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Guest Downhome

Is the era of the "evil owner" over?

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Guest Downhome

Even if the WWE doesn't want to realize it, I truly feel that the era of "the evil boss" is over. I'm not talking just Vince either, I'm talking him, Flair, or whoever the hell else they would wish to put in that posistion. It's old, stale, out of date, and it needs to be put to rest, if not for GOOD, then at LEAST for 1-3 years. Then, when they break it out again, it would actually mean something. I mean seriouslly...


...why can't we just have a show, with faces and heels, without any said "owner" all over the TV screen? If it was up to me, that is the route I'd take the current WWE product. But hey, my opinion means nothing. Even if Vince was off of TV, I'm sure he'd have Shane, or "better yet"...


...Steph herself, be the "evil owner". I'm suere THAT would be just great, lol.




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Guest papacita

I've been saying the same thing for the past 2 years. Now they're just getting ridiculous with it.


I mean, Smackdown has been good for the past couple of months, but every Vince appearance just cheapens the show. It's ridiculous now, because at least in 98-99 he had a reason to go after people he feuded against. Nowadays it's just if you're a heel, Vince likes you and if you're face he doesn't and that shit is just oversimplified and flat out corny. I mean, on Smackdown fucking Chuck and Billy are in Vince office complaining about Rikishi. Since when have Chuck and Billy had anything to do with McMahon that would require him being disappointed in them when they lost to a match. And why does he hate Hogan anyway? Granted, he's an easy man to hate, but I'm sure they could come up than a better reason than "cuz the fans like him". Raw is a little different since they're lacking a good ME-level heel, but on Smackdown there's definitely no need to have Vince on TV.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Even if the WWE doesn't want to realize it, I truly feel that the era of "the evil boss" is over. I'm not talking just Vince either, I'm talking him, Flair, or whoever the hell else they would wish to put in that posistion. It's old, stale, out of date, and it needs to be put to rest, if not for GOOD, then at LEAST for 1-3 years. Then, when they break it out again, it would actually mean something. I mean seriouslly...


...why can't we just have a show, with faces and heels, without any said "owner" all over the TV screen? If it was up to me, that is the route I'd take the current WWE product. But hey, my opinion means nothing. Even if Vince was off of TV, I'm sure he'd have Shane, or "better yet"...


...Steph herself, be the "evil owner". I'm suere THAT would be just great, lol.




::CWM copies and pastes his statements from Wrstleforum::



it was over months if not a year ago. Vince just doesn't seem to realize that HE is nolonger a draw. All credit to him for riding the wave of hatred for screwing Bret, but it's time to find a new direction to take the company.

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Guest Cataclysm911

"Is the era of the evil owner over?"


Simply put, it should be, but it won't be.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

But if there is no evil owner...



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Guest Risk

Basically, Vince McMahon wants to be the center of attention.  So that's where Stephanie got it from.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Seeing as we now have TWO evil owners, why don't Vince and Flair simply end the split and go after Austin together? It makes so little sense. Why do companies always feel the need to turn Flair heel? Ho-hum.

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Guest notJames

During Flair/Vince's backstage skit, they did the whole "I like you to your face but you're still an asshole to me" thing, so they'll probably continue the competition thing.


Long story short, the split continues. I'll get back to you when I figure out if I like it or not...

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Is the evil owner device played out?  Abso-frickin-lutely yes.  Try joining an e-fed sometime.  I have yet to find one that has had no evil owner character and lasted long.  Grr.


And it's been nearly 5 years since "Montreal" which means that Evil Vince Owner has been done to death for over four years.  We've seen Vince as the evil owner, we've seen Bischoff as the evil owner, we've seen Flair as the evil owner TWICE (remember WCW 99?  RPVP?  Little Naitch?  David Flair U.S. Champion?  Okay, sorry, I'll stop now).  We've seen Vince Russo as the evil boss.  We've seen Stephanie as the evil boss and almost put our eyes out as a result.


But remember how long it took Vince to finally let go of "Second Job" wrestler gimmicks.  And he *STILL* hasn't gotten outside of the "big + buff + blond = The Next Hoganlike Megastar" box of thinking, (and if HBK, Austin, and Bret Hart combined couldn't shake him of that, probably nothing ever will).  


So basically what I'm saying is this:  Yes, the evil owner is dead.  But it will take a long time for the WWF to stop trying to dance with the corpse.


It will take both a grave financial crisis in the WWF, AS WELL AS a fresh idea sneaking onto Raw or Smackdown and getting superover immediately so that, in the state of absolute desperation, nobody dares squash the new idea to protect their heat.  It'll probably be something accidental or a shoot, much like Survivor Series 97.  And we need the financial crisis so that Vince will be so desperate to preserve his company that he'll stop letting certain kliqish elements do the booking for him.


Speaking of which, Austin might have to be sacrificed much like Hart in 97.  Just because Austin is so attached to the idea of fighting the evil owner and seems unable for whatever reason (unwilling?) to branch in a new direction.


And don't think for a second Vince wouldn't do it to him. ;)

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Too bad they're doing the same angle twice at once. The fact that Vince likes heels and hates faces is unrealistic. It's ok for him to have favorites and not like some wrestlers, but he doesn't have to love all heels and hate all faces.

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