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Guest nWoScorpion

Mr. perfect compiliation rant

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Guest nWoScorpion

-Seeing that Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig is one of my favorite all time WWF/WCW Superstars ever, I salute him by putting together this compiliation rant about just him. (some matches are from other rants i did, while most newer ones i reviewed just before i posted this) So sit back and enjoy.


-Mr. Perfect Vs. Blue Blazer:

This is the singles match PPV debut for both Blue "Owen Hart" Blazer & Mr. Perfect. Perfect has a very annyoing bright green "hennig-tights" n tonight, debuting it infact. Hennig with a hiptoss but Blazer reverses an irish whip with a drop toe hold and headlock. Blazer with a few slams and a dropkick send Perfect spilling to the floor where Blazer nails a very rare baseball slide, somethin done maybe 3 times a year then/ Blazer scores a northern lights suplex for one. Curt takes control and works over his back with a Camel Clutch for ever. Blazer nails a powerslam & belly to belly suplex on succesion for 2. Crucifix pin gets 2 3/4 and the Blazer argues allowing Perfect to lock the Perfect Plex on for 3 at 5:28. **1/2.


-"Rowdy" Roddy Piper, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, Bushwhackers Vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, Rogeau Brothers:

Monsoon with some Genius being Gay jokes. Rogeaus theme so rules. I hope this is fast an painless.Perfect attacks Luke. Scoop Slam. Butch in and bites his leg. Piper in and bites his arm. Snuka in and bites his arm. Luke in and bites his ass. Snuka in and is Jacque who shows off flippin in the ring. Jacque with a kip up. Snuka does that "woo" thing. "I know you cant do either of those moves." "Well I..." "You gotta be kidding me! You expect me to believe that for a minute!?" Jacque screms like a girl. Snuka with a flying headbutt. Snuka shakes his ass. Slam. elbow drop. AnotherScoop Slam. superfly splash gets 3 at 4:02. Rude in. Snuka punches. snuka headbutt. Perfect in. Rude pulls on ropes and Perfect acidentally falls out. Double noggin-Knocker! Piper in. Kneelift. He eats buckle and a right fist and Luke knee. Luke in. Snapmare amd fist drop. Butch in. Snuka in. Cresent Kick to the ribs. Luke in. NEck biting. Butch in. More punching. Piper in. Atomic Drop. Raymon in. Slugfest won by Piper. Sunset flip for 2 by Piper. Cresent kick to the chest by Ray for 2. Piper Piledrivermocking Rude for 3. Ray is gone at 7:39. Perfect in. Eye poke by Piper. Perfect necksnap for 2 by Perfect. Neck twisting thing. More slugging. Perfect slingshotted into post and Butch in. Fist to the ehad for 2. Boot the nec for another 2. Luke in. Neckpoke. Perfect with a boot. Piper in. Piper with some boxing moves. Huge ro8ndhouse tright with a 360 spi nby Perfect. Butch in. Punches to the ribs. He bits his ass. Perfect rols him up at 10:46 to elimanate Butch. Piper roll up gets 2. Snuka in. Chops to the neck. Luke in. Perfect with a hard eright and rude tags in. Rude eats a fist off the top. Face Biting by Luke. Rude Awakening out of nowhere gets the pin on luke at 12:15. Snuka & Perfect in. Snooka eats a kneelift. Rude & Perfect just beat the hell out of Snuka. Perfect with a choke. Rude in the corner choking Snooka ass well. Dropkick by Poifect gets 2. Rude sleeper is broken but rakes Snukas eyes. Perfect in. Small package by snuka for 2. Diving headbutt by Snuka. Both men collide heads. Rude & Piper enter. Slugfest with Piper killing Rude with a flurry of punches. Piper attacks both men. Action pills to the outside for a double count out at 18:36. Snuka eats turnbuckle by Perfect. Shoulderblock by Snuka and a series of hiptosses and a dropkick by Perfect. Snuka with a series of pins for 2. Perfect reverses a cros body for 2. Perfecr Plex egts 3 at 21:26 with Perfect as the sole survivor. Snuka attacks Genius afterwards. ** i believe.


