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Guest Crazy Dan

Another suicide bombing

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Guest fatmanfoleyfan
<<<Arafat has condemned the bombings>>>

We have to BEG him to condemn them in Arabic---and then his wife goes out and praises bombers.

<<<, and twice within the Palestinian jurisdiction called for a halt in the violence and the suicide bombings.>>>

And you know what---they stopped for a while. When Arafat has fear put in him, he finds a way to stop the bombing.


He condemned them on Palestinian TV in late 2000, and early 2001. Arafat didn't stop them for a while, Hamas and the other terrorist groups simply stopped, collaborated and struck again.


<<<Fine, all politicians have to do this, but Arafat isn't a respected figurehead in Palestine, and he's one who ascertains very little control of the Palestinian people.>>>

Since Arafat isn't the respected leader, who is going to lead this new Palestine? Why in the world should Israel give them ANY power until we get an actual open election (don't even MENTION the fraud that was the 1996 elections) and some serious overhauling of the PA?


Yes, I know the 'elections' were bullshit. How in the hell are you supposed to form any kind of democracy when under Israeli military rule? Freedom of movement, work, speech, education; all of this is denied because of the Israeli rule. When the PA had a modicum of control of a fraction of the occupied territories, we know that it wasn't exactly a democracy. You've got to remember that there is no such thing as a democracy for the Palestinian people when they are under Israeli military rule, and when the main purpose of the leader is to ensure security for Israel. Quite simply, when Arafat and the PA were going a long with the pitiful plans of the US and Israel which only focused on the security of Israel, there was no call for the Palestinian people to get a new leader. Then, the Palestinians WERE calling for democracy. Now, Arafat and the PA don't wish to go along with the negotiations that provide nothing for the Palestinians, and everyone is begging for huge reforms, or for them to leave, and blaming absolutely everything on them. When there is an end to the military occupation, then the Palestinians can have a true democracy, ensuring THEIR security and rights as well as Israels.


And I'll try and beat this into your head---PALESTINIAN MONKEYS TARGET CIVILIANS.

That is the ULTIMATE act of cowardice.


Palestinian monkeys? They must be some fucking smart monkeys... who'd have thunk it, eh?


I know there are suicide bombings. The world knows it. There is also an Occupation. The IDF have and do target and kill innocent civilians.


<<<This fuels protests, and this wrongly so fuels the suicide bombings.>>>

Let's be honest. What fuels suicide bombings? The insane belief that they'll go to heaven and be able to bed numerous maidens. That's why those mind-numbed puddles of drool do it.


What are you talking about? Hamas, and all these terrorist groups are built to fight against Israel, and kill innocent civilians. They view it as retaliation to the sufferings of the Palestinians and some of their own families.


<<<, the security of it's own people, and an end to the violence, they must look at the illegal OCCUPATION it has maintained, and they must end it. >>>

And you just assume that the violence would end. This is naivete extraordinaire.


No, it's common sense and logical thinking. THINK ABOUT IT - You're a Palestinian with no rights to your land, you can't travel anywhere because of the Occupation, you can't work because of the Occupation, etc. You're obviously angered because of the Occupation. The oppression of Palestinians is due to the Occupation. Oppression brings about hatred, and violence. Ending the occupation, ends oppression, which in turn gives rights to the people, meaning their source of hatred and violence is gone.


During the Apartheid, when Blacks were being oppressed, denied basic rights, they were angered. This produced hatred, the hatred produced horrid terrorist attacks against the white population. The Occupation denies Palestinians basic rights.


And, unless there have been a wave of suicide bombers, Israel doesn't CARE enough about Palestinians to oppress them.


The Occupation has been around 35 years. Israel has tens of thousands of Israeli troops surrounding and within the territories, equipped with tanks and the like. They have sustained this oppression.


After the Church of the Nativity, expecting me to feel ANY sympathy for anybody pissing on the Palestinians' desire to practice their faith is laughable.

Heck, I wouldn't have minded if Sharon took a copy of the Koran and wiped his BUTT with it.  

Don't forget about the Christian community in Palestine. This event was before the Church of the Nativity, and you're just making stupid generalised insults.>>>

Doesn't matter. I STILL have no respect for them. And, should Palestine get a state, we might want to go ahead and take the dental records of all of the non-Muslims in that country, so we can identify the bodies after they kill them.


Doesn't matter? You're whole point is neglected because of that. Palestine is a nation of Muslims and Christians. Always has been. Get it through your head. You're just going into idiotic melodramatic mode.


