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40 year old virgin

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By not using generic stupid gags like shitty Anchorman and Dodgeball and relying on Hollywood wannabes like Ferell and Vaughn, who had one decently funny flick in "Old School" to provide "guaranteed laughs", which instead produced lame crap.


(Altho I've heard Vaughn redeems himself tremendously in Wedding Crashers, don't bash my opinion b/c of that film, haven't seen it).


40-Yr is smart, and needs to be seen multiple times just to catch all the insults and humorous subplots, IMO. It differs from SNL because of its ORIGINAL humor, and not "oh, I see where this joke is going" funny.


Plus, Elizabeth whats-her-name (bookstore girl), the Ebay woman, Paul Rudd, hell ALL of Caroll's co-workers are incredible.


One thing...who the FUCK casted "Amy", Rudd's ex-girlfriend? She was horrible looking AND she couldn't speak her lines correctly. Sounded like she just snorted 5 bags of coke.

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I saw it, and loved it.


I don't know if it was like this anywhere else, but I haven't been in a theater that packed since Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. It was just insane.

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By not using generic stupid gags like shitty Anchorman and Dodgeball and relying on Hollywood wannabes like Ferell and Vaughn, who had one decently funny flick in "Old School" to provide "guaranteed laughs", which instead produced lame crap.


(Altho I've heard Vaughn redeems himself tremendously in Wedding Crashers, don't bash my opinion b/c of that film, haven't seen it).


40-Yr is smart, and needs to be seen multiple times just to catch all the insults and humorous subplots, IMO.  It differs from SNL because of its ORIGINAL humor, and not "oh, I see where this joke is going" funny.


I disagree. The "vulgar senior citizen" character in the movie is cliche and hardly original. I enjoyed the movie, but I think it's been a little overrated.

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As I said I liked the movie but I almost wish there was a comedy that was totally goofy shit. It seems like all the comedies I've seen of late have some real serious stuff going on. I found 40 Year Old Virgin funny but yet sad at times really...some aspects were very real and not at all funny (not that it wasn't entertaining). Wedding Crashers got a bit serious in the last 1/4 as well, ditto the Longest Yard (though that serious subplot is a carryover from the original).


How about some really crazy Naked Gun type humor? A movie that is literally a laugh a minute.

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I disagree. The "vulgar senior citizen" character in the movie is cliche and hardly original. I enjoyed the movie, but I think it's been a little overrated.




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I repeat...


How exactly did they take such a horribly lame-sounding, barely-worth-an-SNL skit concept and make it a decent movie?



The director and co-writer was Judd Apatow, that's how.


He proved with Freaks and Geeks and Undeclared that he knows how to handle material that most would get totally wrong and instead get it (almost) totally right.



I was supprised to see the theater as packed as it was on Friday night. It looked like the Duece Bigelow type of audience and yet they love it. At some point people laughed so hard they were kicking the seats in front of them.

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Plus, Elizabeth whats-her-name (bookstore girl), the Ebay woman, Paul Rudd, hell ALL of Caroll's co-workers are incredible.


One thing...who the FUCK casted "Amy", Rudd's ex-girlfriend?  She was horrible looking AND she couldn't speak her lines correctly.  Sounded like she just snorted 5 bags of coke.


Here. You need this.



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One thing...who the FUCK casted "Amy", Rudd's ex-girlfriend?  She was horrible looking AND she couldn't speak her lines correctly.  Sounded like she just snorted 5 bags of coke.


I think that was the joke that a good looking guy like Paul Rudd was obsessing over a chick like that for two years. At least that's how I percieved it.

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One thing...who the FUCK casted "Amy", Rudd's ex-girlfriend?  She was horrible looking AND she couldn't speak her lines correctly.  Sounded like she just snorted 5 bags of coke.


I think that was the joke that a good looking guy like Paul Rudd was obsessing over a chick like that for two years. At least that's how I percieved it.


I think the woman who played Amy was one of the writers from Carrell's show, "The Office".

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By not using generic stupid gags like shitty Anchorman and Dodgeball and relying on Hollywood wannabes like Ferell and Vaughn, who had one decently funny flick in "Old School" to provide "guaranteed laughs", which instead produced lame crap.


(Altho I've heard Vaughn redeems himself tremendously in Wedding Crashers, don't bash my opinion b/c of that film, haven't seen it).



Vince Vaughn was still money in Swingers




I disagree. The "vulgar senior citizen" character in the movie is cliche and hardly original. I enjoyed the movie, but I think it's been a little overrated.




Funny I thought he was east indian

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The only thing I question was the guy passing up "Beth from the book store" especially when she was in the bath, "warming herself up" for him. Other then that fucking hilarious.

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Guest JMA

This movie only has a budget of 26 million--it'll easily make its money back. It's already made 20 million.

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How about some really crazy Naked Gun type humor?  A movie that is literally a laugh a minute.

We've had the Scary Movie series and Kung Pow over the last several years. Spoofs can't be made too often.


Please don't compare the Scary Movie series to The Naked Gun series. It'd make Leslie Nielson roll over in his grave if he were dead.

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Wow, didn't realize that Beth is also Betty Brant from the Spider-Man movies.  Amazing what a change of hair color/style can do.

Betty Brant was in the Spider-Man movies?


Yep, she shows up in several of the Daily Bugle scenes, usually to tell Jameson his wife's on the phone or to kind of flirt with Parker. Kind of hard to tell.


Here's a picture of her. Kind of stretched out but it's the best I can find in my exhaustive 5 minute image search.

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Actually Leslie Nielsen was IN the last Scary Movie flick. I just listed Naked Gun as an example of something totally silly with no serious themes to it, or at least if something was serious it wasn't SERIOUS in the film. Even stuff like Old School has some serious moments (like the old dude dying, Farrell's crumbling marriage).


I'd like a Wilson/Vaughn remake of Peach-O-Reno, with the boys as divorce attorneys in Reno by day, casino owners by night.

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I saw the movie a couple of nights ago. A damned good flick.


"You wanna know how I know you're gay?"


"Because you're gay and can tell if someone else is gay?"


As a hairy person, the chest waxing scene scared me.

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that title sounds familiar...I believe it was about two sisters, their mom and an adopted black sister that was like 12...the one sister was an actress that hooked up with Dermont Mulroney and had a real hairy pussy...

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Kimberly (DDPS EXWIFE) is in this movie? lmao that must have been a big markout moment for wrestlign fans watching this.


If I went to the movies, Id go see it, but Im not paying 9 bucks

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Kimberly (DDPS EXWIFE)  is in this movie? lmao that must have been a big markout moment for wrestlign fans watching this.


If I went to the movies, Id go see it, but Im not paying 9 bucks


Honestly though she's been out of the limelight for so long that I wouldn't have recognized her if I hadn't known it was her beforehand. It was basically me turning to my friend and saying "Hey, it's Kimberly! Remember her?" At least Apatow limited her to doing what she does best.

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