-Hulk Hogan & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake Vs. Mr. Perfect & The Genius:

Brutus has on a Hulk rules shirt, to kiss ass even more. Mega Manaics clean house. Brutus is wearing yellow here too. <smooching noise> Perfect starts with Hogan. Lockup. Perfect over sells a shove. Perfect witha  flurry of shots and irish whip to the buckle. Hogan gets sent to the floor. Big Boot by Hogans ends Perfct 360ing over the top rope. Brutus double nogin knocker to them both and slams their ehads to the ring apron. Brutus works over Genius. Genius runs into a Hogan boot.  Perfect is planted by Hogan and Beefer with a sort of neck ringer. Oversold roundhouse by Beefcake for 2. Hogan eye rake and punches followed by a back rake. Double elbow to Perfect. Beefcake in.  Throat thrusts. High knee gets 2. hogan in. Axhandle off the 2nd rope. Series of elbows and he clobbers Genius. Series of Punches by hogan to Perfect. Nose rake with his foot. Corner irish whip/elbow combo and Perfect goes sailing over the top rope. He takes the scroll and whacks hogan with it. Genius runs like a gay-man. Perfect sends Hogan to the rail. Boot to the eyes and Genius in. He unloads and dances gaylike and rakes the eyrs. Perfect uses the tag rope to choke him. What happend to them things? Genius acts more gay. Clotheslineby Poifect. Chop puts hogan down. Genius moonsault, hogn with the knees up and both men tag out. Beefcake unloads on Perfect and Genius. Knee Lift to Perfect over sold. Sleeper sign. He locksthe sleeper hold! Hogan sends Genius to the floor. Genius back up and hits beefer with the scroll. He dances gay as hogan chases him. Perfect gets a 2 count. Hillbilly Jim is dumb. heenan jokes about why Hillbilly only has 1 horseshoe. Perfect clotheslines beefcake down. Genius in and punches away and rakes the eyes for 2. Perfect in. Perfect chops Hogan casuing a double team on Brutus. Choke with the tag rope by Genius. Knee Lift by Perfect. Chop-city by Perfect. Neck ringer by the perfect one. Kick by Beefer over sold by Perfect.Arena is mad dark after the first 10 rows. Hogan in. Wait, Referee didnt see. Nut cruncher by Perfect. Genius chokes away. Mounted Eye rake and stomps in the corner. Elbow by Beefer, Perfect eye rake. Clothesline by Perfect and the Perfect Plex. hogan breaks it at 2. Genius in, and so is hogan finally! He unloads on both men. slam to genius. Double nogginknocker. Roundhouse rights. Boot to Genius. Leg Drop! Its over at 15:27. Nothing great, but watchable minus a few slow parts. *1/2. Brutus Sleeper Hold and Genius gets a SLITE trim afterwards as Hogan &beefcake posedown to Real American.


-Mr. Perfect Vs. Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake:

Mr. Perfect jumps the bell (like almost 9/10 heels do in this show) but hits the buckle and Beefcake unloads. Irish whip the corner and a punch sends Mr. Oversell to the floor to consult with the Genius, but that doesnt last TOO long either. Beefcake works in more offense until The Genius is able to slip his "metal" scroll into the ring allowing Mr. Perfect to clobber Beefcake with. Perfect with some slow offense, for him, thats an unusual feet. Perfect signals for the Perfect Plex,but Beefcake Barber's up and trips him, allowing Beefcake to slingshot Perfect WAY into the post which is also oversold for the 3 count. Perfects first Televised pinfall loss. *1/2. Match ran about 7:07. After the match The Genius gets another trim job after saving Mr. Perfect from his demise, he he.


-WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match:

"Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich © Vs. Mr. Perfect

Not that match where he loses. this is from Toronto. The ring area is so shitty lookin. The fans are sitting 5 feet back form the barrier. They opened up back to back Supertapes these 2. Lockup. Perfect over sells the shove. Sleeper by Perfect off an irish whip. Boring, even for PErfect. tornado breaks it with some shoulderthrusts and runs into the sleeper again. Perfect gets buckled. Kerrys got a bloody nose. Stiff chop, perfect snapmare and a small package gets 2 for Perfect. Elbow Drop connects for 2. Standing dropkick misses and Kerry in control FINALLY. Roundhouse rights. Perfect with an eye rake. Tornado got the Claw on! Spinning Tornado sends Perfect over selling to the floor. Heavy chop boy KVE. He gets sent into the ringpost and is counted out at 7:36. Title doesnt change hands though. *. Brutal to watch, but had a few moments atleast. Perfect eats the claw but leaves after before anymore damage.


