Guest Report post Posted May 21, 2002 This was written by my counterpart in the BRAND SPLIT~! young Phil Schneider. I'm cross-posting this, if it's cool with the beloved admins. If it's not, I'll eat a bug.... DEAN. What Worked -The action in the Hardy's v. Show and X-Pac match was fine, I like X-Pac replacing the cock grinding in the bronco buster with nice punches, and I remember Jeff Hardy doing something nice, the specifics of which escape me. Show continues the miracle run -Heyman does a better job masquarading as a hetrosexual then RF ever did. Trish is a fine Kristi Myst in that role as well. -Kevin Nash although looking utterly ridiculous in his flooded Tommy Hilfiger jeans and frosted blond hair, does a decent mike work job in rehabing the NWO, Nash is good for about 5 minutes of good mike work every couple of years. He delivered that, he can go away again now. -I liked the set up of Lawler v. Raven with Raven teasing him about Stacey and his announcer suckiness (Which hopefully sets up Mike Maverick joining a revived Flock), and the match itself was nice, with the Mempho crowd doing the old school "ooh" with each Lawler punch (which is surprising, because you would think any cool regional things would have be vacusucked out of WWE crowds by now), and Lawler taking a big ass bump for an old man. The ending was really dumb, Raven should lay down, its Memphis and its Lawler, if Austin Idol can do it you can too. -Hey Hogan's making an announcement, I would imagine it is about time for him to get his PAC started for a 2004 run. -Eddie Guerrerro was fucking great in his section of the Karaoke bar sports entertainment, his song was nice and hateful, and as a Karaoke DJ I have seen alot of good hateful Karaoke (You should see a gang of drunken embittered single 28 year old Association of Direct Mail Marketing office workers sing Alanis Morrisete, that is grim my friend) he proves how legit his ladies man gimmick was by drinking a Budwiser while buying both of his dates Bacardi Ice's (You always want the lady significantly drunker then you.) Plus the beer bottle smash was really great looking. I am also happy to see Eddie getting drunk and hurting someone else instead of himself. All that sets up a match I want to see, that is quality skitage. What Didn't Work -Trish v. Jackie was below par for a WWFinlay women's match, as Trish didn't really take any big bumps and apparently is now forced to use the shitty WWE bulldog, instead of her actual good bulldog. The legsweep takedown by Jackie was nice, and I think that these two have a better match in them. If Trish can't do a real bulldog anymore, she needs a new finisher pronto. -Bubba v. Regal was a big mess for a match between two guys I enjoy. Never seemed to click and Bubba was working too loose for a Regal match. I was also worried I would have to see another Euro work I like go through a table, and while the WWE could use another trainer, I want Regal to keep working -The angle setting up RVD v. Undertaker was well done, but the match itself was pretty shitty. They needed a heat killer between the Lawler match and the main, as the crowd was pretty dead. This was the worst of their three matches, and the Dusty finish was poorly done even for a Dusty finish. As they had the false fall on a move RVD never wins with, and then had the super quick heel win, when RVD should have had at least one more hope spot. -While the Eddie parts of the bar skit were great, I think Austin completely exposed his gimmick. First he orders fucking Natty Light (on tap too, what bar has Natty Light on tap?) then gets pretty shitty on Natty Light in like 45 minutes, which it a move more befitting a 17 year old freshman Sorority pledge then a 30 something lifetime drunk. Then he turns his back on a pissed off Mexican in a bar, and he is supposed to be from Texas. Plus Jimmy fucking Buffet, what self respecting redneck sings Jimmy Buffet, and out of all the Hank Williamses he sings a song by Bosephus? -PHIL SCHNEIDER. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites