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Guest CED Ordonez

State of the ced address

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Guest CED Ordonez

First I'd like to say to all my stablemates in X Force Nine, I'm sorry that I didn't come clean with this much sooner.


Alright, I want you people to know what the heck's gone on with me over the past few weeks.


I work swings at my job at HP and a few weeks back I got a promotion up to a coordinator position, equaling more cash for me, but more work. Sometimes, shitloads of work as I just did today. Mix that in with college in the days and I'm pretty much burned out by the end of the evening. And as alot of you JL markers have noticed, I've been no-showing alot lately. Thoth even threw me on the bus, which pretty much waved the red flag that something was up.


I gotta admit, this is the damn coolest shit I've been in online, but with the changes in my life, it's getting harder and harder for me to focus and entertain you all with good quality matches on a regular basis.


But whatever you do, don't say that I've retired. This isn't the end of Ced Ordonez. I've definitely got some more matches in me. To paraphrase Steve Austin, my SJL career isn't over and it isn't over by longshot. For the time being, I'm SJL's freelancer because there's no way that you can get rid of me that easily.


There's the salute,

Cedric Ordonez

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Well congrats on the promotion, and thank god you think you'll be back someday.  You're a keeper, suckah.


Good luck in all ye do.



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Guest Muzz

Indeed, good luck in the future Ced, and hopefully we'll see you back and winning titles.

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Guest midnight_burn

Tis a shame your leaving active competition Ced. Hopefully you'll be able to return better than ever before too long.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

*opens up XF9 recruitinig box*


Now serving #3...


*Cutthroat steps forward*


Now serveing #4... NOT 3... SCREW 3.

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Guest realitycheck

Well, nutbunnies. Sorry to hear that you can't keep up with this life-dominating little e-fed, and hopefully we'll see you around the boards before you return.


On the flipside, it's cool to know you have a successful job and all. Certianly better than the table-waiting, grocery bagging shangri-la that awaits me in my future. ;) (Or should that be ????)


Anyway, I really hope you return soon, Ced, as the Ced and Z connection is only half as good witout you. Yes, that was supposed to be a joke. Anyway...



Salute, yo!

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