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Jim ross... dilusional?

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I just read on Rajah that Jim Ross visited a radio show recently and remarked that the screwjob in Montreal wasn't a significant event in  WWF history...


Kind of ludicrous if you ask me.



Any thoughts?

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Guest bcu1979

Was that the same interview where J.R. said Mark Henry was just missing a few pieces of the puzzle (like talent) to be a big star? Or was that that same interview where J.R. said that he didn't know about bringing Goldberg into the locker room because he could be a negative influence? (as opposed to locker room leaders like Hall and Nash) How about the interview where Ross said Big Show had shown great improvement and dedication since coming back from OVW?


I think the WWE needs to give Jim Ross a long break before he does some more media interviews.

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Guest Cataclysm911

I think that Jim Ross is a fat tub of shit with half a face that don't know his head from his ass.


Every time I hear him speak, my I.Q. drops.

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Guest Smeghead

Well, JR is right about the Big Show improving.  Before he went to OVW, it took him 10 seconds to reverse an Irish whip.  Now it takes him 9.5.

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Guest buffybeast

Well, to play devil's advocate, was the WWF adversely affected by Montreal?  The incident did serve to usher in the "attitude" era and it introduced us to the evil Mr. Mcmahon character.  But other than those things, I can see how the company would say it was relatively insignificant in their eyes.

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And to counter argue, it could be said that the Evil Mister Mcmahon character was part of the biggest money fued pretty much ever, which probably really helped nail WCW...

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Guest buffybeast

Excellent, excellent point.  I think the Mr. Mcmahon character as well as the Attitude era helped faciliate the second wrestling boom in 1998.  


I think on a personal level, however, the only person who was adversely affected by the Screwjob was Bret Hart.  I think the whole incident was a sad blessing to the WWF business.

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I wonder if Vince ever has sleepless nights over the money he made off that...

JR was probably told to play it down, it's hardly good publicity for the wee wee.

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The Montreal "Screw Job" is arguably the most famous ending in Wrestling history. Like the saying goes, "No such thing as bad publicity."

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Guest HellSpawn

My $0.02 :


If Montreal "wasn't a significant event in  WWF history..." then why in that Kid Rock video they showcased not only Bret spiting Vince but also Bret makin' the WCW finger paint, and right after that they show both Vince & Shane waving Goodbye ?


I believe the other relevant piece of history that they show more than once (you know, not only a one shot of x guy but like a little piece) was the nWo thing.


But, its Jim Ross, and Im honestly cant care less about his "shoot" comments.

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