Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted May 19, 2002 IN Honur of davey Boy Smith, I put this comp together as part 1 of a series that will be finished by next sunday. enjoy. - WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Dream Team © vs. The British Bulldogs: The Dream Team were Brutus Beefcake and Greg Valentine. Dynamite Kid is not yet at a paralyzed state. The Bulldogs have rocker Ozzy Osbourne with them. Whoda thunk he'd still be so popular? Anyway, DBS starts with Greg, and both men get in some punches and chops. Davey controls for a bit and tags Dynamite. Snap suplex onto the Hammer and tag to DBS. DBS in, and Valentine bails. Greg tags out to Beefer. Beefcake with an arm ringer, but DBS fights it off and gorilla press slam's him. He tags out, and Dynamite with a succesion of 2 counts. DBS catches Brutus with a Fisherman Suplex, but Brutus is able to tag out in time. Greg works DBS for a few seconds until Dynamite goes to work. The Bulldogs catch Valentine with a stiff Double Shoulderblock. Dynamite with a sunset flip for a 2 count. Piledriver by the Hammer gets two. Hammer goes up top but get's slammed off by Dynamite (as usual) ensuing a four man brawl. Davey comes in, and hits the Running Powerslam fora two count. Davey goes for a corner dash but obviously misses and hurts his shoulder. Beefcake gets tagged in, and hits a kneedrop on DBS. Dream Team get them some two counts off of slams and elbows but DBS continues to fight back. DBS irish whips Greg right into Dynamite head lays out Valentine for the 3 count and the Tag Titles. Great match, and Beefcake hardly got in their, which is a plus. *** for that one. -Hart Foundation (Bret Hart/Jim Niedhart) & Danny Davis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. British Bulldogs (Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith) & Tito Santana (w/ Matilda) Bulldogs start of by tossing Davis right over the top rope on the Anvil. And Tito gos to work on Bret Hart, who gets thrown on his face. anvil tags in as does Smith. Power v. Power here. Double noggin knocker to the Hart fpundation and Dynamite & Smith double headbutt the Anvil. Tito tags in and works and armba, but get stuck in the opposite corner. smith tags in and kicks and punches anvil and scores a big backdrop, in Monsoons words. Dytnamite tags in and Bret does the corner bump for god messure. Heabutt gets a 1 count. Bret works on Dynamite in the corner, as the Anvil apllies a looooooong rear chinlock. Bret nails an elbow across the "asofagus?". Davis tags in, lays two kicks in and tags bret. Kid is literally crippled the month before, and he plays ricky Morton, my god. Davis repeats his last tactics. Bret with some punches knocks down Dynamire. Dvis gos for a slinghsot splash by Dynamite gets the knee up as Tito just punches the shit out of Danny. Backdrop , anvil down, bret down. Fyling Forerarm! Mouting punches. Figure Four leg lock is broken by Anvil. Smith tags in. Oh no........Hugh Clothesline. headbutt by Fynamite. Tombstone piledriver!!! Stall Suplex by Davey Boy!!! Running Powerslam follows!!! Danny Davis is legally dead for about the next 30 seconds. Davis gets the megaphone and clocks him with it getting the pin at 8:51. *** Great Match. Bulldogs & Tito just about kick the shit outta Davis for a good 2 minutes. Good enough for me. -Davey Boy Smith (w/ Winston) Vs. The Warlord (w/ Slick): Oh Please no, I HATE this match. The only one (well not only one) that I dispise on this card. Slow, power offense for the first 2 minutes, most notable 2 warlord double fist pounds, and a reversing of a crxifix. MAJOR CLIP JOB. Warlord locks on the Full Nelson, Bulldog breaks it, reverses a slam, nails his pattenet runnig powerslam and gets the win at a OVERLY CLIPPED 2:32. This match lasted WAY too long i remember with a long Full Nelson aplied. Thank you WWF Edit jobs. btw, DUD. Worse then Tornado/Bravo. Heenan bitches about the ending. -"Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Bret "Hitman" Hart, British Bulldog, Virgil Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, Warlord, The Mountie: this year managers are banned for some