have anything to do with it.

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Guest sek69

To be fair, a lot of what's available on tape of Bruno's work is one of two groups:


A. Stuff from the late 70s and early 80s when he was past his prime


B. Matches against big fat guys, the hosses of his day if you weeeel.

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Guest MikeSC
To be fair, a lot of what's available on tape of Bruno's work is one of two groups:


A. Stuff from the late 70s and early 80s when he was past his prime


B. Matches against big fat guys, the hosses of his day if you weeeel.

Nobody has ever called Bruno a good worker. I have no reason to expect he has 5 star classics hidden away where nobody can see him.


Honestly, fuck Bruno Sammartino.


The biz doesn't need more bitter has-beens. He makes Bret Hart look well-adjusted.


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Guest Frank_Nabbit

King Kong Bundy turned them down. The money wasn't good enough for him. the fee is 5 grand and pay your own trans, Bundy wanted more and also asked to work Mania in some way. They Said no to the request and he said thanks but no thanks

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Guest Trivia247

You know Bruno should get over it, that the HOF isn't about Vince at all. But about the Fans that grew up and cheered, hell the Fathers of the current fanbase who watched wrestling saw Bruno. Right or wrong no matter how much of a Prick Vince's is, you can at least come out on stage and allow your fans to see you and be recognized.

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To be fair, a lot of what's available on tape of Bruno's work is one of two groups:


A. Stuff from the late 70s and early 80s when he was past his prime


B. Matches against big fat guys,  the hosses of his day if you weeeel.

I don't see the point...are you saying that these "lost" matches are the ones where he took on guys who could carry him? If so, then it doesn't prove that he was good in the ring, but only that he could put on good matches with guys who could carry him.


<<Nobody has ever called Bruno a good worker. I have no reason to expect he has 5 star classics hidden away where nobody can see him.


Honestly, fuck Bruno Sammartino.


The biz doesn't need more bitter has-beens. He makes Bret Hart look well-adjusted.>>


Word to the herd.

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Guest sek69

I'm not saying there's some lost 5 star classics featuring Bruno, but I'd wager most of the Bruno matches most of us have seen were when he was past his prime.

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Guest MikeSC
I'm not saying there's some lost 5 star classics featuring Bruno, but I'd wager most of the Bruno matches most of us have seen were when he was past his prime.

And unless you can point to some matches where he was much better than he was in those matches (he was past his prime during his first title reign? I've seen plenty of those matches and they were no better than Hogan's usual crap), then you're simply dealing with assumptions with no basis in reality.


He was terrible in his first title reign. He was terrible in his second title reign. He was terrible in his Zbyzsko feud. He was terrible in his brief return in 1986.


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Guest Hass of Pain

I love Bruno Sammartino. I don't know if he could get over today, but 187 sellouts of The Garden pretty much speaks for itself. A serious case can be made for Bruno as the most significant WWE champion of all time, but I respect him for sticking to his guns and saying fuck you to Vince McMahon when everyone else seems intent on kissing his ass due to his strangehold on American Wrestling. Bruno should hook up with Ring of Honor, I think it would be a great fit.

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Guest MikeSC
I love Bruno Sammartino. I don't know if he could get over today, but 187 sellouts of The Garden pretty much speaks for itself.

It shows an "Ethnic champion" drew well in the 1960's and 70's. I don't doubt Bruno's drawing prowess --- I doubt his ring work.


Then again, if they want to induct King Kong Bundy...

A serious case can be made for Bruno as the most significant WWE champion of all time, but I respect him for sticking to his guns and saying fuck you to Vince McMahon when everyone else seems intent on kissing his ass due to his strangehold on American Wrestling.

Bruno hates the business period. Not the WWE. He hates EVERYTHING. He is a very bitter man because his son was a talentless lug who Vince refused to push as Verne pushed Greg Gagne.

Bruno should hook up with Ring of Honor, I think it would be a great fit.

ROH has bad matches?


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Guest sek69

In Vince's world, nothing happened in wrestling before 1983, maybe 1977 if he needs to go further back to make a point. Most, if not all, of Bruno's work in that time frame features a man past his prime trying to stay relavant in a business that has completely changed.


I know that he had a great series with George Steele in the 60s, there was a couple of cage matches that brought the house down here in Pittsburgh.

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Guest MikeSC
In Vince's world, nothing happened in wrestling before 1983, maybe 1977 if he needs to go further back to make a point. Most, if not all, of Bruno's work in that time frame features a man past his prime trying to stay relavant in a business that has completely changed.


I know that he had a great series with George Steele in the 60s, there was a couple of cage matches that brought the house down here in Pittsburgh.

And the WWF has actually released some of them on tape in the past.


And they were not good.


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Guest JebusNassedar
I love Bruno Sammartino. I don't know if he could get over today, but 187 sellouts of The Garden pretty much speaks for itself. A serious case can be made for Bruno as the most significant WWE champion of all time, but I respect him for sticking to his guns and saying fuck you to Vince McMahon when everyone else seems intent on kissing his ass due to his strangehold on American Wrestling. Bruno should hook up with Ring of Honor, I think it would be a great fit.

No. He shouldn't. Much as Joe and Bruno in the same ring would make me giddy, it's just a bad idea.