<<<The actions of a few Palestinians means that the entire Muslim community does not deserve respect?>>>

Actually, the fact that so few Muslims will condemn the bombings gives me little reason to respect the religion of Islam as one of "peace".


What Muslims? Which Muslims? Who? Have you asked every Muslim on Earth what they think about this?


<<<Surely the actions of some Israeli's, and the army means that the Jewish community deserves no respect? Both are wrong. Actions by the minority don't represent a whole peoples.>>>

Except that finding Muslims who fit every negative stereotype of them isn't exactly a challenge.


You're just being silly now, why don't you and I just succumb to the stupid generalisations of the white race, the Jews, Arabs, Blacks, etc? Instead of believing all this crap, and actually allowing yourself to be exploited as part of these dare I say racist assumptions, try and fight against it.


No, it's simply stating that creating ANOTHER place where widespread wrong-doing and support of terrorism can exist is not a good thing for the world.


You've officially succumbed to the propaganda campaigns against Arabs and Muslims that generalise them as a bunch of terrorists. Stop believing all this crap. Wrong-doing is oppressing innocent people.


Yet again, you've totally ignored the fact that the occupation exists, and it is this occupation that is at the heart of all the problems.>>>

You ignore that the attacks would occur regardless. The PLO wants Israel TO NOT EXIST.

Then surely the Israeli government doesn't want the Palestinians to exist.>>>

However, if they were not attacked, they'd not attack themselves.


No no no. Haven't you been reading the posts? Israel maintains the occupation because there is still a  rejectionist attitude, and because they want to amass illegal profits, take more land, and get more slave labourers whilst denying the Palestinians their rights. Palestinian water is actually stolen by Israel for their own people.


<<<These comments are useless. The OCCUPATION instigates the attacks, but if they were to continue upon creation of a Palestinian state, then Israel would retaliate under justifiable means.>>>

No, because people like you would make some other claims that somehow Israel brought this upon themselves.


So, because I want innocent Palestinians to stop being oppressed and have basic rights makes me anti-Israel for life? It's as if you've got nothing meaningful to say and are only relying on tireless assumptions. If Israel stops oppressing innocent Palestinians and killing them, I and millions wouldn't be criticising Israel.



They have that now.


I'd be willing to bet that we would not.


So, genocide would be openly advocated by America, and you?


<<<right? Yeah, and then maybe they can like wipe out all the EVIL Arabs, right? right?>>>

Too many headaches involved for us to even bother with it. However, if the Muslim world is going to bitch and moan that they want our support, then they'd best learn to support as well---rather than condemn us in their press incessantly.

Yes, we give money to Israel---we also give money to quite a few Muslim states.


Money given to countries worldwide is obviously restricted, to prohibit purchase of weapons, etc. The money given to Israel is not monitored, meaning YOUR money, the American taxpayers is going towards purchasing weapons in which to kill Palestinians, and maintain the oppression under the occupation.


<<<They are 'bad guys' because they kill innocent people, and deny Palestinians basic rights, and maintain the OCCUPATION. Even if bombings stop, OCCUPATION continues.>>>

And if occupation stops, bombings continue.


If you're not going to look at it from the logical standpoint; I'll try and offer another example.

You have two options:


Israel maintains the Occupation meaning more Palestinians and Israeli's are killed, land is stolen, settlements built, Palestinians are oppressed, illegal profits amassed, consistent back and forth insults were both sides place the blame on one another. This results in more death, more anger, more hatred and more violence.


The other option is ending the Occupation. Israeli troops are called back, Palestinians are no longer oppressed meaning they enjoy basic rights, no settlements are built, no blaming one another, just two states, side-by-side, living peacefully with no need for inane propaganda, and no such thing as Pro-this or anti-that. This means that money provided to Israel is no longer spent on weapons, and settlement developments, but spent on providing its own people with better lives, and choices. No money is spent on maintaining the occupation. Instead it's better used to open trade with fellow countries etc. Meanwhile, Palestine can hold democratic elections under the watchful eye of the US, in which the Palestinian people vote for a leader, and government that aims to represent them. Palestinians get work, get educations, live freely, and have the choices we take for granted as basic privileges. Palestine can begin trade with Israel, meaning the water Israeli's need can be supplied, meaning the electricity Israeli's need can also be supplied, without selling out the Palestinians. There will be people on both sides, who oppose such an idea. Fanatics will still be around but any attack, any action, no longer will it be excused or justified as a retaliation. A retaliation to what? Ending the Occupation means there is nothing to elicit the hatred, which means no way to exploit it, which means a crackdown in violence. This is the only solution that will work, and no it's not a pipe dream, it's something that can be obtained, simply by ending the Occupation. Until then, never will there ever be peace.


