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Guest Brian

Wwf smackdown - 2/07/02

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Guest Brian

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WWF SmackDown – 2/07/02


Hardcore Championship

DDP vs. Edge

Edge makes a spear charge at about 4:20 but DDP leapfrogs it sending Edge to the outside. He picks up Edge and goes for the diamond cutter but Edge pushes him into the railing. He pulls him back into the Edge-cution, DDP breaks and goes for a diamond cutter, but Edge picks him up and crotches him on the barricade. Edge hits an leaping guiri kick to the back of his head, and Page falls towards the ramp. Edge picks him up and goes for a suplex on the floor, but DDP hooks his leg, and tries reversing it. Edge falls out of the suplex and goes for a backdrop, but a fan stands up, hits Edge with a chair and DDP comes down hitting the diamond cutter. He pins Edge at 5:46. The fan pulls off a hat, wig, and beard to reveal Christian.


Vince tells Triple H that if Austin has the balls to show up tonight, he can wrestle in the main event against a mystery opponent.



<Commercial Break>



Christian gets into the back. He tells Eddie that he “took out Edge for him, chico”. Eddie gets in his face and tells him that Edge isn’t who he’s facing tonight, chico.


Hardys vs. Rikishi/Gunn

Palumbo and O’Haire interfere at 6:30, knocking Jeff off the top rope while the ref is pre-occupied with Rikishi. Matt brawls with O’Haire while Palumbo rolls Jeff back into the ring and Gunn hits the fame-asser for the pin at 6:52.


Vince is talking to Heyman in the back. He announces that on Monday, Booker T and Test will face each other for the US title so Heyman can watch the WCW team deteriorate in front of his face.



<Commercial Break>



Austin’s music hits and he’s on his way out to the ring. He says that he showed up tonight not because he wants to kick some ass, but he wants to remind Vince he’s not backing down. Just like at No Way Out, he’s not going to back down and he’s going to take both the titles. Rock wants to step up, he’ll get a stunner. HHH, stunner. Jericho, stunner. And that’s the bottom…(Jericho’s music) Y2J comes out and declares himself the future WWF and WCW champ. That’s not a guess kiddies, that’s a prophecy from your hero, your saviour, Chris Jericho. And Steve Austin will not be delivering a stunner, he’ll be on the receiving end of a Jericho stunner. And he will never, ever pin Jericho. Austin says that Austin 3:16 says he’s going to whip Jericho’s ass at No Way Out, and that’s the bottom line, because Stone Cold says so.


Matt Hardy tells Jeff that he feels horrible that he couldn’t help Jeff out and get past the Impact Players. JR mentions that Jeff is putting the weight of the team on his shoulders.



<Commercial Break>



Vince tells Triple H and the Rock that he wants the two to team up tonight against Angle and Jericho, because after No Way Out, he wants to have both the titles on his side.


European Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian

Back and forth match. Eddie seems to let up at the end and runs out of energy as Christian works the neck. At 6:40, Christian goes for the impaler, but let’s Eddie out and meets Edge as he makes his run-in with the chair Christian hit him with earlier. Ref DQ at 6:51. He drops the chair and begins trading right with Christian. Edge ducks a punch then comes right back with a clothesline. He picks up the chair and hits the ground waiting for Christian to get back up. Eddie grabs the chair, kicks Edge in the gut causing him to release it, and uses the brainbuster on the chair. Christian gets up, looks at Eddie for a minute, than they both start kicking Edge. Double team work from both men. Christian picks up Edge and hits the Unprettier. Eddie hits a guillotine leg drop from the top with Edge on his stomach. Both men pose with their belts over him.



<Commercial Break>



Rock’s music hits and he’s on the way out. He says that Vince expects him and Triple H to team up tonight, in spite of the fact that ten days from now, they’re in a match that pins the WCW and his WWF title on the line. Rock says that he’s not doing this for Vince, or Triple H, he’s doing this because he wants his shot at Jericho. Vince comes out and says that if Triple H and him don’t co-exist together tonight, Rock will have his title stripped before No Way Out. Rock says Vince is getting ahead of himself. He asks Vince why he thinks Rock losing his title will be motivation to team with that big nosed, boring piece of shit. Vince begins to reply but Rock cuts him off with “It doesn’t matter”. He wants Jericho tonight; he’ll layeth the smacketh downeth on Triple H and Austin’s roody poo, candyasses at No Way Out. Because the minute Rock walks into No Way Out, all of the Rock’s fans will be chanting his name. (pause) And everyone will watch as the Rock wins the WCW and WWF title, unifying them together. If you smell, what the Rock is cooking.



<Commercial Break>



Eddie Guerrero cuts a promo in the back. He says that tonight, Edge learned that he was going to get hurt if he messed with Eddie Guerrero. Just like every wrestler who’s tried chasing the European title, Edge will fall at No Way Out to the frogsplash. Because not only is Eddie Guerrero the better wrestler, he will do whatever it takes to win. Cheat to win, placy by the rules and lose chico.