-Jake "The snake" Roberts Vs. Mr. Perfect (w/ Bobby Heenan):

Mooney is flipping through a manual with blank pages in the "plane". Jake hammers on Perfect and goes to a wrist lock and armbar. Knees to the wrist by Jake. Mr. Perfect closes 2 supertapes in a row. More armbar. JAke sends Perfect to the floor. BAckdrop to the floor again after a series of armbars. Perfect with a clothesline obn the floor and he posts roberts arm. Kick to the shoulder by Poifect. Hammerlock by PErfect with some rope assitance. Kick to the chest of Jake and a smotherinbg headlock/armbar pinfall for 2. Knife edge chops, Jake with a boot to the face. Series of Jabs by snakeman and a hard right over sold. short arm Clothesline. Heenan stops Jake from doing the DDT causing the DQ at 10:23.Jake blocks the perfect plex onto Damion and nails a DDT. He gos for the snake but heenan and perfect split. 1/4*. Bad match for a great superstar. Perfect, not Roberts.


-Mr. Perfect promo with Bobby Heenan. Perfect tells us how hes the greatest Intercontinental Champion and will show everyone what The Tornado really is. also, he tells us hes absolutely.........you know, Perfect. DUH!


-WWF-Intercontinental Title Match:

Mr. Perfect © Vs. "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich:

Post Tornado title reign. This is from Wrestling Challenge. Tornado unloads but gets clotheslined to the floor before he gets his robe off. Tornado pulls Perfect to the floor and nails the Tornado punch off the bat. Tornado keeps knocking him off the apron for a while. Armbar by Von Erich. Heavy chop by Perfect, but he walks into a Tornado punch to the midsection, folloed by the Boston Crab. I miss this kinda stuff, when title matches werent every night. Claw is broken with an eye rake by The previously flawless one. Sleeper Hold off an irish whip by Mr. P. Tornado fights out but gets put on the mat again. Tornado irish whips Perfect to the corner but gets posted. Great camerawork! Perfect cant get the buckle off, but Tornado blocks it anyway. Spinning Tornado puts Perfect to the floor. another misses and Tornado hits the ring post instead. Perfect nails Tornado by whipping him into the iron post for 2. Perfect plex gets 2. Tornado gets the claw! He gos for the spinning Tornado, but Perfect pulls the referee in front of him. Tornado gets a 2 count, but the referee calls for the bell at 7:42. Tornado wins via DQ as he CONTINUES to lay out Perfect with the Spinning tornado. **. Another underwhelming Hennig Match.


-WWF-Intercontinental Title Match:

Mr. Perfect © Vs. Big Boss Man

Wrestlemania VII here. God im tired, so ill rap this one up in as little words i can. #10 & 11 on my alltime favortie themes list. Bossman wipes his ass with the towel and they exchange slaps and spit. Boss Mans slap is overselled with the 360 spin. Perfect gets thrown around by the hair and gets clobberd by a hugh Boss Man clotheslines. Great speed sequence. Why couldnt we get Duggan back instead of Hayes at PBP? LOL. Perfect soon takes back the advantage until Andre wanders out stalking Heenan and taking the IC Title belt. PErfect gets in Andres face and eats the steel, but Haku & Barbie run in for the DQ at a HEAVILY CLIPPED LIKE THE BULLDOG/WARLORD MATCH at 4:34. Afterwards Andre/Boss Man kick the Heenans Family;s ass. As Perfect sells a andre punch with another 360 spin.


