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Worst match you've ever seen?

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Guest JHawk

Point taken.  Are we allowed to go back to the WWWF days, because I've seen the tape of a Pedro Morales-Killer Kowalski match that rivals the best Giant Baba match.

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Guest Mudshark

Worst I've seen is from one of the UK PPVs (No Mercy 1999). You'd think they'd go with a decent match for the opener to get the crowd pumped. Instead they send out Gillberg and Tiger Ali Singh in a match that featured about twelve moves, and that includes punches and kicks. UK crowds are usually hot, but this one managed to kill them in about 30 seconds, it was that brutal...


Actually, no. The Tori/Nicole Bass match later on the card was even worse. And Blackman/Droz was plain nasty. Oh, Mideon/Kane was far from good.


Bottom line - don't watch No Mercy 99, unless you have a high tolerance for crap.

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Guest goodhelmet

Live- the worst match I can recall is Jerry Lawler and His Kid vs. Ivan Putski and his Kid. I can't believe I sat through that shit.


That I can recall- Bossman vs. Undertaker Hell in a Cell or Piper and Hogan Age in the Cage. Those matches suck shit and have absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever!

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Guest papacita
the hell it was.


teh rumble match featured a very long...chyna broke her neck lets feel bad, bring the show down and cart her out angle.

Response from the Chyna Mark:


Rumble match wasn't that long. Plus I think it should've been pretty obvious to everyone watching the show that the injury was just a work so Chyna could go out to promote that masterpiece of a book of hers (which I read ONE time! ) so it shouldn't have brought the show down at all. Anyway, there are a lot of bad things you can say about the Chyna/Ivory series, but I don't think those are it.

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bah, ut/kane vs kronik from last summer, no match can be worse.



Not even *I* liked that match...


In fact, I didn't really like much of Taker's matches from 2001...everything else from this year, and from 2000 and all that preceeds it has my seal of approval!...well..within reason


This has been the Taker Mark

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Guest JMTapes

I don't think you could call the gimmick battle royale bad, because that's what they were aiming for. Besides, it was fun to watch. And dammit, BRING BACK HEEENAN AND OKERLUND!!





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When talking about truly awful matches, I leave out minute long squashes. They're short, so little harm, no foul. Worst match I've seen so far this year would be the twenty-six minutes of pain and suffering that was Austin and the Undertaker from Backlash. Worst match last year is a tie between Booker T-Bagwell from Raw in July (an abortion of a match the sunk an otherwise entertaining show, AND was a major factor in the downfall of the new WCW) and the Shane-Vince street fight rematch from Raw in November. Awful times, man, awful times.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, as far as the WWE is concerned, Christian/Henry was fucking awful along with Hogan/Flair.


As far as the WWF goes, Taker/Bossman from WM 15 and UT/Kane vs Kronik from Unforgiven 2001. Just utterly terrible...

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Guest Nevermortal

Big Show vs. Kane from KOTR '99.




Nuff said.

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Guest cabbageboy

I might have to go with that shitty Austin/UT Backlash match myself.  Stuff with Mabel or people like that I ignore to begin with, I am talking about matches that are important but just SUCK.  Hence no 1 minute TV squashes.


That Austin/UT match was utter misery.  Not only did it suck and feature nothing but punching, kicking, and fighting at ringside, it just kept going on and on.  Not only that but it took time away from the RVD/Eddie match (it was only about 12 minutes, should have been about 20).  Therefore, not only was that match bad it actively hurt another match on the show due to its extreme length!


#2 has to be the Booker/Bagwell match.  It wasn't as long or excruciating as the UT/Austin match, but in terms of importance ranks up there with it.  These guys killed the biggest angle of all time with this shitty match.  Anytime you want Booker to be pushed, think of this match and you'll realize the WWE's reluctance.

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geez how old are you all?  you don't go farther back than 93?


lets try Older bad matches..


WM 5 Akeem Bossman vs Rockers...


Rockers couldn't even make the match halfway decent because they had to wait for the two giant slugs to stumble around the ring.