I don't doubt that some Israelis oppose the occupation.

As I said, idiots reside everywhere.

It's a shame you're one of them - HA! (cue: boos and hisses). Nope, only kidding, my good friend. Israeli's oppose the occupation because they understand that another persons suffering doesn't uphold peace.>>>

And how many of these Israelis had loved ones killed by the cowards?


Actually there have been a few in the mainstream, who joined together recently with Palestinians who'd lost family members. They were calling for an end to the violence, and the occupation. It's been published in newspapers in Britain, and as I was told by a cousin in America, there too. I also think Ha'aretz newspaper mentioned it.


Has the PLO removed that whole "elimination of Israel" clause out of their charter? Last time I heard anything on it, the answer was no.


Umm...where have you been? That happened during Clinton was in government and went on a visit to Gaza airport. It made big news worldwide.


Let's be honest about who is behind the attacks, shall we? You don't see many Christians or Palestinian Jews doing it, do you?


I wasn't stating that, I was stating that Palestine is a multi-religion state therefore calling it an eventual Muslim state is wrong.


God knows the Christians and Jews in those countries would KILL for the rights Palestinians have in Israel.


More of the melodramatic stuff, I see. It's terrible that they are discriminated against, but stop making illogical comparisons. How in the hell can you say they'd KILL for Palestinian rights? That is completely ridiculous. They'd KILL to be oppressed? Palestinians were evicted from their land and homes, then placed under military occupation which denies them all basic rights to work, water, agriculture, security, and all because of EUROPEAN ANTI-SEMITISM?


Except that Israeli civilians don't do anything to bring about said extinction.

So, the ILLEGAL settlers, who are surrounded by the Israeli military, and who've been known to kill innocent Palestinian civilians don't do anything? Another stupid point made there. Bring about said extinction?

So all the civilians round the world who murder people, commit crimes, I guess their respective races are to be extinct because of these actions?


<<<Hatred exists on both sides, to the point where both are willing to involve themselves in horrific crimes against human life.>>>

What do Israeli civilians do? Not seen to many atrocities by them.

Have seen quite a few by Palestinians.


What exactly did the Palestinians do to warrant having their homes stolen, their land stolen, their innocents killed, being expelled from their country, and all for the creation of a Jewish state due to European anti-Semitism?


Your thoughts follow this same pattern. Blacks in South Africa are oppressed because of a white government and military. What did they do to warrant this oppression? White civilians were killed in terrorist actions by Blacks, but does that warrant the killing of Black innocents?


<<<The last 18 months have left over 400 Israeli's, and 1500 Palestinians dead. These figures are available from all news outlets worldwide, including the mainstream press in America.

I wouldn't exactly call the American press a source of truth and impartiality.  CNN's coverage has a clear pro-Palestine bias.

Neither would I, it's a source for primarily pro-Israeli bias. CNN is horrible, a lot of their debates consist of just an Israeli spokesman to document his side of the story. Many times, they just enlist the help of US Senators who are the epitome of the stereotypical white racist, but are bribed into support for Israel. Shows such as Q&A however attempt impartiality.>>>

CNN has a pro-Israeli bias?

Words fail me.


All news stations have a pro-Israel bias if they do not report that an Occupation exists. Alot of CNN coverage, distinctly debates only feature prominent pro-Israel speakers meaning only one side is told. When a news station or newspaper reports 'Israeli soldiers exchanged fire with Palestinian gunmen', they've got it wrong. Israeli tanks, helicopters, fighter planes, apaches, exchanged fire with Palestinian gunmen. When its reported that 'Israel retaliates against Palestinian suicide bimbings', they've got it wrong. That is biased reporting, and that is prominent on CNN coverage. They must mention the whole point of everything; THE OCCUPATION.


<<<Now, the constant assumption that Arafat and his political regime order such attacks, and that it is he who persists with the violence is just plain wrong.

I don't see him doing anything to stop them.  I don't hear him condemning them.  Ever.  With terrorism, you either support it or you're against it... there is no in-between. Arafat's resounding silence in regard to these attacks is deafening.

He's condemned the actions, even on Palestinian TV. Problem is, he has no control. It was even shown on the news recently, his statements in Arabic condemning the attacks. >>>

Do you know WHY he made those statements? Because we basically forced him to do it. He would not have done so willingly.