-1993 WWF Royal Rumble Match: (starting from Perfects entrance)

HEY! I have footage of Max moon, a good 1:57 worth. #10 is Mr. Perfect to undoubtably the biggest pop for the Royal rumble match as of yet. flair eye rakes him before he gets both feet in the ring. Heenan creams his pants. Both men exchange chops. Roundhouse by Perfect and a knee lift. flair goes to the top rope and get slammed off as usual. Perfect-snapmare no sold. Flair with a knee and eye poke. Flair works a few chops with no whooooo. Career Ending Match on Monday night Raw hyped, so we can elimanate Perfect or Flair winning the rumble match. Perfect with some chops of his own again. 10 punches of doom! Havnt seen that for a while. Flair had man titys then to, lol. #11 is Skinner. He and Flair double team Perfect for a bit. Flair irish whip reversed and he gets pushed/clotheslined over the top rope by Perfect to a Huge pop. Monsoon is singing his praise while Heenan goes on a rampage. "thats not fair to flair!!!" Everyone does some pairing off. Lawler and Perfect go at it, then Virgil comes in. Skinner attacking Lawler!? And i thought Lawler was a face here, man i was wrong. #12 is Koko B. Ware and the Baggy Pants of Doom! Koko B. Ware being hyped to win the WWF Title means he has no chanc ein hell,. thats a scary thought. Perfect works over Skinner. Skinner avoids elimanation but a running dropkick (whooooo!) sends hi mflying. Perfect is on fire. #13 is Samu of the Headshrinkers and he gets beat up a little by Afa his manager. #14 is Berzerker with still nothing notable happening. Lawler works over Perfect against the ropes but gets back body dropped into heaven by Mr. Perfect to another huge pop!!!! Ted Dibiase & Koko B. Ware sneak up on Perfect and dumps him to the floor but hangs on, promopting Lawler to help. Virgil is big booted by Berzerker to the floor on the far right hand corner of the ring. Koko/Dibiase/Lawler finally get Perfect to let go off the rope elimanating, with Heenan singing praise for it. Cant Rate this. Mr. Perfect lasted 9:15 in this Royal Rumble match.


-Gene talks to Mr. Perfect, and they again bring up how Luger knocked out Bret Hart earlier in the day. He gets a cheap joke in saying "The Lexissist" Narc Luger. Im not laughing either but if you are, ill kick your f*ckin head in!


-Mr. Perfect vs. "The Narcissist" Lex Luger

From Wrestlemania IX. More nWo. Both men joined. Luger is still undefeated at this point,as he has four showgirls dressed in goldish bras and thongs escort him out to the ring. They all hold up mirrors for him that have blazing fireworks. Perfect enters to a good reaction. They go through a good wrestling sequence to start off. Luger catches him with a whip to the corner and Perfect sells a back injury. Luger's offense slows the match down a lot, but Perfect keeps it interesting with a big sunset flip that gets two. Perfect hooks a sleeper with more Heenan sarcasm. A Perfect small package gets 2. A backdrop, slingshot, and neckbreaker all get near falls for The Perfect one. He hits a dropkick off the top rope, but Luger gets his foot on the ropes. They battle over a backslide and Luger takes it. Perfect's feet end up on the ropes, but the ref doesnt acknowledge it, and counts the three for Luger at 10:57. Very good match. **3/4 Perfect gets knocked out shortly after, then finds luger in the back, where Shawn takes him apart. I wish they kept the Narcissist gimmick and not went on with the stupid "Mad ein the USA" Watergate.


-King of the Ring Qualifying Match:

Mr. Perfect vs. Doink The Clown I:

Doink is currently played by "Maniac" Matt Borne, when the gimmick wasn't an utterly disgrace. Doink comes to the ring eating popcorn and spraying a little boy with a flower. Perfect jumps him from behind and unloads with a series of chops & punches, followed by tossing Doink into the steps. Perfect starts with a Grapevine, Indian Death Lock & Knee Stomps, all to injure Doink's knee. An eye rake does nothing as Perfect applies another grapevine, stepover leglock, and the Figure four. Doink gets to the ropes and with the momentum sends Perfect to the outside. 3 shots to the steps plus a series of elbowlocks and wristlocks take a lot of time. Perfect breaks out and exchanges a series of slaps, with Doink getting the best of it. Perfect   CLOBBERS doink with a stiff right as the bell goes off at 7:02 to declare this a time limit(?) draw. After the bell Perfect connects with a Perfect Plex, and challenges doink for 5 more minutes, typical in a TLD tournament match. **1/4 Pretty decent action, but a cheap ending.


