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Guest slabinskia

Kevin smith movies

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Guest slabinskia

i recently got the jay& silent bob dvd and thought it was hilarious.the only other kevin smith movie ive seen is dogma.how are his other movies and what are the best and worst of the series

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Guest DragonflyKid

Im personally not a fan of Kevin Smith movies but Clerks was good.


There is already a Kevin Smith thread on page 2..

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Guest cabbageboy

Oddly enough I too saw only Dogma before seeing Jay and Silent Bob.  After that I checked them all out.  Here we go:


1.  Mallrats.  Critics hate this movie but it made me laugh nonstop.  No big issues here, just silly stuff.  Jason Lee is awesome in this too.


2.  Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.  This one is probably funnier than Mallrats but contains so much "dude, you're a fag!" humor that it gets slightly old on repeat viewings.  


3.  Dogma.  The most plot that Smith has tackled, along with the most issues.  Some of it is silly shit designed to piss people off (God is a woman, Jesus is black).  J and SB also have big roles here.


4.  Clerks.  Most people would rank it #1 but not me.  It is basically much ado about nothing, and I have never cared about movies like that.  The dialogue is crackling, but that is a problem;  no video store and convenience clerks would talk like that.


5.  Chasing Amy.  The least happy of Smith's movies though it does have some moments (the opening scene).  I'm a J and SB mark and they aren't in much of this one.

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There is already a Kevin Smith thread on page 2..

LOL, I thought that feeling of deja vu wasn't for nothing... I keep seeing this topic every other week..


Anyways, Clerks is my fave.

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Guest slabinskia

ok.well since there is a post on page 2 is there anyone with the dvds of



chasing amy that they will sell me for a reasonable price?

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Guest Youth N Asia

I have the Smith DVDs...not for sale though


BUT...Clerks is FINALLY reasonabbly priced on DVD now...it was $40...now Best Buy has stocked up on them and they're $14.99...Mallrats is still $25 though


1) Clerks/Mallrats

3) Chasing Amy

4) Dogma


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