reason. sherriis lookin UUUUUUGLY. Flair Tag Team Title is blacked out, although its noticable which it is. The Main Question in this match is who will do the job? The Faces all get their own entrances. Hey its Mike Tysons little brother Virgil. that was a good movie btw, Tyson. "The tough guy from scotland who wears a little mini skirt. Dibiase starts with Piper. roddy chant to start. flair with a knee to Piper and dibiase gets caught with a clothesline and gets hung in the ropes. Sherri gets pulled in by Piper. He kisses her. (vomits). Piper goes muhhamed Ali on Dibiase. Armbar by Piper tag to Bulldog. Knee to the wrist and tag to Virgil. He stomps his wrist and tag to Bret. Legdrop and knees tag to Piper. Running fistdrop and tag to Bulldog. Running stomp and knees tag to Virgil. he gos uptop and nails a double axhandle. Bret in. Punches to the shoulder and back to an armbar. Dibiase with some knees and elbows. Bret misses a charge annd Dibiase gets pushed into thje buckle for a 1 count, reversed and reversed again by Bret for 2. Arm drag to armbar by Bret. Heenan: "If savage gets reinstated, whos gonna do the dishes?!" gorilla: "Oh please..." Bret gets caught with a hip toss tag to flair. He misses an elbow. Inveerted atomic drop and tag to Bulldog. Slingshot to the buckle anmd the face first flop. flair chop. Bulldog with a gorilla press slam. Pipe in and he GOES NUTS!!!! Both men trade punches and chops. Piper goes Tyson on Flair. He falls outside and does the face first flop again. He eats steel steps. Chop by Piper and back in the ring. Warlord in. Test of Strength teased and Bulldog tags in. Both men shoulderblock doesnt workj. Dropkick takes down Warlod. boot by Warlord. Dibiase boot. Mountie in. jImmy hart sound slike hes having an orgasm talkin about how he gets his man.. Bret in. Dibiase back in. Colar Elbow tieup. Bret punches to the sternum. ?Backbreaeker and 2nd rope elbow for 2. Headlock, irish whip by Dibiase and the collide heads. Mountie & Bulldog in. Running Clothesline and elbow by Bulldog. Gorilla PRess Slam. flair in and Bulldog manhandles him. no selling chops. Couble clothesline to Dibiase & Flair. running Powerslam to mountie. Flair with a elbow off the top to Bulldog for the 3 count at 10:55. Piper in. Dibiase and Flair take a beating by Piper. Dibiase stomps him while Mountie works on him on the outside. flair chop. WOOOOOOO!. Snapmare and knee to the forehead. WOOOOOO. 2nd one misses.Piper witha figure 4 leglock and its hurting both men. Dibiase breaks it and Heena says Flair did. Dibiase in. Atomic Knee Drop by Ted and Indian Death lock reversed for 2. Mountie with a Boston Crab to Piper. Virgil tags in and clothesline mountie and another. Elbow by Virgil. flair in. Chops & slaps by both men. virgil goes Piper on him. Back body drop. Flair: NOOOOO!. Dibiase in. Dibiase eats buckle 10 times and falls face first. Powerslam by Dibiase. Warlord tags in. He boots him. Full Nelson. Piper breask it with an elbow and pins him at 16:58. school Boy to Dibiase gets 2. Eye Rake and chop by Ted followed by a spinning elbow. Suplex reversed by Piper. Virgil in. clothesline and another. Million Dollar Dream to Dibiase. Virgil gets posted by dibias breakin it. Flair in. WOOOOOOOOO!. Chop-city. back suplex and tag to Mountie. Dropkick by Moutnie "IIIiiiiiiiiiiim the mountie!!!!!!!". Dibiase chops. He tags in. Bionic Elbow to virgil. Gutwrench Suplex and tag to Flair. Dibiase clothesline. Spinning Neckbreaker by Virgil to dibiase. Flair in and is Piper. He no sells the chops. Poke to the eye. 10 punches of doom. Inverted Atomic Drop blocked and poke to the eyes. He eats buckle 10 times. Flair goes up but gets slammed by Piper. Brawl ensues. Flair flip to the floor. The referee calls for the bell at 22:46. Everyone was disqqualifed for brawling except for one man who was on the outside of the ring, Ric Flair!. Really good match with a cheap ending. I'll go *** with this one. Piper beats Flair out of the ring. Virgil tosses Dibiase and mountie leaves after Bret goes after him. -British Bulldog Vs. The Warlord (w/ Harvey Wippleman): Man, 10 minutes of this garbage? Well, every show has its downfall. Its