-Mr. Perfect vs. Mr. Hughes:

From King of the Ring 1993. 1 REALLY Talented Worker WHO SELLS EVERYONE! vs. a no talent black man who wrestles with glasses on. Who also sold an injury when they broke. I can guess this was lacking with a cheap ending. Mr. Perfect works over Mr. hughes for about 30 seconds until he comes back with his s.......l......o.........w  p....l......o....d....d...i...ng offense. Mr. Perfect with that running dropkick that I oh so love. Time to Fast Forward!! I Start playing at the time of Hughes hitting Hennig with the Urn drawing the disqualification. Ugh. 1/2*. Total Filler Here. And why were they portected a guy who left the same month or atleast before summerslam even came along?!


<note i do not have the Bret/Perfect match from this show sadly>


-WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Perfect:

This is from Summerslam 1993. This feud started back at Wrestlemania IX, but was never really established until May 13, 1993, when Perfect was instrumental in HBK dropping the title to Marty Jannetty, who made his return to the WWF. Several weeks later Shawn won the title back with Diesels help, and here we are now. Mr. Perfect only has a few months left till he takes a 3 year absence from the ring. HBK starts with an armbar which perfect reverses into a snapmare. HBK back up lock on a headlock. Perfect escapes with a clothesline followed by a armbar and several knee drops to the shoulder. 360 clothesline on Shawn gets 2. Perfect with a top rope armdrag gets another 2 followed by a slingshot over the top rope. Diesel distracts Perfect while HBK nails a crescent kick. Several elbows and kicks to the back slow down perfect, but comes back with drop-kicks and wins the backslide battle. Perfect connects with the Perfect-plex, but Diesel pulls him outside. Perfect pounds on him and nails HBK in the ribs after a axhandle attempt off the apron, he shoves him back in as Diesel propels Perfect into the steel steps, causing him to be counted out at 11:20. ***1/3 Pretty good match filled with action, with a cheap ending. After the match, Diesel col-cocks him with a "Hugh deadly right fist" knocking him out.


-WWF-Intercontinental Title Contendership:


Show opens with Vince Mcmahon & Bobby Heenan on the PBP. Diesel, Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow, M.V.P (AKA Abe Knuckleball Schwartz), Mabel, Bastion Booger, Mr. Perfect, Marty Jannetty, 1-2-3 Kid & I.R.S are currently in the ring. Next entrant is Adam Bomb followed by Razor Ramon, and the Quebecers, Jacque & Pierre. Commercial edits Bob Backlund, Jimmy Snuka, Rick Martel, Owen Hart. We come back for the end of Giant Gonzalez's and finally "Macho Man" Randy Savage. Savage nails Gonzalez with a double ax-handle off the top before the bell sounds and we are underway. savage connects with another one and attempts to toss the big man. Others who go after him are Bigelow, Bomb, Jannetty, Diesel, Kid, Booger and Perfect tossing him at 0:31. Everyone pairs off. Savage & Bigelow go at it as do Rick Martel & Owen Hart. Savage goes after Booger.


Heenan: I was gonna pick booger but I wasn't talking about this!


