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Guest Drury37

Wcw slamboree 1993

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Guest Drury37

By:John Finan

WCW Slamboree 1993

-This is the first rant in RanstleMania 2001!!!



Announcers:Larry Zybsko and Tony Schvivanne:May 28,1993

From:The Omni,Atlanta,Georgia


-This This is a Turner Version of this tape,so it's clipped.


-Opening Match:Dick Murdoch,Jimmy Snuka and Don Murcaco Vs. Wahoo McDainelle,Blackjack Mulligan and Jim Brunzell:Snuka and Brunzell lock up and Brunzell with an arm,toe comibination.Mulligan is in and he is working on Snuka's arm but Murdoch is in and he is taking care of business but not for long.Murdoch is back on top but Wahoo is in with Don Muraco and gets kicked and a chop by Wahoo and a bodyslam and they lock up again and they are triple teaming Wahoo and Murdoch is in.  They keep triple teaming Wahoo but he fights back and tags in Brunzell.Dick Murdoch with a flying head scissor!!!Brunzell with a sleeper hold bu Murdoch fights back and hits with a bodyslam.Murdoch is pinding on Brunzell and he drives his knee into the back and gets a two count and Snuka is in.Brunzell rolls him up and he gets a two count.Muraco and Snuka are arguing and all six men are in the ref rings the bell.It's a draw,*,for the Murdoch head scissor.


-Ivan Koloff and Ivan Van Rashki Vs. Thunderbolt Patterson and Brad Armstrong:Thunderbolt starts dancing around taunting Koloff and Rashki and Brad Armstrong comes to the ring.Brad is more than proud to be his(Thunderbolt's)partner.All four go at it and, Brad and Thunderbolt are cleaning house.Thunderbolt is dancing.  They tie up again and again teh same result in and Brad Armstorng comes in and Koloff is working on Armstrong.Rashki is working on Brad and he hooks the clow on but Thunderbolt interupts and gets tagged in.They use double teams and Thunderbolt nails Rashki and he gets the 1-2-3.1/4*.


-Dory Funk Jr. Vs. Nick Bockwinle:Johnny Valentine joins the announce team.They tie up and let go and they tie up.Again they tie up,amn this getting kind of repetitive,in a bad way.Funk with a knee but Bockwinkle answers with a fist.Funk is working on Bockwinkle but Bockwinkle with an armhold.Funk comes back and has Bockwinkle in a weird headlock.Ge gets out and gets Funk in a headscissor and Funks gets out.They tie up again and Bockwinkle is aking it to Funk.They lock up again and again Bocklwinkle with an armbar.Funk figts back with elbows and a sleeperhold on Bockwinkle.They exchange forearms and Bockwinkle is pounding on Funk and they tying up again.A bunch of pinning combinatinos and Funk is try to geet the Boston Crab on Bockwinkle comes back.Funk is keeping the pressure on and there are 5 minutes remaining in the time limit.They lock up and Bockwinkle with a side headlockand Funk is fighting back but Bockwinkle with forearms.A sleepre by Bockwinkle but fights back sends Bockwinkle onto the ramp.A suepeplex by Funk and he gets a two count,a piledriver but Bockwinkle gets his foot on the rope.Bockwinkle with a backslide and he gets a two count.A spinning toe hold but Bockwinkle gets out of it and Bockwinkle with a figure four.They are exchanging pucnjhes a two count by Bockwinkle then Funk and the time limit runs out.Hey,they went 15 minutes.*3/4.


-Paul Orndorff & Rick Rude Vs. Dustin Rhodes & Kensuki Zazaki:We start with Sazuki and Rude and Rude nails him and Sazuki answers and throws him into the corner.Rude comes back and is pounding Sazuki,but Sazuki comes back on and he is working on Rude's arm.Orndorff and Rhodes come in and Rhodes is working on Oendorff's arm.Sazuki comes in and he is working on Orndorff's arm and he tags Rhodes back in.Orndorff tags in Rude and Rhodes had the advantage until Rude hit him with a knee and he throws Rhodes to the outside. Rhodes is back in and Rude gets a two count.Orndorff in and eh contunes pounding on Rhodes and he tags in Rude who is working on Rhodes,until Rhodes reverses a tombstone piledriver,and Rhodes gets a two count. Orndorff is in and both men are down,both men make tags.Sazuki is just destryong Rude with clotheslines.Rude kicks Sazuki,but he comes back and he goes up top but Orndorff kocked him off the turnbucke and Rude hits with a Rude Awakening nad it's over.Not Bad **.


