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Guest Mik at Cornell

My idea for king of the ring

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Guest Mik at Cornell

I think instead of using this years KotR to elevate a midcarder to the next level, they should use it to elevate a guy on the threshold to an absolute star. Hogan and UT are fighting at Judgment Day and Jericho, HHH, Angle, Edge, Booker T, Austin, and whoever else run out and cause a disputed finish, so Hogan keeps the belt.


So instead of having a basic King of the Ring tournament the top 8 guys fight at KotR with the winner facing Hogan that night, ECW style. Right after he has already wrestled 3 matches, Hogan comes out right after the tournament final and just starts the match. This would be a way to get a superstar like Angle or Edge over huge. Like when Jericho went over Rock and Austin, someone like Angle could run through HHH, Austin, UT, and Hogan in the same night to win the world title, and it would finally breathe some fresh life into the PPV.


Now I realize this is probably never going to happen in a million years, but I think what the WWF needs the most right now is some fresh air at the top of the card, and a world champion who's never held the strap before. (Which is why I would personally give Edge the push of a lifetime). I don't know, I know this isn't plausible, but if it were, do you think it would be a good idea?

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Not a bad plan.


I think the WWE needs one of two things in its world title scene to make people start caring again: either a sure-fire champ, or a brand new champ.  I think the best way to do it is to have both in moderate succession.


The only sure-fire bets for a strong champion right now are Stone Cold and Angle.  HHH didn't do so well.  Hogan is over whenever he's not wrestling, but that doesn't cut it.  He's bringing the main event product down.  Undertaker doesn't have it so much anymore.  The two guys who are ridiculously over at this point and I think always will be as long as they're not booked too screwily are Austin and Angle.


If you really want to make a new star, give the belt to Austin.  He can hold it for the summer and get the crowd behind him no matter what he does.  If you want to make things newer quicker, give it to Angle.  I actually like the King of the Ring idea somewhat for that.


In any case, the only person the WWwhatever is actually grooming and pushing towards stardom now is Edge.  Whether we want it or not, that's how it looks to be.  If one of those sure-thing champs gets the belt, then the main event will stabilize no matter who gets thrown at it.  Build up the contender over the summer, and have him get a big win in the late summer/early fall, becoming the new champ.  Fresh air.


Easier said than done, but I think the first step anyway they slice it is to get the belt off Hogan and onto Austin or Angle.  It wasn't so bad at, say, the beginning of HHH's run, but the Hoganification of the main event for the past two months have really dragged it down.

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Guest nWoScorpion

The best choice.....




if not him, give the strap to


KANE!!! lol

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



without the words "push" and "RVD" in your plan I find it impossible to endorse.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

I only didn't include him in the World Title tournament because I figured he would once again be Intercontinental Champion. However, I only did have 7 guys because I couldn't think of a good enough 8th guy to be in the tournament. (With WWF's line of thinking it would be Big Show.)


I just rewatched RVD/Regal at WM and the pops RVD gets are huge. I would say him and Edge tied for 3rd after Hogan (obviously) and HHH (although it's not consistent)

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Guest Anorak

I heard a rumour that there would be no KOR tournament this year, is there any truth to this? I wouldn't be shocked myself if they didn't bother with it although it could really mean something again if its used to establish someone's position right at the top of the main event.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Well, the King of the Ring was pretty dissapointing last year, but I don't think they'll scrape. It's an interesting twist on a PPV and I think if they actually put more effort into the concept of it than last year, it could work. They need to actually push the idea of winning KOTR as a big deal and the PPV itself should be centered around this. The winners for the last two years have gone on to become big stars, and the memory of Billy Gunn winning is all but gone. I think they should go back to showing the quarter-finals of the tourni too, because the drama is gone if there's only four men to chose from going into the PPV.


As for the originial idea of the post, I think it's a good one, but I really hope the management has the forsight to get the title off of Hogan before King of the Ring.

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Guest Anglesault

Silly Bps, RVD will job to HHH in the qualifyer.


Now I realize this is probably never going to happen in a million years, but I think what the WWF needs the most right now is some fresh air at the top of the card, and a world champion who's never held the strap before. (Which is why I would personally give Edge the push of a lifetime).