Nope, the recent statement made was under a cloud of propaganda stating he never denounced it. It's just another excuse in a long line that stops people from viewing the existence of the Occupation, and oppression of Palestinians.


And since Israel has a legitimate concern about being bombed by them, I'd NEVER allow it.


Israel uses their airforces, and their money to bomb Palestinian villages, that doesn't root out terrorism, that's a direct attack against Palestinian lives. An airport doesn't harbour military planes, they are located in military bases. An airport is where people go to get on an airplane and travel through the air to arrive and land at a certain destination, be it city or country. The economic stature of all countries is dependent on this.


<<<A Palestinian state would establish security, peace, and equality for both peoples. And if attacks continued, Israel would be justified in a possible retaliation complete with international backing.

It absolutely would not.  Israel would not just hand over all the lands to which Palestinians lay claim.  Immediately, Palestinians would claim a lack of equality.  Renegade Palestinians would continue fighting over disputed lands in the same ways they have been for years.  This eliminates peace.  And a Palestinian state would surely build up an army to take back lands it feels it has a right to.  This throws security out the window.

Hand over? It's a matter of get out of the occupied territories. A Palestinian state would be overlooked to ensure militaristic operations were not planned. The OCCUPATION eliminates peace.>>>

The "refugees" don't WANT the WEst Bank and the "occupied territories". They want Israel. Nothing less.


Why did you quote refugees? Palestinians were kicked out of their homes and land, and out of their country. Full restitution is guaranteed by International law, but it won't happen. So, instead, Israel will have to provide housing with their money in the Palestinian territories.


1) The suffering of the Iraqi people are due to Hussein's policies. We get the criticism, but it is not our fault.

2) We HATE instability---and since we have no clue who'd replace Saddam, it's not something we're all that gung-ho about.


Regardless, the bombings are direct attacks against civilians. 500,000 Iraqi innocents have died due to these weekly attacks. Tell me exactly what these attacks are doing? Scaring Saddam? No, it's killing innocents and giving him an excuse to refuse any communication whatsoever. The American attacks do nothing but create hatred, and therefore they must end the bombings, and use a totally different means. These attacks aren't affecting Saddam, they're affecting innocent people. He doesn't care. He just exploits it for more support by stating his defiance towards such actions.


<<<However, the 'targeted attacks' as labelled by the Israeli government, resulting in the deaths of Palestinian government officials, many of whom are innocent, elicits no stories or outcries.

I don't hear any Palestinian government officials condemning the suicide attacks, so I would hardly call them innocent.  

I don't hear Israeli government officials condemning the military operations, and occupation... oh that's right, they order them.>>>

After they get bombed, yes.





Philistines/Israelites/Canaanites - Who gives a damn in the end, because that story states that if Israel can claim a 2000 year old stake to the land, then others can do so, resulting in the non-existence of many countries including America, Britain, and dozens of Middle Eastern countries, those in Europe... I could go on.>>>

You could---but you're also killing off your entire premise that the Palestinians have a valid claim to the land as well.


Yes, but in doing so, I'm cutting off the premise that America would exist, as well as practically all countries worldwide.

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Guest fatmanfoleyfan
If the attack occurs, we'd have Arafat crying to the world once again and the world dropping to their knees to collectively fellate the man.

Not happening.


Crying for what? That is a statement completely devoid of rational thought. Arafat will have nothing to back up his claims provided Israel actually goes after the terrorists and not the innocent people. Anyway, the Palestinian authorities would have to detain the collaborators.


<<<Another year of the occupation, is just what Israel has always been doing, stalling and trying not to partake in a viable settlement.>>>

Consider what Israel is doing like parole. Until you can prove that you live like a civilized person---you don't get out of prison.


Eh? Another absolutely horrible comparison. This is just Israel putting innocent Palestinians in an outdoor prison for 35 years for no reason whatsoever but to amass illegal profits, and get more land.


<<<Continuing the occupation only angers the Palestinian people, and forces them to live like crap for another year.>>>

Let's pretend, for a moment, that the occupation ends.

Do you honestly think that the Palestinian people WOULDN'T live like crap regardless? They'd be destitute. They'd have a authoritarian dictatorship that would make them LONG for the days of Israel being there.


