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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Intresting take: should a wwe employee write a

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Many on this fourm (BPS, Anglesault, ect) can't wait for a WWE employee to spill the beans and tell all about whatever goes on behind "closed doors" (especially when it comes to the puppetry of one Paul Levesque) but my point here is, would it be worth it?


Just listening to sports talk radio and EVERYONE (callers, hosts) were ripping Jose Canseco for even SUGGESTING that he is going to write a tell all about baseball during his nearly 20 years in the game.  Basically on the Dan Patrick radio show yesterday Canseco said he was going to write a book telling about all the politics, steriods, other drugs, night life, and other tales of baseball personell behaving badly (as well as himself)  Basically the book that people on this board can't wait to come out about the WWE in the post-Hogan era (at least since the Clique came into power till today)


But it seems that the majority opinion is that for the most part the callers and media want Jose to just keep the feelings to himself or he will be considered a true outcast/piraaiah (sp) the way Jim Bouton was after writing Ball Four and if Jose is writing a tell all because he feels that he's been cut off from those in the game and people he once considered friends then he will basically cause his own "unofficial" lifetime banishment from the game (ala Jim Bouton was for many years)


So would it be worth it for say a Chris Jericho, or a Lance Storm, Scott Taylor, Monte Sopp, Bob Holly, ect to write a tell all, kayfabe demolishing book about the WWE during the last 15, 10, 5 years?  And risk complete isolation and blackballing from any place where he (or she as the case could be) would want to get work again in the business, where most likely they would have to be involved with someone they trashed in the book or someone who is a friend of someone they trashed the book or just pissed in general because you HAD the gall to write such a book (and in the business there probably isn't someone who doesn't know someone even using more than six degrees or if you latch on somewhere across the globe)


Plus basically the only people that would probably read the book and care that intently about it in the "see I told you so" vein are internet smarks (or smarks that aren't on the net as well) as I would think marks (or anyone who just doesn't care what goes on behind the scenes) would react the same as the fans/hosts are with Canseco.  Basically either "Hey we KNOW this stuff goes on, who cares, bring SOMETHING better to the table (i.e. Owen Hart faked his death and is living in Santo Domingo waiting for Vince to give the signal to return)" or "Why should we care about this, does it affect the enjoyment of watching these people perform?"


In fact, not to mention would causual fans of wrestling give a shit?  I think not.  Maybe causual fans of baseball (or non-fans) will read the Canseco book due to the Kitty Kelly factor (people will read "tell alls" if they are about the ultra famous pop-culture celebs, i.e. no one is reading a tell all about some one-hit wonder or the stuff that happened on the set of some TV show that got canned after half a season) but wrestling doesn't appear that far on the radar map for it to generate ANY kind of success except the aforementioned smarks who want to scream "SEE I TOLD YOU SO DAMN IT!"


But thats just my take on the matter


Steve J. Rogers

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Guest buffybeast

If the individual is prepared to walk away from the business and never return, ever, then it would not hurt him to "spill the beans".

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Guest Slapnuts00
If the individual is prepared to walk away from the business and never return, ever, then it would not hurt him to "spill the beans".

In that case Bret Hart could get away with it. Although I'd think his book would have to be viewed with strict scrutiny since he's so bitter and was kicked in the head too hard.

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Guest bravesfan

If Canseco still cares about the HOF, he won't EVER write that book.


And if any wrestler cares about a second stint in a major fed, they better keep their mouths shut.


Although I would like to see a bitter Bob Holly in 5 years, telling everything about the business.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

If anyone wants to keep ther LIFE in pro wrestling... they'd better not say a word.


Otherwise, some crazy ass fan is gonna come after them and try to kill them.

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Guest RetroRob215

I could see a wrestler whos value is dropping pulling a stunt like that hoping it will get them back some heat and maybe even a job with the WWE's competition.

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It might work if The Rock wrote it.  Say, if he opted to commit fully to the movie career, willingly walked away from the wrestling business permanently (and he'd have to; Vince would blackball him, and we all know it), it would probably sell pretty well, because he's a big enough star to pull it off.


Perhaps Austin, too, but I think his "crossover media" star has waned to the point where The Rock is the bigger deal.


And if someone did come forward and "out" some of the darker practices of the behind-the-scenes world, that exposure might force their correction.  So I'd like to see the book happen.

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A tell-all book that debunked the "HHH is political" theories to crap would be extremely useful, and justice as well.

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Guest alfdogg
If the individual is prepared to walk away from the business and never return, ever, then it would not hurt him to "spill the beans".


I don't think I could have put it better.


A tell-all book that debunked the "HHH is political" theories to crap would be extremely useful, and justice as well.


~F' BPS, F' Kahran Ramsus, and F' any other "HHH is a political monster" morons~


Wow, Best Buy, you've REALLY got me fooled.

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Guest Ravenbomb

I doubt Foleys coming back, and he's supposedly getting/got that shiney new writing deal...

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Guest godthedog

it would be very easy for the public to brand someone who would write such a book as whiny, bitter, vengeful, etc., but i think wrestling NEEDS such a book.  it seems to me that if all this shit we read about is true, then wrestling really needs a good kick in the ass.  i'd elaborate on this point, but i'm too tired.

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Guest raptor

Of someone is willing to sacrifice his life in the business, then I think a tell-all is a worthwile endevor. Bouton's Ball Four was a double edged sword, however. I feel that a wrestling tell-all would be the same. Ball Four broke down all the "good ol' boys" baseball taboos, but it also opened the door for all the whining and greed in the sport.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Personally, I'd like to see Maven write a book once he gets out of the whole wrestling deal.  He's already somewhat blacklisted within the business for obtaining his shot via Tough Enough, but that wouldn't mean shit on the outside, where people would be more than willing to read a well-learned young man's journey through Vince McMahon's personally orchestrated version of Hell.

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Guest goodhelmet

Just read Tom Zenk's column every week. He's bitter but he also is a friggin prophet. Read a column from last year, any of them, and view the WWF in its state right now. He's supposed to write a book opening up the backstage from WCW and the WWF from back in the day.


Or Shane Douglas. Just read or listen to any interview he's done in the last five years and you'll get some nice dirt.


As for this era, I wouldn't really care for an Austin book as he is supposedly as big a politician as anyone else. I would love for Rock to just shoot from the mouth as he has been the most generous wrestler to have seemingly avoided the backstage BS.

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I'd love to read a book like that too, and it wouldn't necessarily have to be a star or former star to write it.  I think a lifelong jobber or midcarder who never really went anywhere would have plenty of interesting stories.  He'd be bitter enough to dish the real dirt, but since he didn't really fall or get cast down from the real heights (a la Bret Hart), he wouldn't be so full of rage that you'd really have to question what he says.  And he'd be reasonably close to the action.


Some people would be flat out useless.  Like if Triple H wrote the book.  He'd probably tell you that life was pretty sweet in the WWabcedfg and had no complaints.  



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