been 13 minutes since the bell sounded for the end of Savage/roberts. Stalling to start as usual betwen thee two. Warlord looks like a roided up Stone cold and he wrestles like him considering Austin cant wrestle like he used to. More stalling. Bulldog catches a Warlord boot and pushes him over then drops a headbutt on his midsection. Warlord forces Bulldog to eat buckle and Bulldog fights back with 2 clotheslines sending the big man out. Body Press is botched and Warlord slams him into the ring post. Warlord gets sent into the buckle of doom 10 times and Bulldog nails a missle dropkick. Wow, this aint half bad. clothesline and Warlord gets locked in the ropes. Being the respectable man he is, Bulldog beats on him some more. Body Press misses and he gets saddled. Huge Backbody drop by the Big Big Man. He continues putting the boots to him and catches him with a bearhug. Powerslam by Warlord puts down Bulldog again. Im guessing this is much like the Wrestlemania VII match. Roundhouse to the back of DBS for 2 and we stall some more. Bulldog goes for a piledriver but its reversed and Warlord blocks it for 2 which is reversed again by Bulldog for 2 and clothelsine by Warlrod puts him back down. Full Nelson is applied and its on foooooooreeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeer! Warlord relinqiushes the hold afterabout 5 minutes. Bulldog catches Warlord with a top rope clothesline and connects with the Stall Suplex for 2. Running Powerslam is blocked by Warlord for a 2 count. Crucifiix by Bulldog gets 3 at 12:49. Wow, this dog went a while. first 5 minutes was good, but it wasd dragged. *1/2 is more then suitable for these 2 guys. If it ended at 6:00+ it may have been **1/2. -Davey Boy Smith Vs. Reno Riggins: This is Davey's Return in 1994. The crowd is just going nuts for him. A few shoves put the jobber down, but he gives Bulldog a few knees. Hiptoss by DBS. HUGE backbody Drop. Leap Frogs by Bulldog scares Riggin. Superkick by Riggins gets 1! Bulldog with the Stall Suplex to a good ovation. He scoops him up and nails a headbutt. Rear chinlock by the Bulldog. Double hunderhook suplex follows but he picks him up at 2. Running Powerslam puts Reno out of his missery for 3 at 3:09. DUD of course but it was fun to watch. -Davey Boy Smith Vs. Jim "The Anvil" Niedhart: Savage coins the phrase "Poetry in Motion" hehe. Owen distracts Bulldog allwoing Anvil to put some roundhouse rights to him. Shouldertackle gos nowhere. Anvil bails for advice by Owen. 2 lockups go nowhere. Side headlock by Bulldog is reversed with an irish whip but a hip toss by DBS turns the tide. Anvil with an uppercut but runs into a drop toe hold. Bulldog works him over with a armbar. Test of Strength (havn't seen that for a while) with Anvil winning it followed by several boots to the chest. Bulldog fights back up and lands a dropkick. Headlock takeover by DBS followed by a legsweep and grapevine. Eye rake by the anvil. Whip to the buckle and Anvil with a few shots to the head followed by a million dollar dream like sleeper hold. Bulldog braks the hgold with a series of elbows and a running knee does nothing and hurts himself. Stomp to the midsection by the Anvil followed by a rear chinlock. Bulldog off the ropes and Owen pulls down the ropes. Bret comes out to even the odds a bit. Back and anvil is working on bulldog with a bearhug. Anvil continues the beatdown and starts slapping DBS around. Bulldog with the boots to Anvil followed by a clothesline for 2. Knee ringer by Niedhart. Knee renching by Anvil continues. Owen screams at Bret. Camel Clutch by Niedhart. He misses a splash and gets clotheslined a few times by DBS followed by the Stall Suplex for 2. Here comes Backlund. Sunset flip by DBS but Owen stops it causing the DQ at 10:16. Bret, Bulldog, Owen, Niedhart get into a brawl which Bret & DBS get the best of. Match was ok, i'll say *1/2. Basically just a buildup match. -Interuption. I have TV footage of Lord Alfred Hayes in likely his last weeks inthe WWF. -Razor Ramon, British Bulldog, 1-2-3 Kid, Seione, Fatu Vs. Shawn Michaels, Deisel, Owen Hart, Jim "The Anvil" Niedhart, Jeff Jarrett: The opening for Surivor Series 1994 is so cool. For 1994 atleast. Everyon threatens everyone while Fatu puts on his boots. I guess they made a rule in WWF you can;t wrestle barefoot. 