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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Hire the booking team

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

If you could fire the current booking squad and hire 5 people of your choice to do the WWF's booking, who would they be?


Jim Ross

Ric Flair

Paul Heyman

Arn Anderson

Jim Cornette

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I would hire 2-3 actual TV writers.... people that have worked on a series for years and understand how to script drama, action and comedy without any stupid unconventional shit that no one would do.  And I would hire two people who know how to put a match together.  And I would make sure that these people understood their roles.

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Guest RetroRob215

If the WWE was smart they wouldn't need a whole booking team.  IMO, they should just take suggestions from the wrestlers and TV personalities.  Those are the guys who really know what is best for their characters and the business in general.

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Guest El Satanico

no no no nooooo


Keep Jim "i loves me some HOSSES" Ross far away from a "creative team".



And i agree with including 2 or 3 decent tv or movie writers to keep the "entertainment" aspect in order. Since WWeee isn't about the wrestling it shouldn't have all wrestling people doing the writing. 2 or 3 handling the matches and what wrestler gets what role combined with 2 or 3 handling the storylines and "entertainment" which the wrestling guys will plug the wrestlers into the roles. That would be the best solution.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

JR, Flair, Heyman, Cornette, and....the secret weapon....MICK FOLEY!


Seriously, he knows how to put together a good storyline.

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JR, Flair, Heyman, Cornette, and....the secret weapon....MICK FOLEY!


Seriously, he knows how to put together a good storyline.

I noticed in your sig picture that HHH doesn't seem to be too thrilled with being in the Kliq.

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Cornette (yes, the both of them. Think about it, really)

Double A

Johnny Ace

And, now that he's mentioned, Foley

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I wouldn't necessarily hire 2-3 TV writers to be ON the booking team OR the writing team. Instead, I would have a panel of consultants (be them Freelance, or on the full time payroll) who would give their input as to how things should be and what should not happen, etc. After all, wasn't Gerwitz a TV writer? Look at the shit he comes up with.. *shudder*

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Guest TheMikeSC

Heyman is overrated. Screw 'im.


Give me Flair, Anderson, Raven, Dreamer, and Vince.



...Let guys like Gewirtz handle the details---but not the big picture.

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Guest El Satanico
I wouldn't necessarily hire 2-3 TV writers to be ON the booking team OR the writing team. Instead, I would have a panel of consultants (be them Freelance, or on the full time payroll) who would give their input as to how things should be and what should not happen, etc. After all, wasn't Gerwitz a TV writer? Look at the shit he comes up with.. *shudder*

Well i have no clue about this Gerwitz fellow, but just because someone is a "tv writer" doesn't mean they can write well. WWeee would need to be more selective when looking at potential tv/movie writers and look at guys that have actually written something decent instead of just sending out job ads and getting to look at a group mainly consisting of hacks.


And why not include "entertainment" guys on WWeee's actual writing team, it's not like WWeee is all about the wrestling. If WWeee has to be about entertainment the least they can do is hire guys that have experience withyou know writing entertainment.  


The "wrestling" people aren't doing very well at writing this stuff so why not give them actual writing help.


However i get a feeling that one of the big problems holding the writing staff down falls at the feet of Vince Mcmahon. I'd be willing to bet that he has turned down some good ideas because he didn't want to be "risky". So unless Vince displays those grapefruits that he enjoys talking about and lets some of the risky storylines make it to tv no writing team will do much.

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Guest raptor

Raven (from what I've seen, he did a lot with limited talent in HWA)

Johnny Ace (to help handle the crusierweights and match plotting)

JR (still in touch with the old school stuff that still works well)

Heyman (great when he doesn't have to run a business)

And i like having 2 TV writers to actually write good TV.

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Guest raptor

Raven (from what I've seen, he did a lot with limited talent in HWA)

Johnny Ace (to help handle the crusierweights and match plotting)

JR (still in touch with the old school stuff that still works well)

Heyman (great when he doesn't have to run a business)

And i like having 2 TV writers to actually write good TV.

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Guest Nater

Heyman, Vince, Shane, Flair.. cant think of 5 that are worthwhile..


Steph - well we know whats wrong with her booking, besides there being no wrestling.


JR - Well, the guy likes how Bradshaw is shaping up.. thats a bad thing, not a good thing. (hmm.. maybe DDP if hes gonna throw in the towel?)


Ace - Didnt he tell Sid to do the 2nd rope drop kick that got him injured?


Cornette - Too bloody, blood scares kids and kids like wrestling.

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I don't know enough about the booking team to warrent a response aside from a broad view.


1. A person to lead the group, thus shooting down anything. He should be television savy, and think that if it isn't realistic, it doesn't belong.


2. A person with wrestling in mind. No real storyline ideas, just concerned with the fluidness of the contests, assuring good wrestling.


3. A person completely involved with storylines. Nothing else. Just wants to create his own soap opera.


4. A person with integrity, who can be relyed on to look after the greater good of professional wrestling, more specifically, not pissing off the hired help.


5. A fan.

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Guest Mad Dog

Johnny Ace

Terry Taylor

Ric Flair

Mic Foley

Dean Malenko (cruiser division)

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Paul Heyman

Shane McMahon

Dean Malenko

Arn Anderson


My fifth spot is entirely undecided as Tommy Dreamer, Ric Flair, Johnny Ace, Raven and Mick Foley would all work out well. I think I'd add Ace or Foley in for the fifth and final, with the remaining number obviously being around as extra voices and consultants.

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Guest The Great Wesuke

Stephanie McMahon

Vince Russo

Eric Bischoff

Dusty Rhodes

Bill Watts

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It's tough as there are quite a good few guys that could be very influential and would work well.


Dean Malenko

Johnny Ace

Jim Cornette


Tommy Dreamer


Those would be first choices but there are lots that could fit in well for any of these men.

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Guest DawnBTVS

#1: Paul Heyman(Storylines)

#2: Raven(Storylines and Brawls)

#3: Joss Whedon(Buffy The Vampire Slayer Writer) *Storylines*

#4: Dean Malenko(Cruiserweight Division)

#5: Arn Anderson(Storylines and Heavyweight Matches)

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Guest El Satanico

Um maybe you should try going after a TV writer that you could get. Unless you gave him a very big salary Joss Whedon would laugh at being offered a WWeee job as writer. I mean come on the guy has one very popular show and one mildly popular show. Why on earth would he agree to work the long hours that writing for WWeee would involve?


I know this is all fantasy talk but honestly at least try to be realistic.

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Guest Black Tiger

Ric Flair (Match making)

Paul Heyman (Angles)

Raven (Brawls)

Chris Jericho (Promos)

Dean Malenko (Crusierweights)

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Guest DawnBTVS

Who would you go for El Satanico? Also I was just trying to find a guy who was able to blend comedy with realistic issues.

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Guest El Satanico

I honestly have no clue. Oh i knew what you were going for i was just pointing out that he'd never do it...nothing personal.


You're thinking the right way...you were just aiming too high. WWF would have to go after guys who haven't reached great success yet. Ideally they should go after guys who worked under a successful tv or movie writer...so perhaps Whedon has some understudies.

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