IRS & Booger try to toss Savage to no avail. Owen saves him from elimanation. MVP takes a shot from Savage as Diesel just kicks his ass. (MVP's). Mabel pounds on Savage, MVP goes at it with Jacque and Jannetty pairing off with Booger. Backlund is on Martel. Owen goes at it with Bigelow. Adam has Marty reeling but holds on. Jannetty is wearing the Rockers attire from wrestlemania VII just to piss me off. Diesel 7 Booger try tossing Savage. Mabel squashes Tatanka yelling "every man for himself!". Diesel 7 Perfect go at it as Booger, ITS & Bam Bam try tossing Savage who is saved by himself. Kid and MVP go at it in the corner. Jannetty makes the save. Perfect goes at it with both Quebecers as does Razor Ramon. Mabel is only the 2nd man eliminated by Diesel & I.R.S at 5:44. I.R.S goes curtesy of Ramon at 6:15. 1-2-3 Kid is gone via Booger at 6:47. Kid goes splat on the floor. Perfect with a chop to Tatanka. Diesel tries tossing Perfect but to no avail. Diesel pounds on Tatanka.  Perfect dodges a Diesel charge eliminating him at 8:08. Commercial break. Bob Backlund has been tossed right before we come back so I wont put a time on it. It was via Rick Martel though. 8:20 is the time so far. Bigelow & savage continue to fight. Heenan spreading rumors of Savage keeping Crush out of the Battle Royal. Snuka is gone at 8:57 by Rick Martel, who returned the previous week. Perfect fights with Bam Bam but gets tossed on his ass at 9:47. Savage goes after Bam Bam. Jannetty is taken part by MArtel & Bomb. Marty saves Savage but is eliminated by Bomb at 10:49. Tatanka is gone via Bammer at 11:13. Razor attacks booger and Savage on Bigelow. Bam Bam & Booger try tossing Savage but Razor makes the save. Savage tosses Booger now at 11:59. Razor then take out Bigelow at 12:12. We come back as Owen Hart eliminated MVP at a clipped 12:42. The Quebecers eliminate Owen at 12:55. Down to razor, Savage, Bomb, Martel & The Quebecers. Quebecers go with Ramon and Bomb/Martel on Savage. Savage fights back in Bomb and puts him out with a fireman's carry at 15:32. It takes all 3 heels plus Bomb to eliminate Savage at 15:42. Its down to the 3 Canadians & Razor Ramon. Razor takes a mudhole stomping. all 3 men miss a drop-kick. Razor pounds on all 3 men for a bit until they triple team him some more. They all take turns taken a licking on Razor. Jacque holds Razor for a clothesline, but Pierre misses eliminating his partner at 19:05, as Ramon tosses Pierre to end the match at 19:10. The final two men, Razor Ramon & Rick Martel, will fight next Monday for the Vacant IC Title. as for the battle Royal, ***. Pretty good for a battle royal, and it had longitivity to it, not a 7 minute squash. Pretty Much Not alot of Perfect going on in this match but still, he competed in it didnt he?


-2002 WWF Royal Rumble Match: (starting from the countdown for Mr. P)

HHH and Austin unload with a series of punches while the countdown begins. Mr. Perfect! Huge pop for his theme. He works in the throw the towel behind abck and catch over shoulder bit. LOOOOONG entrances tonight. Austin eats towel and Perfect goes after both men. Whoos Chops to Austin. He tries tossin him to no avail and kicks HHH in the gut. Both men try taking him out and while hes on the ropes he spat and slapped his gum, funny spot. Countdown! Kurt Angle with You Suck and you suck what chants all the while. Perfect pairs with austin and Angle with HHH. Everyone just kinda pound son each other for a bit. Angle and austin give chops to their respected guys. And then the other way around. Snap suplex on HHH by angle. Belly to Belly to Austin. WELL ITS THE BIG SLOW! Chokeslam to Mr. Perfect emidiately. Double chokeslam to the 2 man power trip is blocked and they both unload but get caught with clotheslines. Angle gets press slamed but HHH saves him. Big boot by show. Austin runs into a clothesline. Angle & Perfect get headbutted. #28 is KANE!!!! He comes in and slams Show over the top like nothing. BAM STUNNER by Ausitn and an Angle Plex to the floor sends Kane packing. So much for his 2001 longetivity record. LOL. Austin stomps a What? hole in Mr. P for a few seconds before they exchange punches. #29 is Rob Van Dam and he hits the ***** Frog splash on angle already!!!!! thrust kick to HHH and spinning heel kick to Austin & Perfect. Rolling Thunder by RVD on Austin. HHH is up and he KILLS RVD with the pedigree, and thats all for RVD cause hes out of it. Austin works over HHH and Perfect does Angle. CAN YOU DIG IT SUCKA?!!?! #30 is Booker T. He elimanateds RVD without much effort and works in the spin-a-rooni, then gets stunnerd over the top rope by Austin in practically 30-40 seconds. Ausitn & Angle try using their signature manuevers to elimanate each other but niether works. Austin blocks the pedigree and he eats post buckl. Angle Slam to HHH!!!! Series of German Suplexs to Austin by angle but a low blow ends that. Austin tries dumping Perfect but Angle sneaks up from behind and tosses STONE COLD!!! Austin snaps and basically kills all three men with a steel chair. Perfect holds HHH for a clothesline but Angle misses him and hits Perfect but DOESNT elimanate him. Thats new. Perfect takes Angle and gives hima  Perfect plex!!!! Perfect snapmare!!! HHH is up and he clothesline Perfect to the floor after being in the ring for 15:19. Anyway, HHH won elimanating angle in about 5 minutes. This portion was mainly waiting for the next spot. No Rating.


