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Guest treble charged

Star wars, episode 2

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Guest treble charged

I guess this contains spoilers, so consider yourself warned


Since I don't see a thread completely dedicated to the current film, I figured I'd start one up myself.


I just saw the movie today, and I have to say, it was decent.  Some parts were just plain cheesy (Obi Wan hanging from the flying thing while in traffic) or stupid (How can Yoda do flip after flip while fighting, yet need a cane to walk?).


My favourite parts were the foreshadowing of Anakin becoming Darth Vader (especially the part where he goes to find his mother, and is kneeled down and only shown as a silhouette).  I totally marked out when the evil Vader music started playing while he was screaming at Amidala.


Anyway, decent movie, some parts lagged, but overall, I liked it.

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(How can Yoda do flip after flip while fighting, yet need a cane to walk?).

That's easy. He only uses the force when needed, otherwise he uses minimal energy, because it shouldn't be wasted. He's like 800 years old, so he uses the force to give him the ability to move around fast and jump, but only when completely neccessary.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
How can Yoda do flip after flip while fighting, yet need a cane to walk?


Because his cane has the power to get them tricks.

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Guest Singular

Good Movie.


Yoda picking up the lightsabre was worth the price of admission alone.


The end kinda came outa nowhere.  I was waiting for a full scale clone war, but the credits started rolling.  Suprised me.


So Palpatine is going to become the Emperor in Episode 3?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
I was waiting for a full scale clone war, but the credits started rolling.  Suprised me


What version did you watch? There was a clones versus trade federation fight.

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What version did you watch? There was a clones versus trade federation fight.

That was only one battle, not a war.

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Guest Lil Naitch

Anybody else bothered that R2D2 can fly with his little jets, but never could in the original Trilogy. And the Yoda Lightsaber duel was cool. I couldn't stop laughing. Midget Madness!

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Guest El Satanico
Anybody else bothered that R2D2 can fly with his little jets, but never could in the original Trilogy.

Well the current movies take place over 20 years before the old trilogy. So the simple explanation is that he lost or broke the rockets on his travels.

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Guest Mole

I loved how the endings of Clones and Empire were exactly alike.


Empire had Luke just getting his hand chopped off, then him and Lea looking into space together with C3PO and R2D2 standing to the side.


Clones had Anakyn just getting his hand chopped off, then him and Ani looking over the lake together with C3PO and R2D2 standing to the side.

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Guest starvenger
Yoda is not a midget, he's a muppet.

That was actually something I didn't like (just saw it today).  The CGI was necessary for the lightsaber fight, I'll grant that, but Yoda just wasn't the same thise time around.


Other stuff:

- All that stuff (and a robot) on a refugee ship reminded me of Spaceballs for some reason.

- Owen Lars being Anakin's half-brother makes it even more confusing as to how Luke was never found.  Mind you, with Luke's constant whining Anakin/Darth would've bitch-slapped him to death, but still...

- At the same time, I guess the Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru labels fit.

- Less Jar-Jar is good.  Lucas even threw Star Wars fans a bone by making him the scapegoat for the rise of the Emperor.


Overall, the first 2 acts blew, and the last act (the actual battle) was great, IMO.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
- Owen Lars being Anakin's half-brother makes it even more confusing as to how Luke was never found.  Mind you, with Luke's constant whining Anakin/Darth would've bitch-slapped him to death, but still...


Vader never knew he had kids, so there was no reason for him to look.  Somehow he found out about Luke between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.  He didn't find out about Leia until he read Luke's mind during their lightsabre battle in Return of the Jedi.

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Guest franchise632

I just got back from a showing of the movie and my god it was awesome. I enjoyed it so much more then episode 1. It rivals Return of the Jedi as my favorite. One thing that does bother me is that I seem to be the only one of my friends that figured out after the first one that Palpatine is Lord Sideous? I thought it was pretty obvious. There was so much that was good about this movie. They do have quite the story to tell in the thrid episode.


And I would just have to state that Natalie Portman is fricking HOT!!!

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Guest starvenger
Vader never knew he had kids, so there was no reason for him to look.  Somehow he found out about Luke between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.  He didn't find out about Leia until he read Luke's mind during their lightsabre battle in Return of the Jedi.

Doh!  I'd forgotten about that...

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

After getting over how cool the movie was the first time I saw it, the movie didn't hold up as well for me during the second viewing. The acting wasn't too good, the script wasn't very good, there was zero chemistry between Anakin and Padme and the actor who played Anakin didn't do such a great job. I found him to be more annoying the second time around. He was a whiny bitch and he just didn't seem to know how to deliver his lines that well. He wasn't as brutal as the kid wo played Anakin in Episode 1, but he wasn't very good. I think George Lucas got away with one this time. He didn't look like much of a genius during this movie; his shortcomings as a writer were very obvious. The first thing that comes to mind s his inability to write dialogue very well. The characters who weren't so bad were the aliens and the people who had to basically give facts. Anything that needed any emotion wsn't written very well or the actors just couldn't get it done. The thing that made my  mind up was watching the original Star Wars and Episode 2 on the same day. It was quite obvious that Lucas wasn't the only responsible for the first Star Wars.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i hated the movie for the most part. The end battle stuff was truly amazing but the rest of the movie blew. the dialogue was horrible and none of the actors could well ACT.


but DAMN Natalie Portman is Hot!!

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I thought Vader found out about Luke during the lightaber battle between him and Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope. I assumed this because after he kills Obi-Wan Luke yells and Vader turns around as if he notices something familair. Then he starts walking as if saying, "Luke, is that you?"

