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Guest J*ingus

Davey boy smith passed away

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Guest J*ingus

From 411:


Davey Boy Smith, well known for his days as the British Bulldog in the WWF, died last night of a heart attack. He was 39 years old. Smith was on vacation with his girlfriend Andrea Hart. No other details are currently available.


Smith accomplished a lot during his legendary career. He was the first ever WWF European Champion and also won the WWF's Intercontinental, Hardcore, and Tag Team Titles.


We send out our condolences to Smith's family and friends.

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Guest bravesfan

R.I.P. Davey Boy...


Another great wrestler and an even better person lost from us...damn.

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He was a legend in his own time. He was a great wrestler but it were those painkillers that got to him later in his career. Now there is only 2 surviving members of the Hart Foundation left.




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Guest franchise632

Just so that there is additonal confirmation of this from more then one place


Davey Boy Smith passes away


by Dave Meltzer




"The much troubled life of Davey Boy Smith ended last night of a heart attack at the age of 39. Smith was on a weekend vacation in Envereme, British Columbia with girlfriend Andrea Hart. We are awaiting other details.


This has been a few week period like no other in the history of this industry."



That final statement couldnt be more true. Does anyone else feel this is something that could be something we are going to be seeing more of with the abuse of recreational drugs and steroids? Not that this is because of that but a heart attack at 39 is not normal.

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Guest J*ingus

Within the last six weeks or so, Wahoo McDaniel, Lou Thesz, Big Dick Dudley, Shoichio Arai, Erich Kulas, and now Davey Boy.  Jesus wept.  What the hell is going on?!

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Guest Mark4steamboat

i am typing this with tears rolling down my face. This has been the worst year for professional wrestling. May god have mercy on what is left of the hart family. And to think, 3 yrs since Owen's death is next Thursday(which is the day school is over for me)

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Guest TheDames7

Wow....I can't believe that the only two members of the Foundation are the two original members.  I just find that ironic.  




I always wanted Davey to pull out of the slump that he's in.  How weird is it that he's in a N64 game and we can actually be him right now.  


I'm still in shock so please excuse me if my thoughts arent as profound as I'd like.



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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I was hoping that this news was untrue, but I guess he's really gone. I didn't know the guy personally, but this is still bad news to me.



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Damn, Davey boy's gone. I wish all his friends and family the best and that he may rest in peace.

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Guest The Son of Sting

Being British i was always a mark for DBS. One of my favourite moments was Summerslam 92. Im shocked, R.I.P.

Do you think the WWE will mention it tonight or tomorrow on RAW?

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I'd hope they would mention it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they don't, as they might well see it as negative publicity given his age.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

The British Bulldogs were such a brilliant team...when they first hit the WWF in an era of goofy gimmicks,they were no nonsense exceptional tag team wrestling.


I still have the memory of Davey,just after his heel turn,standing in the ring with Jim Cornette,doing one of his first heel promos.I couldn't actually hear the promo..I just happened to be walking by a tv at work and they were on screen (On Superstars,I think).He had cut off the dreads and looked awesome and I thought "This could be really good"


Davey Boy Smith...thank you for some great memories.Rest In Peace.


And since I neglected to do so at the time....quick on thoughts on 2 others.


Lou Thesz ....I have never seen a match but his legacy and influence cannot be denied.


Wahoo McDaniel....I liked Wahoo.I would like to see some more of his earlier NWA stuff because they didn't do a lot with him post 1986 besides a quick National title run so they could feed him to Nikita Koloff to unify the US and National titles.(I guess they didn't want Nikita vs Tully)But I've read he had some wars with Slaughter and Flair among others.And he was one of the few reasons to watch the AWA in their last year or so.

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Guest Anorak

I'm sure many fellow UK posters will have great memories of Davey Boy as his prime run in the WWF occured shortly after the wrestling bug really hit Britain in the early nineties. 'Summerslam' 92 will always be one of my own favourite wrestling memories and everyone really loved Davey Boy because he was seen as our representative in the WWF, people naturally cheered for him and the atmosphere at Summerslam was like a football match. He had some great matches against Bret, Owen and Shawn that entertained us all. I don't care about the distasteful things he got up to in his personal life, he never seemed like a person who was ever really happy or at peace with himself and as a wrestling fan i'm just grateful for the many he fond memories he provided from his efforts in the ring.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

Well since WWe.com has mentioned his death, they wil probably show his face with a caption of his lifespan in the beginning of raw and the other shows throughout the week.

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Guest TheDames7

Wow.....Camp Cornette is all gone.  


Owen, Bulldog & Yoko all dead.





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From what is being said  that Davey and his son was apparently gonna have a meeting with the WWE later this week

though WWE claim thats the first they heard of it


For all the disfunction that was in Davey boy and the Hart Family you NEVER want to see anyone dead..and looking back he was a great wrestler for the WWF  He joins the Heaven's Fed  boy they been getting alot of signees lately. :(

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Guest The Great Wesuke

I can only hope that Davey and Owen are in heaven giving Jesus a good rib. :)


Love and condolences to his family.

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Guest dreamer420

Some radio show from Atlanta was report that Davey was to meet with the wwe next week.  take that news with a grain of salt though because davey had all ready blown his last chance with the wwe.  I didn't hear that his son was going to be with him, but I'm pretty sure his son is only 15 or so, so it probably isn't accurate.

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Sid Smith, the father of the late Davey Boy Smith, wants a police investigation of his son's death as he believes that Davey Boy was murdered. He refuses to believe that drugs were the cause of the death.


Credit: WrestlingObserver.com

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Guest dreamer420

That's interesting.  Although the way he was found is a little strange, considering that his girlfriend was sleeping next to him to whole time and didn't awake if there was an intruder or something.

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