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Guest jm29195

Website Access Problems

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Guest jm29195

I've recently upgraded to broadband via a wireless network and everythig was cool until last week I suddenly cannot get onto certain websites, one in particular- an invision board like this, which I really need to get onto beause I am awaiting address confirmation on some comps I've just done up. I know the site isn't generally down because I've had notification of pms from the people I'm dealing with but I can't even access these. Basically every time I try to enter the board it just throws up the 'cannot find server' screen and the same applies for every link asscoiated with the site.

Basically I'm just after some urgent help to deal with this problem, I can't think of anything that I changed settings wise and the website's address remains the same, I'm just at a total loss now!!!

Any help whatsoevermuch appreciated



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This wont particularly help you, but I have the same problem.


Well, I did, my own forum that I run, ironically was the one that I couldn't get to.


For some reason though, after seven months of trying, it actually worked one day, and has worked every day since.

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Second glance at this thread, it could be something to do with your ISP.


NTL won't let me access certain sites for whatever reason, and I remember in my old flat, they wouldn't let me access ANY Geocities site.

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Guest jm29195

Well although I have changed my ISP, it was running ok until Wedenesday last week and now I can't get onto the site... I mean I'm still using this board and dvdvr, and here have been no problems so far, just wondering if it's something in particular to do with the ukff forum- just really annoying since I have recieved pms which I can't access.... I would try to contact the admin there but can't even get through on that link!!!

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