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Just saw a midnight screening of episode

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I won't say a word so as not to spoil it for you non-nerds who didn't go tonight, but feel free to comment once you do.


It was just so. Damn. Raw.

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I thought it was better than Episode 1, even though I actually liked that one as well. There were some annoying things (some of the "romantic scenes" with Anakin and Padme were a bit much, especially the one on the green field), but the movie was still very good. Christopher Lee rules it. Yoda fights like a mofo.

I liked Jango (sp?) Fett's role in the movie, but his death was a bit anti-climatic. The fight with Samuel L. Jackson should have been longer. C3PO's comments during the big Jedi battle reminded me of Jar-Jar, and that's a bad thing. I like 3PO, but they went overboard there.

The special effects were out of this world. Great shot of the star destroyers and the clone army at the end. The lightsaber fights were awesome, especially Yoda's.


Overall, a really cool movie. Can't wait for Episode 3.

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Guest JohnSkins

It was the SHIT!  Easily second best out of all of em.  Right behind Empire Strikes Back.  I was marking out the whole night.  Flushing out the plot MUCH better than Episode I, it brought the backstory with the vengance.  Isn't it cool how all the clone troopers and Republic military stuff looks ALMOST like the Empire?  I loved the whole thing, I wasn't expecting much after The Phanotm Menace, thankfully I was mistaken.  Go forth and see it, NOW.

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Threepio's comments were yet another way it showed how much more refined the characters we see in the original trilogy are as compared to the prequels.


As I told my friend when the puns kept coming, "Threepio had yet to refine his comedic style."


Um, that's the idea. The Clone Army was supposed to be like a primordial Imperial army and navy. Their ships become Star Destroyers, their logo becomes that of the Empire, and so on.


I'm not going to put a ranking on it just yet, I have to see it a few more times and have some time for perspective and stuff.


I'll tell you what though, I didn't care that I was a zombie at school today, it was just that worth it.

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I just got back from the noon screening and yes it was the shit.  NOw my friend who saw it with me did not agree, but he only likes movies with all action and shitty storylines like the musketeer, jet li films, and crouching tiger bullshit.  Anyway I would recommend anyone seeing this, it was the shit



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And the Clone Troopers costumes become the Stormtroopers costumes.


I haven't seen it yet but I'm glad that once again, movie fans have proved critics wrong again!:)

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How did the prove the critics wrong? did they say it wasnt going to make any money?

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Guest Dangerous A

I too saw a midnight showing of Episode II and it was the SHIZNIT!!!! Fuck the critics. This movie was tight. Star Wars fans I know are giving it thumbs up all around. Yoda is the highlight for me though.

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Guest El Satanico

Well i doubt the critics even liked the original three at the time they were released.

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

I saw the film yesterday and I was very satisfied with it. The finale came a bit close to being overkill for me (though I still thought it was great) and I somewhat share Roger Ebert's sentiments that the characters spoke in plot points instead of dialogue, but other than that I was very pleased. Good action, good storytelling through visuals and CHRISTOPHER LEE~! Not a masterpiece by any means, but a very good adventure film that in a way returns to the somewhat operatic narrative style of the original three. Can't wait for episode 3.

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Guest Flyboy

I saw it, too... it was the SHITZIT!


Simply too awesome.  




Who speaked that they didn't like the romantic scenes?  I openly liked them.  Especially when Anakin tells Padme how much he loves her, and vice versa when they are about to "die".  


It even had less Jar Jar!  HUGE plus.  


My best parts of the movie is when Anakin is hint to go toward the Dark Side... you notice his entire?  Mostly black.  I really loved the scene after he kills the Raiders.


"I hate them..."  Then, a semi-Darth Vader theme cues up.  Awesome.  You know there will be a huge clash between him and Obi-Wan in Episode III.


Well, I done ranting...

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Guest VerbalKint
I liked Jango (sp?) Fett's role in the movie, but his death was a bit anti-climatic.