RoH has the same things wrong with it that Bruno sees in WWE. Gimmicks (Jimmy Jacobs, Delerious), glorification on what's morally wrong (Special K, Jack Evans) and profanity. In short, would you show RoH to a 10 year old?


Pro wrestling is about drawing money. Pulling people of all ages and sizes. Bruno could draw from Grade School to the Senior homes. That's the commanding presence the man had. Was he a great worker in today's standards? No. But he was in yesteryear's. The MSG record does speak for itself. No one else will be able to touch it. He was a true success in this business because he drew money. Same as Hogan. Same as Flair. Same as Backlund (first reign.) And heels have to draw money in the eager hope they'll get what's coming to them. As I recall, right behind the amount of people who wanted to see Bruno win at MSG is the amount of the people that wanted to see Superstar Billy Grahmn lose at MSG.


Sadly enough, RoH does not have a product that can draw money over a long period of time, much as we all want it to. Pro wrestling, kayfabe wise, is Good Vs. Evil. Not smark favorite combat. RoH (despite few others figuring this out) is an ECW wolf in 90's AJPW sheepskin. Yes, RoH has produced good matches and good shows. But, like ECW, they only appeal to a small audience, and unlike ECW, RoH's audience is even smaller. But, then again, I think the future of pro wrestling is Austin Aries, so...


In short: Bruno commands respect for being successful like no one else. Didn't have "mad skills", didnt have a gorgeous body, but what he DID have was more than enough. And what Vince is trying to do is disrespectful, really. It never really had credibility, and Rose didnt help. As an asspiring wrestler, I'd be much more honored to be in the Cauliflower Alley Club than the WWE Hall of Fame.


But that's just me, and I'm pretty sure I'm crazy.

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Guest MikeSC
He drew a lot of money, so someone must have liked his work.

Nobody is saying he was a bad draw. Just a bad worker.


Hogan drew a ton of money. I don't think anybody would confuse him with a good worker.


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I love Bruno Sammartino. I don't know if he could get over today, but 187 sellouts of The Garden pretty much speaks for itself. A serious case can be made for Bruno as the most significant WWE champion of all time, but I respect him for sticking to his guns and saying fuck you to Vince McMahon when everyone else seems intent on kissing his ass due to his strangehold on American Wrestling. Bruno should hook up with Ring of Honor, I think it would be a great fit.

No. He shouldn't. Much as Joe and Bruno in the same ring would make me giddy, it's just a bad idea.


RoH has the same things wrong with it that Bruno sees in WWE. Gimmicks (Jimmy Jacobs, Delerious), glorification on what's morally wrong (Special K, Jack Evans) and profanity. In short, would you show RoH to a 10 year old?


Pro wrestling is about drawing money. Pulling people of all ages and sizes. Bruno could draw from Grade School to the Senior homes. That's the commanding presence the man had. Was he a great worker in today's standards? No. But he was in yesteryear's. The MSG record does speak for itself. No one else will be able to touch it. He was a true success in this business because he drew money. Same as Hogan. Same as Flair. Same as Backlund (first reign.) And heels have to draw money in the eager hope they'll get what's coming to them. As I recall, right behind the amount of people who wanted to see Bruno win at MSG is the amount of the people that wanted to see Superstar Billy Grahmn lose at MSG.


Sadly enough, RoH does not have a product that can draw money over a long period of time, much as we all want it to. Pro wrestling, kayfabe wise, is Good Vs. Evil. Not smark favorite combat. RoH (despite few others figuring this out) is an ECW wolf in 90's AJPW sheepskin. Yes, RoH has produced good matches and good shows. But, like ECW, they only appeal to a small audience, and unlike ECW, RoH's audience is even smaller. But, then again, I think the future of pro wrestling is Austin Aries, so...


In short: Bruno commands respect for being successful like no one else. Didn't have "mad skills", didnt have a gorgeous body, but what he DID have was more than enough. And what Vince is trying to do is disrespectful, really. It never really had credibility, and Rose didnt help. As an asspiring wrestler, I'd be much more honored to be in the Cauliflower Alley Club than the WWE Hall of Fame.


But that's just me, and I'm pretty sure I'm crazy.

Is that a vornskr in your sig?



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He drew a lot of money, so someone must have liked his work.

Nobody is saying he was a bad draw. Just a bad worker.


Hogan drew a ton of money. I don't think anybody would confuse him with a good worker.


I can't stand any of those old-timers, like Ole and Verne Gagne. I remember on that hilarious cable pro wrestling special, Gagne was running down Hogan for his ring work. It's too bad he let Hogan go to WWF and kill his AWA and everyone else.


Kudos to Bruno for selling out the Garden so many times. But in this day and age, fans will not accept substandard ring work. No, I don't mean foreigners doing backflips and two guys doing mat wrestling...I mean making it look good and hard and real. Even in the late 80's, some guys were doing some weak-looking shit, and they got a pass. If you look at Demolition's Decapitation, these days it'd be called a botch the way they did it half the time. No pass for anyone today.


The point is...these fossils don't get that enough was enough and it was time for a change. Let the Living Legend sit there with his pride while Vince and company laugh their way to the bank.

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