Edge "Billy-Gunned" the King of the Ring and messed up the Christian feud (Which was next to impossible to mess up) He's not worth the Megapush. Give it to Austin, Angle and RVD (As the "never had the belt" guy)

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Well, I usually don't defend Edge on here, but it wasn't his fault that the Edge/Christian feud flopped. It was the writing team.

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Guest Kinetic
Edge "Billy-Gunned" the King of the Ring and messed up the Christian feud (Which was next to impossible to mess up) He's not worth the Megapush. Give it to Austin, Angle and RVD (As the "never had the belt" guy)

What could Edge have done differently there?  It seemed to be going well enough until after "Unforgiven," when the writers just forgot about it altogether.  And regardless of whether he "Billy Gunn"-ed that particular angle, it's a distant memory now as he's one of the top faces in the company.

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Guest Anglesault
Well, I usually don't defend Edge on here, but it wasn't his fault that the Edge/Christian feud flopped. It was the writing team.

Edge's inability to play a serious character fucked it up. The family has been ripped apart, Christian is giving scathing "What about me?" heel interviews, and Edge is making Bed-wetting jokes. If Edge could play a serious character, I'm sure it would have worked out better.

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Guest Ravenbomb
without the words "push" and "RVD" in your plan I find it impossible to endorse.


Ah, so you'd endorse my 'don't PUSH RVD' plan...

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Guest Smeghead
I heard a rumour that there would be no KOR tournament this year, is there any truth to this?

I'm pretty sure that there is no truth to this rumor.  WWE.com has been advertising KOR travel packages for a while.  They've registered the URL www.wwekingofthering.com (which currently points to last year's KOR site).  And I think the Torch reported something about a KOR 2002 poster, with the Raw logo on one side and the Smackdown logo on the other.  I don't see the WWE doing any of the aforementioned things if they were thinking about scrapping KOR.

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If they want fans to take the kotr seroius again, they should mnake it the main focus of the ppv. Not a world title match, not a grudge match, but the tourney.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"Silly Bps, RVD will job to HHH in the qualifyer."


I'll take it.


In fact RVD vs. HHH is my new dream match.


The reason:  Back when RVD was at the height of his popularity he was getting his name chanted instead of the Rock when they wrestled...


...I am dying to see how HHH would respond to RVD chants in his match.


This ain't Hogan sho can be explained away with nostalgia...


This is a living breathing actual guy coming for your throne, you stupid son of a bitch.


....or something.

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Guest RickyChosyu
"Silly Bps, RVD will job to HHH in the qualifyer."


I'll take it.


In fact RVD vs. HHH is my new dream match.


The reason:  Back when RVD was at the height of his popularity he was getting his name chanted instead of the Rock when they wrestled...


...I am dying to see how HHH would respond to RVD chants in his match.

See the Royal Rumble. HHH responded by pedigreeing him in a few seconds.


People were on their feat, chanting "RVD! RVD! RVD!" and then - silence. Looks like Hunter has the formula down.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Yeah...and they haven't been anywhere near being in the same ring ever since...it also looks like HHH knows whats good for him.


RVD is HHH's kryptonite.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Yeah...and they haven't been anywhere near being in the same ring ever since...it also looks like HHH knows whats good for him.


RVD is HHH's kryptonite.

Well, if that's true, it looks like HHH had it liquidated, frozen, and sent into outer space, because he aint letting it get anywhere near him.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

if you recall...(this is my favorite thing ever btw)


the night after the Rumble (which RVD was in for 2 min. and HHH won)


RVD came out for the oopening match (6 man with the Hardys) and was super over...HHH came out to interupt a Jericho promo later...not so much.


That was the first sign that giving HHH the belt at Mania was a bad idea...which it proved to be...


but RVD outpopped HHH after getting nothing done the night before...


and as you'll recall...the next Smackdown is when the "RVD's pops are getting edited" reports started hitting the web.


Kryptonite I tells ya.

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Guest RickyChosyu
if you recall...(this is my favorite thing ever btw)


the night after the Rumble (which RVD was in for 2 min. and HHH won)


RVD came out for the oopening match (6 man with the Hardys) and was super over...HHH came out to interupt a Jericho promo later...not so much.


