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Eddie Guerrero's character.

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Now don't get on me just yet...I'm not talking about storyline wise. I'm not talking about all the stuff with Rey and Dominik and the wives and all that shit.


Ever since Guerrero's turned heel, he almost seems to be remotivated of sorts. We all know about how he couldn't handle the pressure as the big babyface WWE champion and ever since he dropped the belt, he was getting pretty bland. But ever since he's turned, it's a total difference in my opinion.


His mannerisms are really great for a heel such as slowly stopping and staring when he comes to the ring, always with a total unintrested look and even pissed off/depressed state of mind, etc. His promos have so much more vigor and intensity that you really want to hate the guy. His delivery and consistency seems to be on target and plays the character as if he's in his own world.


I read in an interview with Mick Foley comment on this as well and how much he's enjoyed Guerrero's work the past 4 months, so I figured I'd make a topic. Foley's always said the best heels should always believe whatever they are doing, whether right or wrong, is the right thing to do. As retarded as some of the booking has been, I believe Guerrero's done an excellent job of that.



So what do you think? I think Angle's character the past few weeks as the most intense and pissed off son of a bitch is going to rival it, but I believe Guerrero's character is the most interesting to watch at this time.

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Yeah, I don't think he improved or anything. He just got really, really shitty writing and managed to keep the same acting quality that he's always had. Which is a miracle in itself.

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I'm thinking the stuff you mentioned has been stuff Eddies has done for 10 years.


He's very similar to his 1997-98 character in WCW, except on a bigger level now. Maybe it's because I haven't really seen Eddie do this stuff in a good 5 years it's a lot more intresting to watch, but in the same token he did just off a long period as babyface.


And when I ask the question...I mean compare to the current other characters now and not just from the past. It maybe rehashed, but I look at it more enjoyable than any of the other bland/stale characters they've got going on.

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Eddie's character would be fine if he wasn't a glorified jobber at this point. I am truly baffled as to why they are doing this considering he's one of the few guys on Smackdown that draws any ratings or money.

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Eddy's heel character was really good during the initial turn, but the steam went out of him after the never-ending Rey feud and horrible Dominic angle.


JBL is still the best heel character from my persepective, which is unfortunate, because he's at the point he should be sliding down the card, but there is nobody ready to take over. They will probably use Randy Orton, but he's somewhere between Test & Billy Gunn as far as effective heels go.

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They will probably use Randy Orton, but he's somewhere between Test & Billy Gunn as far as effective heels go.

He's effective in getting people to hate him; it's a natural ability. I just don't think it's the kind of heel heat that translates into drawing. It's like X-Pac heat.

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Guest clockworkraven

He's a good character, but the feud didn't help. I liked him better as a manipulative bastard with a secret than a manipulative bastard with a crappy reason. Still the best characteristics, though.

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