So was Boba Fett's. It was intentionally anticlimactic. He is just a bounty hunter.


And I agree with the majority, the movie was fantastic

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

boba fett doesnt actually die in episode 6 according to the books, but thats a separate story.

just saw it last night, and that was one awesome movie!!! yodas fight at the end rocked, and the chase through coruscant at the start looked very sweet, and the whole movie in general was pretty damn impressive.

and really, who gives a fuck about what critics think anyway, they are like smarks, they hate what they see before they even see it.

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Seeing how damn raw the Jedi were back in the day makes me even more pissed off that part of the Empire forming was exterminating the poor guys. They were just so awesome, and pretty damn smart too, to be able to calculate in their heads how to jump and land on a 600 mph(I guess, I have no idea how fast they were really) speeder from a few thousand feet up. The Force comes with advanced physics!


I'm DYING to see it again, but I'll have to wait until Sunday. Grr...


(marks out for his memory of Yoda fighting, and the AWESOME musical timing of Anakin getting pissed off/Imperial March)

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Guest phoenixrising

Up until this episode I just could not believe that Yoda was a kick-ass Jedi...I was still laughing when he drew his lightsaber...


But DAMN, the little man can FIGHT!  Flipping off walls and shit.  I am never underestimating Yoda again.  Kicks much ass, the little green guy does.


The battle scenes were so cool - I love those gunships the clones were using...they might even threaten the X-Wing for the title of best vehicle in Star Wars on my list - damn - missile launchers, beam weapons, gun turrets and it can transport clones...so sweet.  


Great idea to play the Imperial March when they played it (when Anakin goes wild and the last scenes showing the clone troopers being loaded into the transports)...a great bit of foreshadowing Episode 4.


I CANNOT WAIT FOR EPISODE 3.  Obi-Wan vs. Anakin will kick so much ass.

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I loved it too, much more than Episode 1 (which I also liked).


Bad stuff:


Some of the romantic scenes were pretty bad, especially since Hayden and Natalie don't have any chemistry.


Some of the CGI was pretty weak, mainly when they created CGI humans to interact with CGI monsters/ships. They haven't perfected CGI humans yet.


Jango Fett wasn't in it enough (but I'm a huge Fett mark).


The Good:


The last 45 minutes are totally amazing.


Yoda's fight scene.


Christopher Lee.


Jango Fett and learning the origin of Boba Fett.


Learning the origin of the Stormtroopers.


Very little Jar Jar.


Everything else.


I can't wait for Episode 3.

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Guest cabbageboy

I also enjoyed the romance scenes....it kinda reminded me of Empire since you have the couple's adventures going on (Han and Leia, Amidala and Anakin) while the hero is off doing his stuff as well (Luke, Obi Wan).  Not quite as good as Empire though.


I like Obi Wan more and more with each film.  He isn't the most talented Jedi (he isn't as powerful as Yoda, Anakin, or Windu) but he has a dogged determination and loyalty about him.  Ewan McGregor is excellent in the role, he seems eerily like Alec Guinness.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Ian McDiarmond also put in a great performance.  "It is with great reluctance that I accept this power."  He's just the ultimate bad guy, and it's just awesome to watch.

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Guest treble charged

It seems like I'm the only one who didn't like Yoda's fight scene.  Personally, I thought it was really cheesy.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Yeah it was cheesy. But I still had the biggest smile on my face, ever. Just seeing it was like...wow. Words can't explain it.

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Guest treble charged

I just laughed, since I found it very stupid to see Yoda do karate poses.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I loved the movie, but I will have to see it again. We got to the theater kind of late, but I guess going with a large group of people isn't a great idea. We had to sit in the very front row. I was slouched down in my seat so I could see the screen and I had to turn my head from side-to-side to read the words in the beginning. I damn sure want to see it again, preferably a verison in which I can skip past all of the love scenes that seem to last for so long and contain  lot of bitching by Anakin.

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