-Mr. Perfect Vs. Val Venis:

My tape gets screwy. Perfect with some chops in the corner, snapmare suplex and then hits the Perfect-snapmare. Perfect gets hit with the irish whip/knee lift thing Val does followed by a russian leg sweep for 2. Perfect wats buckle and a boot but nails a clothesline. Stone Cold!!!! Uh-oh. Perfect with a series of right hands. Val gets tosses to the floor and Austin comes in the ring and MURDERS Perfect with the Steel chair. Bell sounds a 2:00ish. 1/4*. Venis gets in Stone Colds face. BAM STUNNER! PICK SOME STINK ON IT!


Stone Cold: "What? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what? what?

what? what?"




Stone Cold: I think I got time to tell you people a little story.


Stone Cold: you want to hear a story?


Stone Cold: If you wanna hear a story give me a Hell Yeah!


Stone Cold: I wanna tell you a story about a man named Jed.


Stone Cold: You know that poor mountaineer.


Stone Cold: Barely kept his family fed.


Stone Cold: Then one day....


Stone Cold: He was shootin at some food.


Stone Cold: up from the ground came a bubblin crude.


Stone Cold: black Gold.


Stone Cold: Texas Tea.


Stone Cold: Money.


Stone Cold: Mucho Dinero!


Stone Cold: Next thing you know old Jeds a millionare.


Stone Cold: The  Kinfolk said "hey Jed"....


Stone Cold: Thats what he said....What?


Stone Cold: they said.....


Stone Cold: Hey Jed, Move Away from their.


Stone Cold: California.


Stone Cold: California.


Stone Cold: You know the west coast.


Stone Cold: Californias the place you outta be.


Stone Cold: So they loaded up the truck.


Stone Cold: That bucket of rust,


Stone Cold: That Pile of Junk.


Stone Cold: That old Jilope!


Stone Cold: Bottom Line was they moved to Beverley.


Stone Cold: Hills that is.


Stone Cold: Swimming pools.


Stone Cold: Movie Stars.


Stone Cold: The Beverley Hillbillies


Stone Cold: Well Im not here to tell you that story.




-Mr. Perfect Vs. Kane:

He says its geat to be back in the WWF!! And to be in his own baackyard of Chicago, IL. He sees Brian Er Lacker. (sp on captions). Perfect disses Bears on losing in the playoffs and hes Perfect! Kane is now a jobber. Headlock by Perfect, Clothesine by Kane.BIG BOOT. Chop sends PErfect sailing to the floor. Kane eats post. Running forearm knocks Kane down(!). Elbow. Kanes up and gets nothing. Stiff clothesine. Corner clothesline and a side suplex. Kane gos up top, and nails a sold bad clothelsine to Perfect. Chokeslam!!!! 1........2....3! KANE WON?!?!?! *. Um.........I lost that bet. About 2:00-3:00.


-"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Mr. Perfect:

Before the break, Hennig ran into the nWo, which i thoguht signalled him joing the group again and being the 4th member. Eh! Eh! Perfect gets a takeover on Austin and works a rest hold but Austin escapes and stomps the hell outta him. Perfect gets sent to the corners several times before Austin nails him with a stiff clothesline. 2 count if anyone really cares about the pins. Mr. Perfect fights back and works in slowly, damn this isnt my Mr. Perfect. Lou thesz press takes the tide back for Austin. JR is really......not into this one at all. I smell a run in, or a DQ finish. Austin gets the "finger flicking" Elbow (or FU, whichever works for ya)  and once again goes for the ass kicking with his redneck boots. Perfect up, BAM STUNNER! PUT SOME STINK ON IT! And Perfect doesnt oversell it damn it! If you can't guess, Perfect gets pinned 1-2-3 to end his perfect streak again at 4:55. Well, its Perfect & Austin, and thats all. * atleast. Im not going into the after events with the nWo/Austin.