Palumbo and O’Haire vs. the APA

Mike Sanders comes out with Palumbo and O’Haire. He says that Palumbo and O’Haire asked for his help because they felt they weren’t in control. He says the tag team champs are tired of being treated like pawns in Vince’s and Flair’s chess game. Tonight, they take control of their own destiny. Tonight, they’re not going to put they’re title on the line. But they’re still going to prove just why they’re the champs. The APA storm the ring and are met by Palumbo and O’Haire. Big brawl to start in the ring, until Bradshaw and Chuck get knocked out of the ring. Sanders comes around with a belt and knocks Bradshaw in the head as Farooq starts to dominate in the ring. At 1:00, Sanders jumps on the ring apron and distracts the ref. Chuck jumps in and helps Sean out. He goes for a superkick on Farooq, but Farooq ducks and starts laying in the right hands into the corner. He whips him across, but Chuck reverses sending Farooq hard into the corner. He follows with a clothesline. They work over Farooq in their corner, before Farooq makes the hot tag at about 4:40. Bradshaw comes in and gives clothesline to both guys. He knocks Palumbo the ring. He and Farooq double-team O’Haire. The whips him across and both begin to charge but Sanders pulls Farooq out of the ring. Farooq chases him right into a Palumbo belt shot. Bradshaw sets up for a powerbomb, but Sanders yanks the ref to the outside and starts arguing with him. Bradshaw heads over but Chuck slides in from the opposite side and hits a clothesline from the back. He picks up Bradshaw and gives him a Russian leg sweep he slides back out of the ring and breaks up the ref and Sanders, than directs the ref back in the ring. O’Haire hits the Seanton bomb for the victory at 7:28.


Angle tells Jericho backstage that even though he works for Flair, he won’t put that against him tonight.



<Commercial Break>



Angle/Jericho vs. HHH/Rock

The heels work over Rock in the corner, killing his leg. At about 3:50, Rock starts to makes the charge out on Angle with the right hands but Jericho hits a chop block from behind. More leg work, as Angle tags in Jericho. Rock starts to trade rights but Jericho starts kicking his knee. Whip across but Rock ducks a clothesline and hits a desperation DDT at about 6:00. Both men are down, but make the tag before the ten count. Triple H comes in and knocks down Angle. Angle back up and he gets punches to the ropes, whip across is reversed but Angle drops his head and gets a face buster on the knee followed by a clothesline. Triple H delivers a couple of punches to Jericho in the corner. He whips him across. And hits a knee. Angle gets up and hits a forum behind knocking Triple H into the ropes. He whips Triple H across but misses a clothesline and gets a neckbreaker. Rock stops Jericho as he’s getting up and gives him a few punches before knocking him out of the ring. Rock follows suit, getting out of the ring and brawling with Jericho. Jericho runs away from Rock on the outside and manages to slide his WCW title in the ring as Angle gets worked over on the opposite corner. Triple H whips him across and charges, but Angle gets out of the way as Triple H goes hard into the corner. Angle goes for the Angle slam but Triple falls into a waistlock. Angle runs into the corner bumping the ref. Angle comes around reversing the waistlock and begins to hit the multiple Germans. After the second one, Triple H blocks the third grabbing the ropes. Angle lets go and grabs the belt, but misses a belt shot dropping it in the ring. Triple H hits the pedigree but the ref doesn’t make the count. He picks him up and starts trying to get him up, but Jericho slides in and hits the breakdown on the belt. Jericho grabs the belt as Angle makes the pin at 9:23. Jericho pulls Angle out of the ring and they celebrate. Rock slides in the ring and looks at a downed Triple getting up. Rock turns but HHH pulls him back and gets in his face.



<Commercial Break>



Steve Austin vs. Shamrock

At about 6:50 Angle makes the run-in with the ref out. Angle and Shamrock wrestle for a few moments before Shamrock pulls out and delivers a hard kick, knocking Angle cold and bringing him to the outside. Austin gets up and gives Shamrock a kick, but he catches it and reverses it into an anklelock. HHH runs down only to get knocked away by Shamrock. HHH brawls with a recovering Angle on the outside. Shamrock comes back and tries pulling Austin into another anklelock, but Austin kicks him off. Austin limps up but Shamrock whips him into the ropes. He tries to hit a belly-to-belly but Austin breaks and hits a stunner. Rock runs down and they start brawling. Rock spits and tries to hit Austin out but Austin ducks, and hits a stunner on Rock sending him to the floor. Shamrock gets up and trades punches with Austin. He gets the upperhand, but out runs Jericho. Jericho gets on the apron but gets punched off by both guys. He gets up on the apron again and gets knocked off. Angle comes from behind and hits the angle slam on Shamrock and the ref sees and rings the bell at 9:10. Austin turns around as Angle’s getting up, gives him the finger, and stuns him. HHH slides in and goes for a pedigree on Austin, but Jericho’s up on the ropes and delivers a dropkick to HHH. Austin stumbles and Jericho gets back up. He goes for the breakdown on Austin but Austin elbows out. Jericho spins out and walks right into a rock bottom. Rock and Austin stare down each other to end the show.

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