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Guest cabbageboy

I don't know if the theory of "Vader never knew about his kids" holds water.  I think maybe it makes more sense to say that he knew about Luke but not Leia.  We knew he didn't know about Leia till JEDI.  We do not however know that Vader didn't know about Luke.  I had the theory that since Anakin visits the farmhouse in Episode 2 he would have had to know about Luke being there at SOME point.  I figured that Vader let him grow up there and then when the time was right would try and turn him to the dark side.  


It has some holes in it, but any explanation is going to be bizarre.

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Guest Vern Gagne
- Owen Lars being Anakin's half-brother makes it even more confusing as to how Luke was never found.  Mind you, with Luke's constant whining Anakin/Darth would've bitch-slapped him to death, but still...


- Less Jar-Jar is good.  Lucas even threw Star Wars fans a bone by making him the scapegoat for the rise of the Emperor.


Overall, the first 2 acts blew, and the last act (the actual battle) was great, IMO.

Maybe Darth Vader thought Luke was dead?


Jar Jar Binks is completley at fault for all the problems.He gave Palpatine all the power.


I tend to agree. The stuff with Obi-Wan was ok, but anything with Padme, and Anakin was terrible. Anakin did have some pretty bad pickup lines. The one about Padme not being rough like sand was my favorite.


One thing that annoyed me was why after telling Anakin they couldn't be together, Padme tells him she loves him. This happens after he confesses to killing all the Tusken's.

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Guest caboose

Jar Jar is not totally at fault.


If Qui-Gonn hadn't been a stubborn bastard about Anakin, then things would have been different.


I can't wait for the Anakin/Obi-Wan showdown in the next episode.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

If Qui Gon hadn't been such a stubborn bastard, there would have been no Luke Skywalker to set things right.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"That was only one battle, not a war"


Isn't the Episode II Clone/Droid confrontation the first battle in the Clone Wars, which will be picked up in greater detail come Episode III?


In addition, since we're talking about when Darth Vader knew that Luke was his kid, this bit always confused me. If Vader knew Luke was his son in Episode IV, why did he try to blast him away in the Death Star battle? All he said regarding Luke in that movie was "The force is strong with this one." Seems like he didn't know he was a dad until later...

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I downloaded a pirated copy of this movie in Divx from Kazaa, and it blew so much shit I couldn't believe it. I was really hoping this would blow Ep. 1 out of the water, and by the time it was done I had a hard time deciding which one was worse. This seriously was not worth the 4 hours total it took to download it and watch it. I do not have the time or inclination to discuss every reason I hated this movie (believe me there are a great many), I will simply leave the statement at that.

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Guest starvenger
Jar Jar is not totally at fault.


True.  If the Ewoks weren't so popular, there wouldn't be a Jar-Jar...


Isn't the Episode II Clone/Droid confrontation the first battle in the Clone Wars, which will be picked up in greater detail come Episode III?


I suppose it is.  I think the assumption was always that the Jedi were fighting the Clones, so this is kind of a neat twist on it.  Next episode should have pretty much all the Jedi recalled, so hopefully we'll get some nods to the expanded universe - Neeja Halycon, Jorus C'boath and Callista come to mind.

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Guest Odyssey Wing
I downloaded a pirated copy of this movie in Divx from Kazaa, and it blew so much shit I couldn't believe it.

u know, maybe if u watch it with friends and other viewers, u might enjoy it more.


i seriously think that this is the best of all episodes.  the last half-hour was brilliant.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"u know, maybe if u watch it with friends and other viewers, u might enjoy it more."


Actually, I watched it with my brothers on the computer, and we took turns trashing it, laughing at parts (in a bad way), and just generally ripping it to shreds. And I don't see how watching a movie with other people is supposed to increase enjoyment of it, I watch a movie for the movie, not so stupid fanboys in the audience can applaud during it, or boo the people they don't like, or make dumb comments. This was a complete shit/snoozefest, but I guess with Lucas in charge that should be expected by now.

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Guest Odyssey Wing

lets just say that i dont find movies entertaining on a computer screen/tape/vcd/dvd

cuz i always want to fast-forward parts and it just kills a movie for me

where as going to the threatre, i just enjoy instead of thinking 'this better be good or else i'll be pissed'


maybe its just me

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A bunch of kids sitting around watching Star Wars on a computer screen in their parents basement. Yeah, that sounds like a fun environment to watch a movie. You probably didn't even pay attention to the movie, instead you and your brothers probably spent the entire time trying to impress each other on how cool it is to make fun of the film.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"A bunch of kids sitting around watching Star Wars on a computer screen in their parents basement. Yeah, that sounds like a fun environment to watch a movie. You probably didn't even pay attention to the movie, instead you and your brothers probably spent the entire time trying to impress each other on how cool it is to make fun of the film."


Uh right, because god forbid someone not be a complete Star Wars fanboy and not like this movie. A "Fun environment" is necessary to watch a movie? Please. I guess sitting in a stiffling hot packed theatre surrounded by geek fanboys and pre-teens is a "fun environment" to you? The rest of your post is just the usual trollish nonsense ("a bunch of kids", "parent's basement", etc.) that I would expect from someone who has no argument other than "you are ghey if you didn't like this movie". What's even funnier is that this type of commentary is coming on a smark wrestling website. But I guess it's ok to judge Rock-Hogan based on its workrate, but if you don't like Star Wars you just dont "get it" or something.

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