1-2-3 Kid starts out with Owen who ends up tagging in The Anvil. Sideheadlock by Anvil and a stiff shoulderblock. Dropkick by the Kid but he gets nailed with another shoulderblock. Jarrett tags in and gives the Kid a roundhouse right. Jarrett with more rights but Kid with a spinning heel kick sends him to the floor but jarrett misses a sunset flip for 2. Seione tags in. Gorilla Press Slam by the big man. Eyerake by Jarrett followed by a sideheadlock and right hand. Seione with his own headlock/punch combo followed by some knees in the corner. Jarrett with a boot to the kisser and flying clothesline gets 1. Owen tags in followed by Bulldog. Brother-in-law vs. brother-in-law! Bulldog with the Owen reversal of the armbar and he gets a wristlock and Owen does the same reversal which is also reversed as he reverses with a backslide but Owen gets slingshotted into the Bad Guys corner and everyone kicks his ass followed by a Bulldog Press Slam. Damn that is a long run on sentence. Sunset Flip by Bulldog gets 2 but an enziguri turns the tide. Anvil back in and a double clothesline puts Bulldog down. double clothesline misses and Bulldog nails them both. Stall Suplex by DBS on The Anvil for a good 7 seconds. Fatu tags in who goes up top slowly and nails a headbutt but his foots hurting. Jarrett back in. He unches on Fatu but Fatu nails apowerslam and has a fit before tagging in Razor Ramon. Jarrett is much more watchable with the golden locks then the goatie and shaved hair. Armdrag by J.J. and a strut. Vince still shoving JJ down our throats. Go behind by JJ reversed by both men and Jarrett slaps Razor in the back of the head. Sideheadlock by Jarrett and Razor nails a roundhouse and clothesline sending Jarrett to the floor. Razor then nails Diesel who looks like hes been sleeping. Slap to the face by Jarrett and Razor catches him for a fallaway slam. 1-2-3 kid back in and he gets fallaway slammed onto Jarrett for 2. Jarrett with a abdominal stretch on the Kid. HBK helps give him leverage for a few seconds until the Kid goes spilling to the floor. Kid wth a modified enziguri to the face. Fatu and Owen in. Spinng heel kick by Owen. WOOOOOO! for 2. Fatu eats buckle but then does a funky dance that would make michael Jackson die. Headbutt to the crotch. so Rikishi danced before 1999. Blind tag to Deisel and Fatu eats a lariat. Powerbomb ends Fatu's night at 13:29. Kid in and he gets some kicks in. Dropkick staggers him but a susnet flip does nothing and diesel picks him up by the neck and slams him followed by the Jacknife elimanating Kid at 14:10. Seione does nothing of note and gets jacknifed and pinned at 14:43. British bulldog in. He hammer son Diesel for a bit and nials some shoulderthrusts. Big Boot by Deisel sends DBS to the floor to be counted out at 15:43. Ramon from behind gets 2 on Deisel. Both men slug it out until ramon just cleans his clock with roundhouse right's. Boot by Razor and a 2nd rope bulldog gets 2. Shoulderthrusts by Ramon stun the big man until he gets nailed witha clothesline. Both men exchange rights until diesel nails a kneelift and plants Ramons face in the buckle. He goes for it again but it's blocked. slam by Ramon and he signals for the Razor's Edge. diesel with a backdrop stops Ramon and a big boot follows. Powerbomb city, but Shawn michaels wants in for the first time in 20 minutes. He want's Diesel to come back in and hold Ramon in place for a superkick. Ramon dodges it and Deisel gets nailed, pissing him off. He beats on his whole team and chases Shawn to the back, counting out his entire team at 21:56 leaving Razor Ramon the sole survivor of the team. Owen with a funny like "get back in the ring we're gonna lose!!!" Pretty good match ill go *** with it. -British Bulldog Vs. Tatanka: Bulldog starts off with an armbar which is broken by Tatanka getting to teh ropes follwed by a 2nd time. Tatanka iriswh whip and he gets shoulderblocked to the mat. Hiptoss puts him back down. Referee is Tim white if anyone cares. Side headlock by