Bad News Brown vs Jim Duggan


Bad News Brown vs Roddy Piper

except for the Half black half white and the michael jacksons glove Piper was sporting was still a cluster f##k



pointing being it isn't a licenese for taker haters just to go after his matches when there are loads of others  years worth

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Ah yes... we must all be rookies just because we named stuff that happened after 93...fwah.


Here's a couple for you:


Hogan/ANdre, WM 3


Hogan/Andre, WM 4


Taker/Hogan, This Tuesday In Texas

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Guest thefrenchargel

How about the six-man lucha match at the 97 rumble? or the 99 rumble match? THAT is some really drawn out misery. Skinner vs. Jim Neidhart from one of the Colosseum home videos is the most boring unenjoyable match i have ever seen. It was 15 minutes of stalling and restholds. they didn't even brawl really, just stalled and did chinlocks and chokes. The worst part was, it went to a time limit draw! i mean, in a match that pointless and stupid, why not DO THE JOB? it's fucking skinner vs neidhart!

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Guest cabbageboy

I generally don't include older matches because I haven't watched a lot of that stuff in so long I can't remember it.  As a little kid, I enjoyed most wrestling.


By the way Rockers/Bossman and Akeem isn't that bad of a match, at least not for the time period.

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Guest caboose

You've driven the joke about Test Vs. Kane being the worst match ever into the ground.

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The WWE is not WCW.

I'm going to have to dispute that one...


WWE in a year or two will be WCW in it's worst days.

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Hey, say what you want about the wrestling in the Doink matches at Survivor Series 93 and 94, but I thought they were funny as hell.


I'm going to try to poke out a match that hasn't been covered yet. I pulled out some old tapes and I found a Raw from Dec. 94 and it featured Kwang vs. Scott Taylor. Kwang defines the term NO HEAT. I mean, seriously, nobody gave a shit whether he was living or dead. He squashed Taylor, who was green as hell. I know most of the Superstar vs. Jobber matches of the early 90's and late 80's can compete. But at least in most other cases, people cared about the Superstar. I'm just using this match as an example anyway.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Undertaker vs. Evil Undertaker (Summerslam '94)

Diesel vs. Mabel (Summerslam '95)

Diesel & Bam Bam vs. Sid & Tatanka (KOTR '95)

UT & Kane vs. Kronik

John Tenta vs. Bubba Rogers (BATB '96)

Undertaker vs. Yokozuna, casket match (RR '94 & SS '94)

War Games '93 and '95

Larry Zbyszko vs. Eric Bischoff (Starrcade '97 or '98)


Wrestling in general just sucks now... I hope the Jarretts give us something good

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Hey, at least Snow vs. Bossman was so bad it was good. Whereas Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalas of Wrestlemania 9 was just so bad it was.....bad.

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Guest bsrizpac

Okay, any match with crowd heat can't be on this list. So take off Hogan/Andre etc.


Crowd heat = NOT the worst match of all time.


ANY match from BATB 91.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

I think you mean GAB '91, cuz there was no BATB.  GAB blew.  A capture the flag scaffold match with PN News involved.  Kill me now.


Rockers vs. Towers was a really fun match.


Skinner vs. Neidhart sounds horrible.  Speaking of horrible Coliseum video matches, I have one of DBS vs. Haku that lasts for 17 minutes! 17 fucking minutes!  You can barely count on the main event of a PPV getting that much time these days.  Haku used restholds for the entire match, including one where he just pulled Davey's hair that was in cornrows at the time.  Davey won, of course.  I also have a Neidhart vs. Warlord... that blew, and Neidhart won.  


Also, something everyone has neglected to mention EVERY match from the Heroes of Wrestling PPV.  What a god awful idea.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Oops, I let myself get away from the topic of the worst match in a WWE ring, but so did everyone else.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Okay, any match with crowd heat can't be on this list. So take off Hogan/Andre etc.


Crowd heat = NOT the worst match of all time.


ANY match from BATB 91.

A bad match is a bad match. Screw the crowd heat.

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