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Ultimate Warrior bashes the Hall of Fame

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The Ultimate Warrior posted the following on his website regarding a possible induction into the WWE Hall of Fame. His full interview can be found here.


"NO. Many speak of Ultimate Warrior’s place in the Hall of Fame as a tribute. Some even use it as a plea that I should make nice with WWE, let bygones be bygones. That being inducted into the Hall of Fame would be a tribute to all I accomplished with the character in sports-entertainment and a way to preserve its legacy, and an appreciative gesture to all of Ultimate Warrior’s fans. I disagree. The greater tribute, the one showing greater honor and reverence, for the character and the fans, is to stand by my principles and refuse to participate in the charade. Ultimate Warrior fans, even more than persona, are better than any honor today’s WWE could bestow. Frankly, I can’t think of an easier way to disrespect the character, the fans or myself. Ultimate Warrior is a Hall-of-Famer because HE IS. There is nothing else to add or do to make it so that he is one. He is, pure and simple. End of story. A phony ceremony isn’t what makes him one. My own legacy, as the creator and performer of Ultimate Warrior, is to the people who have stood by me and drawn strength and inspiration from the integrity of my word. That my word is my bond and there is value in my promises. Going back to the WWE for the sake of one emotional moment would have me lose much more than I could ever gain. What I am, where I’ve come and what I stand for is worth much more than a shiny WWE plaque on my wall. That’s how I see it, and that is my tribute to the career of the Ultimate Warrior and to all those people who loved and supported him, and who continue to do so. It is my testimony to the fans, and to stand in a WWE ring and wave to them would be nothing more than cheap and superficial. It would do nothing more than denigrate his memory. A memory that, it’s funny, yet so true, will outlast every other one that has ever stepped into a wrestling ring. And will, just as much because of what I stand for now, as what Ultimate Warrior stood for in the ring all those years some time ago."


From 411mania.com and the Warrio's website.


So does he have any points or is he just rambling again like we have seen him do a million times? My little Warriors... DISCUSS!

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I actually think that that is one of the more coherent things he's written. He's right in that going to a HOF ceremony won't change the fact that he would be remembered, and would cheapen it if you take into account the fact that he hates the WWE and that it would be against his morals


With all that being said, he still ends up coming off as an arrogant little shit. His memory will outlast all others? Doubtful.

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Guest LooneyTune

I wish I could be popular by acting like I was having a bad trip every night. He makes 1 or 2 good points, but he's basically the insane version of Dynamite Kid. He just bitches about anything and everything.



Of course, I'm not comparing their in ring abilities, because DK leaves him in smoke (even when he was half crippled).

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Guest Deadbolt

I read most of that FAQ thing he did, and most of it was drivel. I can't really take the man seriously...

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Guest Shadow

What value did Ultimate Warrior really have? He tanked horribly at the gates when they put the title and company on his back and was an failure there.


He moved a good deal of merch but so does Hurricane today, does that mean Hurricane deserves a spot in the hof? hell no.


I'd easily place him along with Lex Luger, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett and soon, Randy Orton amongst the biggest busts in wrestling history.


He was over, no question and was great for the mid-card but he tanked at the top. He was basically goldberg of the late 80's/early ninties.

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Guest Mordecai's Cathedral
What value did Ultimate Warrior really have? He tanked horribly at the gates when they put the title and company on his back and was an failure there.


He moved a good deal of merch but so does Hurricane today, does that mean Hurricane deserves a spot in the hof? hell no.


I'd easily place him along with Lex Luger, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett and soon, Randy Orton amongst the biggest busts in wrestling history.


He was over, no question and was great for the mid-card but he tanked at the top. He was basically goldberg of the late 80's/early ninties.

But, but, but... He brought destrucity!

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He talks about Ultimate Warrior fans a lot. Does anymore here actually consider themselves a Warrior fan, or know anyone who is one? Even back during his title run, my friends and I (who were pretty much all big time marks who loved WWF) thought he was kind of bizarre and over the top. I think all of us prefered Hogan, because at least you could understand what Hulk stood for, while Warrior was rambling about who-knows-what and speaking to his hands...

