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Worst match you've ever seen?

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Guest bsrizpac
Okay, any match with crowd heat can't be on this list. So take off Hogan/Andre etc.


Crowd heat = NOT the worst match of all time.


ANY match from BATB 91.

A bad match is a bad match. Screw the crowd heat.

Wrong.  Match rating is a subjective activity. Moreso, there is NO standard for rating matches. I call bullshit.

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Guest cabbageboy

I also don't count matches that are funny...most UT stuff from the old days was so campy that I can't say it is the worst stuff ever.  Like the match with Yokozuna, it was so weird and over the top bad that I think it is cool.  10 guys attacking UT, him "dying," giving the speech, being resurrected.  That was fucked up.


I wouldn't count some obscure Raw match from 1994 either (Kwang/Scotty).  It has to be a match of some relevance, like on a PPV or a noted TV match that really really sucked or ruined an angle.


I'll tell you my candidate for the WCW worst match:  Sting and Hawk vs. The Nasty Boys, from Starrcade 93.  It was for the tag titles and went like 30 minutes!  And it was a DQ finish!  I swear the Nastys did rest holds and beatdowns on BOTH Sting and Hawk.  God it sucked.

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Guest papacita

Just remembered some...


Show's Survivor Series match from 99...where Bossman ran...say what you will about the cancer angle but damn they could've at least teased a payoff.


Show and Bossman from Armageddon: to Show's credit, it seemed like he was trying there. He failed.


HHH Vs Vince Fucking McMahon from Armageddon: Next to Taker/Austin this was THEEEEEEEEEEE WORST match I've ever seen. The whole match was just those two walking around the arena slamming each other into stuff. Insane McMahon bump or not, that shit damn near put me in a coma. I was a loyal WWF mark back in 99. McMahon Vs HHH killed that for me!

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Guest razazteca

Brett Hart vs Kamala for the WWF title


Macho Man vs Crush


APA vs Palumbo & O'Haire - Invasion

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Wrong.  Match rating is a subjective activity. Moreso, there is NO standard for rating matches. I call bullshit.

How is it wrong? I'm not trying to subjectively rate the matches. If I didn't like it, I didn't like it. Simple as that.

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Guest bsrizpac
Wrong.  Match rating is a subjective activity. Moreso, there is NO standard for rating matches. I call bullshit.

How is it wrong? I'm not trying to subjectively rate the matches. If I didn't like it, I didn't like it. Simple as that.

It's not "wrong". But according to your view then, I should be able to factor back in crowd heat. It adds to my enjoyment of a match. Sorry.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Hey, if it works, don't fix it. I certainly can't demean anybody on here for how they determine when a match is good or when it sucks. Besides, it's cool to have discussions about how others rate matches without idiotic flaming coming into play.


Oh, and bsrizpac(or anyone else who wants weigh in), do you ever watch a match live and then watch it again without the sound?I feel it's a pretty good way to gauge how good a match is, entertainment-wise. How do you you feel about it?

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Guest notJames

Bret-Owen at Wrestlemania X


(just kidding)




Factoring in the suckability of the "workers", match length, and absence of crowd heat, I'd go with KaneTaker vs. Kronik. It was such a labour to sit there and watch those four overgrown, overblown lugs no-sell and lumber around the ring. Truly 10+ minutes I'll never ever get back.


Now if I went back to wCw, the list would be endless, so I won't go there...

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Brett Hart vs Kamala for the WWF title

I don't remember Kamala in the WWF between 92 and 97?


Anyway, I'm going farther back. When I was a kid and just started watching WWF Wrestling on Saturday morning and PRIMETIME. All those God Awful 15 Minute draws between Tito Santana and Greg Valentine, and also, I remember 1 or 2 Tito Vs Honky Tonk Draws. Hated those.


Also, WM3; Billy Jack Hayes Vs Hercules.


I'm gonna add this match also because I F'N hate it!

WM6; Hogan Vs Warrior. The ending was good but damn that match drags on.

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Guest notJames
...WM3; Billy Jack Hayes Vs Hercules...

Admittedly, I liked that match when I saw it. I was high on Billy Jack Haynes in my doe-eyed fan phase, and I looked forward to the "Battle of the Full Nelsons", especially at the end when Hercules pasted Haynes with his chain, causing a brutal gusher. I can look back nostalgically with a smile, 'cuz I know to keep it in the past. If I saw it today, I'd probably poo-poo it. But that's the trick... I don't have to see it today.


Now that 6-man mixed midget tag on the same card with Bundy and Hillbilly Jim... that was brutal. Ugh ugh ugh.

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When talking about truly awful matches, I leave out minute long squashes. They're short, so little harm, no foul. Worst match I've seen so far this year would be the twenty-six minutes of pain and suffering that was Austin and the Undertaker from Backlash. Worst match last year is a tie between Booker T-Bagwell from Raw in July (an abortion of a match the sunk an otherwise entertaining show, AND was a major factor in the downfall of the new WCW) and the Shane-Vince street fight rematch from Raw in November. Awful times, man, awful times.

When did they have a streetfight rematch?


Bad News Brown vs Roddy Piper

except for the Half black half white and the michael jacksons glove Piper was sporting was still a cluster f##k

When was this?


Is the only reason Iron Sheik won the gimmcik battle royal is because he could've died falling out of the ring?

Taker-Kama, Taker-Mabel, Albert-Kane are some bad ones nobody said

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Bad News Brown vs Roddy Piper

except for the Half black half white and the michael jacksons glove Piper was sporting was still a cluster f##k

When was this?

Wrestlemania VI.  It was Piper's coming out of retirement match.

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Guest bsrizpac
Hey, if it works, don't fix it. I certainly can't demean anybody on here for how they determine when a match is good or when it sucks. Besides, it's cool to have discussions about how others rate matches without idiotic flaming coming into play.


Oh, and bsrizpac(or anyone else who wants weigh in), do you ever watch a match live and then watch it again without the sound?I feel it's a pretty good way to gauge how good a match is, entertainment-wise. How do you you feel about it?

I've actually never done that. An interesting idea that i'll have to try. The problem being is that I can barely sit through WWE program without falling asleep.


Also to me, the crowd heat is SO integral to my viewing experience. Since this isn't a real sport, I find myself really looking at some unique facets sometimes (like heat) to keep myself entertained.


Nothing beats a good crowd heat match to me. Nothing.


Hogan v. Rock


Austin/Hawk/Shamrock/Goldust/Animal v. Canucks (spring stampede).


Both great for different reasons. But both great because of crowd heat as well.

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Guest Redhawk

Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna at Wrestlemania 10 was horrible.


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Bad News Brown at WM 5 or 6 was bad, but at least it was short. I believe that was the match where Hacksaw tried to get a "USA" chant going...in TORONTO!

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Brisco/Patterson was bad, but IMO JR made the match semi-entertaining with his Patterson jokes. "His dressing room is disguised as a closet and he just came out of it." That's about as subtle as you can get.

JR's best score on Patterson must have been when he was announced with the laundry list of accolades at Over the Edge ('98) and when Finkel was finished, JR goes "...and he's single, fellas!"

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