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What the...


I've never seen this before...


I've been in the SJL for I guess two weeks now. Low and behold I haven't posted jack shit in this section. As I look back I see Scotty Reid posted a "get to know him" topic so I'll do the same.


Hi, My SJL wrestlers name is Mak Francis but I'm a 18 year old engineer. And black to boot. But that 'ish isn't important right now. The following stuff is: I've decided to join the SJL to work on my typing and writing ability because a 79 in English won't cut it. Engineers must now write well and problem solve. It sucks being a freshman but hey I'm normally out getting wasted at this time of night on Sat so...wait a second did I say...uh...type that out loud. Don't tell mis padres por favor porque...God mi espanol es...uh...terrible and I passed Span4. I don't remember anything and luckily I've decided to take french now.


Anyways I'd show you all my entrance match but you don't want to see it. And hopefully you've seen some of my matches. This is just break typing from studying Physics cause this tests gonna be a sommamabitch so you don't gotta respond to this. But get to know me cause I'm...nice...



M. Francis


PS I would have posted here earlier but my school runs on trimesters and it's just starting to get really hard. I'll be around the board a lot more cause athletics are done and the last tests have been eazzzzzzzzzzzy to pull a Erek Taylor [just replace e with Cr]. Don't be surprised if I post for a week off in about a week or two.

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Guest HVilleThugg

YES!!  YES!!


Another brotha up in this piece!  Yeah nigga!!


This is the HVille Thugg givin' you a proper welcome into the SJL/WF family.  I'm am the resident leader of the Black Wrestlers Movement around here.  Our goal is to get THE MAN to take the shackles off and give us our just due.  That means, equal wages, more title shots, and of couse...as much pussy as the eye can see.  Stick close to me my brotha, as I will show you the way and carry you to the promise land.  It is time for the African-American wrestlers to unite, under the banner of BWM, and crush the white man into oblivion!!  Welcome my botha...




Just call me the Reverend HVT...


Oh, and we have some Puerto Rican dude who runs wit us.  I hope you don't hate Spanish people.  I usually do, but he grew on me!


Da "he should be Rev. Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson" H


PS - God I love being controversial!!!

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Guest HVilleThugg







Come on...pleeeeeaaasssseeee!!!  I have more sermons to give on how the MAN is holding my people down.  I need that alcohol...besides, what the hell is an Aussie gonna do with a bottle of Courvesier (damn that's spelled wrong)?






Da "drunk...drunk with rage" H

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Guest Muzz

Alright, here you go.


*Hits Thugg with a beer bottle, runs off laughing like a maniac*

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