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Guest Frankie Williams

Just Curious

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Guest Frankie Williams

Say in 5 years, Steph and HHH are still on WWF tv, how do you think they will play them off? Do you think the WWF will slpwly ignore the fact that they were married and never have them interact any more?

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Guest Tony149

I think they would say "they were once married". I don't think they would ignore that peice of WWF history. Then again they forgot Kane's arm was "badly burn" so he wore long sleeves.

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Guest Kinetic

Would you consider that to be the worst breach of continuity in modern WWF history?  I mean, the entire premise for that character is that he was badly burned in a fire by his brother and has only emerged in the last few years for vengeance.  Yet, it appears as though the only part of his body that suffered any sort of damage was his face.  And he certainly seems to have forgiven his brother for that incident, despite  20+ years of brooding and plotting revenge.  I hate Kane.


I think the Steph-Triple H marriage will eventually be forgotten, only to be referenced again when it suits the WWF creative team to do so.  Witness Steph and Test's engagement.  It's mostly forgotten, but when an excuse is needed to again stress how evil and manipulative Steph is Test always seems to be around.  Then again, the actual Triple H-Stephanie wedding is NEVER mentioned and hasn't been for a long time.  So it's hard to tell.

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