-WCW Hall of Fame Introduction Ceremony:Gordon Solie is in the ring and eh is ready to induct the wrestler,but before he does that he mentions wrestlers that have passed away.The inductees are:Lou Thesz(R.I.P),Verne Gagne,Mr.Wrestling II and Eddie Graham(who is represented by his son,Mike Graham)abd these are your legends!!!


-Sting Vs. The Prisoner:The Prisoner is actually Nailz,and the crowd is chanting Bossman!!! They lock up and The Prisoner is choking Sting.He is going wild on the Stinger and breaks at the four count and then going to the choke.The Prisonder gets a two count.Sting is fighting backwith kicks and punches,but the Prisoner throws Sting out of the ring,and he is choking Stung with cable wires.He is destroying Sting,and Sting is back in the ring,and he comes back with a clothesline,back body drop,Stinger Splash and he gets a two count.A coopslam,but Sting misses the elbow drop.Sting with a clothesline from up top and he gets a three count.1/2*. That was not good at all.


-WCW Tag Team Title Cage Match:Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas(Tom Zenk)(Challengers)Vs. Hollywood Blondes(Champions)Steamboat and Douglas(who is actually Zenk)are wearing masks.We start with Austin and Steamboat and he is destroying Austin and them Pillman.Chops by Steamboat and then he drives Pillman's head into the cage and an arm drag take down by Steamboat.Austin comes in and so does Zenk who they call Shane Douglas and he is working on Austin.He continues to work on the arm,but Austin kicks Zenk.Zenk comes back, and he is drilling Austin in the cage.Steamboat is in and he is still working on Austin's arm.Austin gets back body dropped into the cage and he catapults him into the cage again.Zenk is in and he is exchanging blows with Austin.Pillman comes in and he is working on Zenk,but Zenk fights back,but is stopped quickly by Pillman,but Zenk comes back and tags in Steamboat.Pillman gets thrown into the cage by Steamboat,but the Blodnes come back with a double team.Steamboat fights back and hangs Austin on the cage adn they are nailing them,but that back fires.Pillman is pounding on Zenk.Pillman is pounding on Zenk.Austin is taunting Zenk and delivering punches to back it up.Austin gets a two count and Pillman is in,and he is continuing to deliver punches.Pillman is choking Zenk and Pillman is in and he gets kicked by Zenk and both men are down.Austin is in and he is working on Zenk,but Zenk comes back with a dorp kick.They block the Atomic Blonde and Stambaot is cleaning house,and  the crowd is going wild.All four men are in and they are ledivering pucnhes.Steamboat nails them from up top,way up top and he gets a two count,and three more two counts.Stun Gun on Zenk and it

it's over.Good Match,***.


-NWA World Title Match:Arn Anderson(Challenger)Vs.Barry Windham(Champion:They lock up and Anderson gets a quick two count.They lock up again and Arn answers with a belly to belly supeplex and he gets another two count.A backbody drop by Anderson,but Windham nails him.Arn with a ddt and he gets a two count.Arn with a ddt and he gets a two count.They are on teh run way,and Widham is pouding  Anderson.Windham with a clothesline and Windham hits with a ddt and he gets a two count.Anderson is on the outside and Widham goes and he pounding on Anderson and they are on the outside,but Arn is pounding on Windham and he gets a two count,and Arn is keeping the pressure on.Arn with the cover,but Windham gets out at the 2 count.Arn gets dropkicked off the top rope and he falls to the floor.A supeplex by Windham to Arn on the outside. Windham with a clothsline off the top rope,and he knees Arn in the back,and he gets a two count.Arn is fighting back,but Windham reverses a supeplex,and he gets a two count.Arn with the Spinebuster,but Windham rolls outside,and Windham is walking away,and Arn goes after him,and throws him back in,and Arn throws the ref to the ground.Windham nails Arn,and he goes for the pins,and he gets the 1-2-3!!!Not bad, ***.


