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Guest oldschoolwrestling

For the Rock haters

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

For the most part, smarks cheer the heels and boo the faces.  There are exceptions to this rule of course.  However my question is this, if they were to turn the Rock heel, would you then start cheering for him, or would he be basically booed by both the marks and the smarks?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I don't hate Rock.  But several on here and the old board have said in the past that they would like him if he turns heel.  They just hate his face persona.

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Guest theWCWRaider

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I like the Rock now, and I'd like him if he turned heel.


I guess I'm a "Smark" but I don't cheer the heels and boo the faces, I cheer and boo whoever I feel like whether or not they are a heel or a face.


But, when it comes to the Rock, the Rock haters will hate him no matter what he does, just like the big rock fans will love him regardless of what he does.

That's just my opinion however.

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Guest dreamer420

I think the Rock works a lot better as a heel.  He has the ability to still hold the audience in the palm of his hand while cutting heel promos.  I love the way the Rock wrestles was a heel as well with all his cheating and stuff.

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Guest Army Eye

He's good as a heel and good as a face (though I, and I'm sure many of you, find him more entertaining as a heel).  I don't think the issue is so much whether he's face/heel, but that his character has not really changed since the day after Wrestlemania XV, and it's starting to get old.  With the top guys appearing on 2 TV shows every week plus every PPV, they get overexposed that much quicker, and the Rock is approaching three years of overexposure + no character change.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

The way he acts is very heelish (ego) to begin with.  I tend to like the heels more than the faces anyway, so the Rock as heel might be more agreeable to me.  Right now, my problem w/ him is he is very repetitive in his promo's, sloppy-looking moves (Samoan Drop, belly-to-belly), and the dreaded SPIT-PUNCH~.

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Guest Tony149

I like The Rock if he's a heel or a face. Although I prefer a heel Rock. Just so he can say "This it's sing along with the champ, time."

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Guest Dangerous A

I prefer a heel Rock to a face, but right now he is THE draw along with Austin and you don't want to do what happened last year and turn someone against the fans wishes. Hopefully he can end his career as a heel though.

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Guest Tony149

I thought they should of turned Rock heel at WM X-7 instead of SCSA. Austin was getting most of the cheers while Rock was getting booed. They could of had The Rock win then have him miss TV to make his money. You could of said "He got the Hollywood star ego".

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Guest Some Guy

If Rock hadn't had to film that movie last summer, he should've been turned not Austin.  The fans were booing him ala early 97, with "Rocky sucks" chants and confiscated signs while they cheered Austin all the way.

Now his heel turn would need to be gradual with a big heel move to cap it.  The problem is who does a heel Rock feud with?  he has already feuded with and beat everyone in the upper and some in the mid-card.  I don't want to see Rock/HHH, Angle, Austin again.  RVD is really the only guy who might have enough credibilty with the fans to actually beat Rock clean.  With nWo coming he has to stay face at least until its over.

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Guest nwawildsidemark

you have to love the entertaining things rock comes up with on the mic-regardless of his heel/face status-this won't change

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Guest artDDP

What turned The Rock face was the fact that his heel persona was too much fun to boo.  He was too witty and entertaining to hate, and as a heel his promos and actions will still be engaging to the crowd.


Rock was booed at WrestleMania XVII because the event was held in Houston, Texas, a big Austin territory.  Just the same, Ric Flair cannot be booed in the Carolinas.

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Guest Tony149

The Rock was getting booed before WM in Texas. Most of the places the WWF went to...Austin was getting the cheers, while The Rock was getting booed.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Umm....I don't hate Rock.

I think the Rock is entertaining in the ring on PPV. On Raw he bores me but on PPV I enjoy seeing him wrestle.

His heel persona would essentially............be the exact same thing as his face persona. I mean the guy has the character of a sarcastic asshole.

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The rock has been a face for about 3 years now, it is boring, and it has been boring for about 2 years.  HIs personality is built to be a heel but they are probably afraid to turn him for fear merchandise sales will go down on his next poontang pie shirt.  They should let him take a year off, let him do movies or whatever and have him come back fresh with new people to face.  It worked for bret hart...

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Guest LowSparkOfHighHeeledBoys

I dislike the Rock either way..but I dislike him less as a heel, if only because when he's a heel, he's a little bit better in the ring, which doesnt say much at all, but I digress. Suffice to say, I've been booing the Rock as a face or a heel, because I generally dislike him.

Don't let him take a year off...just let him go and be an actor, and then when he fails miserably, as he is probably destined to, and then have him come back as a heel who is mad at the fans for not supporting him.

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Guest andthenmikesaid

I've always enjoyed the Rock as a heel.  If he was to turn, i would boo or cheer him depending on who he was feuding with.

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Guest Ghast

Rock sucsk because his character is so stale. If you like his bullshit you must be a mark. He will never turn heel because the marks love him and would never think of booing their precious Rocky Mavia.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I would like the Rock if he was to change his current character and do better stuff in the ring instead of his boring, predictable matches.

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Guest goodhelmet

I enjoy the Rock's promos and his in ring work. I just wish he'd lose the Sharpshooter as part of his repertoire. He doesn't do the move any justice. there's no way they can turn him heel now. He's the most popular star there and the WWF would turn even more fans away than with the Stone Cold turn.

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Guest KANE

Is there anyone who is more entertaining as a face instead of a heel?  Rock fits this mold as the quintessential example, because we all remember how funny 98-99 was with him around.   "Hey sweetheart.  You like pancakes?"

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