That was the first sign that giving HHH the belt at Mania was a bad idea...which it proved to be...


but RVD outpopped HHH after getting nothing done the night before...


and as you'll recall...the next Smackdown is when the "RVD's pops are getting edited" reports started hitting the web.


Kryptonite I tells ya.

Oooooooo, spooky. I think we have a conspiracy theory on our hands.


Really makes you think WHY Edge has been chosen as the Guy to Push, above RVD. Looking at the promo the two of them had together, Edge looked like a complete jackass and actually managed to out-do HHH on the over-acting scale. And so on.


Bah. Who am I to think wrestlers are given pushes with the intent of them failing? Speaking of which, who's that guy Trips is facing in Hell in a Cell tomorrow?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"Speaking of which, who's that guy Trips is facing in Hell in a Cell tomorrow?"


I don't know...some comical jobber.

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Guest RickyChosyu
"Speaking of which, who's that guy Trips is facing in Hell in a Cell tomorrow?"


I don't know...some comical jobber.

Heh. Hopefully Trips'll end his career, too. Serves him right for trying to be in the same league as El Juego.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I think WWE should do like in WWF (because that's what it was called back in those days) Wrestlemania 2000 for N64 and give the King of the Ring winner a shot at the world title instead of the intercontinental title.  That'd be a way to build up new stars fast... or, on the other end of the sword, it'd be the way to kill new stars fast if the current champion wouldn't job.  Hmmm.....

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Guest Max Danger

What I would do with the King of the Ring this year, is give the winner a world title shot on the next show(since it's split now, on either Raw or SD! depending on the winner).  Since they seem to be wanting to push Edge to the top(I don't like Edge, but he's someone different, so I don't have a huge problem with it), I'd give Edge the KotR win(yes two years in a row) by beating Austin in the finals(one side of the bracket is Raw, other side is SD!).


So Edge wins and faces HHH(yes, I'd give the title back to HHH and I loathe HHH - newly turned heel HHH - at KotR over UT, who won at Judgement Day) on Smackdown after KotR, only to be cheated out of the win.  There's already a bit of history between the two from the last two SD!'s, so it'll make sense.


HHH would torture Edge week after week, and finally book a rematch for the July PPV(Vengeance, I think).  HHH/Edge would be something different and since it isn't a big PPV, it wouldn't hurt too much.  You can always do an underlining feud with Austin for a Summerslam match with HHH.


Anyway, during the buildup to the rematch, Christian will see Edge's rise to the top and see his own situation(that of working Jakked) and try and make peace to get himself noticed again.  Since they are brothers and because he's a face, Edge would eventually forgive Christian for their past troubles.


During this time, also, Billy and Chuck would be calling themselves the greatest tag team of all-time(something I would have done with the Duds before the Royal Rumble, but that doesn't matter) and after Edge loses his title match with HHH(cleanly, but he comes out looking like a million bucks, and even do a spot where the ref is out and Edge looks to have the win), Christian will talk Edge into challenging for the tag titles, since the seven-time tag team champs are most certainly better than Billy and Chuck.


That would boost the tag scene, and get Christian back into the spotlight.  Eventually Christian would have to turn on Edge again... but actually do it like Bret and Owen, where Edge is hurt, can make the tag, but doesn't, resulting in them losing(could actually do it in the first match with Billy and Chuck) and Christian attacking Edge's leg(or whatever) and setting up a Summerslam match.


Of course, the booking team would screw it up after the initial turn, but as long as a belt isn't thrown into the mix, it might work.  Just my thoughts.  I'm now going to finish my signs for Judgement Day.

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Guest Anglesault

I couldn't sit through a Post 2001 HHH/Face Edge feud. And DON'T have Christian turn on Edge. edge will blow the feud again. Can't you just see it


Christian: God Damnit Edge! You are nothing but a glory hog! You soak up all the spotlight! it's always about Edge! Well, what about Christian!


Edge: (Puts a picture of Christian on the Titantron wearing glasses and a pocket protector) What a dork!


Christian: Mom had a accident, Edge, that was YOU!


Edge: Horsefaced Dork-asaurus rex!




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