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Guest converge241


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Guest converge241

non-sensical turns that defy their own internal logic

falling ratings

evil owner(s)

the crazy skits (the store fight, the church chase)

dreamer's new character (which reminds me of the hacksaw as a Janitor and Chavo as an amway salesman)


i doubt hes really back ghostwriting, but how did his style infect everybody?

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Guest Tony149

The WWE is still living on his "Crash TV". Say what you want about Russo, but his style worked in the WWF. Vince (McMahon) is still using it, when he should be trying to think of something new.

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Hell, Vince brought back Goldustin, Mister Prefect, And the Old world Order, so why not Vinnie Ru? Why not use the Old 97 sets?

*Calms down....*

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Guest Raven_Effect01
non-sensical turns that defy their own internal logic

falling ratings

evil owner(s)

the crazy skits (the store fight, the church chase)

dreamer's new character (which reminds me of the hacksaw as a Janitor and Chavo as an amway salesman)


i doubt hes really back ghostwriting, but how did his style infect everybody?

Russo was obviously guilty of that, but apparently, it seems as if Stephanie picked up some tips from him, since she is the head writer of course.

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Guest converge241
The WWE is still living on his "Crash TV". Say what you want about Russo, but his style worked in the WWF.


just to let everybody know i actually like russo (for the most part) and didnt want to come across as a blind-bash. I just meant more like its time to move on instead of writing in the same vein..

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Guest El Satanico

Well if he was back the storylines would actually make sense in Russo's own twisted way. Sure at first view alot of stuff he did made little sense but if you looked at them harder they actually made sense in a odd way.


Hey look now i'm also only making sense to those who can understand stuff that only makes sense in a odd manner.

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(Sits quietly, waiting for someone to make the inevitable Russo-Trips connection.)

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(Sits quietly, waiting for someone to make the inevitable Russo-Trips connection.)

Anglesault, we need you to help us on this one.

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I just think Crash TV just plain doesn't work with out Russo.  It would be like a Tom Clancy novel being written by someone else.

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non-sensical turns that defy their own internal logic

falling ratings

evil owner(s)

the crazy skits (the store fight, the church chase)

dreamer's new character (which reminds me of the hacksaw as a Janitor and Chavo as an amway salesman)


i doubt hes really back ghostwriting, but how did his style infect everybody?

What i wanna know is how the WWE booking team is SUCKING this badly! They have PAUL HEYMAN on the frikken team, who i consider to be a very intelligent man when it comes to wrestling know-how. Although...Steph does have the stroke doesn't she?


Bring Vinnie Ru Back? DOES THE WWE WANT TO BECOME ANYMORE LIKE WCW? Russo will just walk in and do what he did to World Championshit Wrestling, FUCK IT UP!


Although, New Blood was pretty wicked.


This has been the Taker Mark

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Guest El Satanico

um...but how could Russo "fuck up" WWeee when it's already been fucked over and shate upon.

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Why couldn't he brought back as an ideas man/writer as opposed to head writer?  (Although, I'm sure that he has more talent in his pinkie than Stephanie has in her entire body).  In that way, people such as Vince & Paul Heyman could edit his ideas & use what's good.

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Guest Sykotic2002

I find anything Russo did more interesting ten the crap that is on Raw right now.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i'd rather have raw as it is than David Arquette as the world champ.

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You have to wonder what Russo would do if he were brought back. Who would he put the title on? Can it get any worse than Hogan? Maybe Linda McMahon would get a title reign.


And as for early 1997, I have very fond memories of that era. In fact, that is one of my favorite periods ever. Actually, other than the Austin/Hart Foundation feud, there was not much I liked. I guess I just loved that feud so much that it made me forget everything else.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Nah. This is worse.


[James Earl Jones impersonation]


This is HHH.


[/James Earl Jones impersonation]

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Guest Risk

Did Russo create the "Kane" gimmick?  If so, I'm gonna be pissed off at him.

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