DBS Bulldog with a Stall Suplex and Tatanka rolls to the outside. Tatanka back in with a dropkick (back from commercial). Chop by Tanto puts down bulldog followed by powerslam. Bulldog with a roundhuse to the jaw and a snap suplex followed by a running clothesine, and a 2nd. Dibiase pulls down the ropes causing Bulldog to psill to the floor. Luger comes out to check on DBS. Luger nails Tatanka causing the Disqualification at 4:09. Damn luger. bigelow comes out to join the fray and Luger beats them both up. Match was a DUD but it was watchable for what it was. this of course sets up....... -British Bulldog & Lex Luger Vs. Tatanka & Bam Bam Bigelow: Pre-Allied Powers days, so no cool entrance theme.Tatanka & BBB attack before the bell but Bulldog comes out and goes to work on Tatanka. Luger clothesline to Tatanka while Bulldog with shoulderthrusts to Bam Bam. Bigelow fights back with some heavy rights and headbutts. Running Shoulderblock by Bulldog follwoed by a 2nd ropew clothesline by Luger which is followed up by a Bulldog clothesline for 2. Luger works in an armbar forever. Running clothesline by Luger, but a 3rd is stopped by a Tatanka boot to the back. Bigelow hammers on Luger and tags in Tatanka. Heavy chops to the head and back by the sell out. Reverse knifedge plants Luger. Shawn on the mic is very unusual sinc ehe was wrestling at the time. Tatanka with a bearhug and U-S-A chants start by Bulldog, who is British, so it makes litle sense. Luger fights ot and hammers on Tatanka until he gets his eyes raked. Boot to the kisser by Luger, and again. Luger with some rights and Bam Bam in. Luger suplex on Tatanka but bigelow nails him with a splash in an obvious worked spot. Shoulderblock puts Lex back down, and again. Powerslam by Luger turns the tide. Tatanka tags in as does DBS. Roundhouse rights galore and arunnbing powerslam to Tatanka but Dibiase breaks the count. Bam bam beats on Luger while Bulldog coms to make the save. Bell sounds at 6:32. All 4 men have been counted out as they continue to brawl. Match was blah, but decent so * sounds fitting. the match restarts later the night and Bam Bam connects with a suplex on Luger for 2. Tatanka in and of course chosp away at him. Luger gets choked across the top rope. Bammer ina and he drops a series of headbutts on Luger for 2. Bam bam with a headbutt and Tatanka tagsd in. Luger with a double clothesline and makes the tag. Bulldog unloads on both men. double nogginknocker and dropkick to both men. Slam on Bigelow and to tatanka. Bigelow gets clotheslined to the floor by Luger. Bulldog irish whips Tatanka into Bam Bam and covers him for 3 at 11:14. Match got a little better so i'll go to *1/2. Bulldog came in and boosted this dog from a near DUD rating. This signals Bam Bam being turfed from the Corporation in April. -1995 Royal Rumble Match: Every 60 seconds another man enters. Stupid WWF, who thought 60 seconds was a good idea? I didn't. #1 is Shawn Michaels (who seemed over confident after drawing his number on Action Zone earlier). #2 is British Bulldog(!). Bulldogs video screen video is like a parade form Britain. HBK jumps him to start with punches but gets backdropped and gorilla press slammed followed by a running clothesline. Flair buckle flop byShawn. He gets tied in the ropes but gets a boot on Bulldog. Elbow drop misses and #3 is Eli Blu. (who?). Blu hammers on Bulldog for a bit. Shawn with an eye rake to Eli and 10 punches of doom but he gets nailed into the corner. All 3 men try tossing each other. #4 is Duke Droese who gets LEVELED by an Eli boot. Shawn works over Droese and Bulldog with shoulderhtrusts to Eli. Bearhug by Droese and Shawn gets in the eye poke #2. #3 to Droese. #5 is "Jigalo" Jimmy Delray. He goes after Droese. Blu nails Delray but he goes abck to work on Droese. Droese slugs it out with Delray. Blu & Bulldog just wonder around for a bit. Delray gets popped by nearly elimanating Shawn. #6 is Seione of the Head Shrinkers. Bulldog is desperately trying to toss Shawn. Headbutt to Shawn by Seione. Delray gets clotheslined out by Bulldog while Seione trys tossing Shawn. Blu/Seione go at it as Droese works on Bulldog. HBK gos