This comment is used relentlessly and it possibly the second most idiotic statement in the world. JUST THINK ABOUT IT! USE SOME SENSE AND LOGIC. Palestinians live like crap now, and their land is taken, and they don't have their rights to water and work. They get killed by Israeli soldiers, have villages destroyed by Israeli tanks. Firstly, I doubt a dictatorship would occur considering all the international coverage it would attain. Secondly, dictatorship or not, Palestinians will NOT be living under an ISRAELI occupation, will not be getting their land taken by ISRAEL, their work taken by ISRAEL. It's better for Israel if the Palestinian dictatorship existed, but they know it won't happen, so they maintain the occupation and their amassing of illegal profits and land.


Comments as you made are proven absolutely stupid and are used another in a long line of excuses, except this being more pathetic, in maintaining the illegal oppression of Palestinians, and make out as if this has nothing to do with Israel.


You do realize that up until the 1960's, Palestinians WERE the Jews, right? As recently as under Kennedy, whenever people were discussing the Palestinians, they weren't discussing Muslims or Arabs.


I'm not going to write a whole sarcastic paragraph as to if this is a joke or not. Palestinians have been in Palestine for over 1500 years, it has consistently been under Arab rule. Palestinians are descendants of the Philistines and the Arabs who lived in Palestine, and they were of Muslim and Christian faith. The Jewish population in Palestine were usually located in four areas in Palestine, close to holy sites. They were also recognised as Palestinians. They formed the minority. All lived in peace. Basically, never have I heard such an outlandish and preposterous statement. Please, I ask of you to do some research on the actual history of Palestine and the Palestinian people.


<<<Gaza and the West Bank were territories yet to be invaded by Israel.>>>

The PLO's initial charter doesn't even MENTION the West Bank. There isn't even a word for that land in Arabic. The West Bank only became desirable when Israel liberated it from Jordan.


The West Bank is in reference to several towns within the region such as Ramallah, Jericho, Nablus etc. It was always Palestinian land, and the British mandate on Palestine referred to it as such. After the Arab-Israeli war, Jordan took control of the region in 1949. 1967, The 6 Day War, and Israel took it. The West Bank with all it's Palestinian population was used as a retreat for Jordanian soldiers who were wishing to return to Jordan. Plans were being put forth to officially claim it part of the Palestinian state, mostly in the 70s, with Egypt and Israel at the helm of trying to work out the details. Negotiations failed.


<<<Egyptian and Jordanian forces used them as areas in which to retreat so they could go back to their own borders. In 1967, Egyptian air forces were located on the Egyptian border outside of Gaza, whilst Jordanian forces were located on the Jordanian border outside of the West Bank. Forces were there regularly in case of an eventual Israeli invasion as after the 1956 war, plans by Israel to capture the Egyptian Sinai were leaked.

An American spy ship 'Liberty' was able to make all Egyptian radars malfunction and break down, meaning Israeli forces were able to strike, leading to the destruction of the Egyptian air planes. Jordanian forces were called upon but they had no air forces, as were Syrian forces. The Golan Heights in Syria was captured by Israel. Israeli forces also attacked the Jordanian forces by invading. The Israeli forces eventually retreated back into the West Bank and Gaza and began the Military Occupation. UN Resolution 242 orders the Withdrawal as does 338, but Israel refused, and still do.>>>

And who would get the land? There was never an Arab Palestinian state in the West Bank. Everything else is spoils of war.


There never Palestinian independence (a state). However it was legally guaranteed under the British mandate to be created by 1948. The Palestinian inhabitants under international law were guaranteed the right to elect the eventual independent government of the nation, but Zionist forces occupied, and invaded the land to create Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people.


And, again, let's say the Occupation ends tomorrow. Palestine will become a poor, destitute, useless country like, well, all of the non-Israel countries in that region.


Don't make such a pathetic assumption, once again your blind support for everything Israel stops you from rational thought. The economy with help, and Israels need for water would necessitate the start of economic trade. Plans to help create power plants, electricity stations etc, in collaboration with companies worldwide were restricted due to the Occupation. There is a demand to create a big economy within Palestine to coincide with Israels. The people as well, will finally have some land and rights to agriculture so the illegal Israeli produce can officially be that of 'Palestinian' as it should be. resulting in profits. Slave labourers will be gone, meaning money for the Palestinian people, and good work.


Israel's only obligation is to Israelis. They don't owe the Palestinians anything in terms of negotiation.


You got it wrong again. The illegal occupation of Palestinian land which causes the Palestinian people to suffer. The end of this is the obligation towards the Palestinians and Israel for negotiations.


<<<, and draws criticism for the occupation, and their treatment of Palestinians.>>>

But, again, the world seems to have so little problem with homicide bombings---if one goes by the U.N's actions this year.


