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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

SJL Crimson Card - Saturday, May 18th

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

SJL Crimson Card

Venue: The National Car Rental Arena in Miami, Florida!  Edwin knows his Florida arenas, woo...

Due: Saturday, May 18th, 5 PM board time.  


Send all promos, marked matches, and Metal booking requests to Crusen!


Just a note: Kojack, if you exist, PM me, will you?


SINGLES MATCH, YO - send to Suicide King

Scott Reid vs. T-Bone

-Ced and T-Boner both no-showed Metal and got tableized by the Explosive One, TNT.  Now T-Bone draws Scott Reid, a cocky new guy who's looking to make his way by going after the big boys right away.  Reid took out Jacob Helmsley last week on Crimson--can he become a true weekend warrior and topple these two vets?



TV TITLE MATCH - send to Suicide King

"TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson © vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis

-TNT, you bastard!  You killed deKindes!  On Metal, TNT rebuilt his alliance with Deathwish and destroyed his former friend Tod deKindes.  TNT has a lot of explaining to do, but in between doing it, he's going to have to deal Mak Francis, who earned this shot with a win over Scott Reid on Metal.




Sydney Sky vs. Insane Luchador

-On Metal, Syd got a pinfall on IL after Frost left the ring, professing his desire for nothing but the European belt.  No matter the case, Syd did pick up the victory over the New Sound renegade, and tonight, IL looks for revenge.



NO-DQ EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH - send to Longdogger_Pete

"Deathwish" Danny Williams © vs. Frost

-Frost has been destroying everyone in his path in a series of brutal matches in his quest to become European champion, and now he gets to cash in his shot against Deathwish, who just regained the belt from and beat the living crap out of Tod deKindes on Metal.  This match is No-DQ, which means that for these two men, two of the most vicious creatures in the SJL midcard, anything goes.  Have fun, kids.



TAG TEAM MATCH - send to crusen86

The New Sound (Flexxx/Mafia) vs. X-Force Nine (Z/Ced Ordonez)

-Poisyn and Mafia seemed to have settled differences, as Poisyn's alliance has been absorbed into the New Sound with Flexxx.  Both men supported Tom Flesher or whatever his name is now on Metal, and you've got believe that Flexxx was pleased that these two saw eye-to-eye somehow.  With Poisyn taking the show off, Flexxx steps up to tag with Mafia against the tagalicious XF9 team, the C&Z Connection!  Try extra hard on this one, guys.

WORD LIMIT: 6000 (It's a tag, after all.)



Durandal © vs. Xero vs. Ash Ketchum

-Tom Flesher?  Who's that?  Durandal rises from the ashes (oh ho, the pun) of Wednesday's world title conquest for the former Superior One, but Commissioner Edwin is giving this defector to the Clan no time off for bad behavior.  Xero, who earned his world title shot by burning Jake Helmsley's face off more or less, and Ash Ketchum, who lost the title to Flesher on Metal and will now get one last shot at a miracle run, will be the men going after the strap.  The rules of the Last Blood are simple: it is, essentially, first blood elimination.  If you bleed, you're out.  The last man with unbroken skin is the SJL World Champion.  Obviously, disqualification and count-out rules are not in effect.


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Guest Muzz

Uh oh, something's wrong with Edwin.


Not only did he get the card up in record time, his word counts are... sensible.

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See, that's why Sacred is so smart!


*points to his head*


I'll take a 3500 word limit over a 3761 word limit...actually, now that I think about it...EDWIN! WHERE ARE THE COOKY word limits?

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Eh.  I was just tired, felt like being semi-normal for once.


In a way, they're almost kooky because they're normal...paradox!!

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Guest Ace309

Just a heads-up to Ash and Xero


I don't know when my new stats will be up, but for now, the moveset's staying the same. New theme music is Stabbing Westward's "Darkest Days." The Tornado DDT finisher is now called SpinninG Darkness, and the avalanche brainbuster is staying the Boilermaker, for lack of a better term coming to mind immediately.


Watch Tom scramble to finish the match immediately. ;)

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Spinnin' Darkness?


What, is Durandal the backwoods Clan member or something?  Eee hee hee...

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

So wait.  Now it's the Spinnin G Darkness?


What, is Tom the g-funkin' representative of Death Row records all up in Clizzan, fry you in a pizzan, show you who's the mizzan or something?


Ah, I love having a veil of authority so I can do stupid crap like this.

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Guest Ace309

I'm in the Clan, not Da Pound, you ass.


Don't make me pour that daiquiri over your head. :D

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Ah, now you're in LDP's hometown.


Hey, since we're doing this Florida tour, I would like to request that Metal be booked at the TD Waterhouse Centre in Orlando, Florida.

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Guest ErekT2k

Spinning Darkness is a stupid name. ;)


Durandal sounds like Desperado. But since he's not carrying a kickass guitar case with a rifle hidden inside, Durandal sucks. ;)


Z is right, XF9 needs a new waterboy. How bout we give Ash DA BOOT and send him down there?


Of course, Imma messin around. Good luck to you all and I will especially be achin to see the New Sound take on the C&Z connection.


PS: I will be deeply hurt, Z, if there is no syrup involved. :D

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Guest Insane Clown Dan

Empty your PM box, Crusen...


And this tag match should be really fun to write, of course. I'm gonna pick something really humiliating for Ced and Z to enter the ring in :D

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