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Why should the Warrior accept this plea to join the Hogan circle jerk? Warrior is a star on his own right for he is the one that made the tassle and paint look work for there are many many followers of his idealisms. Warrior has fans around the world.....where there is wrestling there is Warrior fans......Warrior does not need to be included into the HOF because Warrior will be remembered for the greatness that he did in the past. Warrior is above this BS that is the Hogan lovefest......do you not remember that Warrior defeated Hogan and was double champion! Warrior does not need this and will not lose any sleep over it. Warrior does not need a token trophy on the wall to know that he is a legend.

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Haha, that was great Raza. In all seriousness though Warrior is right on this one. The WWE HOF is a silly joke. There are way too many bums in this thing to be a legit HOF in my view. I mean Volkoff and Orton getting in the Hall of Fame?? Aside from maybe 1 tag title run with Iron Shiek I can't think of anything Nicolai Volkoff ever did. And Orton is mostly known today for wearing a cast on his arm for a year.


I don't have a problem with say Tito Santana getting in, since he at least was an IC champ (when that meant something) and won the tag titles in Strike Force. Orndorff getting in is iffy since he never really had a real sustained run due to injury but his big money Hogan feud is likely what got him in.


Kamala for the Hall baby!

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Why should the Warrior accept this plea to join the Hogan circle jerk? Warrior is a star on his own right for he is the one that made the tassle and paint look work for there are many many followers of his idealisms. Warrior has fans around the world.....where there is wrestling there is Warrior fans......Warrior does not need to be included into the HOF because Warrior will be remembered for the greatness that he did in the past. Warrior is above this BS that is the Hogan lovefest......do you not remember that Warrior defeated Hogan and was double champion! Warrior does not need this and will not lose any sleep over it. Warrior does not need a token trophy on the wall to know that he is a legend.

I could actually picture the Warrior saying all that and being in the 3rd person.


Do you smell what the Warrior is cookin?

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I want Warrior to come back to WWE, and go on Raw.


I want them to feud.


I want them to cut promos on each other.


I want the to be allowed to say whatever they want, and for however long they want to say it.


Everybody watching wrestling that night would get a good week's sleep.

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If he feels the WWE is an insult and he doesn't want to be associated with their Hall then good for him. Warrior may be nuts but if the guy wants nothing to do with the Hall then I applaud his stance.


It's his call to come or not and if he feels the WWE is an insult to him and the business then he shouldn't come.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

Vince:Well...I guess we'll just have to wait till he dies.

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Guest LooneyTune



Vince: Fuck that moron, we should induct Koko B. Ware instead.

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Guest Loss

I have this weird feeling that he is sitting in the desert in full wrestling gear typing out all of this.

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I actually used to LIKE Koko B. Ware though, unlike some of the guys who are being inducted this year.


As Skip Bayless would say "It's the Hall of Fame, not the Hall of very good." Or hell in this case some of these guys weren't even very good! Volkoff, Orton, etc. What exactly are the criteria for making this HOF anyway? It's not exactly like "Get 3,000 hits, 300 wins, 500 homers, etc. and you're in."

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I think if you are not a jobber (except for Barry Horowitz cause his cool) you can make it in to the Hall of Fame. Maybe the ULTIMATE WARRIOR is using reverse psychology and wants people to notice him and put him in the HOF. His last match was in 2000 so what has he been doing for the last five years? Hibernating... Oh wait, I forgot he speaks at public events as conservative. In any case, I think HOF has no meaning if there is no physical building to house memorablia and such like the Baseball and Hockey HOF.


Also, I think the company should have done this on a more consistent basis like the Slammies.

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Guest Shadow

they dont even have a fucking wall or nething at Titan Towers.


At least give them a special room there if anything.

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Santa would comment on this, but Warrior has him tied up at the moment

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Guest Trivia247

In the end all that will be remembered of him will be that guy with the face paint

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Yeah, he'll be inducted once he kicks the bucket. Or at least when he gets sane in another 15 years or so.

They could induct one of the other Warriors. :P

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I think Bob Orton is only getting in because his brat is getting a push from hell and it's a way to push Randy even more and give him face time.

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