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HD: Drek/GPK/PK segment.

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If you didn't see already, I'm not doing the Cuban Wall match because I just don't think it'll mean anything in the long run, so I wrote this instead.


We cut to a Starbucks stand (one of probably 15 in the place) where we find the Global Party Exchange getting themselves some coffee and talking about their match later tonight.  

STATIC (after taking a sip)
So who do you think Rodez got to back him up?

Before Jax can answer, a familiar voice cuts him off.

Does it even matter?

The camera pans over to reveal Drek Stone stirring a cup of his own java.  

Well, I know that we’ll be able to handle anyone Rodez tries to throw at us, but it would be nice to kinda get an idea, y’know?

Getting a little worried, are you?

N-n-n-no, but....

Rodez turned me down at Battlebowl.  I don’t give a shit WHO he dug out of the trash bin to tag with him, he is going to learn and learn WELL that NOBODY turns down the Reckless One.

The trio continue to chatter, but fall silent as Peter Knight walks over to the counter, the X-Title slung over his shoulder, and orders a cup of French Roast (but he’s still a MANLY MAN, don’t you doubt that for a second!).  PK adds his cream and sugar and notices the stares he’s getting.

Am I interrupting anything?

How about you just get out of here?

The GPX step towards Knight, but Drek holds up his hand to stop them.  

Well, if it isn’t our brand new X-Division Champion.  Ready to follow in the grand footsteps of other X-Title holders like.....uh.....that druggie and......uh, the Amazing Randy...Remington.....whatever that guy’s name was.  How much did they have to pay to get that out of hock, anyway?

KNIGHT (chuckling)
Yeah, I caught that little crack you made about this (motions to the belt) last week.  Funny; Jimmy Kimmel would love you.  You know, my goal while I have this title is to defend it against anyone that wants to step up to the plate, prove I have the stuff to be worthy of the Heavyweight title.

Ha, lot of good that did for Rodez.  Let’s face it Knight, that thing is meaningless.  Me?  I go for the top or bust.  I didn’t need any second-tier title to show what a great champion I could be.  I went into the Elimination Chamber with a great opportunity and I TOOK IT!  That’s a lesson Leon Rodez failed to learn.  Don’t make the same mistake, Knight.  Let’s go guys.

Drek and the GPX start to walk away, but PK speaks again.

Opportunity, eh?  Drek, your babbling actually gave me an idea.  I want to be looked at as championship material so – man, this is a no-brainer – what better way to do that than step into the ring with a former champion and beat his smug ass around all four corners?


One of the best ideas I’ve heard in a LONG time!

Drek chuckles.

Looked at the booking sheet tonight?  I’m a little busy with more important matters.

Oh yeah, that six man with Leon Rodez.  (He takes a sip) Wouldn’t you know that he was talking to me about that earlier today?  About how he needs a couple of guys that think Drek Stone is….and I’m paraphrasing here….”a cocky, self-absorbed Brooklyn greaseball.”  I told him (he finishes off his coffee in one big pull).....aah.  (He looks at his watch) Whoops, I gotta get going.  

Knight crumples his cup and tosses it in a nearby trash can.  

Hey, nice talking to you guys.  Maybe I’ll see you again later tonight.

PK slaps Drek on the shoulder before walking off, the camera staying on Drek and the GPX as they watch PK leave and then look at each other.


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