-Mr. Perfect, Test, Lance Storm Vs. Rikishi, Albert, Scotty 2 Hotty:

This is the Heat match before Wrestlemania X-8. Storm attacks Albert and gets a boot in but gets gorilla pressed into a michinoku like slam for 2. Scotty in and Perfect with a cheap shot, allowing Storm tyo get the jumping heel kick. Test with some shots iin in the corner. Irish Whip & Clothesline to the buckle. Storm and Scotty exchange rights. Slam by Lance and a 2nd rope elbow misses. Perfect in with Rikishi. Rikishi with a samoan drop and clotheslines to lance & test. Perfect bails over. Scotty with a face slam and the W-O-R-M on Storm but wlaks into a test boot who walks into a baldo bomb who gets shoved to the floor who gets Back splashed in the corner. Stinkface, but Perfect blocks with the towel. HAHAHA! OMG! Cling-ons! Banzai Drop to Mr. P ends the match at 3:08. Blah. **. Kept a good pace yet short.


-Mr. Perfect Vs. Tommy Dreamer:

Which of these two dudes are face? Perfect i guess threw his towel at Coach. Tommy chant I think i hear so i guess hes the face. Both men exchange a few go behind waistlocks, and Perfect follows it up with a slap to the mouth and runs. Perfect grabs a headlock and works in a sad cartwheel as does Dreamer and he slaps Mr. P silly. Knifeedge chops and the Perfect necksnap by Hennig. Dreamer works in the chops and gets his own necksnap, but apparently injures his left knee. Sure. Perfect works a spinning toe hold submission on the injured knee. More working of the knee. Tell me, does any of Mr. Perfects aresenal revlove around attacking the knee for a big finisher like the sharpshooter?! Small Package by The Dream-man gets 2. Death Valley Driver is blocked and Perfect gets the Perfect-Plex to end it all at 3:23. Oh My Friggin God! Mr. Perfect actually won a fucking match!!!! Just for that, ill boost to a ** rating.


-Mr. Perfect Vs. Matt Hardy:

The end of the Perfect era is near in t-minus 2 minutes. Actually it was 4-5 days ago, but eh, Television wise i mean. Perfect is sporting Black & Red, and to my recolection, he never, eeeeeeeeeever wore those two colors in the past. We here the Exodus theme for one......final.....time. I wonder, is Ico-Pro still around? LoL. Colar elbow tieup. Perfect with a shove. Both men exchange armbars and Perfect reverses temporarily sending Matt to the floor. Matt slaps Perfect on the ground several times and runs. Slap to the head again. Matts a little girl sheesh. Snapback in the ring by Perfect and he slaps him. Running Dropkick by Perfect! I love that move. Perfect puts the boots to Matt. Slap and Chop in the corner. Perfect runs into a boot and Matt nails the side effect. Sounds like a Raven move. slam and 2nd rope elbow connect. Matt finnishes Perfect with a twist of fate that just ended Mr. Perfects career to end the match at 2:16. *1/4. Nothing much, and not the farewell Mr. P shoulda gotten. They shoulda kept him 1 more week or two and job him to hogan or someone from the old generation.

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Guest The Great Wesuke

I like your little rants/recaps but it is a shame that you are usually missing a lot of the GOOD matches.


No Bret v. Perfect KOTR or SummerSlam?

No Perfect winning the 20 man battle royal on SNME?

No Perfect as the LAST man in the 1990 Rumble, being eliminated by Hogan?

No Perfect beating Santana to win the IC title?

No Perfect/Flair v. Savage/Ramon?

No Perfect v. Flair loser leaves WWF match?

and NO Mr. Perfect vignettes!?


Hehe... I know you might not have the resources to aquire all of these matches, so good effort anyway. I DO like pointing out matches that are missing though. ;-)

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Guest nWoScorpion

The matches i wanted to rant otherwise were both Bret/perfect matches, PErfect/Flair, Perfe t/Hogan 1 on 1 match, and Perfect&savage/razor&flair.



Of course to do so i need


a.) money

b.) a job to get money

c.) time


I could try to do a half-assed memory rant, but that would look to good.

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Guest alfdogg

It's right where you say first 'televised' loss, because he had jobbed to Warrior at a house show a couple weeks prior, I think.


I can't believe they had Kerry kick out of the Perfect-Plex.


I used to have that battle royal on tape.  It was the one where to Hulk-Tugboat friendship first started to crumble.  Tugboat eliminated Hulk, and Hulk stood there yelling at him, and Tugboat just stood there like an idiot and Shawn Michaels nailed him from behind and put him out.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

good as always. i loved te bonus... i wish austin would do promos again.

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