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Guest Mik at Cornell

Nova wins ovw title first night in promotion...

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Well, looks like the WWF is serious w/ Nova. Although the folks at OVW probably make their own decisions with who wins the title, the fact that he was made the World champion on his first night in means that the WWF has at least some vested interest in him, you think?

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Yeah definitely, let's just hope they don't waste him and keep him there for years now.


I mean Steve Bradley came in about the same time Kurt Angle did and he's still in the development system.

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Guest Singular

I was kinda hoping Prototype would have been Brock's partner at Judgement day, but it looks like he get a re-match with Nova on 5/31, so that wouldn't work.  Kinda odd having a cruiser win the heavyweight title on his first show.  I wonder if the WWE is going to push Nova as a cruiser or not.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

I haven't seen Nova since the end of ECW, they said he bulked up a ton, so maybe he isn't even a cruiser anymore. Can anyone shed any light on this?

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Guest dreamer420

He has bulked up a lot it seems like.  I haven't heard what his official weight is at but his upper body is a lot more muscular that it was in ECW.

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Guest dpac

at the wwa ppv he looked to be in good shape and moved quite well, but still having him win the gold on his first night is odd, especially with cornette calling the shots there

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Mike Sanders is helping with the booking, but I thought that he was doing it in the HWA rather than in OVW.


Also, with Steve Bradley - Just what's up with that?,  I mean the guy's been in the developmental system, for what going on 2/3 years now - so if he's still not ready, then something's not right.



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Well, looks like the WWF is serious w/ Nova. Although the folks at OVW probably make their own decisions with who wins the title, the fact that he was made the World champion on his first night in means that the WWF has at least some vested interest in him, you think?
I think the WWF makes most of the decisions on big matches for there developmental guys. They signed Nova and probably told OVW to put him over.

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Guest the 1inch punch

I thought it pretty weird that Cornette would put any ECW wrestlers over, look at Nidia, who he hasnt done squat with because of his personal dislike of Tough Enough

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Guest Human Fly

"look at Nidia, who he hasnt done squat with because of his personal dislike of Tough Enough"


If and when Nidia ever shows up in the WWF do you think anyone will remember or care about her? I wouldn't be surprised when her year contract is up the WWF chooses not to resign her.

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Guest converge241

One of Nova's first defenses was a great match vs Rey Misterio Jr.


If anyone has the cash id highly recomend signing up on OVW's website for the tapes of shows. you susbscirbe to a certain amount and they mail them out to you.


Its all very good stuff

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