-WCW World Title Match:British Bulldog(challanger)Vs. Vader(champion):They lock up,and back off,and lock up again,and back off again.Bulldog no sells Vader's clothsline.They lock up again,and Bulldogs doesen't sell Vader's squash.They up in the corner,and Vader starts give the Bulldog some real shots to the head.Harley Race is pounding Dave Boy on the outside,and Vader tries to squah Davey Boy,but the Bulldog moved,and Vader hit the barricade.Bulldog bodyslams Vader,and Daveru Boy is punching Vander,and a superplex by Davey Boy.Vader answers back with a boot to Davey Boy,but the Bulldog gives him the Running Powerslam,and then clothslines him to the outside.Davey Boy tries a a crucifix,but Vader comes back,and Vader drills Dave Boy,and again,and again!!!Vader hits with the Vaderbomb,but Davey Boy kicks out, Vader is pounding on him,Vader with kicks,Vader with a scoopslam,and he squashed Davey Boy.Vader is just drilling the Bulldog.Davey Boy fights back,and he hits Vader from up top.Both men are down,they get up,and Davey gets a side supeplex,and a two count.Vader is fighting back,Vader tries to sit on Davey Boy,but Davey Boy moves and gets a cover and a two count.Vader is fighting back,and he is going up top,and he jumps and nails Dave Boy,he kicks the Bulldog.Davey Boy is on the otusdie and Harley Race is beating on Davey Boy.Vader is pounding on the Bulldog,and a bodyslam but Davey Boy.Davey Boy gets Vader up on his shoulders,and he drops him backwards. Bulldog gets a two count,and he hits with the Running Powerslam,and Davey Boy is poudning on Race,so Vader comes around and nails Davey Boy with a chair.Vader is DQed and Marcus Bagwell and 2 Cold Scorpio come in,and Vader destroys them,but Sting comes in,and clothslines Vader out,and celebrates with Davey Boy.Not bad.**.


-Zbysko,Shivanne and Verne Gagne rap things up.


Bottom Line:The legends matches were junk,but the last three matches were pretty good.So thumbs in the middle for the first rant in RanstleMania 2001!!!


Tell me what ya think.


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Guest Mark4steamboat

great job again. Try Superbrawl 3 next if its come in yet.

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Guest Drury37

I don't have WCW SuperBrawl III.If somebody has it and would like to send it to me,I would greatly appreciate it.


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Guest Black Tiger

You botched the name of Dustin's partner. It's Kensuke Sasaki.


other than that it was very good.

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Guest Drury37

Alright so what do you guys want next,Deadly Venom:The Best of Sting,Sting Unmasked or WWF WrestleMania IX?


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I'd like to see Deadly Venom:The Best of Sting get reviewed next. So far, all your tape reviews are great.

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Guest Drury37

Alright,the next rant is WCW  Deadly Venom:The Best of Sting.


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Guest nWoScorpion

Sting Unmasked! Sing unmasked!


btw, Im begging, just press space bar after all ";" "," & "." and "!". Im begging!

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Guest Drury37

nWoScorpion I told you why I don't use the spaces,so deal with it.


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Guest Drury37

yeah,it is kind of hard on your eyes but just try to work around it,the only reason why I do it is because on Geocities and AOL Easy Designer they give you a certain amount of room and you have to work around it.


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Guest RetroRob215

I used to use Hometown, so here is what I did.  I would break down my reviews into parts.  Like have a [conitnue] button at the bottom of the page for the rest of the review.  That way you can use spaces and all.  I understand where you are coming from though.

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Guest Drury37

I started doing that after a while but then they told me I had no more room so that is why I went over to Geocities and they only give you a certain amount of room and I want to have as much room as possible.


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