But that is my very point; if the Israeli occupation is to be sustained then the bombings have an excuse. Once the Occupation is ended, and if bombings continue, actions can and will be taken, simply because there would be the means to take action within Palestine and justifiable means for Israel to do so as well as the international community. There is huge condemnation of the suicide bombings, but that must also be reserved for the Occupation.


<<<The powerful Jewish lobby in America has greatly influenced the government and society, which has led to a tighter allegiance between the two. The billions in aid ($93 billion so far) has helped to fund the Israeli occupation, all from the US taxpayer.>>>

Egypt gets a lot of money. Arabia gets a lot of money. Palestine gets a lot of money. Let's not pretend that we only financially support Israel here.


Oh yeah, I know that Arabia gets alot of US aid. But American aid to Israel is not restricted meaning they're not spending money on stabilising the economy or doing better for the Israeli people, but spending money on weapons to maintain the occupation and kill Palestinians.


<<<Egypt along with Jordan recognise Israel.>>>

I seem to remember watching a statement from the Jordanian prince or something recently where he refused to utter the word "Israel" a single time. I guess that's recognition.


King Abdullah of Jordan is actually an ally of Israel. The Jordanian/Israeli negotiations for recognition occurred a long time, the recognition is there.


<<<The recent Saudi peace plan, states that all Arab states recognise Israel's right to exist, and its independence as long as the Occupation is ended with full withdrawal.>>>

And the recent Saudi Peace plan is a joke and Sharon would be wise to throw it on the floor and urinate on it.


What exactly do you know of the Saudi peace plan, I think all you know is that it's proposed by Arabs therefore it must be bad, right? The Saudi peace plan showed the willingness of acceptance for Israel if it adheres to international law and stops oppressing the Palestinian people by ending the Occupation.


<<<Quite simply America's support for Israel was simply due to it's military power, and the fact that it is the strongest country in the region.>>>

It's also free, which does help.


Free? $93 billion in aid is free? The Jewish lobby in America has influenced a great bias on the media.


<<<If we were to change countries worldwide based on 2000 year old claims, many countries would cease to exist including America.>>>

But, these same claims for "Palestinian" statehood require the same thing---recognition of an old claim.


It wasn't a claim, the guarantee of independence by the British mandate, the international law which states the self-determination of the Palestinian people, all of this was not around 2000 years ago. This was a modern event, under a different social and political regime.


<<<European anti-Semitism doesn't justify the creation of another state at the expense of an entire population. The Palestinian rights to that of self-determination were denied, and still are.>>>

Israel's right to self-preservation exceeds Palestinian right to "self-determination".

<<<A military was built for Israel, as were airways. These were used as tools to oppress the Palestinian people. Palestinian suicide bombing is wrong. The military occupation is wrong.

Nope, it's not wrong. Occupations occur all over the place and many are for very just and fair reasons. Heck, Iraq's airways are "occupied" by the Allies to protect the Kurds from Hussein.

Iraqi airways being occupied mean absolutely nothing; it's a totally different thing, and an idiotic comparison to make. Israel is ILLEGALLY occupying Palestinian land by placing thousands of illegal soldiers at the borders, and creating dozens of ILLEGAL settlements whilst ILLEGALLY denying Palestinians the most primitive rights all through brutal and forceful measures. That's illegal, that's wrong, and there are no just and fair reasons for this, other than amassing illegal profits or simply wanting to oppress the Palestinian people.>>>

There are fair reasons for it. Israel, rightly, believes that should they give Palestine its own state, they will STILL be attacked---the biggest difference being that Palestinians might be able to more easily get better weaponry.


They want illegal profits; they know that violence will diminish when the Occupation ends. It's the profits, the water, all of this.


<<<Israel is built on the foundations that it hates the Arabs due to its creation, and by maintaining the occupation they just demonstrate it even more. The Israeli economy whilst relying on the occupation and slave labourers is in a great down-period.>>>

They do not rely on slave laborers. Again, even the most ardent pro-Palestinian people don't attempt to make such a claim.


One third of the water in Israel is that stolen from the Palestinian territories. All the settlements, the slave labourers, and the produce are sold for Israeli profits. Stores such as Marks & Spencers get absolutely everything from Israel, a lot of which are from the settlements.


Again, they BELIEVED Palestine when they claimed that thousands were killed in Jenin. They never even thought to question it.


Again, they BELIEVED Israel had commited human rights offences, and they were right. Never did they mention that 1000s were killed, they simply wanted the investigation but it didn't come.

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