back to work on Seione. #7 is Dr. tom Prichard. he hammers on Blu. Seione with a gorilla press by Shawn escapes and works him over. Droese trys tossing Bulldog and Blu takes it to Prichard. #8 is Doink the Clown. Dink leads the way. Bulldog trys tosing HBK but Prichard stops that. Doink chokes out Seione but blu with some shoulder thrusts and forearms to the Clown. Bulldog beats on Prichard. Shawn and Droese go at it. #9 is Kwang. He nails Blue, then Bulldog. Seione with a chop to Pricard and Doink trys tossing out Droese. Kwang goes to work on doink. Shawn, Blu & Doink all fail at tossing over Bulldog. #10 is Rick "the Model" Martel for a 1 night return. He goes after Doink. Kwang with a boot to Bulldog. This is just a big clusterfuck right now. Kwavio trys tossing Shawn but gets beat up. #11 is Owen Hart. Bret come sout and ebats him in the aisle way before he gets to the ring. #12 is Timothy Well. Owen runs in the ring and is qucikly backdropped out by Bulldog. Well in now.. Shawn dumps out Droese onto Hebner. Timothey Well fucks up the flair flip to the floor, so Bulldog casually tosses him out. Seione dumps Martel and Shawn tosses Prichard. Doink is out via Kwang. Shawn tosses out Kwang of camera and blu & seione take each other over the top rope. #13 is Luke of the Bushwhackers. He gets beat up on and Shawn throws him out. We are back down to Shawn & Bulldog. Shawn chokes on Bulldog. Lawler mentioning Luke lasting 4.9 seconds in 1991. Lawler tells Vince to "see mickeys hand?". #14 is Jacob Blu. He works on Shawn, but gets back dropped over and we are once again back down to Shawn & Bulldog. Bulldog with a clothesline to Shawn. He scoops him up but Shawn holds onto the ropes. #15 is King Kong Bundy. Boot to Bulldog and roundhouse right to the back. shawn trys dumping Bundy by himself proving hes not THAT smart. #16 is Mo, and hes elimanated by Bundy in 2 seconds. Lawler: Look at my watch! Mo was on a mission wasnt he? He just-he just broke Lukes record! What did he last 1 second?!?! Bundy blocks a Slam by Bulldog and trys tossing him. Mabel is #17 (who forgot to shake the bowl?) and has the face off with Bundy. Shawn pound son Bulldog in the corner while Bundy & Mabrl exchange meat hooks. Mabel trys dumping Bundy. #18 is Bushwhacker Butch. He goes after Shawn as Bundy is elimanated. Eye rake by Shawn and he tosses out Butch. Mabel chokes on Shawn.Bulldog and him try tossing him out. #19 is Lex Luger. He gos to work and tosses out Mabel like a friggin feather!!! The soon to be Allied Powers go to work on Shawn. Clothesline and Press slam by Lex. They both try tossing him out. Lawler jumps ship with his pic for the 6th time tonight. #20 is Mantaur. I at first thought he was Mike shaw (aka Bastion Booger). He pounds on Luger and Bulldog attacks him from beind. Axhandle off the 2nd rope by Shawn onto Luger. Hiptoss on Bulldog by Mantaur followed by an elbow drop. #21 is Aldo Montoya and the jockstrap of doom. He hammers on Shawn (shawn is 1992's Ric Flair). Shawn puts the boots to Aldo. Powers double team Mantuar. #22 is Henry Godwinn. He can drink water and spit yohoo. Him and Bulldog slug it out. Mantaur hammers on Montoya. #23 is Billy Gunn. He hammers on Mantaur to no avail. Aldo trys tossng out Shawn. Luger ALMOST hits Bulldog but stopped. #24 is Bart Gunn. Mantaur attacks him from behind. Everyone just goes through the motions for a bit. #25 is Bob backlund. See Owen Hart. He gets beat up and elimanated by Luger after a Bret Hart attack. #26 is steven Dunn. Its funny. Well came in after Owen, he comes in after Backlund. Damn thats not hilarious but it still is to me. Dunn attackls Montoya, then Billy Gunn. Mantuar works on Luger as Bret AGAIN attacks Backlund. #27 is Dick Murdoch. Theirs too much to follow now. He attacks everyone fro mthe gunns to Dunn to Shawn. Mantaur hammers Dunn. Michaels beats on the old man as does godwinn. Mantaur misses an Avalanche on Mr. Ass. Here comes #28 Adam Bomb. Hes screaming makes me laugh like hell. Splash in the corner on luger by Mantaur. Speaking of Mr. Ass #29 here comes Fatu. He slugs it out with Billy G. and trys tossing him. Luger works on Mantaur and