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How much longer will the wwe (wwf) last?

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Ahh it is almost sad it is coming down to this. But lets face it, the WWE, WWF, whatever it is called is doing a WCW dip in their own way. I suggest you all load up on old ppv tapes and

try to get as much of the 98-00 era as you can cause those days... over. If things continue to fail like they are now, the give the WWE until this time 2003 to live before Vince has to give up. Now perhaps McMahon will concentrate on the WRESTLING part more but that means he would have to wake up. Also this redoing of all the old angles is not good, nWo was another big failure, Austin/Flair may be entertaining for now but it means alot of crappy matches in the future. Big Show/Austin... ooh impressive. At least with Austin/McMahon the main events were worth waiting for and watching. Hogan NEEDS to retire, and soon. I am not a big UT fan but I will be begging UT to win the WWE title at Judgement Day cause I can't stand hogan and his terrible ring work. Hes too old and needs to hang up the boots. Give him a commish job but leave him out of the ring. WWE is not interesting and hiring big stars and changing names of shows isnt going to help. I am only continuing to watch because I want to see how bad it gets before its over. Your thoughts

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WWE isn't going anywhere. If Vince can survive 92-96 then he can beat this so-called "Slump."

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Awesome, another moron with the WWF is going to die spiel. Hey, Vince is worth a billion dollars and if he has to spend every cent he's ever earned to keep his company afloat rest a friggin sured that's exactly what he'll do.

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Guest RetroRob215

wwf1587, obivously you weren't around when the WWF was practically bankrupt in 95-96.

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Guest papacita

WWF...E...whatever may have some similarities to WCW near the end, but that doesn't mean they're just gonna roll over and die. One thing that a lot of people seem to forget is that WCW was owned by AOL/Time Warner. It really didn't matter all that much if WCW failed because they would always have a whole bunch of stuff to fall back on. The WWE is all Vince McMahon has right now, and I doubt very seriously doubt he would waste his fortune by giving up the way that WCW management did. And if the WWE does die, it's gonna take a helluva lot more than Hogan to kill it.

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Why do people keep re-opening a "How long till the WWF/E dies" thread? Good gawd, they're going nowhere! Unfortunately, Vince has the billions of dollars to do what he wants with his company and it's probably never going to die... well, at least for a long long long LONG time. A mere name change is hardly a reason to get your knickers in a bunch...

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The WWE isn't going anywhere. The reason the company is in such a funk is because, like almost all monopolies, there's no competition to drive the product. As a result complacency sets in, and the product begins to suffer greatly. Think of it this way, if Burger King was the only major hamburger fast food restaurant in the world, would BK have any reason to release better, or newer meals? Probably not because no matter what they do they'll still be on top. The WWE is going through something similiar right now, they're only doing enough to get from ppv to ppv and from RAW to Smackdown. They'll try to pop a rating every now and again, but they'll continue to do as little as possible because they have, you guessed it, no incentive to do more than is neccessary. The WWF was able to be reborn on Monday nights with huge competition from WCW. When the fans (like we here on the SmarkBoard) start to become disinterested with the products, they'll either turn to an alternative or leave the wrestling scene. The Hogan vs. Jericho Smackdown that did a sub 3 rating showed that the fans are already revolting. Until some kind of compeition or lack of interest develops, the WWE will continue plodding along doing as little as they can to stay on top.

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Guest mastermind

Okay the wwf death stuff is a bit overboard, BUT I want to say this. I did watch the wwf in 95/96 and also in early 1997 when it really could have went belly up. You see the difference now is that the wwf has their biggest and best roster ever. If this is the best they can do with this crop we must wonder what will happen when the top guys retire like Austin or God forbid get injured. We still have Hogan and Undertaker headlining. Guys from the original boom era for crying out loud.


I mean they have so much talent that the company split and the shows still depend upon Hogan, Taker, Austin, and Triple H? Weren't these guys headlining two years ago? Hell, even 11 years ago? THAT is the scary thing. When the wwf was in the dark era they at least had a strong uppercard although it was basically HBK and Bret. It gave way for the Austin and Rocks. Now we have them PLUS the 80's stars. Vince doesn't even seem to care either because he does have the cashflow from the era where he rebounded. Crash TV has also spoiled this generation of fans. Twists and turns up the gazoo, so of course now the shows might seem more dull to casual viewers. It's kind of dull to me because of stuff like Flair's heel turn was so projected. What would get ME excited is if Flair is actually in a plan to take down the wwf because Vince bought wcw (I mean Shane *wink*). Other stuff like using actual real history for certain angles. The wwf use to do this in 1997 and 1998.

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