elimanates him. The Gunns goe at it as #30 is Crush. He single handedly tosses both them out. Montoya backdrops Steven Dunn out. Everyone beats on each other for a bit. Another nice shot of Pamela Anderson. Lawler creams his pants every time. Kronic explodes as Crush attacks Bomb. Dick trys tossing out aldo. Lawler picks 3 people to win. We are reminded about 1994 fiasco and vince says that will never happen again. Thank god. Montoya beats up Luger. Luger saves HBK from elimanation by Murdoch. Adam Bomb is out courtesy of Crush. Fatu now goes after Crush as Montoya is out by Michaels. Crush tosses out Fatu. Murdoch with an airplane spin on Godwinn but he spills to the floor as Godwinn hangs onto the ropes. Bulldog/Luger join forces again as everyone else is in another corner. Shawn JUMPS onto Luger and Godwinn helps him. This goes nowhere and Luger throws out the Hog farmer named Godwinn. Luger with the 10 punches from hell on Crush but Shawn tosses him to the floor. Its down to Bulldog, Crush & Michaels. Guess who goes next. shawn & Crush join forces but Crush backstabs him and trys press slamming him to the floor. shawn escapes and Bulldog clotheslines Crush out. The final 2 are the first 2! This was like an iron man match for the 2. they exchange rights but a kick is MAJORLY sold by shawn. Corner bump and kicks to the midesction of HBK. Gorilla Slam lands him cortched on the rope and a clothesline sends him to thefloor. bulldogs theme plays. Shanw back in and he tosses Bulldog to the floor and the bell sounds for real at 38:44. Shawn wins after we are shown footage of only ONE OF SHAWN MICHAELS FEET TOUCHING THE FLOOR. Talk about a swerve. I was seriously marking out when I thought Bulldog won. Match wasn't THAT bad, so i'll go ***1/2 for a Royal Rumble rating. -Since Judgement Day is in about an hour, I have to take a cut hre and come back tommorow before Raw to continue. R.I.P David Smith 1962-2002 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted May 19, 2002 Very good tape review. As usual, all your tape reviews are excellent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mark4steamboat Report post Posted May 21, 2002 Great job. im thinking of changing my name to Mark4NWOscorpion seeing as how i always admire your tape reviews. Very good and this proves that Bulldog was great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Drury37 Report post Posted May 22, 2002 Great job. im thinking of changing my name to Mark4NWOscorpion seeing as how i always admire your tape reviews. Very good and this proves that Bulldog was great. Hey what about me,I thought you were also a big fan of my rants,you could change it to either Mark4Drury37 or Mark4IrishND18?HAHA!!! Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted May 23, 2002 Hey, post your demands somewhere else. Besides I'm better. <-----Hulk Hogan of Ranting on this board. You = Funaki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Drury37 Report post Posted May 23, 2002 It was just a joke and who says your better. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted May 23, 2002 Everyone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Drury37 Report post Posted May 23, 2002 Who is this everyone and what's your problem,you are always trying to rip other people. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Drury37 Report post Posted May 23, 2002 Who is this everyone and what's your problem,you are always trying to rip other people. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Drury37 Report post Posted May 23, 2002 I'm sorry about the double post. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted May 23, 2002 Rip who? I ALWAYS am nice. <----nice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Drury37 Report post Posted May 23, 2002 I always feel like you are either disagreeing with me or ripping me,I don't know why but I just feel that way. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RetroRob215 Report post Posted May 25, 2002 nWoScorpion- I think you're a prick. Drury all the way!! BTW, Mark4Steamboat, I thought you liked my rants the best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites